Mgirl83 26 Mar 2019 11:33 am Already thinking of my next trip while still in a current one be lyke... #blooms #bloomscafepenang... →more Mgirl83 Already thinking of my next trip while still in a current one be lyke... #blooms #bloomscafepenang... →more
elsaliora 24 Dec 2018 8:44 pm Holaa 💕 . Apakabar nya nih girls ? Rasanya udah 2 bulan jarang banget muncul di Feed Ig... →more elsaliora Holaa 💕 . Apakabar nya nih girls ? Rasanya udah 2 bulan jarang banget muncul di Feed Ig... →more
Mgirl83 22 Dec 2018 6:09 pm Ho ho ho! Hello from this not-red-nosed reindeer! #happyholidays #red #fashion #christmas🎄... →more Mgirl83 Ho ho ho! Hello from this not-red-nosed reindeer! #happyholidays #red #fashion #christmas🎄... →more
Mgirl83 22 Dec 2018 12:14 pm Holiday season has officially started... I guess? I dunno, my son has been on holiday for weeks i... →more Mgirl83 Holiday season has officially started... I guess? I dunno, my son has been on holiday for weeks i... →more
Mgirl83 10 Dec 2018 7:09 pm Is it just me but one suddenly become 100% cooler with sunnies on?#bape #bapeeyewear#event... →more Mgirl83 Is it just me but one suddenly become 100% cooler with sunnies on?#bape #bapeeyewear#event... →more
Mgirl83 09 Dec 2018 3:04 pm Channeling my inner baddie. I wish i was that cool 15 years ago 🤣🤣🤣. Awesome pic by my... →more Mgirl83 Channeling my inner baddie. I wish i was that cool 15 years ago 🤣🤣🤣. Awesome pic by my... →more
Mgirl83 03 Dec 2018 12:34 pm Ngga kerasa tiba2 Desember aja yah, abis gini Natalan dan tahum baru lagi deh. Buat yg nyari hadiah... →more Mgirl83 Ngga kerasa tiba2 Desember aja yah, abis gini Natalan dan tahum baru lagi deh. Buat yg nyari hadiah... →more
Mgirl83 29 Nov 2018 12:04 pm I already miss all those carefree days in Bali... #pinkinbali #bali #beach#clozetteid... →more Mgirl83 I already miss all those carefree days in Bali... #pinkinbali #bali #beach#clozetteid... →more
Mgirl83 27 Nov 2018 5:59 pm Genuine smile because i was holding my laughter off while trying to stop the swing from turning... →more Mgirl83 Genuine smile because i was holding my laughter off while trying to stop the swing from turning... →more
Mgirl83 25 Nov 2018 11:04 am My typical Bali OOTD 😁. #pinkinbali #bali #damaria #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger... →more Mgirl83 My typical Bali OOTD 😁. #pinkinbali #bali #damaria #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger... →more
Mgirl83 24 Nov 2018 11:04 am Currently having a thoroughly relaxing and fun holiday. Talk to me when i'm back 😋! Special edit... →more Mgirl83 Currently having a thoroughly relaxing and fun holiday. Talk to me when i'm back 😋! Special edit... →more
elsaliora 20 Nov 2018 11:24 am ☁️ Cloud Makeup ☁️ . Nah jadi ini semua produk yang aku gunakan untuk buat look cloud... →more elsaliora ☁️ Cloud Makeup ☁️ . Nah jadi ini semua produk yang aku gunakan untuk buat look cloud... →more
elsaliora 16 Nov 2018 7:44 pm Holaa 💕 . Kali ini aku mencoba review untuk kalian, betapa nyamannya menggunakan @x2softlens ini... →more elsaliora Holaa 💕 . Kali ini aku mencoba review untuk kalian, betapa nyamannya menggunakan @x2softlens ini... →more
elsaliora 09 Nov 2018 4:44 pm U N B O X I N G T I M E ! . Holaaa 💕 Senang gak sih dapet satu paket yang super besar dan isinya... →more elsaliora U N B O X I N G T I M E ! . Holaaa 💕 Senang gak sih dapet satu paket yang super besar dan isinya... →more
Mgirl83 08 Nov 2018 6:04 pm Cheering to the demise of our enemies 🥂. #girls #ladies #asian #mygirlsquadisbetterthanyours... →more Mgirl83 Cheering to the demise of our enemies 🥂. #girls #ladies #asian #mygirlsquadisbetterthanyours... →more
