09 Oct 2019 10:01 am
HAPPINESS is carrying a whole world inside you ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿปโค๏ธKeep healthy our baby boo ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ#31weekspregnant ....#baby #pregnancy #pregnancydiary #clozetteid

HAPPINESS is carrying a whole world inside you ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿปโค๏ธKeep healthy our baby boo... โ†’more

HAPPINESS is carrying a whole world inside you ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿปโค๏ธKeep healthy our baby boo... โ†’more
26 Sep 2019 11:18 pm
Pregnancy is a miracle things

Pregnancy is a miracle things

Pregnancy is a miracle things
Like Us
18 Sep 2019 3:01 pm
Breastfeeding moms cannot gain weight - thatโ€™s a myth! Or an overly-simplified statement. Yes, breastfeeding helps you lose more calories. But you can still gain weight if your calorie intake is more than what you burn.That said, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet (note that it is not recommended for breastfeeding moms to go on a strict diet because what you eat affects your babyโ€™s main source of nutrition), it does help keep your overall body weight and fat in check. I still have 2.5kgs over my pre-pregnancy weight but to my surprise, according to the thorough BMI check I did today, Iโ€™m already 2 kgs below the ideal body weight and my fat mass is just in the middle of the normal range for women my age. The perks of breastfeeding, I guess!Anyway, setiap ngepost sepatu ini pasti ada yang nanyain. Ini merk Rubi yang suka ada di Cotton On, tapi udah lama banget kayaknya sih udah gak ada sekarang.Kalau atasan ini bisa beli di @basicbynash yah, bukan nursing top tapi nursing-friendly karena modelnya bisa dibuka depannya. Fittingnya juga bagus bikin keliatan kurus.Tote bag dari toko BABYFB di Shopee dan aku masih punya promo code ya kalau mau belanja di situ. Check di highlight โ€œPROMO CODEโ€. #clozetteid #ootd #ootdmommy #9monthsold #nursingfriendly #momblogger #honestmothering

Breastfeeding moms cannot gain weight - thatโ€™s a myth! Or an overly-simplified statement. Yes,... โ†’more

Breastfeeding moms cannot gain weight - thatโ€™s a myth! Or an overly-simplified statement. Yes,... โ†’more
05 Sep 2019 11:11 am
Today for @nurishorganiq_id launching, unveiling the best selling Malaysian Natural Skin Care; no lanolin, non-komedogenic, safe for pregnancy, and halal. The series contains Hibiscus, Frangipani, Cucumber and Bilberry, all the natural extracts needed for your skin to glow healthily. With 500,000 active plant cells, ready to serve your skin better and more efficiently ๐Ÿ’
#clozetteid #NurishOrganiqID #RadiateYourTrueNature #NurishOrganiqIDxClozetteID

Today for @nurishorganiq_id launching, unveiling the best selling Malaysian Natural Skin Care; no... โ†’more

Today for @nurishorganiq_id launching, unveiling the best selling Malaysian Natural Skin Care; no... โ†’more
01 Sep 2019 1:23 am
Pregnancy Style Tips - Alyssa Detwiler - YouTube

Pregnancy Style Tips - Alyssa Detwiler - YouTube

Pregnancy Style Tips - Alyssa Detwiler - YouTube
01 Sep 2019 1:23 am
30 MUST-HAVE PREGNANCY ESSENTIALS! The Ultimate List 2019 Tips For an Easier Pregnancy! - YouTube

30 MUST-HAVE PREGNANCY ESSENTIALS! The Ultimate List 2019 Tips For an Easier Pregnancy! - YouTube

30 MUST-HAVE PREGNANCY ESSENTIALS! The Ultimate List 2019 Tips For an Easier Pregnancy! - YouTube
11 Aug 2019 9:00 am
Clozetter @Regitakurniavi showed her pregnancy glow in light grey outfit. Simak inspirasi gaya Hijab dari para Clozetters hari ini di Hijab Community. Yuk, share juga gaya hijab andalan kamu.

Clozetter @Regitakurniavi showed her pregnancy glow in light grey outfit. Simak inspirasi gaya... โ†’more

Clozetter @Regitakurniavi showed her pregnancy glow in light grey outfit. Simak inspirasi gaya... โ†’more
25 Jul 2019 3:00 pm
This is what we call "pregnancy glow"! Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozetter @hisafu. Yuk, share juga beauty look kamu bersama Clozette.

