1 Like The highest viewing terrace in town! Standing at 428 metres above sea level, Sky Terrace 428 offers... Read more → by melissamai onto Instagram
1 Like The highest viewing terrace in town! Standing at 428 metres above sea level, Sky Terrace 428 offers... Read more → by melissamai onto Instagram
1 Like Many people told me that Belitung isn’t so touristy and I would get bored after 3 days. But after... Read more → by melissamai onto Instagram
Temukan 5 perbedaan🙈Before-after Photoshop Fix@airasia_bhsindonesia #BahagiaBersamaAirAisa by melissamai onto Instagram
Ling-ling nari dulu💃🏻🤣 . Ceritanya beli kipas ini karena kasian sama yang jual tapi... Read more → by melissamai onto Instagram
Berturis ria di lantai 65! Disini tuh boleh duduk, tiduran, dan goler-goleran wkwkwkk tapi ya tau... Read more → by melissamai onto Instagram
IT WASN'T A PAINTING! 😍😍😍 Swipe left to watch the room tour and cotton candy sky🌌 by melissamai onto Instagram