saniaalatas 01 Sep 2019 9:35 pm Realistic Turquoise Stone Nails Using REGULAR NAIL POLISH! - YouTube saniaalatas Realistic Turquoise Stone Nails Using REGULAR NAIL POLISH! - YouTube
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Why People Are Freaking Out About What's in Emma Stone's Hair Why People Are Freaking Out About What's in Emma Stone's Hair ...
wulanwu 17 Jul 2018 5:35 pm This nubuck gems stone stole my heart @rotellishoes_fashion @piubella_shoes 💘 #vintagevibes... →more wulanwu This nubuck gems stone stole my heart @rotellishoes_fashion @piubella_shoes 💘 #vintagevibes... →more
Steviiewong 29 Jun 2018 10:45 am I stopped searching for vain reasons even though it slowly kills me on the inside because no matter... →more Steviiewong I stopped searching for vain reasons even though it slowly kills me on the inside because no matter... →more
Larasatinesa 23 Jun 2018 7:25 am Dibalik foto pemandangan yang indah ini, ada yang lagi nahan sakit perut karena dapet hari pertama.... →more Larasatinesa Dibalik foto pemandangan yang indah ini, ada yang lagi nahan sakit perut karena dapet hari pertama.... →more
tephieteph 16 Jun 2018 11:35 pm Be like diamond — precious and rare not like a stone found everywhere 🌻 . . . #clozetteid ... →more tephieteph Be like diamond — precious and rare not like a stone found everywhere 🌻 . . . #clozetteid ... →more
ClozetteCREW 03 May 2018 1:00 pm Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more ClozetteCREW Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more
Jessica_Ie 15 Apr 2018 6:05 pm People will throw stones at you. Don’t throw them back. Collect them all and build an empire.... →more Jessica_Ie People will throw stones at you. Don’t throw them back. Collect them all and build an empire.... →more
ClozetteCREW 12 Feb 2018 1:00 pm Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more ClozetteCREW Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more
LaviraMavushi 03 Feb 2018 8:00 pm This year has brought me so many laughs and tears, ups and downs, and good and bad. And I always... →more LaviraMavushi This year has brought me so many laughs and tears, ups and downs, and good and bad. And I always... →more
Puspitamygsari 29 Jan 2018 7:05 pm Yang kmrn nanyain tips diet, click the link on my bio😁 . Check the tutorial on my previous post!... →more Puspitamygsari Yang kmrn nanyain tips diet, click the link on my bio😁 . Check the tutorial on my previous post!... →more
Puspitamygsari 27 Jan 2018 8:10 pm Let's mix this eyeshadow palettes (thanks to my beloved friends😭😭) : @fentybeauty Galaxy... →more Puspitamygsari Let's mix this eyeshadow palettes (thanks to my beloved friends😭😭) : @fentybeauty Galaxy... →more
Puspitamygsari 26 Jan 2018 7:50 pm I know I'm super late for a festival makeup but yeah I'll upload a hawt tutorial tomorrow using... →more Puspitamygsari I know I'm super late for a festival makeup but yeah I'll upload a hawt tutorial tomorrow using... →more
Puitika 30 Dec 2017 11:00 pm Behind the stones. Scarf: @berbagi_pagi #BerbagiPagi #TemanBerbagi #ClozetteID #travel #traveling... →more Puitika Behind the stones. Scarf: @berbagi_pagi #BerbagiPagi #TemanBerbagi #ClozetteID #travel #traveling... →more
jessicaalicias 25 Nov 2017 10:51 pm — “sticks and stones may break my bones, but you could never hurt me.” - frnd✨ . . .... →more jessicaalicias — “sticks and stones may break my bones, but you could never hurt me.” - frnd✨ . . .... →more
BeautyAsti1 02 Nov 2017 7:08 pm Aduh ini es krim super duper yummy gaiisss~ Enaaakk banget!! Coklat nya ga pahit, dan ga terlalu... →more BeautyAsti1 Aduh ini es krim super duper yummy gaiisss~ Enaaakk banget!! Coklat nya ga pahit, dan ga terlalu... →more
MarisaAgapeDepari 31 Oct 2017 2:23 pm I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.... →more MarisaAgapeDepari I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.... →more
Steviiewong 17 Oct 2017 8:27 am Let's eat stone 🍰!! Good day people 😋#flatlay #stevieculinaryjournal #lykeambassador #yummy... →more Steviiewong Let's eat stone 🍰!! Good day people 😋#flatlay #stevieculinaryjournal #lykeambassador #yummy... →more
ClozetteCREW 03 Sep 2017 9:00 am Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more ClozetteCREW Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face. Pssst... she's wearing embroidery top. Simak... →more
angeliasamodro 25 Aug 2017 11:53 am Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face . Anywayyy.. TGIF ❤️❤️❤️ . .... →more angeliasamodro Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face . Anywayyy.. TGIF ❤️❤️❤️ . .... →more
Puitika 19 Aug 2017 8:14 am Stand strong with the standing stones. #ClozetteID #OOTD #Lifestyle #Travel #Traveling #Bali... →more Puitika Stand strong with the standing stones. #ClozetteID #OOTD #Lifestyle #Travel #Traveling #Bali... →more
Puitika 18 Aug 2017 5:43 pm Be tough like a rock, but remember to be calm like the sound of the wave. #ClozetteID #Travel... →more Puitika Be tough like a rock, but remember to be calm like the sound of the wave. #ClozetteID #Travel... →more
Jenniverge 13 Aug 2017 7:13 pm Stones⛰ . . #reupload #clozetter #clozetteid #clozettedaily #beautynesiamember #stonegarden Jenniverge Stones⛰ . . #reupload #clozetter #clozetteid #clozettedaily #beautynesiamember #stonegarden
Desiinata 29 Jul 2017 1:29 am Think like queen. A Queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness... →more Desiinata Think like queen. A Queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness... →more
Puspitamygsari 24 Jul 2017 7:49 pm Clean like a pro with 💖💖💖 1 alat ini punya 4 kepala yang punya kegunaan... →more Puspitamygsari Clean like a pro with 💖💖💖 1 alat ini punya 4 kepala yang punya kegunaan... →more
Steviiewong 23 Jul 2017 10:07 pm Sometimes you need to remain egoistic in pursuits of your goals! Why? Because along the way there... →more Steviiewong Sometimes you need to remain egoistic in pursuits of your goals! Why? Because along the way there... →more
LaviraMavushi 14 Jul 2017 5:40 pm This year has brought me so many laughs and tears, ups and downs, and good and bad. And I always... →more LaviraMavushi This year has brought me so many laughs and tears, ups and downs, and good and bad. And I always... →more
by MaruLita 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am So Stoned, Kolaborasi Terbaru Manolo Blahnik x Rihanna So Stoned, Kolaborasi Terbaru Manolo Blahnik x Rihanna ...
yossisibarani 30 May 2017 12:10 pm . " Think Like a Queen. A Queen Is Not Afrait to Fail. Failure is Another Stepping Stone to... →more yossisibarani . " Think Like a Queen. A Queen Is Not Afrait to Fail. Failure is Another Stepping Stone to... →more
makeupwithselly 30 Apr 2017 6:04 pm [Swipe Left] -- Hi beautiful! Soo, belakangan ini aku lagi menggunakan @dermabrush untuk deep... →more makeupwithselly [Swipe Left] -- Hi beautiful! Soo, belakangan ini aku lagi menggunakan @dermabrush untuk deep... →more