06 Mar 2019 6:13 pm
Baru ngeh kalo Jumat tuh hari kejepit. Cuti lagi apa ya? *menatap email-email yang mesti dijawab sambil ngopi* 😆
#coffee #coffeeshop #work #caffeine #addiction #piccolo #midweek #holiday #shotoniphone #vsco #clozetteid

Baru ngeh kalo Jumat tuh hari kejepit. Cuti lagi apa ya? *menatap email-email yang mesti dijawab... →more

Baru ngeh kalo Jumat tuh hari kejepit. Cuti lagi apa ya? *menatap email-email yang mesti dijawab... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Steal Her Style: Putri Anne on Work Clothes Set

Steal Her Style: Putri Anne on Work Clothes Set

Like Us
26 Feb 2019 12:18 pm
Work Hard and Play Hard 😁😁 #shantyhuang #selfie #selca #beauty #beautyblogger #blogger #Clozetteid #clozettedaily #instagood #instadaily

Work Hard and Play Hard 😁😁 #shantyhuang #selfie #selca #beauty #beautyblogger #blogger... →more

01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
I Found The 9 Best Lip Plumpers That *Actually* Work

I Found The 9 Best Lip Plumpers That *Actually* Work

01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Need Proof That Work Shoes Don't Have to Be Boring? We Found 12 Adorable Pairs

Need Proof That Work Shoes Don't Have to Be Boring? We Found 12 Adorable Pairs

21 Feb 2019 5:33 pm
just find another way to be look more fashionable, just added some accessories and it works! ♥️

just find another way to be look more fashionable, just added some accessories and it works! ♥️

just find another way to be look more fashionable, just added some accessories and it works! ♥️
19 Feb 2019 7:18 pm
Punya rambut panjang pasti harus extra rawat biar gak rontok, kering apalagi ketombean. Jangan salah, susah loh buat jaga kulit kepala tetap bersih, apalagi yang punya kulit kepala sensitif kayak aku. Cocok shampoo A, beberapa bulan jenuh dan ketombean. Tapi tenang, sekarang aku punya produk andalan yang selalu siap siaga menjaga kebersihan kulit kepala aku!✨ Yang pertama, aku selalu pakai Phytopolleine dari @phytoparis_id sebelum keramas. Serum ini akan mengangkat semua ketombe/kulit kepala kering. Rasanya mint-mint walau scentnya agak strong. But trust me this really works! Aku aja udah habis 3 botol 😜✨ Setelah itu, keramas deh dan aku lagi suka banget sama Purrifying Shampoo dari @helensewardindonesia! Baunya mirip-mirip sama serumnya Phyto. Setelah keramas, kulit kepala jadi bersih banget dan gak gatal lagi.Recommended banget buat kalian yg punya kulit kepala sensitif dan mudah ketombean 😆.....#clozetteid #ootd #ootdindo #lookbook #lookbookindonesia #lifestyleblogger #fashion #blogger #fashionblogger #wiwt #potd #vscocam #eosm10 #lovelife #instagood #streetstyle #potd #eosmdiaries #ggrep #ggrepstyle #cgstreetstyle #streetfashion #setterspace

Punya rambut panjang pasti harus extra rawat biar gak rontok, kering apalagi ketombean. Jangan... →more

Punya rambut panjang pasti harus extra rawat biar gak rontok, kering apalagi ketombean. Jangan... →more
17 Feb 2019 11:59 am
Make your eyelid bigger without surgery! (100%works) I love it omg! - YouTube

Make your eyelid bigger without surgery! (100%works) I love it omg! - YouTube

Make your eyelid bigger without surgery! (100%works) I love it omg! - YouTube
07 Feb 2019 2:13 pm
Take a quick photo at coffee shop @kopikebut 😝 It's not a very spacious coffee shop but is okay I think to bring your work. They have another room for smokers. You can just sit here enjoying your coffee or non coffee have your me time. .

Take a quick photo at coffee shop @kopikebut 😝 It's not a very spacious coffee shop but is okay... →more

Take a quick photo at coffee shop @kopikebut 😝 It's not a very spacious coffee shop but is okay... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Here's Why Your Favorite Celeb's Diet Might Not Work for You

Here's Why Your Favorite Celeb's Diet Might Not Work for You

06 Feb 2019 11:00 am
Full pattern + simple cutting = always works! Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Fashion Community. Image shared by Clozetter @dsherlytha. Yuk, share outfit favorit kamu bersama Clozette.

