08 Mar 2019 2:13 pm
Yes, i'm a sucker of something sweet, also for fragrance. Banyak yang bilang kalau parfum La Rive In ini dupesnya Giorgio Armani Si. Setelah searching di fragrantica.com memang notes mereka semirip itu. .
Aromanya sendiri sweet yang classy banget menurutku. Aromanya seperti perpaduan manis caramel dan rose. Yap, unik, sweet and classy at the same time.
Untuk longevity nya cukup tahan lama kaya spray pagi, sorenya manis stay di baju wanginya. .
I very recommend this if you like sweet fragrance like me. Oh, btw i got mine from @originalparfum 😘
Ps: Ini bukan endorse btw, aku share karena memang sesuka itu sama parfum ini 😊

#perfume #larivein #fragrance #ClozetteID

Yes, i'm a sucker of something sweet, also for fragrance. Banyak yang bilang kalau parfum La Rive... →more

Yes, i'm a sucker of something sweet, also for fragrance. Banyak yang bilang kalau parfum La Rive... →more
27 Feb 2019 4:58 pm
여태까지 써본 제품중에 제~~~일 순한? 폼클렌징인거 같아요 순한데 강한 스타일 메이크업 오일쓰고 써도 뽀드득한데 촉촉한? 이상한가? 진짜 이런 느낌인데~ 여튼 약한 피부에 좋은 제품이라고하니 한번 데일리로 써볼라규용-Hello pretty❤️ i was promised review about @vicle_cosmetic Peelsu cleansing form so for keeping promise I upload review video!! It’s really good for someone who has sensitive skin!!-If you want to buy it with good price!! Install the charis apps and search Soyankim celeb! You can purchase under my name❤️❤️Who want to have healthy skins?Raise up your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️-PEELSU PURE CLEANSING FOAM http://hicharis.net/soyan_kim/deN#VICLECOSMETIC #PEELSU #PURECLEASINGFOAM #CHARIS #CHARISSTORE #charisAPP @hicharis_official

여태까지 써본 제품중에 제~~~일 순한? 폼클렌징인거 같아요 순한데 강한... →more

여태까지 써본 제품중에 제~~~일 순한? 폼클렌징인거 같아요 순한데 강한... →more
Like Us
20 Feb 2019 8:18 pm
Happiness means look flawless, stay young, smooth and free from acne,.Read further review on my https://amandatorquise.blogspot.com Search "From Nature" Clickable link on my bio but,?it will direct you to my newest post💋#clozetteid #cotd #abellreview

Happiness means look flawless, stay young, smooth and free from acne,.Read further review on my... →more

Happiness means look flawless, stay young, smooth and free from acne,.Read further review on my... →more
19 Feb 2019 7:28 pm
searching ideas for my thesis.
#dailylook #kbeauty #kbeautyblogger #clozetteid #오오티디

searching ideas for my thesis. . . . . . . #dailylook #kbeauty #kbeautyblogger #clozetteid... →more

searching ideas for my thesis. . . . . . . #dailylook #kbeauty #kbeautyblogger #clozetteid... →more
30 Jan 2019 4:03 pm
Enggak nyangka sih, kalau produk dari @poppydharsonocosmetics * oke. Ketahuan underestimate sebelumnya wkwk.Soalnya pas pertama kali scanning warna, saya cuma suka yang Salmon Pink. Biasalah, pecinta warna nude. Eh ternyata Sangria cakep juga.Kalau ngomongin pigmentasi, lip matte ini bagus. Tapi susah ngilang juga. Apakah itu pertanda bagus? Di satu sisi ya, tapi kamu perlu oil cleanser atau micellar water untuk menghapus lip cream.Sejauh ini saya pakai ini, kamu harus biarkan sampai benar benar kering. Baru bisa disebut transferproof. Bagusnya sih enggak nempel ke gigi pas make.  Formulanya enggak bikin bibir kering. Sekali sapu, bibir hitam tertutup.Sebagai office lady kece yang tiap pagi keteteran mau berangkat kantor, #cantik5menititu perlu. Maka lip cream dengan 3 in 1  functions ini emang menyelamatkan hidup sih, wkwk. Biasanya saya pakai untuk bibir, pipi, dan juga kelopak mata.Oya, mumpung ada diskon nih di @tokopedia ! Harga aslinya sekitar 90k, tapi lagi ada diskon 10%+ cashback 5%! Asyik, kan. Mampir saja ke https://www.tokopedia.com/pdcosmetics atau langsung searching di aplikasinya! #beautygoersid #beautygoersxpoppydharsono #liquefiedmattelipcolor #poppydharsonocosmetics #makeuplooks #makeupvlogger #clozetteid ..*Gifted

