20 Likes· 4 Comments Mom and me always have same taste in fashion #ClozetteID #MOMnME by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
12 Likes· 4 Comments Another 12-12 today! And i'm officially 21! Thankyou Lord for this amazing life, i just can't ask... Read more → by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
9 Likes Yeyy thankyou clozetteid! Voucher Map nya bikin perut kenyanggggg hihihi by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
12 Likes· 2 Comments Today i went to Kota Tua in Central Jakarta with this vintage outfit. by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
13 Likes Bang bang! See more photos and details on my blog! http://jssicanovia.blogspot.com/2014/11/sing.html by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
4 Likes Dear Lord, than's for Your Blessing! Thank to Clozette ID and Indosat for chosen me as the winner... Read more → by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
8 Likes dering telfonmu membuatku tersenyum di pagi hari, tawa candamu menghibur saatku sendiri... by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
13 Likes· 1 Comment how to wear one top in different styles, from girly, vintage, to sporty! by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
12 Likes· 2 Comments when the wind is blowingg #CLOZETTEID #MYBATIKSTYLE by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
15 Likes· 3 Comments wearing this lovely batik dress in Indonesia' most famous temple, Borobudur #CLOZETTEID... Read more → by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
8 Likes had outdoor dinner wit pals yesterday from 10th floor sky-park! by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit
10 Likes spending my semester break with friends is such a great deal <3 by jssicanovia onto Todays Outfit