This is what we call "pregnancy glow"! Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari... โ†’more

This is what we call "pregnancy glow"! Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari... โ†’more
27 Jun 2019 6:42 pm
Probably googling to see if it was normal if baby does something. Since pregnancy I was always looking up the little things and making sure everything was common or normal. With babies, though, I keep finding that what I was googling about was either normal (thank God) or it was too early to diagnose abnormality, and basically every baby is different! ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿป .
From the scale of 1 to 10 (1 being โ€œthe baby just hit his head on the floor but whose baby doesnโ€™t so just chillโ€ and 10 being โ€œcall the pediatrician asap, baby wonโ€™t eat broccoliโ€), what type of parent are you? 
#ootdmommy #clozetteid #ootd #lookbookindonesia #mamadaily #momblogger #wearthisnext

Probably googling to see if it was normal if baby does something. Since pregnancy I was always... โ†’more

Probably googling to see if it was normal if baby does something. Since pregnancy I was always... โ†’more
25 Jun 2019 9:00 pm
Kamu harus tetap merawat diri sambil merawat si kecil di dalam kandungan. Intip berbagai pregnancy hacks di: http://bit.ly/2FpvuLo. Video ini di-share kembali oleh Clozetter @ranialda. Lihat juga tutorial lainnya di Tutorial Section.

Kamu harus tetap merawat diri sambil merawat si kecil di dalam kandungan. Intip berbagai pregnancy... โ†’more

Kamu harus tetap merawat diri sambil merawat si kecil di dalam kandungan. Intip berbagai pregnancy... โ†’more
15 Jun 2019 9:11 pm
Pregnancy Hacks!! | How To Prevent Stretch Marks, DIY and Abs! - YouTube

Pregnancy Hacks!! | How To Prevent Stretch Marks, DIY and Abs! - YouTube

Pregnancy Hacks!! | How To Prevent Stretch Marks, DIY and Abs! - YouTube
15 Jun 2019 9:06 pm


15 Jun 2019 9:06 pm
4 Genius Pregnancy Hacks For Moms-To-Be - YouTube

4 Genius Pregnancy Hacks For Moms-To-Be - YouTube

4 Genius Pregnancy Hacks For Moms-To-Be - YouTube
15 Jun 2019 6:57 pm
6 months postpartum, still a few kilograms left to pre-pregnancy body. Iโ€™m not putting pressure on myself to lose weight (never have, never will) because breastfeeding is my priority at the moment but I realize I need to exercise to stay fit and healthy! Jadi hari ini aku dan suami mulai nge-gym setelah sekian lama. Seger tshay! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
Tapi pernah gak sih mikir andai gak harus olahraga ini lemak-lemak bisa terbakar? Ini aku kenalin tourmaline legging dari @bellycare.id ๐Ÿฆต Aku uda pernah bahas soal tourmaline waktu post soal bodyshaper. Ini sama tourmaline nya tapi kali ini bentuknya legging ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
Batu tourmaline nya ada di hampir seluruh sisi legging. Perut, bokong, paha, betis, semua deh. Bahan leggingnya gak kaku dan gak gerah. Bener-bener nyaman kayak legging biasa. Enaknya legging gini adalah bisa dimix-match buat jalan-jalan (swipe untuk liat pas aku pake ngemall), bisa buat olahraga juga (biar bakar lemaknya extra ๐Ÿ˜›), bahkan bisa dibawa tidur. Hari ini aku pake buat olahraga ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป .
Yaa tentunya jangan berharap bisa tiap hari cuma goler-goler, makan junk food, gak olahraga, tapi pake legging ini terus bisa tetep kurus ya kakinya. Tetep harus dibarengin sama pola hidup sehat dan rajin olahraga, apalagi leg day. Tourmaline ini cuma membantu aja. Tapi lumayan banget kaaan? 
#tourmalinelegging #activewear #clozetteid #ootd #6monthspostpartum

6 months postpartum, still a few kilograms left to pre-pregnancy body. Iโ€™m not putting pressure... โ†’more

6 months postpartum, still a few kilograms left to pre-pregnancy body. Iโ€™m not putting pressure... โ†’more
02 Jun 2019 7:02 pm
These jeans are maternity! LOL such a good purchase. They fit really nice when I was pregnant, and now that I have shed some of my pregnancy weight I kinda like the baggy fit. Not gonna lie I also kinda like the stretchy cloth part on the waist not judging my postpartum belly. 
#maternityjeans #6monthspostpartum #honestlymothering #mamadaily #momblogger #clozetteid #ootd #ootdmommy #stylediary #styleblogger

These jeans are maternity! LOL such a good purchase. They fit really nice when I was pregnant, and... โ†’more