Enggak nyangka sih, kalau produk dari @poppydharsonocosmetics * oke. Ketahuan underestimate... →more

Enggak nyangka sih, kalau produk dari @poppydharsonocosmetics * oke. Ketahuan underestimate... →more
29 Jan 2019 8:19 am
~ Jan 29, 2019.Guys, postingan kali ini ada 3 video yass! Ada mini tutorial untuk bikin eyelook, cheek look, and lips look ❤ Keep on watching! ..Ketika ada produk makeup murah meriah siapa sih yang enggak tergiur untuk mencobanya? Makanya kali ini aku mau cobain makeup set dari @madame.gie by @gisel_la yang hrganya murmer abis! 3 produk ini kalo ditotalin nih cuma 75rb aja loh ❤ Mau tahu bagaimana mini tutorialnya? Yuk simak lebih lanjut! Reviewnya udah pernah aku buat ya jadi search aja di feed IG ku ..#MiniTutsbyAlinda.Product used:👀 Eye Illusions Sensous Drama Queen Eyeshadow & Blush On (shade 09)✒ Silhoutte Eyeliner 48 Hours (shade 03 Milky White)💄 Magnifique Lip Liquide Matte (shade 407 Pretentious).Nah, daripada penasaran lagi sama produk makeup nya @gisel_la ini langsung aja kepoin @madame.gie and check their website, shopee, dll.. Sstt! Ada produk baru loh!! Check website madamegie.com skg juga!!! 🎉.Thankyou @madame.gie x @beautycollab.id.#AForAlinda #alindaaa29 #alindaaa #alinda #byalindamakeup #MiniTutsbyAlinda #MiniReviewbyAlinda #ClozetteID  #jalani_nikmati_syukuri #rejekigakketuker #BeautyCollabID #BCollabID #BeautyCollabIDxMadameGie

~ Jan 29, 2019.Guys, postingan kali ini ada 3 video yass! Ada mini tutorial untuk bikin eyelook,... →more

~ Jan 29, 2019.Guys, postingan kali ini ada 3 video yass! Ada mini tutorial untuk bikin eyelook,... →more
26 Jan 2019 1:09 pm
Mau google search "quotes about friendship" tapi ngga usah deh. Nggak di-quote aja kita juga udah deket. Deket yang natural, nggak dibikin-bikin. Karena yang memang ingin terus bersama tuh bakal selalu nyempetin ❤

Mau google search "quotes about friendship" tapi ngga usah deh. Nggak di-quote aja kita juga udah... →more

Mau google search "quotes about friendship" tapi ngga usah deh. Nggak di-quote aja kita juga udah... →more
23 Jan 2019 2:29 pm
Mahan VLOG Part 2 is up!!!! . .Silahkan klik link yang ada di profil .Atau langsung search "ismahanchrnns" .https://bit.ly/2HBP4HM . .#throwbackpost #clozette #clozetteid #clozettedaily #teaser #mahanvlog #mahan

Mahan VLOG Part 2 is up!!!! . .Silahkan klik link yang ada di profil .Atau langsung search... →more

