clevergirl 11 Sep 2019 6:56 pm It's a colorful world._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #shoes #motd #lotd #ootd... →more clevergirl It's a colorful world._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #shoes #motd #lotd #ootd... →more
clevergirl 09 Sep 2019 8:01 am Morning!! Akhirnya si dede sekolah juga, udah dianterin ke kelasnya hepi dia, lalu mamaknya pulang... →more clevergirl Morning!! Akhirnya si dede sekolah juga, udah dianterin ke kelasnya hepi dia, lalu mamaknya pulang... →more
clevergirl 22 Aug 2019 1:17 pm Kapan Jakarta bisa sehijau inih?Kapan kapaaannnnn .. But really, tingkat polusi yang udah... →more clevergirl Kapan Jakarta bisa sehijau inih?Kapan kapaaannnnn .. But really, tingkat polusi yang udah... →more
clevergirl 22 Jul 2019 9:07 pm Received so many blessings today, thank you everyone._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more clevergirl Received so many blessings today, thank you everyone._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more
clevergirl 22 Jun 2019 9:37 pm So cute!! Ini toko kue di Takashimaya, kemasannya sih cakep banget and look pricey, tapi logo nya... →more clevergirl So cute!! Ini toko kue di Takashimaya, kemasannya sih cakep banget and look pricey, tapi logo nya... →more
clevergirl 17 Jun 2019 5:02 pm Oh flowers. ________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more clevergirl Oh flowers. ________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more
clevergirl 12 Jun 2019 8:37 pm Walk with me.#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more clevergirl Walk with me.#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday... →more
clevergirl 10 Jun 2019 7:37 pm There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of... →more clevergirl There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of... →more
clevergirl 09 Jun 2019 2:22 pm “If you hit a wall, climb over it, crawl under it, or dance on top of it.”. __________#beauty... →more clevergirl “If you hit a wall, climb over it, crawl under it, or dance on top of it.”. __________#beauty... →more
clevergirl 04 Jun 2019 2:22 pm Clue: bawah kiri._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd... →more clevergirl Clue: bawah kiri._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd... →more
clevergirl 01 Jun 2019 8:17 pm Underneath the (city) lights.. Terpaksa beli sepatu Zara model sporty karena sudah tidak kuat sis... →more clevergirl Underneath the (city) lights.. Terpaksa beli sepatu Zara model sporty karena sudah tidak kuat sis... →more
clevergirl 28 May 2019 9:17 am Good morning!! Sudah olahraga belum hari ini?... aku lari sebentar ajah udah ngos-ngosan donk... →more clevergirl Good morning!! Sudah olahraga belum hari ini?... aku lari sebentar ajah udah ngos-ngosan donk... →more
clevergirl 27 May 2019 12:37 pm 3rd day of no carb.... it's not easy. And my body needs time to adjust, selama mikir... kok... →more clevergirl 3rd day of no carb.... it's not easy. And my body needs time to adjust, selama mikir... kok... →more
clevergirl 23 May 2019 10:37 pm Ready for a night out......(Posting sambil pake koyo dan siap-siap sikat gigi). _______#beauty... →more clevergirl Ready for a night out......(Posting sambil pake koyo dan siap-siap sikat gigi). _______#beauty... →more
clevergirl 20 May 2019 9:17 am "Waiting is the hardest part in loving someone; you need to wait in order to know that it is true" ... →more clevergirl "Waiting is the hardest part in loving someone; you need to wait in order to know that it is true" ... →more
clevergirl 19 May 2019 4:58 pm “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” #beauty... →more clevergirl “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” #beauty... →more
clevergirl 17 May 2019 3:43 am Kelihatan kurus, padahal engga, tapi kurusan... gitu.Dress a la kadarnya dari Bangkok 😁 demen... →more clevergirl Kelihatan kurus, padahal engga, tapi kurusan... gitu.Dress a la kadarnya dari Bangkok 😁 demen... →more
clevergirl 30 Apr 2019 7:58 am Pagiiiii... Episode kangen yang dingin dingin 🌨______Coat by @blessed_cloth______#carnellinstyle... →more clevergirl Pagiiiii... Episode kangen yang dingin dingin 🌨______Coat by @blessed_cloth______#carnellinstyle... →more
clevergirl 23 Apr 2019 1:43 pm Happy tuesday, dimana tekanan tidak seberat hari Senin tapi weekend masih lama... Siapa ajah yang... →more clevergirl Happy tuesday, dimana tekanan tidak seberat hari Senin tapi weekend masih lama... Siapa ajah yang... →more
clevergirl 18 Apr 2019 6:48 pm Happy super looooong weekend... berasa lamanya (≧∇≦)/ Wearing@elliatt Harmony Blazer... →more clevergirl Happy super looooong weekend... berasa lamanya (≧∇≦)/ Wearing@elliatt Harmony Blazer... →more
clevergirl 03 Apr 2019 9:08 am Pagiiii.... semalem pada banjir gakkk?Kok disini iya 🐳#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more clevergirl Pagiiii.... semalem pada banjir gakkk?Kok disini iya 🐳#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more
clevergirl 02 Apr 2019 9:28 am Good morning, rise and shine. Makan nasi uduk atau bubur nih?#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more clevergirl Good morning, rise and shine. Makan nasi uduk atau bubur nih?#beauty #carnellinstyle #love... →more
clevergirl 29 Mar 2019 6:43 pm Ekspresi muka bahagia, knowing that life is in His hands completely. It's another God's gift to us,... →more clevergirl Ekspresi muka bahagia, knowing that life is in His hands completely. It's another God's gift to us,... →more
Priscaangelina 25 Mar 2019 8:48 pm You’ve survived a lot. And you will survive whatever storm comes next. Trust yourself and the... →more Priscaangelina You’ve survived a lot. And you will survive whatever storm comes next. Trust yourself and the... →more
clevergirl 25 Mar 2019 1:48 pm It's Monday again, it's that time again, time when you feel like you really need a... →more clevergirl It's Monday again, it's that time again, time when you feel like you really need a... →more
clevergirl 22 Mar 2019 11:53 am What a bright day today. Mari kita pakai baju yang ada koneng-konengnya biar tambah... →more clevergirl What a bright day today. Mari kita pakai baju yang ada koneng-konengnya biar tambah... →more
clevergirl 15 Feb 2019 3:03 pm How my picture and mood totally the contradicted today. Suddenly have so many urgency to do tons... →more clevergirl How my picture and mood totally the contradicted today. Suddenly have so many urgency to do tons... →more
clevergirl 14 Feb 2019 1:23 pm America theme restaurant at @disneylandparis #carnellinstyle #live #love #fashion #fashionoftheday... →more clevergirl America theme restaurant at @disneylandparis #carnellinstyle #live #love #fashion #fashionoftheday... →more
misskarulina 12 Feb 2019 4:58 pm Selalu suka produknya @lipice_id . Terutama Lip Ice Matcha ini karena formulanya yg unik. Warnanya... →more misskarulina Selalu suka produknya @lipice_id . Terutama Lip Ice Matcha ini karena formulanya yg unik. Warnanya... →more
clevergirl 07 Feb 2019 4:33 pm Moving from city to city every two days, it's challenging, especially when bringing the kids, but... →more clevergirl Moving from city to city every two days, it's challenging, especially when bringing the kids, but... →more