andiyaniachmad 24 Feb 2017 10:41 am When people Hate you, it means you're Amazing. When people Copy you, it means you're Something.... →more andiyaniachmad When people Hate you, it means you're Amazing. When people Copy you, it means you're Something.... →more
andiyaniachmad 21 Aug 2016 10:34 pm Be true to yourself, it's a fresh start to be a real person in life. Never invite karma with your... →more andiyaniachmad Be true to yourself, it's a fresh start to be a real person in life. Never invite karma with your... →more
andiyaniachmad 21 Aug 2016 8:38 am A perfect way to feel love is to be able love every single flaws of your loved one perfectly... →more andiyaniachmad A perfect way to feel love is to be able love every single flaws of your loved one perfectly... →more
andiyaniachmad 20 Aug 2016 2:35 pm Wefie di acara @bloggerperempuan @synthesisdevelopment Prajawangsa City 😘 Ini kali kedua bawa... →more andiyaniachmad Wefie di acara @bloggerperempuan @synthesisdevelopment Prajawangsa City 😘 Ini kali kedua bawa... →more
andiyaniachmad 17 Aug 2016 11:22 pm 📷 by @nianastiti Love yourself first before you love others 💋 ••• #ootd #stylediary... →more andiyaniachmad 📷 by @nianastiti Love yourself first before you love others 💋 ••• #ootd #stylediary... →more
andiyaniachmad 17 Aug 2016 9:21 pm I believe that God answers prayers in a way He knows what I truly deserve ❤ #takenbyoppo... →more andiyaniachmad I believe that God answers prayers in a way He knows what I truly deserve ❤ #takenbyoppo... →more
andiyaniachmad 17 Aug 2016 1:38 pm Any given Monday 💋 #mysquadisbetterthanyours #bloggerhoreey #bloggermeetup #lifestyleblogger... →more andiyaniachmad Any given Monday 💋 #mysquadisbetterthanyours #bloggerhoreey #bloggermeetup #lifestyleblogger... →more
andiyaniachmad 16 Aug 2016 5:08 pm Ngobrolin apa aja sama mereka tuh selalu seru. Dari yang nggak berbobot sampai yang paling nggak... →more andiyaniachmad Ngobrolin apa aja sama mereka tuh selalu seru. Dari yang nggak berbobot sampai yang paling nggak... →more
andiyaniachmad 16 Aug 2016 4:58 pm Food always makes us happy! 😘😘😘 minus @lisna_dwi #friendship #bloggersmeetup #stylediary... →more andiyaniachmad Food always makes us happy! 😘😘😘 minus @lisna_dwi #friendship #bloggersmeetup #stylediary... →more
andiyaniachmad 13 Aug 2016 10:57 am Do you see what I see? #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #selfie #takenbyoppo #oppor7s #stylediary... →more andiyaniachmad Do you see what I see? #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #selfie #takenbyoppo #oppor7s #stylediary... →more
andiyaniachmad 13 Aug 2016 10:54 am Ice cream, beach and sea ... What a perfect combo 💋🌊 #bounchesummerescape #bouncheid... →more andiyaniachmad Ice cream, beach and sea ... What a perfect combo 💋🌊 #bounchesummerescape #bouncheid... →more
andiyaniachmad 13 Aug 2016 10:52 am Take me everywhere 🌊🌊 #selfie #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #stylediary #andiyanipics... →more andiyaniachmad Take me everywhere 🌊🌊 #selfie #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #stylediary #andiyanipics... →more
andiyaniachmad 13 Aug 2016 8:02 am Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived... →more andiyaniachmad Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived... →more
andiyaniachmad 12 Aug 2016 5:32 pm Thankful #pandawabeach #bali #stylediary #andiyanipics #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #clozetteid... →more andiyaniachmad Thankful #pandawabeach #bali #stylediary #andiyanipics #bouncheid #bounchesummerescape #clozetteid... →more
andiyaniachmad 10 Aug 2016 5:43 pm This photo was taken by my son #darelladhibrata ✌😁 mayanlah yaaa hasilnya 😍#stylediary... →more andiyaniachmad This photo was taken by my son #darelladhibrata ✌😁 mayanlah yaaa hasilnya 😍#stylediary... →more
