Steviiewong 12 Aug 2019 12:32 pm Di Kala Senja 🌅 by @rollover.reaction x @putrimarino . A beautiful collaboration enhancing and... →more Steviiewong Di Kala Senja 🌅 by @rollover.reaction x @putrimarino . A beautiful collaboration enhancing and... →more
Raishatjokro 10 Jan 2019 6:09 pm What life would be without colors? BORING . Wearing @callathelabel . Style inspiration @its__ayla_... →more Raishatjokro What life would be without colors? BORING . Wearing @callathelabel . Style inspiration @its__ayla_... →more
Raishatjokro 15 Dec 2018 7:34 am With only one bag, you can change your outfit completely . Bag: @lumierestoreid Top:... →more Raishatjokro With only one bag, you can change your outfit completely . Bag: @lumierestoreid Top:... →more
hisafu 02 Sep 2018 1:10 pm SORE INI, aku akan upload video swatch lip produk dr brand local yang lg banyak digemari anak muda... →more hisafu SORE INI, aku akan upload video swatch lip produk dr brand local yang lg banyak digemari anak muda... →more
hisafu 31 Aug 2018 2:00 pm Another one makeup tutorial for local brand.. I like their dual eyeshadow and dual lipstick.. Can... →more hisafu Another one makeup tutorial for local brand.. I like their dual eyeshadow and dual lipstick.. Can... →more
yossisibarani 11 Jul 2018 2:45 pm Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga , tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal... →more yossisibarani Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga , tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal... →more
Steviiewong 04 Jun 2018 8:50 pm I once had a dream of going to places but who would ever know that tiny sparks of hope and faith... →more Steviiewong I once had a dream of going to places but who would ever know that tiny sparks of hope and faith... →more
tanteintan 19 May 2018 10:50 pm Have you ready my latest post on my blog?Gue baru aja ngereview lipstik matte dan lipgloss nya... →more tanteintan Have you ready my latest post on my blog?Gue baru aja ngereview lipstik matte dan lipgloss nya... →more
VitrieMaulani 12 Mar 2018 2:50 pm Ininih yang kemarin banyak ditanyain. The dynamic duo, Easy Mix Face Mask Kit from @evete_naturals... →more VitrieMaulani Ininih yang kemarin banyak ditanyain. The dynamic duo, Easy Mix Face Mask Kit from @evete_naturals... →more
andreahamdan 07 Mar 2018 6:20 pm Ada yang pernah cobain produk barunya @makeoverid ? Micellar Waternya. Aku dapat produk ini dari... →more andreahamdan Ada yang pernah cobain produk barunya @makeoverid ? Micellar Waternya. Aku dapat produk ini dari... →more
putzliciouz 27 Feb 2018 9:25 am Belakangan ini kulitku lagi Jerawatan parah..Mungkin karena lagi period biasa memang muncul jerawat... →more putzliciouz Belakangan ini kulitku lagi Jerawatan parah..Mungkin karena lagi period biasa memang muncul jerawat... →more
irabintiazhari 07 Feb 2018 1:10 pm Seriously, i love @justmiss_id eyebrow pencil. Cocok buat yang baru belajar makeup terutama membuat... →more irabintiazhari Seriously, i love @justmiss_id eyebrow pencil. Cocok buat yang baru belajar makeup terutama membuat... →more
Reginapitupulu 27 Dec 2017 8:33 pm Pingin warna eyeshadow lebih keluar biasanya aku pakai eyebased dari @inezcosmetics ini. Tapi,... →more Reginapitupulu Pingin warna eyeshadow lebih keluar biasanya aku pakai eyebased dari @inezcosmetics ini. Tapi,... →more
IreneWidya 17 Dec 2017 4:04 pm Jadi gw kan pake green screen pas foto. Trus edit jadi bekgron kaya di foto ini. Tapi foto nya jd... →more IreneWidya Jadi gw kan pake green screen pas foto. Trus edit jadi bekgron kaya di foto ini. Tapi foto nya jd... →more
sonyaannk 08 Dec 2017 6:09 pm Yooooossshhh, akhirnya masa uji coba 2 minggu terlewati jg 😇 Read my story about using these... →more sonyaannk Yooooossshhh, akhirnya masa uji coba 2 minggu terlewati jg 😇 Read my story about using these... →more
