Soyankim 25 May 2019 4:12 pm 내가 요즘 좋아하는 사진! 디자인이 이쁜 모자 🧢랑 내가 좋아하는 댕댕이... →more Soyankim 내가 요즘 좋아하는 사진! 디자인이 이쁜 모자 🧢랑 내가 좋아하는 댕댕이... →more
SilviaMuryadi 25 Mar 2019 9:43 am Aku emank hobby banget koleksi earrings luchu.. And ini salah satunya... aku kmrn nemu ini di... →more SilviaMuryadi Aku emank hobby banget koleksi earrings luchu.. And ini salah satunya... aku kmrn nemu ini di... →more
SilviaMuryadi 17 Aug 2018 7:50 pm In time, i understand that there is always something good in what God has chosen for me . . Love my... →more SilviaMuryadi In time, i understand that there is always something good in what God has chosen for me . . Love my... →more
KorneliaLuciana 09 Aug 2018 12:25 pm Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more KorneliaLuciana Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more
Oniecallista 03 Aug 2018 8:30 am Good morning! 😚😚-#koreanlook #SparklingSquad#SparklingBeauty#CoffeewithOppaShawn#laneigeID Oniecallista Good morning! 😚😚-#koreanlook #SparklingSquad#SparklingBeauty#CoffeewithOppaShawn#laneigeID
utinamoredo12 26 Jun 2018 7:15 pm Seneng nih beberapa waktu lalu dapet socobox dari @sociolla ini pertama kalinya aku dapet socobox... →more utinamoredo12 Seneng nih beberapa waktu lalu dapet socobox dari @sociolla ini pertama kalinya aku dapet socobox... →more
funniest_ling 07 May 2018 12:25 am I will wait patiently for the right thing at the right time and the right place 😀😁😁 The... →more funniest_ling I will wait patiently for the right thing at the right time and the right place 😀😁😁 The... →more
SilviaMuryadi 01 Jan 2018 4:23 pm Hai 2018! I hope and will do my best for the great 2018 . . . . . . . . #ootd #outfitoftheday... →more SilviaMuryadi Hai 2018! I hope and will do my best for the great 2018 . . . . . . . . #ootd #outfitoftheday... →more
SilviaMuryadi 08 Dec 2017 5:35 pm How about Korea Winter OOTD?! Exactly in front of YG building @fromyg . . @clozetteid... →more SilviaMuryadi How about Korea Winter OOTD?! Exactly in front of YG building @fromyg . . @clozetteid... →more
SilviaMuryadi 06 Dec 2017 7:35 pm O happy day... Happy birthday to @mariaistella ..So happy today! Korea food time and continue with... →more SilviaMuryadi O happy day... Happy birthday to @mariaistella ..So happy today! Korea food time and continue with... →more
SilviaMuryadi 05 Dec 2017 10:38 pm Good night all Hari ini lelah banget lhoo 😭😭😭 . . Miss my room at @luminorhotelpecenongan ... →more SilviaMuryadi Good night all Hari ini lelah banget lhoo 😭😭😭 . . Miss my room at @luminorhotelpecenongan ... →more
dsherlytha 19 Nov 2017 12:58 am Trying to make a makeup like Seolhyun AOA but failed... and I named it 'baseball makeup'... →more dsherlytha Trying to make a makeup like Seolhyun AOA but failed... and I named it 'baseball makeup'... →more
dsherlytha 19 Nov 2017 12:44 am Trying to make a makeup like Seolhyun AOA but failed... and I named it 'baseball makeup'... →more dsherlytha Trying to make a makeup like Seolhyun AOA but failed... and I named it 'baseball makeup'... →more
funniest_ling 08 Oct 2017 9:38 pm This was when the first time I tried boomerang 😂😂😂.. after that I was addicted... →more funniest_ling This was when the first time I tried boomerang 😂😂😂.. after that I was addicted... →more