andiyaniachmad 10 Aug 2016 4:51 pm Keep it simple, keep it honest, keep it you 💋#tapfordetails #ootd #hijabfashion #clozetteid... →more andiyaniachmad Keep it simple, keep it honest, keep it you 💋#tapfordetails #ootd #hijabfashion #clozetteid... →more
andiyaniachmad 10 Aug 2016 3:14 pm Today's mood (ignore the background please ✌😁) Shawl by 💋Tops by @omahjilbab... →more andiyaniachmad Today's mood (ignore the background please ✌😁) Shawl by 💋Tops by @omahjilbab... →more
andiyaniachmad 09 Aug 2016 7:27 am Don't invite karma with your drama 💔#throwbacktuesday #ootd #stylediary #lifestyleblogger... →more andiyaniachmad Don't invite karma with your drama 💔#throwbacktuesday #ootd #stylediary #lifestyleblogger... →more
andiyaniachmad 06 Aug 2016 2:51 pm My kind of saturday ✌😁 #ootd #saturday #clozetteid #stylediary #lifestyleblogger #andiyanipics... →more andiyaniachmad My kind of saturday ✌😁 #ootd #saturday #clozetteid #stylediary #lifestyleblogger #andiyanipics... →more
andiyaniachmad 03 Aug 2016 9:37 pm I know her by an accident and somehow it become something that I truly blessed. ✌ Terkuaknya... →more andiyaniachmad I know her by an accident and somehow it become something that I truly blessed. ✌ Terkuaknya... →more
andiyaniachmad 02 Aug 2016 10:05 am ❤💋💪 #makeithappen #motivation #quote #stylediary #andiyanipics #clozetteid andiyaniachmad ❤💋💪 #makeithappen #motivation #quote #stylediary #andiyanipics #clozetteid
andiyaniachmad 02 Aug 2016 8:43 am When you have God, you have everything. When you have everything, you should not worry about... →more andiyaniachmad When you have God, you have everything. When you have everything, you should not worry about... →more
andiyaniachmad 01 Aug 2016 10:53 pm ❤❤❤❤ Photo by @imusyrifah#bloggers #friendship #ihblogger #indonesianhijabblogger... →more andiyaniachmad ❤❤❤❤ Photo by @imusyrifah#bloggers #friendship #ihblogger #indonesianhijabblogger... →more
andiyaniachmad 01 Aug 2016 10:49 pm ❤❤❤❤❤ Pic by @nianastiti #friendship #bloggerlife #stylediary #ihblogger #qualitytime... →more andiyaniachmad ❤❤❤❤❤ Pic by @nianastiti #friendship #bloggerlife #stylediary #ihblogger #qualitytime... →more
andiyaniachmad 31 Jul 2016 1:45 pm "Bun... Darell nabung ya! Nabungnya di sekolah aja. Sama bu guru." Sedikit kaget dengan ucapan... →more andiyaniachmad "Bun... Darell nabung ya! Nabungnya di sekolah aja. Sama bu guru." Sedikit kaget dengan ucapan... →more
andiyaniachmad 30 Jul 2016 10:35 pm Girang anet ih yang ulang tahun 😍😍 aku tau tuh doanya apa, semoga KPI tahun ini tembus ya... →more andiyaniachmad Girang anet ih yang ulang tahun 😍😍 aku tau tuh doanya apa, semoga KPI tahun ini tembus ya... →more
andiyaniachmad 30 Jul 2016 10:33 pm Late celebration of @lisna_dwi birthday 😘❤😍 #birthdayparty #bloggermeets #ihblogger... →more andiyaniachmad Late celebration of @lisna_dwi birthday 😘❤😍 #birthdayparty #bloggermeets #ihblogger... →more
andiyaniachmad 29 Jul 2016 8:57 pm I love my imperfection, perfectly 💋❤ #blackandwhite #stylediary #clozetteid #loveyourself... →more andiyaniachmad I love my imperfection, perfectly 💋❤ #blackandwhite #stylediary #clozetteid #loveyourself... →more
andiyaniachmad 28 Jul 2016 7:37 pm If you want to know about me, ask me. Don't assume or stalking my feed. That's how drama start.... →more andiyaniachmad If you want to know about me, ask me. Don't assume or stalking my feed. That's how drama start.... →more
andiyaniachmad 28 Jul 2016 10:28 am Happy Birthday Mamah! 57th its quite a long wise journey ❤🎂💋 I wish you a very happy sweet... →more andiyaniachmad Happy Birthday Mamah! 57th its quite a long wise journey ❤🎂💋 I wish you a very happy sweet... →more