26 Oct 2017 6:08 pm
Cute, rite? It's @shylas.factoryTungguin di #JurnalSaya ...#BeautiesquadXShylas#ShylasFactory#organicskincare#localbeauty #beautiesquad #clozetteid #BeautyThings

Cute, rite? It's @shylas.factoryTungguin di #JurnalSaya... →more

Cute, rite? It's @shylas.factoryTungguin di #JurnalSaya... →more
17 Oct 2017 7:36 pm
The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora Skincare @ozoraskincare yang aseli Jogja.
Jangan bilang dulu skincare lokal gak nendang, suda sekian kali aku nyobain skincare dari Jogja dan belum ada yg fail 👌
Is it safe or not kak? Go check my blog (link in bio) aku capture no bpom nya dan kalo kalian msh ragu aku ksh link untuk cek bpom.
Just in case, salah satu dari antara kalian ada yg lagi cari2 skincare yg berkualitas, aman, dan affordable Go read my blog right awaaaay ⬆ (link on bio)
#fotd #beautyblogger  #surabayabeautyblogger  #FDbeauty #instablogger  #beautygram 
#tbwskincare #skincaredairy #skincareflatlay #skincareroutine #dailyskincare #skincaremenu #clozzeteid #beautyroutine #FDbeauty #fotd #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #clozetteid #instabeauty #skincarejunkie #indoblogger #organicskincare #localskincare #ozoraskincare

The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora... →more

The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora... →more
Like Us
17 Oct 2017 7:32 pm
The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora Skincare @ozoraskincare yang aseli Jogja.
Jangan bilang dulu skincare lokal gak nendang, suda sekian kali aku nyobain skincare dari Jogja dan belum ada yg fail 👌
Is it safe or not kak? Go check my blog (link in bio) aku capture no bpom nya dan kalo kalian msh ragu aku ksh link untuk cek bpom.
Just in case, salah satu dari antara kalian ada yg lagi cari2 skincare yg berkualitas, aman, dan affordable Go read my blog right awaaaay ⬆ (link on bio)
#fotd #beautyblogger  #surabayabeautyblogger  #FDbeauty #instablogger  #beautygram 
#tbwskincare #skincaredairy #skincareflatlay #skincareroutine #dailyskincare #skincaremenu #clozzeteid #beautyroutine #FDbeauty #fotd #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #clozetteid #instabeauty #skincarejunkie #indoblogger #organicskincare #localskincare #ozoraskincare

The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora... →more

The newest addition to my skincare routine and they're 100% LOCAAAAAL!! Introducing you Ozora... →more
13 Oct 2017 8:51 pm
Menurut Dr Frederic Lebreux, menciptakan kosmetik tanpa paraben itu hampir mustahil.
Tapi bukannya paraben bikin kanker ya?
Ilmuwan dari University New York mengungkapkan, sebanyak 90% produk makanan, baik tumbuhan, susu, daging, termasuk sirup pancake, memiliki kandungan paraben. Wuut *mind blowon mode on 😓😩😩😁😂*
Jadi sebetulnya paraben itu aman nggak sih dikonsumsi atau dipakai? Beneran bikin kanker dan menghambat reproduksi? Alternatifnya apa nih kalau masih termakan kampanye marketing "paraben free"? Apakah LUSH, Avene, dan JooMoo yang mengklaim produk mereka "preservative free" itu benar benar baik buat kita? Simak keterangan lengkapnya di link bio #clozetteid #beauty #skincare #beautilogy101 #lush #avene #joomoo #organicskincare #naturalskincare #parabenfree #preservativefree

Menurut Dr Frederic Lebreux, menciptakan kosmetik tanpa paraben itu hampir mustahil. . Tapi... →more

Menurut Dr Frederic Lebreux, menciptakan kosmetik tanpa paraben itu hampir mustahil. . Tapi... →more
06 Oct 2017 7:37 pm
First timer nyobain activated charcoal. Yang ini punya @palmos.id & this one's reaaaally multifunctional. Buat DIY mask bisaaa, mutihin keti & gigi juga bisyaaak. Paling suka nyampur pake bubuk gelatin buat DIY mask di area komedo. Manteeeeb! 👌 step by step masing2 cara bisa dibaca diblog aku ya lengkap (link in bio) ⬆
#fotd #beautyblogger  #surabayabeautyblogger  #FDbeauty #instablogger  #beautygram 
#tbwskincare #skincaredairy #skincareflatlay #skincareroutine #dailyskincare #skincaremenu #clozzeteid #beautyroutine #FDbeauty #fotd #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #clozetteid #packagekorea #instabeauty #skincarejunkie #indoblogger #maskerkefir #organicskincare #localskincare #activatedcharcoal

