Steviiewong 12 Aug 2019 12:32 pm Di Kala Senja 🌅 by @rollover.reaction x @putrimarino . A beautiful collaboration enhancing and... →more Steviiewong Di Kala Senja 🌅 by @rollover.reaction x @putrimarino . A beautiful collaboration enhancing and... →more
Btariskr 05 Aug 2019 1:22 pm di KalaSenja collaboration @rollover.reaction with @putrimarino 🧡🧡 Terinspirasi dari senja... →more Btariskr di KalaSenja collaboration @rollover.reaction with @putrimarino 🧡🧡 Terinspirasi dari senja... →more
ClozetteCREW 21 May 2019 7:12 pm @rollover.reaction berhasil menjadi salah satu local beauty brand favorite banyak perempuan di... →more ClozetteCREW @rollover.reaction berhasil menjadi salah satu local beauty brand favorite banyak perempuan di... →more
dsherlytha 01 May 2019 5:58 pm I don't like to use a cushion before, because it's very difficult for me to find the right shades... →more dsherlytha I don't like to use a cushion before, because it's very difficult for me to find the right shades... →more
ClozetteCREW 08 Jan 2019 5:09 pm Hi, Clozetters! Beberapa waktu yang lalu, brand lokal @rollover.reaction baru saja mengeluarkan... →more ClozetteCREW Hi, Clozetters! Beberapa waktu yang lalu, brand lokal @rollover.reaction baru saja mengeluarkan... →more
utiazka 02 Nov 2018 10:49 pm Yang mantengin IG Story gue pasti tahu kalau minggu lalu, tepatnya hari Jumat tgl 26 Oktober 2018,... →more utiazka Yang mantengin IG Story gue pasti tahu kalau minggu lalu, tepatnya hari Jumat tgl 26 Oktober 2018,... →more
nisca_ 02 Nov 2018 10:14 pm To complete le pinkish display kinda week, lemme present you the concept store queen :... →more nisca_ To complete le pinkish display kinda week, lemme present you the concept store queen :... →more
utiazka 29 Oct 2018 7:44 pm Final look for One Brand Makeup Tutorial using Rollover Reaction's products😍 udah pada nonton... →more utiazka Final look for One Brand Makeup Tutorial using Rollover Reaction's products😍 udah pada nonton... →more
ArianiRosidi 28 Oct 2018 12:19 pm Jumat kemarin aku dateng ke acara launching produk terbaru dari @rollover.reaction , Mata Hari.... →more ArianiRosidi Jumat kemarin aku dateng ke acara launching produk terbaru dari @rollover.reaction , Mata Hari.... →more
utiazka 28 Sep 2018 7:55 pm Kalikali miring🙃..Btw, happy friday!! And have a nice weekend💖💖..#clozetteid... →more utiazka Kalikali miring🙃..Btw, happy friday!! And have a nice weekend💖💖..#clozetteid... →more
dsherlytha 17 May 2018 10:00 am Lagi suka banget sama Rollover-Reaction CHUNKY! Lip Cheek Crayon yang Rothko, warnanya bagus banget... →more dsherlytha Lagi suka banget sama Rollover-Reaction CHUNKY! Lip Cheek Crayon yang Rothko, warnanya bagus banget... →more
honeyvha 02 May 2018 6:10 am I feel really late on trying this. But, whatever, I'm curious and want to give it a try.-I bought... →more honeyvha I feel really late on trying this. But, whatever, I'm curious and want to give it a try.-I bought... →more
larassitafaza 27 Apr 2018 6:25 pm New video is up on my youtube channel! Review @rollover.reaction Chunky! Lip & Crayon 😊 dari ke... →more larassitafaza New video is up on my youtube channel! Review @rollover.reaction Chunky! Lip & Crayon 😊 dari ke... →more
ClozetteCREW 20 Apr 2018 6:25 pm @rollover.reaction New Product: Chunky Lip & Cheek Crayons.Terdiri dari 5 warna yang cocok untuk... →more ClozetteCREW @rollover.reaction New Product: Chunky Lip & Cheek Crayons.Terdiri dari 5 warna yang cocok untuk... →more
OlaAyuPuspasari 26 Mar 2018 9:20 am Mini tutorial untuk dandan di hari senin, video lengkapnya besok ya di youtube aku. 2 hari ga... →more OlaAyuPuspasari Mini tutorial untuk dandan di hari senin, video lengkapnya besok ya di youtube aku. 2 hari ga... →more