Full pattern + simple cutting = always works! Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini... →more

Full pattern + simple cutting = always works! Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini... →more
04 Feb 2019 9:03 pm
Being too perfectionist will kill me slowly but sure. - I set absolute ideals, i'm my harshest criticus. I beat myself ip over the smallest thing that goes wrong. I feel i like i must give more than 1000% on everything i do, working hard trying to be perfect,  too perfect. 
I pay attention for every details, even smallest details that no one notice,  unless me.
Being perfectionist is good,  sometimes. But being too perfectionist will kill me slowly but sure. The pursuit of perfection is frustating, neurotic and terrible wasting of time.
#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger
#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty  #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #かわいい #オシャレ  #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Being too perfectionist will kill me slowly but sure. - I set absolute ideals, i'm my harshest... →more

Being too perfectionist will kill me slowly but sure. - I set absolute ideals, i'm my harshest... →more
29 Jan 2019 6:54 pm
Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.#cicidesricom #momblogger #ootd #hotd #hijabers #hijabfashion #momvlogger #bloggerperempuan #clozetteid #hotdindo #beautyblogger #fashionblogger #fashiontips #lifestylephotography #outfitideas

Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams,... →more

Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams,... →more
28 Jan 2019 4:38 pm
Stay cozy in this set from @marienfrisco at coziest work place @werkspace.id .
#Ootd #ootdfashion #ootdinspo #ootdideas #ootdindo #ootdindokece #ootdinspiration #ootdindonesia #indobeauty #indofashion #indofashionpedia #indofashionpeople #indofashionblogger #clozetteid #lookbooks #lookbooklookbook #lookbookindonesia

Stay cozy in this set from @marienfrisco at coziest work place @werkspace.id . . #Ootd #ootdfashion... →more

Stay cozy in this set from @marienfrisco at coziest work place @werkspace.id . . #Ootd #ootdfashion... →more
23 Jan 2019 10:34 pm
Hayooo udah waktunya bobok.... Ngapain mikirin gaji yang baru datang minggu depan... Kesehatanmu lhooo......#ClozetteID#paycheck#payday#salary#whitecollar#norestfortheicked#instagood#moodygrams#work#money#whileinbetween

Hayooo udah waktunya bobok.... Ngapain mikirin gaji yang baru datang minggu depan... Kesehatanmu... →more

Hayooo udah waktunya bobok.... Ngapain mikirin gaji yang baru datang minggu depan... Kesehatanmu... →more
23 Jan 2019 7:09 pm
Eat Pray and Work Out 😍...#clozette #clozetteid #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdworkout #zumbastrong #sbz

Eat Pray and Work Out 😍...#clozette #clozetteid #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdworkout #zumbastrong #sbz

22 Jan 2019 11:04 am
'You just have to be chill, everything will work out' ✨Have you read my new blog posting ? Let's talk about great place to escape @depadivilla 💃🏼Don't forget to visit my blog www.rimasuwarjono.com , or link on my bio 🌈....#placetogo #explorebogor #staycation #lifestyleblogger #blogger #bloggerstyle #bloggerlife #keluarsebentar #clozetteid

'You just have to be chill, everything will work out' ✨Have you read my new blog posting ? Let's... →more

'You just have to be chill, everything will work out' ✨Have you read my new blog posting ? Let's... →more
12 Jan 2019 7:44 pm
매일 매일 회사 출근하다보니 미팅하러 잠깐 나갔다온게 그렇게 기분이 좋고 햇빛을 받으며 점심먹는 이 여유가 얼마만인지ㅠㅠ 좀만 더 화이팅하자!! -Guyss how is your Saturday Night?🔥🔥 recently JAKARTA is sunny day jadi aku mau go to swimming 👯‍♀️wkwkw tapi my real condition is working! Who will cheer me up? 👻

매일 매일 회사 출근하다보니 미팅하러 잠깐 나갔다온게 그렇게 기분이... →more

매일 매일 회사 출근하다보니 미팅하러 잠깐 나갔다온게 그렇게 기분이... →more
07 Jan 2019 3:39 pm
It has been 10 months since I started working at #ClozetteID.Tho it was just a brief of time, it still a pleasure to work with my Community team ❤Surely going to miss you girls & kaka2 @puitika @dillafdiah @vienarissanty @nisca_

It has been 10 months since I started working at #ClozetteID.Tho it was just a brief of time, it... →more

It has been 10 months since I started working at #ClozetteID.Tho it was just a brief of time, it... →more
01 Jan 2019 8:54 pm
“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” -Estée Lauder•••#clozetteid

