dlembayung 22 Jun 2017 1:36 am Stumbled to this picture when I was browsing thru my picture folders. Is this a sign that I have to... →more dlembayung Stumbled to this picture when I was browsing thru my picture folders. Is this a sign that I have to... →more
dlembayung 13 Jun 2017 12:28 am Black, still my fave color. With kinda vintage red #highsocks. Main bola kita? . . . #ootd... →more dlembayung Black, still my fave color. With kinda vintage red #highsocks. Main bola kita? . . . #ootd... →more
Japobs 07 Jun 2017 11:04 pm Currently on repeat: Chung Ha's "Why don't you know" 🎵💖 Anyway I think this is my most... →more Japobs Currently on repeat: Chung Ha's "Why don't you know" 🎵💖 Anyway I think this is my most... →more
radenayu 26 May 2017 6:03 pm No more green ombre long hair, my hair now short and need new hair color 😄 Took this picture... →more radenayu No more green ombre long hair, my hair now short and need new hair color 😄 Took this picture... →more
wennykyuuto 21 May 2017 9:49 pm We were born to be real, not to be perfect. @berrybenka #bproject2017 #berrybenkalook... →more wennykyuuto We were born to be real, not to be perfect. @berrybenka #bproject2017 #berrybenkalook... →more
JenniferMarcellina 07 May 2017 10:47 pm Stay true & you'll find someone who likes you for being you -nn ✌🏻 . . . . #motd #clozette... →more JenniferMarcellina Stay true & you'll find someone who likes you for being you -nn ✌🏻 . . . . #motd #clozette... →more
radenayu 23 Apr 2017 7:25 pm I'm thinking of cut my hair short and dye in metallic color 😎 #ombrehair #hairstyle #clozetteid radenayu I'm thinking of cut my hair short and dye in metallic color 😎 #ombrehair #hairstyle #clozetteid
hisafu 01 Apr 2017 11:35 am Vlog about my Hair Transformation with @toniandguypik now up to my youtube channel.. yang penasaran... →more hisafu Vlog about my Hair Transformation with @toniandguypik now up to my youtube channel.. yang penasaran... →more
Japobs 21 Mar 2017 8:23 pm New hair color! (And maybe the last) Anyway it's my first day in Japan but practically I just sat... →more Japobs New hair color! (And maybe the last) Anyway it's my first day in Japan but practically I just sat... →more
Japobs 14 Mar 2017 11:28 pm Tried to curl my hair, then chopped it short on the next day 😅 I should've curled it more before... →more Japobs Tried to curl my hair, then chopped it short on the next day 😅 I should've curled it more before... →more
Desiinata 13 Mar 2017 6:07 pm my ombre hair Blue #clozetteid #ombrehair #hairstyle Desiinata my ombre hair Blue #clozetteid #ombrehair #hairstyle
Japobs 09 Mar 2017 11:51 am Be yourself. People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care 😗 夢を諦めないで!... →more Japobs Be yourself. People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care 😗 夢を諦めないで!... →more
Japobs 08 Mar 2017 7:16 pm Now I miss my bangs and vibrant hair color 💙💜 . . . #clozetteid #fashionbloggers #fbloggers... →more Japobs Now I miss my bangs and vibrant hair color 💙💜 . . . #clozetteid #fashionbloggers #fbloggers... →more
dlembayung 02 Mar 2017 11:42 am Blue-ish.. #hair #highlightshair #ombrehair #bluehair #lorealnuancelle #nuancelleblue #nuancelle... →more dlembayung Blue-ish.. #hair #highlightshair #ombrehair #bluehair #lorealnuancelle #nuancelleblue #nuancelle... →more
Japobs 01 Mar 2017 11:52 pm Run out idea for your #hairstyle? 😛 I just wrote about 7 hairstyles for a week, so hit the link... →more Japobs Run out idea for your #hairstyle? 😛 I just wrote about 7 hairstyles for a week, so hit the link... →more
