prilia_5f84fd03b1007 17 Oct 2020 2:51 pm as pretty as you are! prilia_5f84fd03b1007 as pretty as you are!
tifanydheanisa 11 Feb 2019 11:23 am Just posted O.TWO.O LIQUID BLUSH 03 review on my blog, link on my bio! #clozetteid tifanydheanisa Just posted O.TWO.O LIQUID BLUSH 03 review on my blog, link on my bio! #clozetteid
tephieteph 04 Jan 2019 9:26 pm PSYCHOTALK #03 - Cintai dirimu dulu sebelum orang lain - YouTube tephieteph PSYCHOTALK #03 - Cintai dirimu dulu sebelum orang lain - YouTube
by LisnaArdhini 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Review Lip Tint PIXY Tint Me Lip & Cheek No 03 That Orange Review Lip Tint PIXY Tint Me Lip & Cheek No 03 That Orange ...
valentinalavina 07 Sep 2018 4:45 pm DETAIL MAKE-UP 1. @wardahbeauty eyebrow pencil Coklat. 2. @pixycosmetics eyeshadow Chic Terracota... →more valentinalavina DETAIL MAKE-UP 1. @wardahbeauty eyebrow pencil Coklat. 2. @pixycosmetics eyeshadow Chic Terracota... →more
budiartiannisa 25 Aug 2018 11:50 pm For the love of golden hour 🤩. Us at the @popbela_com community . Hola sunshine 🌞. . . .... →more budiartiannisa For the love of golden hour 🤩. Us at the @popbela_com community . Hola sunshine 🌞. . . .... →more
ArianiRosidi 25 Aug 2018 5:20 pm Selamat hari sabtuu geengs.. .Aku bikin red and black smokey eyes super cepet. Haha..Ini linknya... →more ArianiRosidi Selamat hari sabtuu geengs.. .Aku bikin red and black smokey eyes super cepet. Haha..Ini linknya... →more
valentinalavina 19 Aug 2018 3:50 am Detail for this make-up : 1. @eminacosmetics Agent of Brow BROWN 2. @inezcosmetics eyeshadow... →more valentinalavina Detail for this make-up : 1. @eminacosmetics Agent of Brow BROWN 2. @inezcosmetics eyeshadow... →more
KorneliaLuciana 10 Aug 2018 1:45 pm Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more KorneliaLuciana Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more
KorneliaLuciana 09 Aug 2018 12:25 pm Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more KorneliaLuciana Korean Makeup ala Luci 😁 Pakai produk lokal gengs 😍 🌺Product Mention🌺 - @eminacosmetics... →more
Chiedewi03 08 Aug 2018 2:22 pm Feminim, but not to feminim,, chic but not too chic,, love nude colours, choco skin, soft make up, Chiedewi03 Feminim, but not to feminim,, chic but not too chic,, love nude colours, choco skin, soft make up,
LidyaMichelleLee 27 Jul 2018 5:15 pm Here's the swatches of @wardahbeauty newest product: Everyday Cheek & Liptint! . Ada 3 warna yang... →more LidyaMichelleLee Here's the swatches of @wardahbeauty newest product: Everyday Cheek & Liptint! . Ada 3 warna yang... →more
ClozetteCREW 17 Jul 2018 3:19 pm Wardah Everyday Cheek & Liptint Review & Swatches - YouTube Sesuai dengan polling di Instagram... →more ClozetteCREW Wardah Everyday Cheek & Liptint Review & Swatches - YouTube Sesuai dengan polling di Instagram... →more
cyanophytaa 16 Jul 2018 3:30 pm Betapa jatuh cinta sama @wardahbeauty Cheek & Liptint 03 Pink On Point 💕💕💕 #wardah... →more cyanophytaa Betapa jatuh cinta sama @wardahbeauty Cheek & Liptint 03 Pink On Point 💕💕💕 #wardah... →more
ClozetteCREW 13 Jul 2018 5:30 pm Sesuai dengan polling kemarin, here's the swatches of @wardahbeauty newest product: Everyday Cheek... →more ClozetteCREW Sesuai dengan polling kemarin, here's the swatches of @wardahbeauty newest product: Everyday Cheek... →more