These jeans are maternity! LOL such a good purchase. They fit really nice when I was pregnant, and... โ†’more
20 May 2019 5:47 am
Bumil belakangan jarang banget ke mal, sekalinya ke mal seneng banget mau nonton Avengers alias mau liat si pacar ganteng Capt. America wkwkwkwk....ah semangat lah kalo mau liat dia tapi versi clean shaven face.
Lalu kemarin2 cobain Velvet classnya CGV yg di Aeon JGC, studionya yg kecil. Review dikit deh.. Bednya si agak keras tp gw uda kebiasaan pake kasur keras (ala orang tua ahahah) jd nyantai aja, buat bumil si helpful banget lah itu bed bs selonjoran bebas. Posisi paling pas itu Row C tengah, itu pas banget ga terlalu ke atas ga terlalu ke bawah liatnya.. tp kemarin akyu dptnya row D tengah, tp masih ok si.. kan ntnnya sambil tiduran jd liat atas dikit ga gitu cape.
Di loungenya ga tersedia free snack/drink kayak di velvet class cgv lain.
Lalu order makanan family menu ( nachos sama platter isi french fries, pompom, sausage , plus 3 milkshake)  yg mana di foto menu lebih terlihat banyak dan menggiurkan tapi aslinya porsinya kecil dan cuma ditaruh di box disposable gt. 
Jauh banget dr foto yg ada di menu huakakakak... *bumil kan laper*  ya ga nendang 3 jam itu doang makannya,  keluar dari bioskop cari makan lagi ๐Ÿ˜.
Lalu sound systemnya agak kurang ya.. agak sember.. jd kadang kuping gw sakit...untung tetep bs liat capt. America jadi agak terhibur gitu...
Tapi abis nonton ya tetep mewek... hiks hayo siapa yg ikutan mewek jg nonton ini? Ngacuuuung!!! Ah terima kasih pakmil, aku terlihat kurus dengan perut super kekenyangan di foto ini.
#preggomom #pregnancy #hamil #ibuhamil #mamablogger #momblogger #mombloggers #momslife #lifestyle #lifestyleblog #momblog #lifestyleblogger #babyinmytummy #maternity #clozetter #ootd #casual #clozetteid #like #like4like #instadaily #cgvvelvet #emakblogger #bloggerperempuan #blogger

Bumil belakangan jarang banget ke mal, sekalinya ke mal seneng banget mau nonton Avengers alias mau... โ†’more

Bumil belakangan jarang banget ke mal, sekalinya ke mal seneng banget mau nonton Avengers alias mau... โ†’more
13 Feb 2019 7:43 am
I think Iโ€™m getting tired to get question, ๐™ฌ๐™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™œ๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™–๐™™ ๐™๐™ค๐™ฌโ€™๐™จ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™›๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช?โฃโฃPeople kept asking something seems fun as slapstick which they think would be ok. โฃโฃNah! Come on, this is 2019! If someone not getting married last year, this year or next year, would it be bother you? Or, if they getting married now, would you help to finance the wedding reception?โฃโฃSomething needs to keep in private, thatโ€™s why itโ€™s called personal.So change the question or statement on below:โฃโฃโ€œษดแด€ษดแด›ษช แดŠแด€แด…ษช แด˜แด‡ส€แด€แดกแด€ษด แด›แดœแด€. ษดษขษขแด€แด‹ แด€แด…แด€ สแด€ษดษข แดแด€แดœ.โ€โฃโ€œ๐—œ๐—ต... ๐—ด๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐˜†๐—ฎ?โ€โฃโ€œ๐™ผ๐šŠ๐šœ๐š’๐š‘ ๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š•๐šŽ? ๐™ฟ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š›๐š—๐šข๐šŠ ๐š–๐šŠ๐š—๐šŠ?โ€โฃโ€œUฬฒdฬฒaฬฒhฬฒ ฬฒsฬฒeฬฒgฬฒiฬฒnฬฒiฬฒ ฬฒbฬฒeฬฒlฬฒuฬฒmฬฒ ฬฒnฬฒiฬฒkฬฒaฬฒhฬฒ ฬฒjฬฒuฬฒgฬฒaฬฒ?ฬฒโ€โฃโฃโฃInto:โฃโ€œแดสœ แดส ษขแดแด…! สแดแดœ สŸแดแดแด‹ ษขส€แด‡แด€แด›! สœแดแดก สœแด€แด แด‡ ส™แด‡แด‡ษด แด…แดษชษดษข?โ€โฃโ€œ๐—”๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐—ฝ๐˜† ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜„?โ€โฃโ€œ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ฌโ€™๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ /๐™—๐™ช๐™จ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š๐™จ๐™จ ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ? ๐™Ž๐™š๐™š๐™ข๐™จ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ชโ€™๐™ง๐™š ๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™œ๐™œ๐™ง๐™š๐™จ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š! ๐™’๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™– ๐™œ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™›๐™š.โ€โฃโฃNo one would like to get statement โ€˜fatโ€™ the fact she got that because she was in pregnancy hormones program who longing for baby since couple years. โฃโฃNot all people would like to be alone. They might have some relationship trauma in the past. Or, they might be single because theyโ€™re busy to make their selves happier than yours. โฃโฃโฃIt sounds more positive, right? Before you say something to people, make sure to ask yourself the same question, would it be hurt myself if ๐—”๐—  ๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—ข๐—ก๐—˜ get the question? โฃโฃโฃNot everyone would love to have same page like you. If youโ€™ve done that, doesnโ€™t mean you have privilege to feel superior from others. Marriage is not accomplishment.โฃโฃFor me personal, Iโ€™m more worry if I will be a parent who not able to provide a good education to my kids then they grow to be a person who repeating same mistake like stupid head by asking people, kok belum nikah udah umur segini? Nggak takut perawan tua? Kok makin gendutan?โฃโฃโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃโฃ#๐๐จ๐ง๐š_๐‡๐ข๐ญ๐š๐ฆ๐๐š๐ก๐ข๐ญ #clozetteid #beautyblogger #proudtobeindonesian #womenempowerment #IndonesianFemaleBloggers