Mahan VLOG Part 2 is up!!!! . .Silahkan klik link yang ada di profil .Atau langsung search... →more
17 Jan 2019 6:44 pm
Hello, another look this week. Filmed this for 30 minutes less. 🤗The part when I concealed my under eye was gone due to SD Card error. 😭And I’m still searching video editor on iPhone that works to add music. Anyone can help? 😬#clozetteid #starclozetter #makeup #beauty #makeuptutorial #makeupvideo #caaantikbeautyblog #caaantik

Hello, another look this week. Filmed this for 30 minutes less. 🤗The part when I concealed my... →more

Hello, another look this week. Filmed this for 30 minutes less. 🤗The part when I concealed my... →more
14 Jan 2019 4:39 pm
Bagaimana cara membesarkan payudara, Kak?---Anu. Isi galon di rumah kalian pindah aja ke payudara.---Saya pernah nulis di story kalau kita diet lalu BB turun, maka kemungkinan besar ukuran payudara juga akan berubah (sudah saya taruh di highlight btw). Itu karena ketika BB turun, ada kemungkinan lemak yang ada di area payudara juga akan ikut hilang. Toh kalau BB turun pengennya fat loss kan ya?---Waktu saya review si @lacoco.id Bust Fit banyak banget yang nanya: SERIUS INI BISA NGGEDEIN?---Duh. Siapa juga yang bilang ini bisa nggedein? Kalau mau tahu manfaat dari Lacoco Bust Fit ini bisa langsung ke www.monicaagustami.com deh! Tulisan lama sih, searching aja ya. Tulisan Dek Mon page one di Google kok #pamer 😌---#clozetteid #beautyreviews #jogjabloggirls #beautybloggers #indobeautybloger

Bagaimana cara membesarkan payudara, Kak?---Anu. Isi galon di rumah kalian pindah aja ke... →more

Bagaimana cara membesarkan payudara, Kak?---Anu. Isi galon di rumah kalian pindah aja ke... →more
24 Dec 2018 1:19 pm
Senangnya bisa mencoba produk terbaru @avoskinbeauty Silkyluz Bohemian Soap Bar ini. Awalnya agak ragu karena ga biasa pakai sabun batangan begini buat cuci muka tapi ternyata saya suka. Makanya kalau nggak kenal jangan suudzon dulu yak 😂. Sama kayak hubungan, kl ada apa2 tu tanyain jangan cuma nebak2 doank. Kalau salah nebak trus berakhir salah paham gimana?Btw Silkyluz Bohemian Soap Bar ini bisa dibeli di Avo Store terdekat melalui shopee, Instagram, atau pun tokopedia loh dan selama bulan Desember ada diskon produk Avoskin up to 30% di #AvostoreFestiveSale.Mau baca reviewnya dulu sebelum beli? Boleh, di blog aku ada beberapa review produk Avoskin, ke side bar trus ketik Avoskin di kolom search yak. Ada day night, cream night, PHTE, eye cream, sama sabun ini. Nanti aku taruh link hidupnya di bio ya biar gampang 😊 happy long weekend man teman. @avoskinbeauty @avostoreofficial #AvostoreFestiveSale #YukBelanjadiAvostore #GoodbyeDullSkin #clozetteID #Tribepost #flatlayoftheday

Senangnya bisa mencoba produk terbaru @avoskinbeauty Silkyluz Bohemian Soap Bar ini. Awalnya agak... →more