“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” -Estée... →more

“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” -Estée... →more
30 Dec 2018 2:44 pm
For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of what's already working for you and stop doing things that are time-waste. 🤨🤨•••#clozetteid #vscofilter #vsco #귀여워 #일상 #셀카

For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of... →more

For a change, don't add new things in your life as a new year's resolution. Instead, do more of... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Anxious At Work? When To Talk To Your Boss About Stress

Anxious At Work? When To Talk To Your Boss About Stress

25 Dec 2018 9:54 am
Been banging my head to work and working on getting my router back as a solo. Yes, I am. It's been hard for me but I trust God and myself that I can through this. Afterall, aren't we all alone even when we're with someone?

Been banging my head to work and working on getting my router back as a solo. Yes, I am. It's been... →more

Been banging my head to work and working on getting my router back as a solo. Yes, I am. It's been... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Meghan Markle Reportedly Wants to Work Up Until Her Due Date and Is Already Planning a New Project

Meghan Markle Reportedly Wants to Work Up Until Her Due Date and Is Already Planning a New Project

21 Dec 2018 7:24 pm
What's good with Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist?  @altheakorea worked very closely with Titi Kamal to produce this new baby because of her enthusiasm for beauty trends across Southeast Asia and her passion for understanding what consumers love.This mist is a lightweight body fragrance with Titi Kamal's favourite fruity and floral scents: Orange, Peach, and Rose.The combination of these beautiful scents will give you that fresh feeling you need to seize the day.The bottle is perfectly sized to fit in your handbag or travel carry-on so you'll always be ready to impress.  #TitixAltheaKorea #AltheaAngels #AltheaKorea.  #beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday #photography #lookoftheday #outfit #outfioftheday #outfitinspo #lookbook #style #styleoftheday #ClozetteID

What's good with Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist? @altheakorea worked very closely with Titi Kamal... →more

What's good with Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist? @altheakorea worked very closely with Titi Kamal... →more
21 Dec 2018 12:34 pm
I'm looking forward to the future and feeling grateful for the past :)Last week until today are really something...I Almost loose my blog n ytube account :' cause of it some work delayed and i keeping up with it now~Well, Let's do our best 🙌🏻

I'm looking forward to the future and feeling grateful for the past :)Last week until today are... →more

I'm looking forward to the future and feeling grateful for the past :)Last week until today are... →more
21 Dec 2018 10:39 am
Not sure if I need a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. But when you have projects finished two days in a row - projects that always keep you awake til late at night, working on the weekend and at the other day give you a headache - then I think I deserve both! 😂
Anyway, holiday is coming. Will be hit the road again tomorrow. I. Can’t. Wait!
#coffee #wine #project #goals #finish #done #hooray #holiday #weekend #christmas #whpdailylife #travel #travelblogger #instadaily #clozetteid

Not sure if I need a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. But when you have projects finished two days... →more

Not sure if I need a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. But when you have projects finished two days... →more
20 Dec 2018 11:36 am
My kind of work kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan = MELAMUN
Tapi dengan ekspresi seperti itu apa yang aku pikirin?
📷: @kyorukii

My kind of work kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan = MELAMUN Tapi dengan ekspresi seperti itu apa yang aku... →more

My kind of work kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan = MELAMUN Tapi dengan ekspresi seperti itu apa yang aku... →more
18 Dec 2018 10:54 am
Work hard with correct way will pay off - J ........#clozetteid #gayagie #hijabers #officelyfe #officestyle #lovelife #life #lifstyleblogger #lifeisnevaflat #puridenpasar #jakarta

Work hard with correct way will pay off - J ........#clozetteid #gayagie #hijabers #officelyfe... →more

Work hard with correct way will pay off - J ........#clozetteid #gayagie #hijabers #officelyfe... →more
16 Dec 2018 8:34 pm
This week I haven't posted as frequently as I had before. Probably because i don't have that many photos to shared on Instagram to begin with. Not gonna lie, most of my time I spend at home and work. Guess I just want to focus on something that are important and essentials for me. But worry not, this week I planned to post more picture from a couple weeks back. And i have sone blogpost coming soon too, so watch out for those. 💕
Wearing @saturdayclub dress via @_bobobobo_ #bobobobo #bobootd #clozetteid #clozette #itsElvinaaOOTD

This week I haven't posted as frequently as I had before. Probably because i don't have that many... →more

This week I haven't posted as frequently as I had before. Probably because i don't have that many... →more