by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am 25 VSCO Makeup Looks So Good, You'll Be Racing to Find Some Natural Light 25 VSCO Makeup Looks So Good, You'll Be Racing to Find Some Natural Light ...
annisapertiwi 28 Jan 2020 4:15 pm Mysh 💕#vsco #clozetteid #babiesofinstagram annisapertiwi Mysh 💕#vsco #clozetteid #babiesofinstagram
annisapertiwi 25 Dec 2019 2:36 pm Baby it's cold outside ❄#vsco #clozetteid annisapertiwi Baby it's cold outside ❄#vsco #clozetteid
annisapertiwi 14 Dec 2019 8:21 am You are enough.A thousand times enough.#selflove #vsco #clozetteid annisapertiwi You are enough.A thousand times enough.#selflove #vsco #clozetteid
annisapertiwi 25 Aug 2019 4:47 pm Cannot wait to meet my baby girl ❤#31weekspregnant#vsco #clozetteid annisapertiwi Cannot wait to meet my baby girl ❤#31weekspregnant#vsco #clozetteid
seridewix 25 Jun 2019 2:12 pm Lagi jalan-jalan, terus kepikiran dateline yang menumpuk 🙈 work work work~ Semangat Selasa guys!... →more seridewix Lagi jalan-jalan, terus kepikiran dateline yang menumpuk 🙈 work work work~ Semangat Selasa guys!... →more
mantrianarani 10 Jun 2019 12:02 pm Semangat ber-hari senin, jangan lupa (kamu berhak) bahagia. . . #clozetteid #vsco #ootd #monday... →more mantrianarani Semangat ber-hari senin, jangan lupa (kamu berhak) bahagia. . . #clozetteid #vsco #ootd #monday... →more
piiziiwiizii 06 Jun 2019 1:42 pm . I lost myself in the land of hope. . . . 📌 @photo_coffee_cafe Taken with LG Q6. . . #vsco... →more piiziiwiizii . I lost myself in the land of hope. . . . 📌 @photo_coffee_cafe Taken with LG Q6. . . #vsco... →more
RiannaRie 25 Apr 2019 7:33 pm • ngantuk • #clozetteid #vsco #potd RiannaRie • ngantuk • #clozetteid #vsco #potd
Chichi 12 Apr 2019 3:08 pm Coffee always taste better on Friday. 😁.....#coffee #coffeeshop #friday #addiction #blackcoffee... →more Chichi Coffee always taste better on Friday. 😁.....#coffee #coffeeshop #friday #addiction #blackcoffee... →more
AnanRahma 07 Apr 2019 10:03 am Dulu, pertama kali ke kantor pos untuk mencari surat cinta dari Google. Sekarang mah lebih sering... →more AnanRahma Dulu, pertama kali ke kantor pos untuk mencari surat cinta dari Google. Sekarang mah lebih sering... →more
AnanRahma 27 Mar 2019 12:43 pm Yang di sampingnya masih abstrak #clozetteid #travel #vsco AnanRahma Yang di sampingnya masih abstrak #clozetteid #travel #vsco
Witaervianda 24 Mar 2019 10:58 am Guess how many Wita in one picture!😯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #clozetteid #selfie #silly... →more Witaervianda Guess how many Wita in one picture!😯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #clozetteid #selfie #silly... →more
dsherlytha 23 Mar 2019 3:38 pm Trend jepit anak sekarang, yang teradaptasi dari gaya teh melly goeslaw tahun 90an. • •... →more dsherlytha Trend jepit anak sekarang, yang teradaptasi dari gaya teh melly goeslaw tahun 90an. • •... →more
Chichi 07 Mar 2019 12:28 pm Yang lagi hits di timeline. Kopi aja Janji Jiwa, masak kamu ngga? 👻.....#coffee #coffeeshop... →more Chichi Yang lagi hits di timeline. Kopi aja Janji Jiwa, masak kamu ngga? 👻.....#coffee #coffeeshop... →more