Senangnya bisa mencoba produk terbaru @avoskinbeauty Silkyluz Bohemian Soap Bar ini. Awalnya agak... →more
17 Dec 2018 9:44 pm
Jaman naw harus investasi —Kalo ga pinter” kelola uang pasti susah karna tipe anak jaman naw maunya berhedon” ria dong. Aku srg bgt denger ortu aku ngmgin ttg passive income dan ini bs d dapet dr mana aja loh ! Salah satunya saham 💰-Ga ada duit? Ga perlu kawatir. Kita bisa beli saham” perusahan gede dgn harga yg super affordable. Lalu, kita bisa kontrol sendiri, bs d jadikan sbg investasi dan passive income kita buat modal hedon ke depan kan yeu 😍-Today, aku d ajak jalan” ke PT Sariguna Primatirta Tbk. (CLEO) @cleopurewater buat tau banyak ttg perusahaan ini dan proses pembuatannya juga loh. Seru banget ! Nah, saham dr CLEO ini jg bs d beli loh dan sdh tercatat resmi di BEI dgn kode saham : CLEO.-D bbrp hari k depan aku bakal mulai searching nih enaknya beli saham di perusahaan mana yah 🤔 Yuk, kalian juga ikutan. Beli saham sekali investasi buat masa depan kan yaa. Kalian bisa buka rekening saham dulu di @miraeassetsekuritas_id lalu download aplikasi NEO HOTS di Appstore atau Playstore kamu untuk transaksi sahamnya 👏🏻-Kalo masih pusing ttg caranya gmn sih, kalian bs follow langsung @indonesiastockexchange. Don’t hesitate to ask guys.-#VisitEmiten #VECLEO #SekarangWaktunya #yuknabungsaham ...#clozetteid #potd #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdshare #stockexchange #sahamindonesia #trip #bursaefekindonesia #blogger #bloggerlife #bloggerjakarta#bloggersurabaya #influencer

Jaman naw harus investasi —Kalo ga pinter” kelola uang pasti susah karna tipe anak jaman naw... →more

Jaman naw harus investasi —Kalo ga pinter” kelola uang pasti susah karna tipe anak jaman naw... →more
17 Dec 2018 11:29 am
I am so in love with the @clinelleid WhitenUP series 🌼 just in two weeks of usage, my skin has got brighter and more even in texture!

Swipe to see the details of these babies. The use of anti-photoaging technology in the formulation make every @clinelleid WhitenUP product works 24 hours a day, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays and blue light from electronic devices ☀️📳 the combination of vitamin C, daisy flower and purple rice extract is also proven to work well on my super sensitive (and annoying) skin. Highly recommendes for everyone who's currently on the search of affordable but effective whitening products!

Read the in-depth review and see what's my personal recommendation on my blog. Link on bio, or simply click here: http://bit.ly/clinelleWhitenUP

I am so in love with the @clinelleid WhitenUP series 🌼 just in two weeks of usage, my skin has... →more

I am so in love with the @clinelleid WhitenUP series 🌼 just in two weeks of usage, my skin has... →more
01 Dec 2018 11:19 am
• Chill•Need this right now,I had an appointment on 10am, booked a grab nor gocar 5 times and all of it was cancled.Search my wallet and it's left on my room with my card access -___-"I should wait the secuirity who have card access so he can help me go up to pick up my wallet n key.Running to the sogo lobby instead of waiting on my lobby so the driver easily can pick me up(?)Gladly the last driver (6) friendly and accpt my order.Thanks Saturday 🙏🏻Can't wait to arrive n meet @flix_ss who's busy n should go in 1pm & @cynthiansunartio who had last minute call n task from her mother... •💁🏻‍♀️ On frame Pastry in @monsieurspoon #abellinbali #abelldigests

• Chill•Need this right now,I had an appointment on 10am, booked a grab nor gocar 5 times and... →more

• Chill•Need this right now,I had an appointment on 10am, booked a grab nor gocar 5 times and... →more
24 Nov 2018 8:44 am
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." - Albert Camus-📷 by @mentaripoetri of @memoriespicture_

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never... →more

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never... →more
19 Nov 2018 1:29 pm
Diomelin Bu Subangun 😫Anyway ada yang tau Bu Subangun ?? Dia adalah karakter antagonis paling legendaris di sinetron di tahun 90an.Kalo pengen tau kayak apa searching aja di Google atau liat di YouTube 😁...#ClozetteID #personalblogger #personalblog #indonesianblogger #lifestyleblog #Hijab #likeforlikes