First timer nyobain activated charcoal. Yang ini punya @palmos.id & this one's reaaaally... →more

First timer nyobain activated charcoal. Yang ini punya @palmos.id & this one's reaaaally... →more
24 Sep 2017 4:28 pm
Minggu2 gini paling enak santai sambil maskeran ya. Bagi kalian yang teksturnya kulitnya geronjalan kayak jalan belum aspalan, nih ya rajin-rajin pake facemask nya @vhy.bodyscrub. Udah hampir 2 mingguan aku pake dan tekstur kulitku asli jauuuuh lebih halus dan varian Turmeric Coffee nya bikin kulit semakin lembab dan bisa buat badan. Kalo beli Frank scrub kemahalan pake ini ajah! 
Bagi kalian yang berkulit kering, coba habis scrub-an pake yang turmeric coffee lalu lanjut skincare dengan yang mengandung Snail Mucin. Enaaaaaak banget!
Dan kalau biasanya, habis dibilas air masih tersisa residu di wajah, mereka ini enggak sama sekali. Jadi sekali bilas aja udah bersih 👌
Isinya juga banyak 120 gr
Tenanggg eug gak dibayar buat ngapik2no kok wq
Review lengkapnya bisa langsung ke 
http://bit.ly/2xn4yGQ ya
#fotd #beautyblogger  #surabayabeautyblogger  #FDbeauty #instablogger  #beautygram 
#tbwskincare #skincaredairy #skincareflatlay #skincareroutine #dailyskincare #skincaremenu #clozzeteid #beautyroutine #FDbeauty #fotd #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #clozetteid #packagekorea #instabeauty #skincarejunkie #indoblogger #maskerkefir #organicskincare #localskincare #coffeescrub #greenteafacemask

Minggu2 gini paling enak santai sambil maskeran ya. Bagi kalian yang teksturnya kulitnya geronjalan... →more

Minggu2 gini paling enak santai sambil maskeran ya. Bagi kalian yang teksturnya kulitnya geronjalan... →more
15 Sep 2017 6:26 pm
Soreee semuanya. 
Buat yang ngikutin timeline aku, mungkin tau aku pernah jerawatan parah. Yes, I am acne survivor kurang lebih 9 bulan lamanya. Kalau nanti ada yang mau, aku akan tulisan di blog step by step apa aja yang sudah pernah aku lalui hampir setahun ini.
Yang pernah ketemu aku pasti pernah taulah ya. Kalau gak tau, berarti skill make upku oke. Hahaa.
Oke. Skip intronya. Jadi, beberapa hari lalu aku ikutan acara workshop membuat skincare organic bersama @skindewi. Sekarang aku jadi banyak tau kurang lebih nya soal skincare. Dan jadi tahu juga betapa pentingnya perawatan kulit wajah, karena wajah layaknya sebuah canvas jika ingin membuat sebuah lukisan.
As you can see on picture, produk yang aku pegang ini adalah serum dan lulur (Coffee Scrub). Untuk lulurnya aku buat sendiri lho ini 👌
Dan sudah hampir seminggu aku mencoba produk dari Skin Dewi ini (serumnya). Aku pakai untuk krim malam. Karena aku sedang absen dulu untuk krim #AntiAging. Its a big NO NO buat aku saat ini.
Buat yang ingin tau proses workshopnya, kenapa aku memutuskan untuk ikut workshopnya dan hal terpenting lainnya dalam memutuskan memakai sebuah produk, serta tips2 lainnya, sudah aku tulis dalam blogku disini ya :
And I wanna say thanks for mba @dewikauw yang sudah bersedia untuk sharing semua ilmu, meluangkan waktu dan juga workshopnya 😊
For me, as a woman is : because the most important is not the result of the make up, but the treatment 😊👌
#Workshop #BeautyBlogger #ClozetteID #SkinDewi #OrganicSkincare

WORKSHOP MEMBUAT SKINCARE ORGANIC BERSAMA @SKINDEWI . Soreee semuanya. Buat yang ngikutin timeline... →more