NisaPutri 02 Feb 2018 12:25 pm Hallo beautieess and hello februari ❤️ Tau kan kalau @rollover.reaction keluarin produk baru,... →more NisaPutri Hallo beautieess and hello februari ❤️ Tau kan kalau @rollover.reaction keluarin produk baru,... →more
Bebelicious 17 Oct 2017 4:45 pm It's a newsoundtrack, I could dance to the beat.. ☆ @silverswanlash 303 DIORR lashes... →more Bebelicious It's a newsoundtrack, I could dance to the beat.. ☆ @silverswanlash 303 DIORR lashes... →more
kaniadachlan 04 Sep 2017 5:56 pm The best local metallic lip cream I've ever tried! Guess what ? Yes, it's @rollover.reaction. Full... →more kaniadachlan The best local metallic lip cream I've ever tried! Guess what ? Yes, it's @rollover.reaction. Full... →more
NisaPutri 23 Jun 2017 5:14 pm I love this shade from @rollover.reaction , how about you girls? 😋😋 . . #clozetteid... →more NisaPutri I love this shade from @rollover.reaction , how about you girls? 😋😋 . . #clozetteid... →more
fanny_blackrose 27 May 2017 3:18 pm "#limitededition " is the #keyword to the #impulsive buying 😜 #metallic #lipstick from... →more fanny_blackrose "#limitededition " is the #keyword to the #impulsive buying 😜 #metallic #lipstick from... →more
ChristinBun 19 May 2017 4:09 pm Still in front of monitor making draft about some events and #giveaway i will held in next week.... →more ChristinBun Still in front of monitor making draft about some events and #giveaway i will held in next week.... →more
msverra 16 May 2017 10:42 pm Toooooo beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍 Gak tega makenya 😢😢😢 . . . . . #Flushed... →more msverra Toooooo beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍 Gak tega makenya 😢😢😢 . . . . . #Flushed... →more
heyyyyyjudeeeee 11 May 2017 2:30 pm Maafkan muka saya part 2 . . . Kelar kelasnya k rach trus ketemu @inivindy OMG MANUSIA AJAIB... →more heyyyyyjudeeeee Maafkan muka saya part 2 . . . Kelar kelasnya k rach trus ketemu @inivindy OMG MANUSIA AJAIB... →more
dheasuryawan 07 May 2017 8:16 pm Perasaan bawa pulang @rollover.reaction sama kaya perasaan aku ke kamu naik turun saat di... →more dheasuryawan Perasaan bawa pulang @rollover.reaction sama kaya perasaan aku ke kamu naik turun saat di... →more
OlaAyuPuspasari 04 May 2017 4:43 pm Do you notice my green eyeliner from @mizzucosmetics ? 👀 . . Ohya aku pakai lipstick... →more OlaAyuPuspasari Do you notice my green eyeliner from @mizzucosmetics ? 👀 . . Ohya aku pakai lipstick... →more
utiazka 03 May 2017 9:24 am Ada yang belum baca review terbaru gue di #magellanictivity? Yuk cek ada @rollover.reaction Lip and... →more utiazka Ada yang belum baca review terbaru gue di #magellanictivity? Yuk cek ada @rollover.reaction Lip and... →more
utiazka 02 May 2017 3:45 pm Ini swatch @rollover.reaction shade Penny✨ syantiek bgt kan? Selain sebagai perona bibir, produk... →more utiazka Ini swatch @rollover.reaction shade Penny✨ syantiek bgt kan? Selain sebagai perona bibir, produk... →more
ernykurnia14 01 May 2017 9:42 pm This is arm swatch of Orla from #Flushed @rollover.reaction . Warnanya nude dengan hint ungu, tapi... →more ernykurnia14 This is arm swatch of Orla from #Flushed @rollover.reaction . Warnanya nude dengan hint ungu, tapi... →more
ernykurnia14 01 May 2017 11:46 am Something metallic on my face! I wore @rollover.reaction Penny on my lips & as eyeshadow. Click... →more ernykurnia14 Something metallic on my face! I wore @rollover.reaction Penny on my lips & as eyeshadow. Click... →more
utiazka 30 Apr 2017 8:33 pm Besok senin! Tapi libur! Yaiyy hahaha. Yuk mampir ke #magellanictivity ada review... →more utiazka Besok senin! Tapi libur! Yaiyy hahaha. Yuk mampir ke #magellanictivity ada review... →more