Diomelin Bu Subangun 😫Anyway ada yang tau Bu Subangun ?? Dia adalah karakter antagonis paling... →more

Diomelin Bu Subangun 😫Anyway ada yang tau Bu Subangun ?? Dia adalah karakter antagonis paling... →more
12 Nov 2018 9:09 am
Are you an organic skincare lover?  Either following the trend or looking for a vegan, all natural ingredients that is really good for the skin?  Doesn't matter! We are now searching for products that comes with high quality plants that mother nature gives.

Here is a local product from #Santorini called #SantoAloe #SantoriniOrganicFarming with nature's pure benefit for the skin.

It's hydrating, calming, can be used as a mixture of a face mask, and everyone on the family can enjoy it too. 
Full review here:


#beautyvloggerindonesia #BEAUTYBLOGGERINDONESIA #toner #beauty #allnatural #calming #skincare #hydrating #organic #ClozetteID #musttry #beautylover #santoriniorganicfarming #organic #organicskincare #farming #organicfarming #motd #votd #videooftheday

Are you an organic skincare lover? Either following the trend or looking for a vegan, all natural... →more

Are you an organic skincare lover? Either following the trend or looking for a vegan, all natural... →more
10 Nov 2018 2:34 pm
Hay beauties !!
Treatment review Sava Beauty nd wellness. Treatment yg memanjangkan kamu-kamu termasuk aku karena keunggulan 2in1 facial and spa , karena pada umumnya facial treatment khusus facial saja tapi memberikan rileksasi pada konsumennya, berbeda dari beauty klinik lainnya karena  menerapkan 2in1 facial dan spa khusus wajah dan area leher serta selama proses treatment yg paling menyenangkan ketika proses totok wajah merasa lebih tenang khusus facial aku gunakan pada review ini yaitu 02 Jet Peel facial plus Treatment peeling menggunakan tekanan air berkecepatan tinggi dan oksigen murni untuk masuk ke dalam sel kulit dan menutrusi kulit yg kaya berbagai vitamin dan zat suplemen yg menghasilkan kulit sehat, bersih, lembut dan awet muda ^_^ kaya aku sekarang semakin awet muda berkat treatment ini 
Jika kalian ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut dapat check ke link ini 
atau searching "'Youtube channel DESIINATA "
For Rsvp 👇👇👇👇@savaindo 
Sava Beauty adn Wellness - Senayan - Jl. Hang Lekir X no. 20A Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan (021) 727-91529
#clozetteid #reviewbeautyklinik #beautyklinikjakarta #klinikkecantikanjakarta #beautyreview #beauty #indobeauty #tampilcantik

Hay beauties !! Treatment review Sava Beauty nd wellness. Treatment yg memanjangkan kamu-kamu... →more

Hay beauties !! Treatment review Sava Beauty nd wellness. Treatment yg memanjangkan kamu-kamu... →more
07 Oct 2018 2:15 pm
Have you watch my new video? Ini oily girl nekat berat pakai dewy foundation selama 10 jam. 😂😂.
Direct link ada di profile, atau pergi ke youtube dan search “ninneta”. Jangan lupa di like dan subscribe yahhh. 😘😘😘
#makeup #makeupjunkie #makeuplover #eyeshadow #beautybloggerindonesia #beautyvloggerindonesia #vlogger #vloggerindonesia #maybelline #maybellinedewyandsmooth #clozetteid

Have you watch my new video? Ini oily girl nekat berat pakai dewy foundation selama 10 jam.... →more

Have you watch my new video? Ini oily girl nekat berat pakai dewy foundation selama 10 jam.... →more
28 Sep 2018 12:35 am
Enjoying my time, searching and playing at #inglotstore 🥂❤️💃
#makeuppost #makeuptalk #makeuplover #makeupjunkie #makeupaddict #makeuplover #beauty #bblog #beautylover #beautyaddict #clozette #clozetteid