WORKSHOP MEMBUAT SKINCARE ORGANIC BERSAMA @SKINDEWI . Soreee semuanya. Buat yang ngikutin timeline... →more
01 Sep 2017 11:18 am
Selamat hari qurban!
Yg lain potong2 daging kambing, saya konsumsi susu nya si mbek!
Buat skincare tapi ya ehe.
Untuk yg penasaran sama kefir (sampe ku repurchase bbrp kali) dan sabun goat milk yg organic (detergent-free) klik link in bio 🔝
All products are from @beautynature_skincare ❤ semuanya 100% lokal!!
#fotd #beautyblogger  #surabayabeautyblogger  #FDbeauty #instablogger  #beautygram 
#tbwskincare #skincaredairy #skincareflatlay #skincareroutine #dailyskincare #skincaremenu #clozzeteid #beautyroutine #FDbeauty #fotd #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #clozetteid #packagekorea #instabeauty #skincarejunkie #indoblogger #maskerkefir #organicskincare #localskincare

Selamat hari qurban! Yg lain potong2 daging kambing, saya konsumsi susu nya si mbek! Buat skincare... →more

Selamat hari qurban! Yg lain potong2 daging kambing, saya konsumsi susu nya si mbek! Buat skincare... →more
23 Aug 2017 6:45 pm
Calling all handmade & natural beauty product lovers, aku baru aja bahas online shop recommended buat beli beauty product organic. Plus aku kasih short review produk-produk organik dari @toskanatura di blog. 
Ada body scrub dari @wangsajelita , semi matte lipstick dari @officialgreenmommyshop lotion bar dari @yagicocoabutter, dan face soap bar varian oats strawberry dari @bodytalk.id . Kira-kira produk mana nih yang mesti aku tulis full reviewnya? Give me advice please! 😆😆😆 .

Calling all handmade & natural beauty product lovers, aku baru aja bahas online shop recommended... →more

Calling all handmade & natural beauty product lovers, aku baru aja bahas online shop recommended... →more
15 Aug 2017 3:50 pm
I never hate Monday, especially yesterday! 
Gimana mau benci kalau siang-siang habis weekly meeting dapet paket dari @toskanatura yang isinya bodycare, skincare, dan makeup gini 😻.
Buat temen-temen yang belum tahu, @toskanatura merupakan toko online yang menjual beauty care handmade dan organic lengkap!
Seneng banget pakai produk organik gini. Aroma wanginya aja beda dan manfaatnya pasti lebih karena less chemical ingredients. Produk-produk ini belum aku coba, tapi bakalan aku ceritain detilnya kalau udah nyoba minimal 1 sd 2 minggu pemakaian yah! ❤


I never hate Monday, especially yesterday! Gimana mau benci kalau siang-siang habis weekly meeting... →more

I never hate Monday, especially yesterday! Gimana mau benci kalau siang-siang habis weekly meeting... →more
27 Jul 2017 10:34 am
Udah ada rencana belum weekend besok mau ngapain? Luluran aja gimana? Aku suka banget nih sama lulur & masker rempah hitamnya Roro Mendut. Ga tau deh, produk yang organik selalu hasilnya lebih nampol di kulitku. Kulitku pro hasil tani 😂😂
Review lengkap produk ini ada di www.beautydoodle.com ya :) #roromendut #maskerroromendut #lulurroromendut #sponsoredbeautydoodle #skincare #traditionalskincare #beautyblogger #beautydoodleblog #heritagebeauty #organicskincare #clozetteid #femaleblogger #sbybeautyblogger #indonesianfemalevloggers #indonesianbeautyblogger

Udah ada rencana belum weekend besok mau ngapain? Luluran aja gimana? Aku suka banget nih sama... →more

Udah ada rencana belum weekend besok mau ngapain? Luluran aja gimana? Aku suka banget nih sama... →more
07 Jun 2017 2:10 pm
Just finished my last drop of Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+. But don't worry, I have another bottle for back up 😂😂😂. .
If you're wondering what the differences between Trilogy pure rosehip oil and this rosehip oil antioxidant+, feel free to visit my blog post. Link on bio dear 😄😄😄 .
#mykittybeauty #clozetteid #trilogyrosehipoil #faceoil #skincareroutine #organicskincare #naturalskincare #BloggerJogja #BeautyBloggerJogja #JogjaBloggirls

Just finished my last drop of Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+. But don't worry, I have another... →more

Just finished my last drop of Trilogy Rosehip Oil Antioxidant+. But don't worry, I have another... →more
23 Feb 2017 1:29 pm
I've been trying this for five days. So far so good!!! Lets see in a couple  of weeks 😆😆😆 .

