TitazTazty 03 Jun 2019 2:32 pm Selamat puasa, gaess! Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin Jangan keseringan mikir yang enggak-enggak yaaa... →more TitazTazty Selamat puasa, gaess! Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin Jangan keseringan mikir yang enggak-enggak yaaa... →more
TitazTazty 03 Jun 2019 2:32 pm Hi life, Thank you :) . . 📷 @ardabuanna . #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger... →more TitazTazty Hi life, Thank you :) . . 📷 @ardabuanna . #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 02 Jun 2019 8:27 pm Looking for good caption is harder than wearing a good outfit...📷 @williamiskandar 📍... →more yunitaelisabeth91 Looking for good caption is harder than wearing a good outfit...📷 @williamiskandar 📍... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 29 May 2019 5:12 pm Today’s outfit. 🌸🌼🌻🌹🌷..📷 @yumiiikoo .....#clozette #clozetteid #outfit... →more yunitaelisabeth91 Today’s outfit. 🌸🌼🌻🌹🌷..📷 @yumiiikoo .....#clozette #clozetteid #outfit... →more
devolyp 08 Feb 2019 8:28 am Wearing a set from @luke__chan via @styletheoryid and pair it with my curren favorite rattan bag... →more devolyp Wearing a set from @luke__chan via @styletheoryid and pair it with my curren favorite rattan bag... →more
TitazTazty 05 Feb 2019 10:44 pm Happy Chinese New Year!.Semoga di Tahun Babi ini membawa banyak berkah dan cuan bagi kaum shio... →more TitazTazty Happy Chinese New Year!.Semoga di Tahun Babi ini membawa banyak berkah dan cuan bagi kaum shio... →more
devolyp 22 Jan 2019 12:19 pm —— ini bukan seragam pns ya 😅 last Sat' outfit when we (me and @kvniskandar) had lunch at... →more devolyp —— ini bukan seragam pns ya 😅 last Sat' outfit when we (me and @kvniskandar) had lunch at... →more
TitazTazty 20 Jan 2019 10:44 am Ku terperangkap jaring cinta yang rrrooaaawwwrrrr biasaaaaaah . . 📷 @tasyanandyasj .... →more TitazTazty Ku terperangkap jaring cinta yang rrrooaaawwwrrrr biasaaaaaah . . 📷 @tasyanandyasj .... →more
devolyp 17 Jan 2019 5:04 pm —— your feelings are valid. you are capable of amazing things. you are enough 💛 💌 current... →more devolyp —— your feelings are valid. you are capable of amazing things. you are enough 💛 💌 current... →more
TitazTazty 07 Jan 2019 10:29 pm Saatnya masuk sekolaaaah lagiii :) . . 📷 @arifmushariadi . #stylieandfoodie... →more TitazTazty Saatnya masuk sekolaaaah lagiii :) . . 📷 @arifmushariadi . #stylieandfoodie... →more
devolyp 02 Jan 2019 5:04 pm Happy new year, everyone! Thoughts about new year will be written on the blog ☺️ . #clozetteid... →more devolyp Happy new year, everyone! Thoughts about new year will be written on the blog ☺️ . #clozetteid... →more
devolyp 26 Dec 2018 4:59 pm —— whatever happened over this past year, be thankful for where it brought you. where you are... →more devolyp —— whatever happened over this past year, be thankful for where it brought you. where you are... →more
TitazTazty 18 Dec 2018 9:19 pm Christmas is almost coming! . . 📷 @tasyanandyasj #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust... →more TitazTazty Christmas is almost coming! . . 📷 @tasyanandyasj #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust... →more
TitazTazty 08 Dec 2018 12:59 pm Dengan kekuatan make-up dan kecanggihan yang dandanin, mari kita party! . (swipe) for make-up... →more TitazTazty Dengan kekuatan make-up dan kecanggihan yang dandanin, mari kita party! . (swipe) for make-up... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 13 Nov 2018 9:35 pm Today’s outfit. Shoes from @tylo.shoe 🖤🖤🖤 . . . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #outfit... →more yunitaelisabeth91 Today’s outfit. Shoes from @tylo.shoe 🖤🖤🖤 . . . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #outfit... →more
