lyne94 16 May 2017 11:09 pm Another review on my blog!The super affordable banananana~ hand cream from @apieu_cosmetics !Full... →more lyne94 Another review on my blog!The super affordable banananana~ hand cream from @apieu_cosmetics !Full... →more
ClozetteCREW 20 Apr 2017 3:00 pm Saat ini produk handcream terus mengalami banyak inovasi, seperti hand cream dari L'occitane. Kamu... →more ClozetteCREW Saat ini produk handcream terus mengalami banyak inovasi, seperti hand cream dari L'occitane. Kamu... →more
nerissaarv 15 Apr 2017 8:29 pm Creme Mains . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #LOccitane #handcream #perfumeone #beauty #skincare... →more nerissaarv Creme Mains . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #LOccitane #handcream #perfumeone #beauty #skincare... →more
nerissaarv 31 Mar 2017 11:34 pm 2 thumbs for the smells 💕🍃🌾🌿 . . . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #LOccitane #perfume... →more nerissaarv 2 thumbs for the smells 💕🍃🌾🌿 . . . . . . #clozette #clozetteid #LOccitane #perfume... →more
Deedeeyoung 02 Mar 2017 9:59 pm Remember when @ancillayudhia gave me this as my 24th Birthday present. I was more than happy to get... →more Deedeeyoung Remember when @ancillayudhia gave me this as my 24th Birthday present. I was more than happy to get... →more
Deedeeyoung 31 Jan 2017 10:34 am The sweet scents of the cherry orchid and lily blossoms, simply boost my Tuesday. Ready to face the... →more Deedeeyoung The sweet scents of the cherry orchid and lily blossoms, simply boost my Tuesday. Ready to face the... →more
piccha 16 Jan 2017 9:23 pm Ternyata Redwin Sorbolene ini bukan hanya untuk tangan dan lengan tapi untuk all over body. Yang... →more piccha Ternyata Redwin Sorbolene ini bukan hanya untuk tangan dan lengan tapi untuk all over body. Yang... →more
piccha 16 Jan 2017 9:20 pm Kulit tanganku kering dan banyak garis". Karena sering terkena sabun cuci piring ataupun sabun cuci... →more piccha Kulit tanganku kering dan banyak garis". Karena sering terkena sabun cuci piring ataupun sabun cuci... →more
yennitanoyo 19 Nov 2016 12:13 am 40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid yennitanoyo 40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid
yennitanoyo 19 Nov 2016 12:11 am 40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid yennitanoyo 40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid
wind1403 27 Oct 2016 11:10 am Winter will arrive soon, do not forget to use hand cream to prevent your hands become dry and... →more wind1403 Winter will arrive soon, do not forget to use hand cream to prevent your hands become dry and... →more
Anitamayaa 06 Sep 2016 9:04 am . Kemanapun perginya, jangan lupa selalu ada hand cream di tas. Seringnya cuci tangan, banyak... →more Anitamayaa . Kemanapun perginya, jangan lupa selalu ada hand cream di tas. Seringnya cuci tangan, banyak... →more
devontoffanny 21 Jul 2016 6:43 pm I have tried this lovely hand cream from @thebodyshopindo @thebodyshop and i love it, cause it non... →more devontoffanny I have tried this lovely hand cream from @thebodyshopindo @thebodyshop and i love it, cause it non... →more
Shasha88 08 Jun 2016 8:34 am An apple a day, keeps the doctor away~ . . . . Except for snow white~ lol . #clozetteid... →more Shasha88 An apple a day, keeps the doctor away~ . . . . Except for snow white~ lol . #clozetteid... →more
Shasha88 10 May 2016 1:03 pm An apple a day keeps the doctor away~ #handcream #beautyblogger #bblogger #clozetteid Shasha88 An apple a day keeps the doctor away~ #handcream #beautyblogger #bblogger #clozetteid