I think Iโ€™m getting tired to get question, ๐™ฌ๐™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช... โ†’more

I think Iโ€™m getting tired to get question, ๐™ฌ๐™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช... โ†’more
21 Jan 2019 11:24 am
H-2! #ClozetteID #momblogger #pregnancy #pregnantmakeup

H-2! #ClozetteID #momblogger #pregnancy #pregnantmakeup

10 Jan 2019 4:34 pm
Haiii!Setelah dicicil berbulan-bulan, akhirnya rampung juga satu artikel baru di #JourneyAboutMakeup #liamelqhadotcom . Bukan tentang makeup sih, tapi sekedar sharing #randomtalk tentang persamaan dan perbedaan #kehamilanpertama dan #kehamilankedua yang aku alami.Jari-jari tanganku, bengkak di pagi hari sampai aku nggak bisa pegang sikat gigi. ๐Ÿ˜†. Mau tau apalagi yang aku alami? Perbedaan maupun persamaan saat hamil dulu dan sekarang? Jangan lupa mampir yaaa! Ke bit.ly/JAM-PREGNANCY.#bloggingmom #BloggerPerempuan #Beautiesquad #KEB #KumpulanEmakBlogger #ClozetteID #IndonesiaFemaleBlogger #SociollaBlogger #KBBVmember #batambeautyblogger #batamblogger #indonesiabeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #setterspace

Haiii!Setelah dicicil berbulan-bulan, akhirnya rampung juga satu artikel baru di... โ†’more

Haiii!Setelah dicicil berbulan-bulan, akhirnya rampung juga satu artikel baru di... โ†’more
27 Dec 2018 4:19 pm
7 months pregnancy.โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขAfter 13.5 kgs gain weight, do you believe that?โ€ขโ€ข#7monthspregnant #ClozetteID

7 months pregnancy.โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขAfter 13.5 kgs gain weight, do you believe that?โ€ขโ€ข#7monthspregnant... โ†’more

7 months pregnancy.โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขAfter 13.5 kgs gain weight, do you believe that?โ€ขโ€ข#7monthspregnant... โ†’more
18 Dec 2018 10:14 pm
Bersandar โค#PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot#ClozetteID

Bersandar โค#PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot#ClozetteID

13 Dec 2018 11:19 am
Me, gaining weight without complaining โค#PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID

Me, gaining weight without complaining โค#PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID

Me, gaining weight without complaining โค#PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID
12 Dec 2018 10:49 am
Two princesses in the  womb ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ธ ๐Ÿ‘—: @sewa_gaun #PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID

Two princesses in the womb ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ธ ๐Ÿ‘—: @sewa_gaun #PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID

Two princesses in the womb ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ธ ๐Ÿ‘—: @sewa_gaun #PuitikaPregnancy #Babybump #ClozetteID
11 Dec 2018 10:14 pm
I carried you two for 37 weeks in my womb, and forever in my heart โค#PuitikaPregnancy#Babybump#ClozetteID