VitrieMaulani 04 Dec 2017 4:30 pm How can i not fallin for the packaging and the formula of this new local lipstick brand. Say hello... →more VitrieMaulani How can i not fallin for the packaging and the formula of this new local lipstick brand. Say hello... →more
VitrieMaulani 03 Dec 2017 9:17 am Wearing new local brand lippies in the shade 'Pride'. Review soon will be up on... →more VitrieMaulani Wearing new local brand lippies in the shade 'Pride'. Review soon will be up on... →more
Steviiewong 01 Dec 2017 11:56 am Snuggle weather 💛 featuring my current fav mules from (actually my first mules... →more Steviiewong Snuggle weather 💛 featuring my current fav mules from (actually my first mules... →more
phirlyv 24 Nov 2017 7:07 pm I bet I can't get enough of lipstick, well, lip cream. #poppydharsonocosmetics #confidentcolorcare... →more phirlyv I bet I can't get enough of lipstick, well, lip cream. #poppydharsonocosmetics #confidentcolorcare... →more
sonyaannk 21 Nov 2017 9:21 am Nyangka gak dengan packaging yg super profesional ini ternyata @ozoraskincare adalah produk... →more sonyaannk Nyangka gak dengan packaging yg super profesional ini ternyata @ozoraskincare adalah produk... →more
sonyaannk 19 Nov 2017 7:10 am Played around in @ozoraskincare 's Grand Opening yesterday. Can't wait to try and reveal their... →more sonyaannk Played around in @ozoraskincare 's Grand Opening yesterday. Can't wait to try and reveal their... →more
glowlicious 16 Nov 2017 4:52 pm 🌼 Can get enough of natural products @thebathbox . . . . . #localbrand #indonesianbrand... →more glowlicious 🌼 Can get enough of natural products @thebathbox . . . . . #localbrand #indonesianbrand... →more
aprie 02 Nov 2017 9:26 pm Bosen pakai eyeshadow warna itu-itu aja? Kalau enggak hitam, ya, coklat. Kenapa enggak cobain warna... →more aprie Bosen pakai eyeshadow warna itu-itu aja? Kalau enggak hitam, ya, coklat. Kenapa enggak cobain warna... →more
jesicasugiharto 25 Oct 2017 9:11 am New fave lipstick from @zap_beauty @zapcoid ! Really moisturizing and feel super light on lips... →more jesicasugiharto New fave lipstick from @zap_beauty @zapcoid ! Really moisturizing and feel super light on lips... →more
blissandglaze 14 Oct 2017 12:34 pm Little C Earrings on @sauvage_magazine 🔥🔥🔥 #localbrand #shoplittlec #sauvagemagazine... →more blissandglaze Little C Earrings on @sauvage_magazine 🔥🔥🔥 #localbrand #shoplittlec #sauvagemagazine... →more
Mgirl83 13 Oct 2017 9:10 pm Mau tau current skin care routine aku? Produk-produknya @rubienabeauty ini satu-satunya skin care... →more Mgirl83 Mau tau current skin care routine aku? Produk-produknya @rubienabeauty ini satu-satunya skin care... →more
Btariskr 12 Oct 2017 8:58 pm Jadi, hari ini aku dari booth nya Extica di Cosmo Beautee nah disini kalian bisa mendapatkan... →more Btariskr Jadi, hari ini aku dari booth nya Extica di Cosmo Beautee nah disini kalian bisa mendapatkan... →more
heyyyyyjudeeeee 04 Oct 2017 10:48 pm Silau ya potonya kek cahaya dari surga haha and yess berasa dapet paket dari surga karena... →more heyyyyyjudeeeee Silau ya potonya kek cahaya dari surga haha and yess berasa dapet paket dari surga karena... →more
melizagilbert 28 Sep 2017 11:51 pm Can you imagine red velvet cake blending with coffee ?? Hemm you should try this one from... →more melizagilbert Can you imagine red velvet cake blending with coffee ?? Hemm you should try this one from... →more
IreneWidya 16 Sep 2017 2:06 pm Congratulation for the winner #pixyasianbeautytrip @pixycosmetics Irene Gunawan. Enjoy the trip! .... →more IreneWidya Congratulation for the winner #pixyasianbeautytrip @pixycosmetics Irene Gunawan. Enjoy the trip! .... →more