Enjoying my time, searching and playing at #inglotstore 🥂❤️💃 #makeup #makeuppost... →more

Enjoying my time, searching and playing at #inglotstore 🥂❤️💃 #makeup #makeuppost... →more
27 Sep 2018 5:45 pm
So have you seen my #fengaddiction Video on my channel? Check it out... Direct link on my bio, or simply just search Ninnetaaa on youtube. Jangan lupa di like dan subscribe... 😘😘😘

#makeup #makeupjunkie #makeuplover #eyeshadow #beautybloggerindonesia #beautyvloggerindonesia #vlogger #vloggerindonesia #fengaddiction #clozetteid

So have you seen my #fengaddiction Video on my channel? Check it out... Direct link on my bio, or... →more

So have you seen my #fengaddiction Video on my channel? Check it out... Direct link on my bio, or... →more
26 Sep 2018 1:25 pm
H-2 to #KoreaSALEfesta2018 ✨Don't miss it and mark on your calendar!! •I'm holding Epona Wally face Mist. Make my face fresh and moist~ It's also came in perfect size so can fit in on my bag. Before i upload how to make #jeju Hallabong on my story, i got it from @kotra_global @jejumallofficial !! Suppa delicious!!! 🌟Good news's you can buy this in cheaper price!!!! They will be up to 70%off during #koreasalefesta2018 🌈Starting from 28th Sept - 7th Oct only on @jdid , @elevaniaid , and @qoo10.indonesia 🌤By Search "JEJU MALL Official in the store section. I already mark some stuff to buy 🙈Direct link on my bio💋#abellreview

H-2 to #KoreaSALEfesta2018 ✨Don't miss it and mark on your calendar!! •I'm holding Epona Wally... →more

H-2 to #KoreaSALEfesta2018 ✨Don't miss it and mark on your calendar!! •I'm holding Epona Wally... →more
17 Sep 2018 11:20 am
Salah satu brand lokal favorit ulang tahun ! Happy Birthday @makeoverid . kalau ditanya produk favorit banyak banget lah. Hampir semua favorit, terutama produk-produk terbarunya. Beberapa produk Udah pernah aku review di blog, mampir aja ke www.cyanophyta.net tulis dikolom search "Makeover" semua yang udah aku review ada disana. ..nyang potoin: @picme07 ..#makeoverbirthdaybash #makeover #beautybloggerid #clozetteid #tribepost #bandungbeautyblogger

Salah satu brand lokal favorit ulang tahun ! Happy Birthday @makeoverid . kalau ditanya produk... →more

Salah satu brand lokal favorit ulang tahun ! Happy Birthday @makeoverid . kalau ditanya produk... →more
15 Sep 2018 6:20 pm
Udah nonton #film #Searching ?Kalo belom, pas nih malming..#nonton deh, semua yang udah nonton ini kasih #review bagus.👍👌...#ClozetteID #Hijabootd #personalblogger #personalblog #IndonesianBlogger #lifestyleblog #Lifestyle #likeforlikes

Udah nonton #film #Searching ?Kalo belom, pas nih malming..#nonton deh, semua yang udah nonton ini... →more

Udah nonton #film #Searching ?Kalo belom, pas nih malming..#nonton deh, semua yang udah nonton ini... →more
14 Sep 2018 8:25 pm
#FridayNite gagal mau nonton film #Searching , krn anak2 gak mau, solusinya Cari #film yg anak2 mau tapi jam nya sama , pilihan jatuh pada #WiroSableng ..dan emang gak boleh #nonton kali ya, Wiro sableng jamnya malem semua. 🙈🙈...#ClozetteID #Hijabootd #personalblogger #personalblog #IndonesianBlogger #lifestyleblog #Lifestyle #likeforlikes