dlembayung 01 Mar 2017 4:13 pm Gray 👀 #selfie #clozetter #clozetteID #clozette #motd #makeupoftheday #ombrelips #ombrehair dlembayung Gray 👀 #selfie #clozetter #clozetteID #clozette #motd #makeupoftheday #ombrelips #ombrehair
Japobs 27 Feb 2017 11:35 pm Blog updated: a new #outfit post after a while! 💙 Click link in bio for more #casuallook inspo... →more Japobs Blog updated: a new #outfit post after a while! 💙 Click link in bio for more #casuallook inspo... →more
Japobs 18 Feb 2017 12:02 am I want new hair color! 🤔 . . . #clozetteid #hairstyle #bbloggers #fbloggers... →more Japobs I want new hair color! 🤔 . . . #clozetteid #hairstyle #bbloggers #fbloggers... →more
shanty_huang 12 Feb 2017 8:02 am Dari kapan ngiler pengen ombre rambut.. tapi baru mau ombre udah keburu kerja.. untung banget... →more shanty_huang Dari kapan ngiler pengen ombre rambut.. tapi baru mau ombre udah keburu kerja.. untung banget... →more
radenayu 10 Feb 2017 10:40 pm Hey guys, check out the makeup tutorial for this look, go to http://bit.ly/sexyvalmakeup 💋 Oh... →more radenayu Hey guys, check out the makeup tutorial for this look, go to http://bit.ly/sexyvalmakeup 💋 Oh... →more
radenayu 04 Feb 2017 3:03 pm Ok I try to create baddie makeup look and here is the result 😅 #makeup #clozetteid ... →more radenayu Ok I try to create baddie makeup look and here is the result 😅 #makeup #clozetteid ... →more
radenayu 02 Feb 2017 10:21 pm Throwback when my ombre hair was pinky violet, what color should I try next?... →more radenayu Throwback when my ombre hair was pinky violet, what color should I try next?... →more
JenniferMarcellina 17 Jan 2017 8:18 pm Can't decide what to buy this time 🤔 💬 . . . Btw, i love how my hair color turn out this time... →more JenniferMarcellina Can't decide what to buy this time 🤔 💬 . . . Btw, i love how my hair color turn out this time... →more
Japobs 17 Jan 2017 12:42 am I love the purple color but it faded so fast 😭😭 Browsed trough my phone gallery and realized... →more Japobs I love the purple color but it faded so fast 😭😭 Browsed trough my phone gallery and realized... →more
Jessica_Ie 12 Jan 2017 4:06 pm "You'll miss the best thing if you keep your eyes shut." says the owl. ▫▫▫▫ Missing my old... →more Jessica_Ie "You'll miss the best thing if you keep your eyes shut." says the owl. ▫▫▫▫ Missing my old... →more
Mgirl83 29 Dec 2016 12:50 pm Repost from @sociabuzz @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost "If you don't believe in yourself and what... →more Mgirl83 Repost from @sociabuzz @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost "If you don't believe in yourself and what... →more
radenayu 11 Dec 2016 1:35 pm Details of my Green hair 😎 Anyway, I'm in love with the Goblin in Goblin k drama. He looks... →more radenayu Details of my Green hair 😎 Anyway, I'm in love with the Goblin in Goblin k drama. He looks... →more
radenayu 10 Dec 2016 6:09 pm Add greeny color to my hair, using hair color from @lynnchandra 😉 Anyway happy weekend 😘... →more radenayu Add greeny color to my hair, using hair color from @lynnchandra 😉 Anyway happy weekend 😘... →more
Mgirl83 06 Dec 2016 12:48 pm I don't warm up to new people easily, but once in a while i meet someone who's genuinely sweet... →more Mgirl83 I don't warm up to new people easily, but once in a while i meet someone who's genuinely sweet... →more
Mgirl83 19 Nov 2016 6:03 pm In love with @mineralbotanica #studioseries #ultrapigmentmatteliquidlipstick , the color selections... →more Mgirl83 In love with @mineralbotanica #studioseries #ultrapigmentmatteliquidlipstick , the color selections... →more