Chichi 06 Mar 2019 6:13 pm Baru ngeh kalo Jumat tuh hari kejepit. Cuti lagi apa ya? *menatap email-email yang mesti dijawab... →more Chichi Baru ngeh kalo Jumat tuh hari kejepit. Cuti lagi apa ya? *menatap email-email yang mesti dijawab... →more
Chichi 18 Feb 2019 3:23 pm Starting Monday with not so good feeling. I need a weekend start soon. Very soon. . . . . . #coffee... →more Chichi Starting Monday with not so good feeling. I need a weekend start soon. Very soon. . . . . . #coffee... →more
annisapertiwi 06 Feb 2019 6:43 am Bersama sahabat kentalqu#vsco #clozetteid annisapertiwi Bersama sahabat kentalqu#vsco #clozetteid
piiziiwiizii 01 Feb 2019 10:09 pm . Just let it be. . #clozetteid #beauty #vsco #makeup #motd piiziiwiizii . Just let it be. . #clozetteid #beauty #vsco #makeup #motd
dsherlytha 23 Jan 2019 10:54 am Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week! Pose and act like a normal 🤪... →more dsherlytha Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week! Pose and act like a normal 🤪... →more
snputri 16 Jan 2019 9:04 am Sedikit tips untuk kamu yang minumnya suka abis duluan, padahal makanannya aja belum nyampe. Jangan... →more snputri Sedikit tips untuk kamu yang minumnya suka abis duluan, padahal makanannya aja belum nyampe. Jangan... →more
Chichi 12 Jan 2019 2:24 pm Pernah ngga tiba-tiba terlintas pengen nulis sesuatu, trus pas ambil note sama pulpen, idenya... →more Chichi Pernah ngga tiba-tiba terlintas pengen nulis sesuatu, trus pas ambil note sama pulpen, idenya... →more
snputri 11 Jan 2019 4:24 pm Betah banget sih kamu jerawat, senyaman itu ya sama aku? 😂#clozetteid #vsco #vscocam #canon snputri Betah banget sih kamu jerawat, senyaman itu ya sama aku? 😂#clozetteid #vsco #vscocam #canon
snputri 07 Jan 2019 9:19 am Jangan pusing-pusing, mending liatin daun aja. Selamat berhari Senin 😚#clozetteid #vscocam #vsco... →more snputri Jangan pusing-pusing, mending liatin daun aja. Selamat berhari Senin 😚#clozetteid #vscocam #vsco... →more
dsherlytha 06 Jan 2019 7:59 pm BURN BABY BURN ☀️🍉 • • • #clozetteid #vsco #vscofilter #셀카 #소통 #일상 dsherlytha BURN BABY BURN ☀️🍉 • • • #clozetteid #vsco #vscofilter #셀카 #소통 #일상
dsherlytha 06 Jan 2019 7:39 pm BURN BABY BURN.. ☀️*tangannya ga keliatan sebelah, karena menopang beban tubuhku yang... →more dsherlytha BURN BABY BURN.. ☀️*tangannya ga keliatan sebelah, karena menopang beban tubuhku yang... →more
snputri 04 Jan 2019 9:29 pm Gimana udah ada rencana weekend ini kemana? 📷 by : dedek ledom @ghinaafaa ❤#vsco #vscocam... →more snputri Gimana udah ada rencana weekend ini kemana? 📷 by : dedek ledom @ghinaafaa ❤#vsco #vscocam... →more
dsherlytha 30 Dec 2018 2:44 pm For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of... →more dsherlytha For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of... →more
snputri 28 Dec 2018 9:34 am Ekspresi menunggu mamang cuanki lewat di tengah kota itu harus giniEh bukan mamangnya deng, tapi... →more snputri Ekspresi menunggu mamang cuanki lewat di tengah kota itu harus giniEh bukan mamangnya deng, tapi... →more
annisapertiwi 27 Dec 2018 7:24 pm @chicaychico_official One Shot Eye Palette is made of 6 matte & muted shades. So pretty! If you are... →more annisapertiwi @chicaychico_official One Shot Eye Palette is made of 6 matte & muted shades. So pretty! If you are... →more