#FridayNite gagal mau nonton film #Searching , krn anak2 gak mau, solusinya Cari #film yg anak2 mau... →more

#FridayNite gagal mau nonton film #Searching , krn anak2 gak mau, solusinya Cari #film yg anak2 mau... →more
12 Sep 2018 10:50 am
This lil cute beauty blender from @fanbocosmetics is soo bouncy and soft, cepat buat nge-blend bb cream/foundie on your face 😀 yang kepengen ngintip hasil nyatanya bisa search/sub on my youtube channel *anneani...#fanbobeautyblender #fanbocosmetics #balibeautyblogger #beautyblender #clozetteid

This lil cute beauty blender from @fanbocosmetics is soo bouncy and soft, cepat buat nge-blend bb... →more

This lil cute beauty blender from @fanbocosmetics is soo bouncy and soft, cepat buat nge-blend bb... →more
09 Sep 2018 7:20 pm
Can you spot me among the dots? They says everything has a reason; but the moment to know the reason would be revealed the day dots are connected.
#dots #connect #search #found #eyes #eyesight #poking #yayoikusama #yayoikusamaexhibition #museummacan #whp #whpcolorplay #travel #travelblogger #instadaily #clozetteid

Can you spot me among the dots? They says everything has a reason; but the moment to know the... →more

Can you spot me among the dots? They says everything has a reason; but the moment to know the... →more
31 Aug 2018 10:20 am
Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah! The best moment ever, now we can get the skin solutions from @klinikestetika! 
Get it now on your Google Play Store or Apple App Store (search:  Klinik Estetika dr.Affandi) 
#MerdekaDenganEstetika #beautycommerce #Klinikkecantikan
#ootd #ootdindo #lookbook #lookbookindonesia #lifestyleblogger #fashion #blogger #fashionblogger #wiwt #potd #vscocam #eosm10 #lovelife #instagood #streetstyle #potd #eosmdiaries #ggrep #ggrepstyle #cgstreetstyle #streetfashion #beautynesiamember #sociollabloggernetwork #charisceleb #clozetteid

Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah! The best moment... →more

Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah! The best moment... →more
30 Aug 2018 9:10 pm
Holaa! Jadi @klinikestetika baru aja ngelaunch aplikasi super kecenya loh!Jadi sekarang kalian bisa konsultasi masalah kulit kalian dimana aja dan kapan aja pake app ini. Jadi gak perlu buang waktu, macet-macetan di jalan buat ke klinik lagi 💖Get it now on your  Google Play Store or  Apple App Store (search :  Klinik Estetika dr.Affandi) #MerdekaDenganEstetika #beautycommerce #Klinikkecantikan

Holaa! Jadi @klinikestetika baru aja ngelaunch aplikasi super kecenya loh!Jadi sekarang kalian bisa... →more

Holaa! Jadi @klinikestetika baru aja ngelaunch aplikasi super kecenya loh!Jadi sekarang kalian bisa... →more
30 Aug 2018 7:25 pm
Aug 30, 2018Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah, ya kan?.The best moment ever today, yeay ! Now we get skin solutions from @klinikestetika.Get it now on your Google Play Store or Apple App Store (search :  Klinik Estetika dr.Affandi). Jangan lupa untuk pakai kode voucher ku ya : KEDA-NATASHU ❤️❤️.#MerdekaDenganEstetika #beautycommerce #Klinikkecantikan.#clozette #clozetteID #beautiesquad #setterspace  #bloggerceriaid #bloggerceria #kbbvmember #bloggermafia #beautynesiamemberblogger #beautygoersid #bloggerperempuan #sociollabloggernetwork #vsco #vscocam #sprinkleofraindotcom

Aug 30, 2018Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah, ya... →more

Aug 30, 2018Bebas adalah pilihan, apalagi terbebas dari masalah kulit, khususnya kulit wajah, ya... →more