TitazTazty 11 Nov 2018 9:59 pm Terkadang itu sometimes......#stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger #bloggerceria... →more TitazTazty Terkadang itu sometimes......#stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger #bloggerceria... →more
TitazTazty 22 Oct 2018 5:49 pm Have a great monday, everyone!.Don't let the bad vibes bring you down 😎..Pink bag @cutsgoods📷... →more TitazTazty Have a great monday, everyone!.Don't let the bad vibes bring you down 😎..Pink bag @cutsgoods📷... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 04 Oct 2018 11:30 pm Count blessings, not problems . . . 📷 @williamiskandar . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #ootd... →more yunitaelisabeth91 Count blessings, not problems . . . 📷 @williamiskandar . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #ootd... →more
devolyp 02 Oct 2018 6:35 pm Pose andalanque 🐥 Detailed look on the outfit that I wore a few days ago 🔍 I'm so in love... →more devolyp Pose andalanque 🐥 Detailed look on the outfit that I wore a few days ago 🔍 I'm so in love... →more
TitazTazty 27 Sep 2018 8:05 am Walk away from bad vibes Spread the good vibes Do the best . Ur not on my league, anyway :) . .... →more TitazTazty Walk away from bad vibes Spread the good vibes Do the best . Ur not on my league, anyway :) . .... →more
TitazTazty 27 Sep 2018 8:00 am Kehadiranmu mengalihkan duniakuuuHasek ahsek joss!.Postingan baru di blog udah ada nih! Semoga bisa... →more TitazTazty Kehadiranmu mengalihkan duniakuuuHasek ahsek joss!.Postingan baru di blog udah ada nih! Semoga bisa... →more
TitazTazty 27 Sep 2018 8:00 am Sakit leher pose . . 📷 @vianstory . #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger... →more TitazTazty Sakit leher pose . . 📷 @vianstory . #stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger... →more
TitazTazty 27 Sep 2018 8:00 am New age New year New things . Happy birthday to me :) Everything's gonna be emejing!... →more TitazTazty New age New year New things . Happy birthday to me :) Everything's gonna be emejing!... →more
devolyp 10 Sep 2018 10:10 am Happy Harpitnas! 🤓🐣 Tetap lakukan yang terbhaique! 👌🏻✨ _____ #clozetteid... →more devolyp Happy Harpitnas! 🤓🐣 Tetap lakukan yang terbhaique! 👌🏻✨ _____ #clozetteid... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 09 Sep 2018 8:20 pm Swirl swirl ~ . . . 📷 @yumiiikoo . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #outfit #ootd #lookbook... →more yunitaelisabeth91 Swirl swirl ~ . . . 📷 @yumiiikoo . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #outfit #ootd #lookbook... →more
yunitaelisabeth91 07 Sep 2018 6:15 pm For a pessimist, i’m pretty optimistic. . . . 📷 @williamiskandar . . . . #clozette #clozetteid... →more yunitaelisabeth91 For a pessimist, i’m pretty optimistic. . . . 📷 @williamiskandar . . . . #clozette #clozetteid... →more
devolyp 02 Sep 2018 3:05 pm The outfit of the week goes to this 👆🏻✨ suppa comfy and lovely at the same time! 👌🏻... →more devolyp The outfit of the week goes to this 👆🏻✨ suppa comfy and lovely at the same time! 👌🏻... →more
devolyp 20 Aug 2018 10:15 am It's Monday; don't forget to be awesome!👌🏻 . #clozetteid #lookbookindonesia #looksootd... →more devolyp It's Monday; don't forget to be awesome!👌🏻 . #clozetteid #lookbookindonesia #looksootd... →more
devolyp 15 Aug 2018 10:20 am Waiting is tiring, but if it's for you, it worth my weariness then ⏳ _____ #ootdindo #looksootd... →more devolyp Waiting is tiring, but if it's for you, it worth my weariness then ⏳ _____ #ootdindo #looksootd... →more
devolyp 10 Aug 2018 9:35 am today's reminder 🌞 have courage and always be kind 🌷#clozetteid #looksootd #lookbookindonesia... →more devolyp today's reminder 🌞 have courage and always be kind 🌷#clozetteid #looksootd #lookbookindonesia... →more