julianiwu's Likes

Saturday means... Relax? No, getting ready for todays luncheon with the bloggers for @tinkerlustid

the saturday post • "Trying to please everybody is impossible; you'd end up in the middle with... Read more →

My Easy Go - To Buns - Two Hairstyles TutorialVideo cr to princessmei
by dintjess
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NOONI Snowflake Whipping Cleanser and MARSHMALLOW Whip Maker ReviewVideo credit: mybeautymimi
by dintjess
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INSTAGRAM PHOTO HAIR TUTORIALVideo credit: Beautifymeeh 뷰티파이미
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Top 10 Korean Sheet Masks: The One-Night Stands of Skincare!Video credit: Joan Kim
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Ice Cream NailsVideo credit Calary Girl
by dintjess
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TUTORIAL | PERFECT DIY ManicureVideo credit: fromheadtotoe
by dintjess
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