LaviraMavushi 04 Nov 2018 8:09 pm Not everybody is genuinely happy for you. Just close your eyes, and smile. Keep the good news to... →more LaviraMavushi Not everybody is genuinely happy for you. Just close your eyes, and smile. Keep the good news to... →more
LaviraMavushi 02 Nov 2018 7:04 pm Family....#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more LaviraMavushi Family....#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more
saskilya 10 Oct 2018 11:47 am Karna hobby yang menghasilkan adalah pekerjaan yang paling enak.. 💕.#clozetteid #design... →more saskilya Karna hobby yang menghasilkan adalah pekerjaan yang paling enak.. 💕.#clozetteid #design... →more
LaviraMavushi 01 Oct 2018 7:50 pm Arjuna & Aruna....#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more LaviraMavushi Arjuna & Aruna....#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more
LaviraMavushi 28 Sep 2018 8:00 pm Beautiful 6 days! I miss everything. That's all I can say....#family #clozetteid #mood #fashion... →more LaviraMavushi Beautiful 6 days! I miss everything. That's all I can say....#family #clozetteid #mood #fashion... →more
LaviraMavushi 11 Sep 2018 11:05 pm Glad to tell you all, that @mavushihouse is now working our new collection. Can't wait to share it.... →more LaviraMavushi Glad to tell you all, that @mavushihouse is now working our new collection. Can't wait to share it.... →more
LaviraMavushi 17 Jun 2018 12:45 pm Still don't get it what did Romo doing to my camera. Was he trying to be artsy or something? . . .... →more LaviraMavushi Still don't get it what did Romo doing to my camera. Was he trying to be artsy or something? . . .... →more
LaviraMavushi 17 Jun 2018 12:25 pm Selamat Lebaran!Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. 🙏...#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople... →more LaviraMavushi Selamat Lebaran!Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. 🙏...#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople... →more
LaviraMavushi 05 Jun 2018 6:00 pm Q: do you know how to handle fake people? A: use mask. . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art... →more LaviraMavushi Q: do you know how to handle fake people? A: use mask. . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art... →more
LaviraMavushi 31 May 2018 2:55 pm Attending @redwineshoes 9th Anniversary. Wish you a year full of magic, and may the magic could... →more LaviraMavushi Attending @redwineshoes 9th Anniversary. Wish you a year full of magic, and may the magic could... →more
LaviraMavushi 26 May 2018 8:25 pm People will never knew whether you fake the smile or not. So then keep smiling and let people keep... →more LaviraMavushi People will never knew whether you fake the smile or not. So then keep smiling and let people keep... →more
LaviraMavushi 18 May 2018 3:40 pm Kuncir air mancur pada saat suppa duppa bad hair day! . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art... →more LaviraMavushi Kuncir air mancur pada saat suppa duppa bad hair day! . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art... →more
LaviraMavushi 10 May 2018 12:40 pm Pohon sendiri, metik sendiri, meres sendiri, always feel good to be back here....#clozetteid #mood... →more LaviraMavushi Pohon sendiri, metik sendiri, meres sendiri, always feel good to be back here....#clozetteid #mood... →more
LaviraMavushi 09 May 2018 7:40 pm A good time with a good one. . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more LaviraMavushi A good time with a good one. . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more
LaviraMavushi 05 May 2018 10:20 pm Whoohoo 4 years!Selamat Ulang Tahun @clozetteid yang ke 4. Semoga sukses selalu, jaya selalu,... →more LaviraMavushi Whoohoo 4 years!Selamat Ulang Tahun @clozetteid yang ke 4. Semoga sukses selalu, jaya selalu,... →more
LaviraMavushi 04 May 2018 7:25 pm It's FRIDAY! . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more LaviraMavushi It's FRIDAY! . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople #fashiondesigner... →more
saskilya 03 May 2018 11:55 pm Batik is the best deh klo di bikin jadi apa2, cucok aja gtu~ Bikin lg ah.. . #design #fashion... →more saskilya Batik is the best deh klo di bikin jadi apa2, cucok aja gtu~ Bikin lg ah.. . #design #fashion... →more
LaviraMavushi 27 Apr 2018 9:00 pm Don't try this at home. . . . . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more LaviraMavushi Don't try this at home. . . . . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more
LaviraMavushi 25 Apr 2018 3:50 pm People I met, mostly ask me these things, "Why do you dress like that?" "Are you going to a... →more LaviraMavushi People I met, mostly ask me these things, "Why do you dress like that?" "Are you going to a... →more
LaviraMavushi 19 Apr 2018 11:15 pm They say everybody's changing and that's okay. And say they will stay but they leave.They say it's... →more LaviraMavushi They say everybody's changing and that's okay. And say they will stay but they leave.They say it's... →more
LaviraMavushi 13 Apr 2018 8:55 pm Every woman was born in a different colour. Some are thin and some are curvy. Some are tall and... →more LaviraMavushi Every woman was born in a different colour. Some are thin and some are curvy. Some are tall and... →more
LaviraMavushi 10 Apr 2018 7:30 pm Still can't move on from April 1st. Congratulation best, everything was just too awesome! . . .... →more LaviraMavushi Still can't move on from April 1st. Congratulation best, everything was just too awesome! . . .... →more
LaviraMavushi 02 Apr 2018 8:55 pm Yes I'm not really good at taking pictures. Yesterday I attended my bestfriend's fashion show at... →more LaviraMavushi Yes I'm not really good at taking pictures. Yesterday I attended my bestfriend's fashion show at... →more
indripurwandari 27 Mar 2018 6:50 pm My "kilat khusus" dress by @indripurwandari_official 💛#vsco #vscocam #ootd #hijabootd... →more indripurwandari My "kilat khusus" dress by @indripurwandari_official 💛#vsco #vscocam #ootd #hijabootd... →more
LaviraMavushi 25 Mar 2018 9:00 pm I always wonder why people's changing. Always wonder why people hate those who 'change'. Do they... →more LaviraMavushi I always wonder why people's changing. Always wonder why people hate those who 'change'. Do they... →more
LaviraMavushi 20 Mar 2018 10:55 am Morning coffee?Great day everyone!...#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more LaviraMavushi Morning coffee?Great day everyone!...#clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more
LaviraMavushi 19 Mar 2018 12:25 am May your highlighter be glow enough to blind your enemies, and your winged eyeliner be sharp enough... →more LaviraMavushi May your highlighter be glow enough to blind your enemies, and your winged eyeliner be sharp enough... →more
LaviraMavushi 18 Mar 2018 2:15 pm I don't know what's the different between 'love what you do' and 'do what you love'. But now I know... →more LaviraMavushi I don't know what's the different between 'love what you do' and 'do what you love'. But now I know... →more
LaviraMavushi 13 Mar 2018 9:15 pm Another shortcut? Yay or nay? . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more LaviraMavushi Another shortcut? Yay or nay? . . . #clozetteid #mood #fashion #art #fashionpeople #fashionpeople... →more
LaviraMavushi 13 Mar 2018 7:25 pm Happy birthday to the craziest bestfriend I ever had. Hope you have the most wonderful year ahead,... →more LaviraMavushi Happy birthday to the craziest bestfriend I ever had. Hope you have the most wonderful year ahead,... →more