ClozetteCREW 06 May 2016 3:00 pm Penggemar handcream dengan kemasan lucu? Kamu bisa menyebutnya si kecil yang bermanfaat. Selain... →more ClozetteCREW Penggemar handcream dengan kemasan lucu? Kamu bisa menyebutnya si kecil yang bermanfaat. Selain... →more
fanny_blackrose 14 Apr 2016 2:05 am #Mini #Skincare #DeadSea #DeadSeaMinerals from far... Far... Away... Thank you sis to bring this... →more fanny_blackrose #Mini #Skincare #DeadSea #DeadSeaMinerals from far... Far... Away... Thank you sis to bring this... →more
kiseki 31 Mar 2016 11:10 pm Is it too late for manicure?, abis bersihin kutek, potong kuku trus make handcreamnya... →more kiseki Is it too late for manicure?, abis bersihin kutek, potong kuku trus make handcreamnya... →more
ANNISAST 17 Mar 2016 4:12 pm aku baru tau kalau Mane n Tail ini bukan cuma sampo aja tapi ada hand and nail therapy. enak banget... →more ANNISAST aku baru tau kalau Mane n Tail ini bukan cuma sampo aja tapi ada hand and nail therapy. enak banget... →more
KorneliaLuciana 07 Jan 2016 9:12 pm Kulit tangan sekarang jadi lebih lembut dan lembab karena produk dari Dr.Jart+ ini. Yang bikin... →more KorneliaLuciana Kulit tangan sekarang jadi lebih lembut dan lembab karena produk dari Dr.Jart+ ini. Yang bikin... →more
Jade%2BAyu 31 Oct 2015 9:10 am Lets have a great saturday ! Thanks for the brown purple wallet @fossiloverz love it so much. So... →more Jade%2BAyu Lets have a great saturday ! Thanks for the brown purple wallet @fossiloverz love it so much. So... →more
clevergirl 28 Oct 2015 12:36 pm It's fall and everything is getting colder. A good hand Cream and lip balm becomes essential. But... →more clevergirl It's fall and everything is getting colder. A good hand Cream and lip balm becomes essential. But... →more
jeanmilka 21 Oct 2015 11:16 am So far my favorite hand cream. I really love the floral scents of it. Also the consistency doesn't... →more jeanmilka So far my favorite hand cream. I really love the floral scents of it. Also the consistency doesn't... →more
ClozetteCREW 15 Sep 2015 6:02 pm Sekali mendayung, dua pulau terlampaui. Dengan membeli produk @thebodyshopindo ini, kamu bukan... →more ClozetteCREW Sekali mendayung, dua pulau terlampaui. Dengan membeli produk @thebodyshopindo ini, kamu bukan... →more
clevergirl 09 Sep 2015 9:20 pm We all remember to wash hands, what about using hand Cream afterwards? And, let's join... →more clevergirl We all remember to wash hands, what about using hand Cream afterwards? And, let's join... →more
jeanmilka 07 Sep 2015 7:49 am Tahukah kamu kalau di tahun ini @thebodyshopindo mengadakan kembali program #SoftHandKindHeart... →more jeanmilka Tahukah kamu kalau di tahun ini @thebodyshopindo mengadakan kembali program #SoftHandKindHeart... →more
ClozetteCREW 03 Sep 2015 3:03 pm "Soft Hands Kind Heart". Product terbaru dari The Body Shop, dengan membeli product ini kamu... →more ClozetteCREW "Soft Hands Kind Heart". Product terbaru dari The Body Shop, dengan membeli product ini kamu... →more
clevergirl 03 Sep 2015 2:50 pm The event started to announce the product launch of Soft Hand Kind Heart @thebodyshopindo... →more clevergirl The event started to announce the product launch of Soft Hand Kind Heart @thebodyshopindo... →more
clevergirl 03 Sep 2015 2:43 pm The soft and refreshing green scent from the cream feela so good against my dry skin.#thebodyshop... →more clevergirl The soft and refreshing green scent from the cream feela so good against my dry skin.#thebodyshop... →more
clevergirl 19 Mar 2015 9:16 pm My say on @philosophyindonesia Hands of Hope 💜💜💜... →more clevergirl My say on @philosophyindonesia Hands of Hope 💜💜💜... →more