ladies_journal 24 Jul 2019 6:07 pm I feel cute wearing @_ohyoufancy_ What do you think? 😜 📸 @ena_teo #ladies_journal #ootd... →more ladies_journal I feel cute wearing @_ohyoufancy_ What do you think? 😜 📸 @ena_teo #ladies_journal #ootd... →more
ladies_journal 29 Jun 2019 6:37 pm #OOTD during #CoolJapan Launch Party by @clozetteco and Cool Japan Fund.Thanks for having me and my... →more ladies_journal #OOTD during #CoolJapan Launch Party by @clozetteco and Cool Japan Fund.Thanks for having me and my... →more
Japobs 18 May 2019 1:23 am Personally love this look! Jarang2 kan w kepedean 🤪😭 I’m gonna recreate this makeup, tapi... →more Japobs Personally love this look! Jarang2 kan w kepedean 🤪😭 I’m gonna recreate this makeup, tapi... →more
SilviaMuryadi 25 Mar 2019 9:43 am Aku emank hobby banget koleksi earrings luchu.. And ini salah satunya... aku kmrn nemu ini di... →more SilviaMuryadi Aku emank hobby banget koleksi earrings luchu.. And ini salah satunya... aku kmrn nemu ini di... →more
Japobs 03 Nov 2018 8:44 pm Terlihat senang padahal super kepanasan 🌝🤪...#clozetteid #fashionblogger... →more Japobs Terlihat senang padahal super kepanasan 🌝🤪...#clozetteid #fashionblogger... →more
sheffyne_yuka 18 Sep 2018 12:00 pm "If you are sad add more lipstick and attack" #me #beautybloggers #kbbvfeatured #clozetteid... →more sheffyne_yuka "If you are sad add more lipstick and attack" #me #beautybloggers #kbbvfeatured #clozetteid... →more
SilviaMuryadi 11 Sep 2018 8:40 am Aku cinta banget seh ama pita yang satu ini. @hendrythan I love it so much banget... gemessss...... →more SilviaMuryadi Aku cinta banget seh ama pita yang satu ini. @hendrythan I love it so much banget... gemessss...... →more
SilviaMuryadi 17 Aug 2018 7:50 pm In time, i understand that there is always something good in what God has chosen for me . . Love my... →more SilviaMuryadi In time, i understand that there is always something good in what God has chosen for me . . Love my... →more
Japobs 18 Jul 2018 2:55 pm Cuter than real life 😰😅In KTX from Busan to Seoul :")...#clozetteid #fashionblogger... →more Japobs Cuter than real life 😰😅In KTX from Busan to Seoul :")...#clozetteid #fashionblogger... →more
carolinekosasi 30 Jun 2018 10:00 am A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just... →more carolinekosasi A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just... →more
Pricilladeline 11 Jun 2018 7:30 pm "She remembered who she was and the game changed." -Lalah Deliah • • • 📷 : @yohanesjasper... →more Pricilladeline "She remembered who she was and the game changed." -Lalah Deliah • • • 📷 : @yohanesjasper... →more
carolinekosasi 15 May 2018 4:30 pm You are the prettiest when you’re happy 🤗•••••#huntingphoto #asiangirl #beauty... →more carolinekosasi You are the prettiest when you’re happy 🤗•••••#huntingphoto #asiangirl #beauty... →more
carolinekosasi 07 May 2018 4:55 pm A fun pair of earrings is basically the finishing touch to any outfit. go and check 👉🏻... →more carolinekosasi A fun pair of earrings is basically the finishing touch to any outfit. go and check 👉🏻... →more
Ghinaaulia 01 Feb 2018 10:10 pm For every dark night, there's a brighter day. You will be met with many obstacle in life, but... →more Ghinaaulia For every dark night, there's a brighter day. You will be met with many obstacle in life, but... →more
SilviaMuryadi 01 Jan 2018 4:23 pm Hai 2018! I hope and will do my best for the great 2018 . . . . . . . . #ootd #outfitoftheday... →more SilviaMuryadi Hai 2018! I hope and will do my best for the great 2018 . . . . . . . . #ootd #outfitoftheday... →more
SilviaMuryadi 08 Dec 2017 5:35 pm How about Korea Winter OOTD?! Exactly in front of YG building @fromyg . . @clozetteid... →more SilviaMuryadi How about Korea Winter OOTD?! Exactly in front of YG building @fromyg . . @clozetteid... →more
SilviaMuryadi 06 Dec 2017 7:35 pm O happy day... Happy birthday to @mariaistella ..So happy today! Korea food time and continue with... →more SilviaMuryadi O happy day... Happy birthday to @mariaistella ..So happy today! Korea food time and continue with... →more
Ghinaaulia 06 Dec 2017 7:33 pm 💄✨ The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.- Yves... →more Ghinaaulia 💄✨ The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.- Yves... →more
Ghinaaulia 21 Nov 2017 7:12 pm There is always a bright side to every situation. And sometimes we just have to look a little bit... →more Ghinaaulia There is always a bright side to every situation. And sometimes we just have to look a little bit... →more
Brancyflorencia 19 Nov 2017 1:32 am Miss holiday 😌😩 . . . #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography... →more Brancyflorencia Miss holiday 😌😩 . . . #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography... →more
Brancyflorencia 12 Nov 2017 8:08 pm 💚💚💚 . . . . . #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography... →more Brancyflorencia 💚💚💚 . . . . . #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography... →more
Brancyflorencia 07 Nov 2017 7:37 pm Tropical vibes 🍍-----#lykeambassador #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion... →more Brancyflorencia Tropical vibes 🍍-----#lykeambassador #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion... →more
Brancyflorencia 07 Nov 2017 3:11 pm Oh, How I miss holiday 🍍-----#lykeambassador #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion... →more Brancyflorencia Oh, How I miss holiday 🍍-----#lykeambassador #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion... →more
Ghinaaulia 06 Nov 2017 9:52 am Choose happiness & positivity in all that you do today. Happy monday! ☀️☁️ -Throwing back... →more Ghinaaulia Choose happiness & positivity in all that you do today. Happy monday! ☀️☁️ -Throwing back... →more
Brancyflorencia 05 Nov 2017 4:08 pm Put my shades on 🍍 - - - - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #lykeambassador #potd #fashion... →more Brancyflorencia Put my shades on 🍍 - - - - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #lykeambassador #potd #fashion... →more
Ghinaaulia 01 Nov 2017 9:27 pm Hello November! My fav month is finally here ❄️☃️ Although we didn't have winter season,... →more Ghinaaulia Hello November! My fav month is finally here ❄️☃️ Although we didn't have winter season,... →more
Brancyflorencia 31 Oct 2017 9:59 am 🔥 - - - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography #fashionblogger... →more Brancyflorencia 🔥 - - - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd #fashion #fashionphotography #fashionblogger... →more
Ghinaaulia 26 Oct 2017 9:28 pm Never a dull moments with these girls, my beloved blogger babes 💗✨ How I wish I could stay... →more Ghinaaulia Never a dull moments with these girls, my beloved blogger babes 💗✨ How I wish I could stay... →more
Brancyflorencia 25 Oct 2017 3:56 pm Still about last weekend event at @hushpuppiesid 💕 - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd... →more Brancyflorencia Still about last weekend event at @hushpuppiesid 💕 - - - #Clozetteid #beautynesia #ootd #potd... →more
Brancyflorencia 25 Oct 2017 9:16 am Morning guys ! Don’t be busy, be productive! - Top & pants from @getmarv 💖 So in love with... →more Brancyflorencia Morning guys ! Don’t be busy, be productive! - Top & pants from @getmarv 💖 So in love with... →more