I've been trying this for five days. So far so good!!! Lets see in a couple of weeks 😆😆😆... →more

I've been trying this for five days. So far so good!!! Lets see in a couple of weeks 😆😆😆... →more
11 Dec 2016 11:16 am
Current morning skincare routine☀💆
I usually start my morning routine by cleansing my face then applying toner followed by face mist, which is optional. After that, I apply the Innisfree Bija Trouble Lotion as a moisturizer. I don't like to layer heavy skincare products on my skin in the morning so the Innisfree Bija Trouble Lotion is a great option for my dry, acne-prone skin since it has light consistency but still moisturizes my skin (on my second tube). Using eye cream is an equally important step because enough hydration around the eye area does help your concealer go on more smoothly and last longer. Applying sunscreen is an essential last step of my skincare routine before putting on makeup👌 #donttakeyourskinforgranted
❤Antipodes Hallelujah Lime & Patchouli Cleanser
❤COSRX One Step Pimple Clear Pad ❤Avene Thermal Spring Water ❤Innisfree Bija Trouble Lotion
❤Innisfree Green Tea Seed Eye Cream
❤Clinique Super City Block SPF40
#cosrx #innisfree #clinique #avene #antipodes #skincare #beauty #kbeauty #koreanbeauty #koreanskincare #organicskincare #greenbeauty #naturalskincare #clozetteid #beautyblogger #beautycommunity #loveyourskin #healthyskin #beautycare #beautyaddict #beautyenthusiast #beautyjunkie #beautylover #haul #beautyhaul #skincarereview #beautyreview #flatlay #instabeauty

Current morning skincare routine☀💆 . I usually start my morning routine by cleansing my face... →more

Current morning skincare routine☀💆 . I usually start my morning routine by cleansing my face... →more
16 Nov 2016 1:04 pm
Ada yg tau #ArganOil ? Minyak dari Mexico ini sering disebut luquid gold karena manfaatnya yg zupeerrrr. Bisa untuk rambut, kuku, dan wajah. Teksturnya juga nggak se-"berat" evoo atau vco, jadi lebih oily skin friendly.
Saya pakai 100% pure organic argan oil @arganabeautyindo seminggu ini sebagai #faceoil, saya tambahkan di regime night #skincare rutin saya. Enaaa ~. Terus saya pakai buat campuran foundation juga terkadang, biar hasilnya glowing.
Yang udah pernah pakai Argan Oil dalam waktu lama, share dong! Saya pengen tau efeknya setelah lama pemakaian. Biar makin manteb mau nerusin pakainya. Hihihi.. #MbakRacunButuhRacun
#clozetteid #localbrand #organicskincare #skincareaddict #naturalskincare

Ada yg tau #ArganOil ? Minyak dari Mexico ini sering disebut luquid gold karena manfaatnya yg... →more

Ada yg tau #ArganOil ? Minyak dari Mexico ini sering disebut luquid gold karena manfaatnya yg... →more
17 Oct 2016 1:13 pm
I've been subscribing to @beautyheroes since December last year. Except for they makeup boxes, I've been quite happy with my new heroes discovery. Especially the last 3 months! Even the Uma hair oil is incredible. I've only used it twice and I can see significant result. Although it's not something I would normally purchase on my own.

#beautyheroes #herogram #beautybox #subscriptionbox #greenbeauty #naturalskincare #organicskincare #bottegaorganica #laurelskin #umaoils #bblogger #bbloggers #beautyblogger #beautybloggers #beautycommunity #skincareblogger #fdbeauty #clozetteid

I've been subscribing to @beautyheroes since December last year. Except for they makeup boxes, I've... →more

I've been subscribing to @beautyheroes since December last year. Except for they makeup boxes, I've... →more
01 Sep 2016 9:58 pm
Night time skincare routine🌛💆
I normally do double cleansing especially on days when I put on makeup. Going in with @rmsbeauty "Raw Coconut Cream" followed by @trilogyproducts "Balancing Gel Cleanser" Perfect combination!👌 And the rest are listed below in order 😘
💙COSRX One Step Pimple Clear Pad 💙Bioderma 'Hydrabio' Brume
💙COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence
💙Innisfree Bija Trouble Lotion
💙Innisfree Bija Trouble Spot Essence
💙Laneige Water Sleeping Mask
#skincare #beauty #clozetteid #koreanskincare #cosrx #innisfree #trilogy #laneige #rmsbeauty #bioderma #organic #natural #greenbeauty #organicskincare #healthyskin #loveyourskin #sleepingmask #snailessence #instabeauty #igbeauty #beautyaddict #beautyjunkie #beautylover #beautyenthusiast #beautyblogger #beautycommunity