diannopiyani 19 Jun 2018 4:50 pm tak lekang oleh waktu 😍 ga kerasa hafidzan udah makin gede yaaaa 👶👨 see you kakaaa...... →more diannopiyani tak lekang oleh waktu 😍 ga kerasa hafidzan udah makin gede yaaaa 👶👨 see you kakaaa...... →more
ArifaNuryani 05 Jun 2018 8:00 pm Lip Cream pertama yang gw punya nih...Dari jaman pertama kali wardah launching lip cream ini adalah... →more ArifaNuryani Lip Cream pertama yang gw punya nih...Dari jaman pertama kali wardah launching lip cream ini adalah... →more
Niiasantoso 31 May 2018 4:55 pm Udah nonton Vlog Eps 03 belom nih? Link nya ada di bio yaAtau tinggal search aja Niia Santoso di... →more Niiasantoso Udah nonton Vlog Eps 03 belom nih? Link nya ada di bio yaAtau tinggal search aja Niia Santoso di... →more
princessndy 30 May 2018 8:05 pm Ga terasa udah mau lebaran yah...Aku mau bagi bagi Tips Cantik Menjelang Lebaran versi Aku nih... →more princessndy Ga terasa udah mau lebaran yah...Aku mau bagi bagi Tips Cantik Menjelang Lebaran versi Aku nih... →more
Steviiewong 09 May 2018 10:30 am “That’s the thing about happiness. It doesn’t require justification. when I’m happy, I’m... →more Steviiewong “That’s the thing about happiness. It doesn’t require justification. when I’m happy, I’m... →more
LidyaMichelleLee 25 Apr 2018 3:35 pm My recent go to lip product: A'Pieu Water Light Tint RD03. . Kalau sehari2 cuma pakai ini ajah udah... →more LidyaMichelleLee My recent go to lip product: A'Pieu Water Light Tint RD03. . Kalau sehari2 cuma pakai ini ajah udah... →more
kaniadachlan 23 Apr 2018 2:45 pm When boys say they prefer my natural but even this natural costs more than the date they could... →more kaniadachlan When boys say they prefer my natural but even this natural costs more than the date they could... →more
gadzotica 08 Apr 2018 5:30 pm Makeup "Kalem dan Bersahaja" ala aku 😆Buat yang nanyain apa aja produk yang aku pakai di makeup... →more gadzotica Makeup "Kalem dan Bersahaja" ala aku 😆Buat yang nanyain apa aja produk yang aku pakai di makeup... →more
LylaSabine 02 Apr 2018 6:45 pm Selama ini aku jarang banget untuk mencoba bulu mata palsu. Kemarin aku dapet tawaran dari... →more LylaSabine Selama ini aku jarang banget untuk mencoba bulu mata palsu. Kemarin aku dapet tawaran dari... →more
shanty_huang 29 Mar 2018 7:40 am Hallo.. hallo Untuk membersihkan makeup aku mengandalkan micellar water Dan micellar water... →more shanty_huang Hallo.. hallo Untuk membersihkan makeup aku mengandalkan micellar water Dan micellar water... →more
Rahmaaa 28 Mar 2018 8:43 pm DIY masker yang gampang banget dibikinnya. Masker yang dipake ketika kulit aku lagi kering.... →more Rahmaaa DIY masker yang gampang banget dibikinnya. Masker yang dipake ketika kulit aku lagi kering.... →more
ClozetteCREW 27 Mar 2018 11:00 am Pastinya kamu pernah kesulitan dalam memilih foundation, terlebih warna foundation luar yang tidak... →more ClozetteCREW Pastinya kamu pernah kesulitan dalam memilih foundation, terlebih warna foundation luar yang tidak... →more
andiyaniachmad 24 Mar 2018 9:35 pm #updateblog enggak cuma kid jaman now yang kekinian eim, wanita jaman now pun kudu banget update... →more andiyaniachmad #updateblog enggak cuma kid jaman now yang kekinian eim, wanita jaman now pun kudu banget update... →more