I carried you two for 37 weeks in my womb, and forever in my heart... โ†’more

I carried you two for 37 weeks in my womb, and forever in my heart... โ†’more
02 Dec 2018 9:19 pm
Waktu ikutan talkshow parenting bulan lalu, dokternya yang jadi nara sumber acara itu, pernah bilang bahwa usia kandungan 4 bulan, tendangan janin belum terlalu terasa. Ibu gak usah panik. Tapi setelah 4 bulan keatas, start bulan ke-5, ibu akan mulai merasakan tendangan yang bisa dibilang lumayan aktif.Dari bulan ke-4 aku sebenarnya udah panik, kenapa gak terasa juga tendangan bayi. Padahal suami udah kasih tau berkali2 ๐Ÿ˜‹Tapi setelah datang ke acara talkshow, jadi tau deh. Padahal ini udah kehamilan kesekian, tetep aja panik ๐Ÿ˜‹ Yah itulah gunanya kita kudu sering datang ke acara talkshow and workshop yang related dengan keadaan kita, supaya kita jadi banyak ilmu bukan? ๐Ÿ˜Š.Dan sekarang udah sekitar 3 mingguan ini, tendangan janinnya mulai terasa banget. Sampai bener2 kerasa banget, aku jadi sering kurang tidur. Selalu bangun jam 3 pagi ๐Ÿ˜ด kemudian 2 jam lagi ngantuk lagi..Alhamdulillah ya, berarti bayiku sehat ๐Ÿค—.Sehat selalu yahh kamuh di dalamMommy loves you so much ๐Ÿ‘„.Udah ada yang nebak jenis kelaminnya, cewe apa cowo? ๐Ÿ˜ ..#ClozetteID#HappyPregnancy#23WeeksPregnancy

Waktu ikutan talkshow parenting bulan lalu, dokternya yang jadi nara sumber acara itu, pernah... โ†’more

Waktu ikutan talkshow parenting bulan lalu, dokternya yang jadi nara sumber acara itu, pernah... โ†’more
01 Dec 2018 3:14 pm
Hai Moms... sudah pada tau belum kalau @cordlifeindonesia hadir di IMBEX 2018!.Bagi calon orang tua yang sedang menanti kelahiran buah hati jangan sampai kelewatan kesempatan untuk menyimpan darah dan membran tali pusat buah hati karena โ€œSafe The Cord Blood, Give Life Twiceโ€..Bila Moms ingin konsultasi atau bertanya seputar penyimpanan darah tali pusat, Moms bisa langsung kunjungi Booth Cordlife di D-1 Hall B serta dapatkan diskon dan penawaran eksklusif menarik bila Moms join saat IMBEX 2018 berlangsung..Ditunggu kehadiran Moms ya di Booth Cordlife pada @imbex.rpe#cordlife #cordlifeindonesia #bankdarahtalipusat #cordbloodbank #selpunca #stemcell #untukkebaikan #pregnant #pregnancy #hamil #bumil #bayi #mom #kids #event #jakarta #expo #babyexpo #imbex #imbex2018 #Clozetteid #POTD #Style #lifestyle

Hai Moms... sudah pada tau belum kalau @cordlifeindonesia hadir di IMBEX 2018!.Bagi calon orang tua... โ†’more

Hai Moms... sudah pada tau belum kalau @cordlifeindonesia hadir di IMBEX 2018!.Bagi calon orang tua... โ†’more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Hijab Fashion Bloggers Slayed Their Pregnancy Style - Hijab Fashion Inspiration

Hijab Fashion Bloggers Slayed Their Pregnancy Style - Hijab Fashion Inspiration

21 Nov 2018 3:04 pm
The excited parents ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– #PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot #ClozetteID

The excited parents ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– #PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot #ClozetteID

The excited parents ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– #PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot #ClozetteID
21 Nov 2018 9:49 am
Very very soon i can hold those tiny fingers and toes that usually moves in my belly๐Ÿ‘ฃ ๐Ÿ‘ฃ Aamiin.. #PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot #Babybump #ClozetteID

Very very soon i can hold those tiny fingers and toes that usually moves in my belly๐Ÿ‘ฃ ๐Ÿ‘ฃ... โ†’more

Very very soon i can hold those tiny fingers and toes that usually moves in my belly๐Ÿ‘ฃ ๐Ÿ‘ฃ... โ†’more
20 Nov 2018 10:19 pm
#DearNakNak Identical or not, you will always be the twins, and we will always see you both as individuals ๐Ÿ’ž#PuitikaPregnancy #maternityshoot#ClozetteID

#DearNakNak Identical or not, you will always be the twins, and we will always see you both as... โ†’more

#DearNakNak Identical or not, you will always be the twins, and we will always see you both as... โ†’more