Night time skincare routine🌛💆 I normally do double cleansing especially on days when I put on... →more

Night time skincare routine🌛💆 I normally do double cleansing especially on days when I put on... →more
11 Jul 2016 5:13 pm
So far the Hello's Night Serum from @natureleavess is the only serum that I've tried that is less oily. Other face oils I've tried are quite oily and very sticky.
>> Read full review on www.twothousandthings.com
#faceoil #endorse #TTTendorsement #faceserum #organicskincare #madeinindonesia #naturalskincare #skincare #skincaregram #skincareaddict #skincarediary #bbloggerid #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid

So far the Hello's Night Serum from @natureleavess is the only serum that I've tried that is less... →more

So far the Hello's Night Serum from @natureleavess is the only serum that I've tried that is less... →more
14 May 2016 7:06 am
These congested, clogged pores lately not sure what caused them. Been trying different measures, e.g. charcoal from @sukinskincare
#skincare #skincareaddict #skincarejunkie #organic #organicskincare #earthfriendly #charcoal #skin #face #beautyaddict #beautyjunkie #beauty #skincareroutine #cleanse #exfoliate #tone #fdbeauty #clozette #clozetteid #clozetteco #igbeauty

These congested, clogged pores lately not sure what caused them. Been trying different measures,... →more

These congested, clogged pores lately not sure what caused them. Been trying different measures,... →more
13 May 2016 4:19 pm
Applying the last layer of my morning skincare routine which I've started applying since this morning in between finishing reports. With this, I can now sit back and relax and say goodbye to writing reports.

Until next time!

#skincare #skincareblogger #bblogger #bbloggers #beautyblogger #beautybloggers #beautycommunity #fdbeauty #clozetteid #TataHarper #greenbeauty #naturalskincare #organicskincare

Applying the last layer of my morning skincare routine which I've started applying since this... →more

Applying the last layer of my morning skincare routine which I've started applying since this... →more
15 Apr 2016 10:10 am
Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100% natural and organic 🍃
Thank you #TruSelfOrganics for giving me a try your #detoxifyingmask .
#ladies_journal #organicskincare #beauty #mask #skincare #clozette #clozetteid #clozetteambassador

Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100%... →more

Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100%... →more
15 Apr 2016 10:10 am
Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100% natural and organic 🍃
Thank you #TruSelfOrganics for giving me a try your #detoxifyingmask .
#ladies_journal #organicskincare #beauty #mask #skincare #clozette #clozetteid #clozetteambassador

Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100%... →more

Had a chance to try this "Detoxifying Mask" from @truselforganics for the first time. It's 100%... →more
07 Apr 2016 8:56 pm
Current beauty favorites 💖

#trilogy #antipodes #rmsbeauty #thebalm #bobbibrown #maccosmetics #jomalone #iope #beauty #makeup #skincare #clozetteid #makeupaddict #makeupcollection #makeupjunkie #makeuplover #makeupporn #flatlay #beautycommunity #organic #natural #greenbeauty #organicskincare #beautylover #beautyjunkie #perfume

Current beauty favorites 💖 #trilogy #antipodes #rmsbeauty #thebalm #bobbibrown #maccosmetics... →more

26 Dec 2015 2:34 pm
My experience 1 month using  @natureleavess organic oil serum. Read my full review on my blog, link in bio! #beautyblogger #beautybloggerid #blogger #serum #oilserum #organicskincare #skincare #acne #clozetteid #clozette #ihblogger #naturalskincare

My experience 1 month using @natureleavess organic oil serum. Read my full review on my blog, link... →more

My experience 1 month using @natureleavess organic oil serum. Read my full review on my blog, link... →more
04 Nov 2015 10:41 am
When I first tried @antipodesskincare few months ago I didn't expect much. Natural skincare have the reputation of delivering very little progress in short period of time. It takes months. But this one the formulation is right, mostly have great scent and in a month I can see result. Most importantly for a natural & certified organic skincare their products isn't that expensive compared to others in the market.

If you wanna try something natural, I strongly suggest to give this brand a try. 
#antipodes #antipodesskincare #organicskincare #naturalskincare #skincare #fdbeauty #clozetteid

When I first tried @antipodesskincare few months ago I didn't expect much. Natural skincare have... →more

When I first tried @antipodesskincare few months ago I didn't expect much. Natural skincare have... →more