jcliani 17 Oct 2019 1:01 pm ((SWIPE)) I'm going to eat face vs Yes I'm eating now... Which one is better? 😂 . . .... →more jcliani ((SWIPE)) I'm going to eat face vs Yes I'm eating now... Which one is better? 😂 . . .... →more
Indahmurniwati 09 Oct 2019 11:41 am Ga kumplit sih tapi tetep seruuuu.:) #behappy #behappymoms #mengorens #orangecostume #ootdfashion... →more Indahmurniwati Ga kumplit sih tapi tetep seruuuu.:) #behappy #behappymoms #mengorens #orangecostume #ootdfashion... →more
CiciliaSaisab 30 May 2018 12:10 pm Entah caption apa yang cocok 😁 #justforfun #behappy #goodvibes #lookbook #wonderfulindonesia... →more CiciliaSaisab Entah caption apa yang cocok 😁 #justforfun #behappy #goodvibes #lookbook #wonderfulindonesia... →more
flovivi 16 Oct 2017 1:08 pm Pertama kali nya nih bikin Faux Freckles ✨ hehehehe #justforfunDan yes... Ini dia Gradient Glossy... →more flovivi Pertama kali nya nih bikin Faux Freckles ✨ hehehehe #justforfunDan yes... Ini dia Gradient Glossy... →more
diarykania 25 Aug 2017 6:32 pm Me : Can't live without eyebrow & lipstick! You : Really ??? Emang ga makan sis? Me : Gak dong... →more diarykania Me : Can't live without eyebrow & lipstick! You : Really ??? Emang ga makan sis? Me : Gak dong... →more
CathrineZie 18 Apr 2017 12:56 pm The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.. so better cry... →more CathrineZie The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.. so better cry... →more
CathrineZie 18 Apr 2017 12:56 pm The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.. so better cry... →more CathrineZie The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.. so better cry... →more
CathrineZie 02 Apr 2017 11:56 pm Throw back Malawi ❤ Entong : Mak bagi duit mak... Emak : bentar ntong, emak lg baca gossip di... →more CathrineZie Throw back Malawi ❤ Entong : Mak bagi duit mak... Emak : bentar ntong, emak lg baca gossip di... →more
angelinakawaii 06 Mar 2017 9:59 pm “Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.” — Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart... →more angelinakawaii “Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.” — Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart... →more
angelinakawaii 19 Feb 2017 5:32 pm Gara2 rambut di cat warna warni terus, begitu rambutnya warna hitam kok jadi aneh ya hahaha ... →more angelinakawaii Gara2 rambut di cat warna warni terus, begitu rambutnya warna hitam kok jadi aneh ya hahaha ... →more
angelinakawaii 04 Oct 2016 7:30 pm Kalau mau ke pesta tapi ga sempet nata rambut, bisa pakai wig @pinokobeauty biar penampilan tetep... →more angelinakawaii Kalau mau ke pesta tapi ga sempet nata rambut, bisa pakai wig @pinokobeauty biar penampilan tetep... →more
angelinakawaii 18 Jun 2016 10:11 pm Hayoo siapa yang hobi selfie... Rata-rata pasti suka selfie, tidak hanya cewe, tapi juga cowo hehe ... →more angelinakawaii Hayoo siapa yang hobi selfie... Rata-rata pasti suka selfie, tidak hanya cewe, tapi juga cowo hehe ... →more
andiyaniachmad 31 May 2016 10:58 pm Iseng ✌😅 Night night all 😘#stylediary #bloggerlife #lifestyleblogger #clozetteid... →more andiyaniachmad Iseng ✌😅 Night night all 😘#stylediary #bloggerlife #lifestyleblogger #clozetteid... →more
angelinakawaii 29 Feb 2016 8:10 pm Pinoko Wig poni samping from @pinokobeauty2 Softlens from @anitastore #selfie #selca #girl... →more angelinakawaii Pinoko Wig poni samping from @pinokobeauty2 Softlens from @anitastore #selfie #selca #girl... →more
angelinakawaii 23 Dec 2015 10:59 pm #fotd #potd #ootd #justforfun #me #girl # vintage #clozetteid #starclozetter #bandung #holiday... →more angelinakawaii #fotd #potd #ootd #justforfun #me #girl # vintage #clozetteid #starclozetter #bandung #holiday... →more
angelinakawaii 14 Dec 2015 12:21 pm #selfie #selca #asian #beauty #beautyblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger #clozetteid #starclozetter... →more angelinakawaii #selfie #selca #asian #beauty #beautyblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger #clozetteid #starclozetter... →more
angelinakawaii 18 Nov 2015 7:15 pm #selfie #selca #selcas #Asian #girl #fotd #potd #me #clozetteid #starclozetter #justforfun... →more angelinakawaii #selfie #selca #selcas #Asian #girl #fotd #potd #me #clozetteid #starclozetter #justforfun... →more
angelinakawaii 07 Sep 2015 12:59 pm #selcas #selca #selfie #asian #chinese #chinesegirl #girl #beauty #beautyblogger... →more angelinakawaii #selcas #selca #selfie #asian #chinese #chinesegirl #girl #beauty #beautyblogger... →more
Veemakeupartist 16 Jul 2015 5:26 pm Hellowww... #justforfun #tbt #DIY #rainboweyelash #eotd #motd #vegas_nay #makeupartist #clozetteID Veemakeupartist Hellowww... #justforfun #tbt #DIY #rainboweyelash #eotd #motd #vegas_nay #makeupartist #clozetteID
angelinakawaii 03 Feb 2015 10:24 pm #throwback #asian #ootd #fotd #potd #latepost #selca #selfie #fullbody #blogger #beautyblogger... →more angelinakawaii #throwback #asian #ootd #fotd #potd #latepost #selca #selfie #fullbody #blogger #beautyblogger... →more