ChristinBun 25 Aug 2017 6:40 pm Challange my self doing 7 days mask routine. Wonder how it goes with my current skin condition. ... →more ChristinBun Challange my self doing 7 days mask routine. Wonder how it goes with my current skin condition. ... →more
SiltaFadillah 25 Aug 2017 8:14 am Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” ― Erol Ozan • •... →more SiltaFadillah Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” ― Erol Ozan • •... →more
SiltaFadillah 24 Aug 2017 9:20 am Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile… 😁 • • #plgbeautyblogger #Clozetteid... →more SiltaFadillah Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile… 😁 • • #plgbeautyblogger #Clozetteid... →more
soniatahir 06 May 2017 7:22 pm Sweet korean makeup look is up 💞 Link in bio 💞 . . . . . . #fakeupfix #juliekay #clozetteid... →more soniatahir Sweet korean makeup look is up 💞 Link in bio 💞 . . . . . . #fakeupfix #juliekay #clozetteid... →more
DeviPurwati 15 Jan 2017 10:50 pm first impression pakai BB Cushion dari @ifactoryofficial ini sebenernya udah pernah aku bahas... →more DeviPurwati first impression pakai BB Cushion dari @ifactoryofficial ini sebenernya udah pernah aku bahas... →more
yossisibarani 15 Jan 2017 12:11 pm 안녕하세요. 어떻게 당신은? Karena liat postingan @michelle777lee , jadi ngiler 😂..... →more yossisibarani 안녕하세요. 어떻게 당신은? Karena liat postingan @michelle777lee , jadi ngiler 😂..... →more
SonyaThaniya 12 Jan 2017 5:44 pm Trying korean look and trying to be cute 😊😝 with korean gurl @mariaistella 💕 • 📸... →more SonyaThaniya Trying korean look and trying to be cute 😊😝 with korean gurl @mariaistella 💕 • 📸... →more
connyventamya 09 Nov 2016 7:35 pm whats going on?? #ootd #koreanlook #koreanmakeup connyventamya whats going on?? #ootd #koreanlook #koreanmakeup
connyventamya 09 Nov 2016 7:32 pm korean look.. :3 #koreanlook #koreanmakeup #makeup #motd connyventamya korean look.. :3 #koreanlook #koreanmakeup #makeup #motd
Pinastika21 01 Nov 2016 3:12 pm #throwback foto lama yg sayang kalau enggak di posting 😄😅 #fotd #selca #selfie #koreanlook... →more Pinastika21 #throwback foto lama yg sayang kalau enggak di posting 😄😅 #fotd #selca #selfie #koreanlook... →more
gabriellangelia 15 Oct 2016 9:51 am Here is the result of my first make up tutorial.. It's call "Fall-Autumn MakeUp" Please watch and... →more gabriellangelia Here is the result of my first make up tutorial.. It's call "Fall-Autumn MakeUp" Please watch and... →more
gabriellangelia 15 Oct 2016 6:58 am Here it is,my first make up tutorial video at my YouTube channel!! "Fall Autumn MakeUp" Please... →more gabriellangelia Here it is,my first make up tutorial video at my YouTube channel!! "Fall Autumn MakeUp" Please... →more
Cynfl 22 Sep 2016 8:23 am This is the secret how to have a flawless and healthy skin like Korean people. Read the complete... →more Cynfl This is the secret how to have a flawless and healthy skin like Korean people. Read the complete... →more
JenniferMarcellina 26 Aug 2016 5:33 pm Woof woof~ Puppy #snapchat filter attack! 🐶 Thinking about going to re-create this makeup look... →more JenniferMarcellina Woof woof~ Puppy #snapchat filter attack! 🐶 Thinking about going to re-create this makeup look... →more
Pinastika21 10 Aug 2016 7:40 am Good morning 🌞🌞 #clozetteid #clozettedaily #beauty #fotd #selca #selfie #beautyblogger... →more Pinastika21 Good morning 🌞🌞 #clozetteid #clozettedaily #beauty #fotd #selca #selfie #beautyblogger... →more