Oniecallista 09 Jun 2020 12:44 pm Sometimes there is no right or wrong. But, I choose to be happy.. 🙂 - #roses #quote Oniecallista Sometimes there is no right or wrong. But, I choose to be happy.. 🙂 - #roses #quote
ranialda 09 Apr 2020 3:55 pm DIY embroidered quote t-shirt | Sofia Clara - YouTube ranialda DIY embroidered quote t-shirt | Sofia Clara - YouTube
tutyqueen 28 Feb 2020 11:50 am Be your self. Embrace your quirks - Ed Sheeran - #quote #lifestyle #life #clozetteid tutyqueen Be your self. Embrace your quirks - Ed Sheeran - #quote #lifestyle #life #clozetteid
ELSASILALAHI 12 Feb 2020 8:30 pm engkau tidak perlu mengejar apa yang sedang Tuhan kirim kepadamu, percayalah semua akan tiba dengan... →more ELSASILALAHI engkau tidak perlu mengejar apa yang sedang Tuhan kirim kepadamu, percayalah semua akan tiba dengan... →more
Sitysetyaa 19 Jan 2020 2:40 pm "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs #quoteoftheday... →more Sitysetyaa "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs #quoteoftheday... →more
CiciliaSaisab 24 Nov 2019 9:06 pm Even if you make a mistake, you can fix it #lifehacks #quotes #katakatabijak #ootd #ootdindonesia... →more CiciliaSaisab Even if you make a mistake, you can fix it #lifehacks #quotes #katakatabijak #ootd #ootdindonesia... →more
Riandika 11 Sep 2019 5:51 pm Look around and be grateful💕...#clozetteid #quotestoliveby #quote #instapic #instafashion... →more Riandika Look around and be grateful💕...#clozetteid #quotestoliveby #quote #instapic #instafashion... →more
anisa_syaiful 11 Sep 2019 1:41 pm *quotes hari iniIf the hurt comesSo will the happiness ~ anisa_syaiful *quotes hari iniIf the hurt comesSo will the happiness ~
septyko 05 Sep 2019 4:45 pm Embrace Yourself 🌻 #Quote #Clozetteid #Clozette septyko Embrace Yourself 🌻 #Quote #Clozetteid #Clozette
Silviputri 03 Sep 2019 7:01 am Hai Mentari,Jangan menyerah untuk bersinar ya,Dunia ini butuh cahaya seperti kami butuh udara.Ruang... →more Silviputri Hai Mentari,Jangan menyerah untuk bersinar ya,Dunia ini butuh cahaya seperti kami butuh udara.Ruang... →more
ClozetteCREW 27 Jul 2019 3:00 pm Brand skincare Bioderma mengeluarkan varian khusus untuk kamu dengan kulit berminyak dan kombinasi... →more ClozetteCREW Brand skincare Bioderma mengeluarkan varian khusus untuk kamu dengan kulit berminyak dan kombinasi... →more
ClozetteCREW 25 Jul 2019 3:00 pm This is what we call "pregnancy glow"! Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari... →more ClozetteCREW This is what we call "pregnancy glow"! Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters lainnya hari... →more
Soyankim 23 Jul 2019 1:12 pm [Love quote] Who will be part of your world? 🧜🏼♀️ - Disney, The little mermaid-Photo... →more Soyankim [Love quote] Who will be part of your world? 🧜🏼♀️ - Disney, The little mermaid-Photo... →more
lindaleenk 08 Jul 2019 4:57 pm *insert quote tentang friendship di sini.. Adiktif banget bareng mereka, soalnya bisa lupa masalah... →more lindaleenk *insert quote tentang friendship di sini.. Adiktif banget bareng mereka, soalnya bisa lupa masalah... →more
clevergirl 22 Jun 2019 9:37 pm So cute!! Ini toko kue di Takashimaya, kemasannya sih cakep banget and look pricey, tapi logo nya... →more clevergirl So cute!! Ini toko kue di Takashimaya, kemasannya sih cakep banget and look pricey, tapi logo nya... →more
cindyalcander 21 Jun 2019 6:42 pm God's Way is the Best Way.Enjoy the process, Give Thanks for the result!#clozetteID #quote cindyalcander God's Way is the Best Way.Enjoy the process, Give Thanks for the result!#clozetteID #quote
tutyqueen 18 Jun 2019 3:47 pm There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't. -John Green-#quote #lifequotes... →more tutyqueen There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't. -John Green-#quote #lifequotes... →more
clevergirl 12 Jun 2019 8:37 pm Walk with me.#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more clevergirl Walk with me.#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more
CiciliaSaisab 01 Jun 2019 3:32 pm Be in love with your life. Every minute of it #family #quotes #ootd #grateful #clozetteid #manado CiciliaSaisab Be in love with your life. Every minute of it #family #quotes #ootd #grateful #clozetteid #manado
cicidesri 27 Apr 2019 1:03 pm Ternyata, bukan hanya senja yg dapat padam. Yaitu amarah, ketika pelukmu merengkuh semua peluh. Aku... →more cicidesri Ternyata, bukan hanya senja yg dapat padam. Yaitu amarah, ketika pelukmu merengkuh semua peluh. Aku... →more
clevergirl 13 Apr 2019 9:23 pm Happy delicious colors ... they are real alright, not myth and lies. "The great enemy of the truth... →more clevergirl Happy delicious colors ... they are real alright, not myth and lies. "The great enemy of the truth... →more
tutyqueen 04 Apr 2019 1:23 pm Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you.... →more tutyqueen Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you.... →more
Oniecallista 19 Mar 2019 8:58 am We dont have a great day, We make it a great day! Good morning! ❤ - #qotd #quote #quotes Oniecallista We dont have a great day, We make it a great day! Good morning! ❤ - #qotd #quote #quotes
Oniecallista 11 Mar 2019 5:18 pm Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. ❤❤... →more Oniecallista Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. ❤❤... →more
Khutbiati 09 Mar 2019 1:18 am Pernah dengar tidak quotes ini? : "Usia Boleh Tua Namun Jiwa Harus Tetap Muda". Quotes tersebut... →more Khutbiati Pernah dengar tidak quotes ini? : "Usia Boleh Tua Namun Jiwa Harus Tetap Muda". Quotes tersebut... →more
Steviiewong 12 Feb 2019 4:33 pm Looking for a Valentines day styling inspo? Here’s a look I came up with, all cute and feminine... →more Steviiewong Looking for a Valentines day styling inspo? Here’s a look I came up with, all cute and feminine... →more
angelinakawaii 01 Feb 2019 8:43 pm Perjalananku masih panjang dan masih banyak hal yang harus aku pelajari. Walau ini hanya selangkah... →more angelinakawaii Perjalananku masih panjang dan masih banyak hal yang harus aku pelajari. Walau ini hanya selangkah... →more
honeyvha 26 Jan 2019 1:09 pm Mau google search "quotes about friendship" tapi ngga usah deh. Nggak di-quote aja kita juga udah... →more honeyvha Mau google search "quotes about friendship" tapi ngga usah deh. Nggak di-quote aja kita juga udah... →more
clevergirl 13 Jan 2019 3:14 pm Enjoying Sunday. "Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. " Sarah Louise Delany ... →more clevergirl Enjoying Sunday. "Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. " Sarah Louise Delany ... →more