elsaliora 17 Oct 2018 7:19 pm Power Blander dari @practk 💕 . Lagi sering aku gunakan, walaupun kemarin sempat terjadi insiden... →more elsaliora Power Blander dari @practk 💕 . Lagi sering aku gunakan, walaupun kemarin sempat terjadi insiden... →more
elsaliora 15 Oct 2018 6:05 pm 🎉 Luxcrime Mud Mask Charcoal Mint . Holaa 💕 Tau gak sih? Aku lagi cinta banget sama masker... →more elsaliora 🎉 Luxcrime Mud Mask Charcoal Mint . Holaa 💕 Tau gak sih? Aku lagi cinta banget sama masker... →more
elsaliora 13 Oct 2018 7:39 pm ✍️ Miniso Eyeliner Waterproof . Holaa 💕 Yang suka pakai eyeliner bentuk spidol kaya gini... →more elsaliora ✍️ Miniso Eyeliner Waterproof . Holaa 💕 Yang suka pakai eyeliner bentuk spidol kaya gini... →more
elsaliora 12 Oct 2018 10:25 am September beli apa ??? . Holaa 💕 September ceria kemarin aku beli produk makeup looh 😍 Kalian... →more elsaliora September beli apa ??? . Holaa 💕 September ceria kemarin aku beli produk makeup looh 😍 Kalian... →more
Mgirl83 08 Oct 2018 6:15 pm Report on @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk is up on my blog :... →more Mgirl83 Report on @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk is up on my blog :... →more
Mgirl83 08 Oct 2018 3:10 pm @_aphrodites_ ladies at @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk .Report here :... →more Mgirl83 @_aphrodites_ ladies at @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk .Report here :... →more
Mgirl83 08 Oct 2018 12:05 pm Check out my full event report on @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk here :... →more Mgirl83 Check out my full event report on @pixycosmetics and @hipwee 's Beauty & Inspiring Talk here :... →more
elsaliora 01 Oct 2018 9:30 pm Suka mewarnai rambut? Kalian harus coba @garnierindonesia Color Naturals Express Cream💕 . Cepet... →more elsaliora Suka mewarnai rambut? Kalian harus coba @garnierindonesia Color Naturals Express Cream💕 . Cepet... →more
elsaliora 25 Sep 2018 12:05 pm Swacth @romandyou Lipdriver - shade 04 Don’t Stop 💕.Review lengkap udah Up di Blog loh girls... →more elsaliora Swacth @romandyou Lipdriver - shade 04 Don’t Stop 💕.Review lengkap udah Up di Blog loh girls... →more
Mgirl83 24 Sep 2018 6:15 pm Guys, best news i've heard in a long time : Althea Indonesia telah kembali 😍😍😍!!! Yayyyy,... →more Mgirl83 Guys, best news i've heard in a long time : Althea Indonesia telah kembali 😍😍😍!!! Yayyyy,... →more
elsaliora 10 Sep 2018 5:05 pm 🌸 Emina Cream Blush Cheek Lit 🌸 . Holaa 💕 Ada review terbaru mengenai cream blush dari... →more elsaliora 🌸 Emina Cream Blush Cheek Lit 🌸 . Holaa 💕 Ada review terbaru mengenai cream blush dari... →more
gadzotica 31 Jul 2018 6:35 pm Life isn't perfect but your outfit can be....#ootd #gadzoticastyle #edgystyle #edgyfashion... →more gadzotica Life isn't perfect but your outfit can be....#ootd #gadzoticastyle #edgystyle #edgyfashion... →more
Mgirl83 29 Jul 2018 6:05 pm Yesterday's OOTD for attending @thebodyshopindo @galaxymallsby Store Re-Opening. #ootd #green... →more Mgirl83 Yesterday's OOTD for attending @thebodyshopindo @galaxymallsby Store Re-Opening. #ootd #green... →more
gadzotica 26 Jul 2018 7:25 pm If you fell down yesterday, stand up today .H.G. Wells...#ootd #gadzoticastyle #edgystyle... →more gadzotica If you fell down yesterday, stand up today .H.G. Wells...#ootd #gadzoticastyle #edgystyle... →more
TutySaca 26 Jul 2018 5:05 pm With the gengs and ⠀⠀ #purbasariinfluenceracademyjkt #pia2018 #indobeautygram... →more TutySaca With the gengs and ⠀⠀ #purbasariinfluenceracademyjkt #pia2018 #indobeautygram... →more