fanny_blackrose 23 Dec 2017 5:05 pm Enjoying myself ❤️ but not too much 🖤✨ #ga #giorgioarmani #armanibeauty #makeup... →more fanny_blackrose Enjoying myself ❤️ but not too much 🖤✨ #ga #giorgioarmani #armanibeauty #makeup... →more
fanny_blackrose 28 Nov 2017 8:25 am Seize the day 🌹💋 . . . #armani #armanibeauty #rose #roses #redroses #red #giorgioarmani... →more fanny_blackrose Seize the day 🌹💋 . . . #armani #armanibeauty #rose #roses #redroses #red #giorgioarmani... →more
fanny_blackrose 11 Nov 2017 12:05 pm @armanibeauty from @giorgioarmani ❤️✨ My #saturday #weekend with my latest makeup haul... →more fanny_blackrose @armanibeauty from @giorgioarmani ❤️✨ My #saturday #weekend with my latest makeup haul... →more
fanny_blackrose 21 Oct 2017 10:49 pm Sharing what I found to complete my kit 💖 playing more with #cremeeyeshadow I usually playing... →more fanny_blackrose Sharing what I found to complete my kit 💖 playing more with #cremeeyeshadow I usually playing... →more
fanny_blackrose 19 Jul 2017 9:39 pm I come around here for the sake loves of #makeup Everyone has hobby that becomes habit for their... →more fanny_blackrose I come around here for the sake loves of #makeup Everyone has hobby that becomes habit for their... →more
fanny_blackrose 17 Apr 2017 5:38 am #GiorgioArmani #EyestoKill 💜💚💙 #ilove #colour and to be #colourful Lovely texture of... →more fanny_blackrose #GiorgioArmani #EyestoKill 💜💚💙 #ilove #colour and to be #colourful Lovely texture of... →more
fanny_blackrose 11 Apr 2017 11:45 pm “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to... →more fanny_blackrose “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to... →more
fanny_blackrose 07 Feb 2017 10:34 pm #beauties that's been on my #makeuppouch the whole #January #january2017 #januaryfaves 😊✨ time... →more fanny_blackrose #beauties that's been on my #makeuppouch the whole #January #january2017 #januaryfaves 😊✨ time... →more
fanny_blackrose 27 Jan 2017 9:52 pm The products I use earlier on my #instagramlive ❤😊❤ Happy Lunar Year ❤😊❤... →more fanny_blackrose The products I use earlier on my #instagramlive ❤😊❤ Happy Lunar Year ❤😊❤... →more
fanny_blackrose 23 Jan 2017 10:25 am Long time no hitting any blush pan... will I this 2017? Packing some #makeup and #skincare do I... →more fanny_blackrose Long time no hitting any blush pan... will I this 2017? Packing some #makeup and #skincare do I... →more
fanny_blackrose 18 Jan 2017 3:42 pm 😅 #Chaos this morning that still chaos till now 😋 running around today... and my cousin in... →more fanny_blackrose 😅 #Chaos this morning that still chaos till now 😋 running around today... and my cousin in... →more
fanny_blackrose 10 Jan 2017 8:04 pm I could have some #more everyday cause I alway wipe everything off every time I touch down 🏡 and... →more fanny_blackrose I could have some #more everyday cause I alway wipe everything off every time I touch down 🏡 and... →more
fanny_blackrose 03 Nov 2016 2:51 am This time , I make #makeuphaul #makeupvideo in #Bahasa 😊✨ link on my ☝B👆I ☝️O 👆... →more fanny_blackrose This time , I make #makeuphaul #makeupvideo in #Bahasa 😊✨ link on my ☝B👆I ☝️O 👆... →more
fanny_blackrose 15 Sep 2016 12:31 am #redlips please #💋 #💄 #❤️ #red #lipstick #lippost #louboutin #rouge #armanibeauty... →more fanny_blackrose #redlips please #💋 #💄 #❤️ #red #lipstick #lippost #louboutin #rouge #armanibeauty... →more
fanny_blackrose 14 Aug 2016 2:55 am #giorgioarmani #armani #armanibeauty #ga #makeup #makeuppost #pink #eyeshadow #motd #floral #flower... →more fanny_blackrose #giorgioarmani #armani #armanibeauty #ga #makeup #makeuppost #pink #eyeshadow #motd #floral #flower... →more
fanny_blackrose 22 May 2016 9:36 pm Hiy... 🌞 We have #Summer meeting here ... R u going to join us? 🌞 #Bronzer ... →more fanny_blackrose Hiy... 🌞 We have #Summer meeting here ... R u going to join us? 🌞 #Bronzer ... →more
fanny_blackrose 09 Apr 2016 2:42 pm My mood has been playing #rollercoaster since last night. My feet swollen and screaming with... →more fanny_blackrose My mood has been playing #rollercoaster since last night. My feet swollen and screaming with... →more
fanny_blackrose 22 Jan 2016 4:07 pm #GA #GiorgioArmani #armaniBeauty #BeautyBlender #FaceFabric lets play... fanny_blackrose #GA #GiorgioArmani #armaniBeauty #BeautyBlender #FaceFabric lets play...
Bebelicious 12 Jan 2016 8:28 am Good morning, rise and shine! In this photo I'm wearing Dandelion lashes from @bunnylashes_id and... →more Bebelicious Good morning, rise and shine! In this photo I'm wearing Dandelion lashes from @bunnylashes_id and... →more
Bebelicious 10 Aug 2015 1:11 pm "The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy." -Yves... →more Bebelicious "The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy." -Yves... →more
Bebelicious 06 Aug 2015 9:56 am Current favorite red lippies Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro 400, Chanel Rouge Coco Arthur, Dior Fluid... →more Bebelicious Current favorite red lippies Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro 400, Chanel Rouge Coco Arthur, Dior Fluid... →more
angelajess 29 Jul 2015 3:24 pm Paint your lips red and your lashes black. #red #lipstick #redlips #redlipstick #makeup... →more angelajess Paint your lips red and your lashes black. #red #lipstick #redlips #redlipstick #makeup... →more
merillamay 08 Aug 2014 9:07 am #lipstickswatch Giorgio Armani Rouge Ecstasy 509 Boudoir. Currently my everyday lipstick 💕Really... →more merillamay #lipstickswatch Giorgio Armani Rouge Ecstasy 509 Boudoir. Currently my everyday lipstick 💕Really... →more