01 Jan 1970 7:00 am


14 Nov 2019 10:01 am


Like Us
11 Nov 2019 7:41 pm
— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and didn’t realize yet that I need to be more productive 🙃 I was an intern trying to survive my 3-months-internship, woke up at 6 am every morning, arrived home at 6 pm every night and already too tired to do anything else..Every night when I entered my kamar kos and put down my bag, I said to myself “Okay, I‘m tired today, I need to rest” and I ended up playing games, watching youtube, or instagramming every night, when in reality I can do more. I can read, work on my blog, design for more portfolio, or at least SLEEP MORE. I ended up sleeping late and woke up tired in the morning..Now since I’m already working, I need to take control of everything I do. Every hour is precious. I want to take care of myself and be more productive each and every day ✨....#jessicaalicias #slowliving #productivity #entrepreneur #womanpower #clozetteid

— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and... →more

— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and... →more
09 Nov 2019 10:46 pm
hai, hari ini saya mau review skincare merek lokal lagk nih! Sebulan yang lalu, saya ditawari @airinbeautycare untuk mencoba produk terbarunya, Premium Vitamin C Serum. Sebelumnya saya udah pernah review Radiant Serum nya dan suka banget! jadi saya harap serum ini sama bagusnya⁣〰️⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Premium Vitamin C Serum mengandung ethyl ascorbic acid di 2nd list ingredient. Ethyl Ascorbic Acid adalah turunan Vitamin C yang stabil dengan kemampuan mencerahkan kulit dengan menghambat sintesis melanin. ⁣⁣Karena kestabilannya jadi gak perlu khawatir dia gak bakal berubah warna jadi kuning (oksidasi) seperti L-ascorbic acid.⁣⁣Fungsi lainnya bisa meratakan warna kulit, menghambat aktivitas tirosinase, mengurangi radikal bebas dalam tubuh, meningkatkan skin barrier, meningkatkan elastisitas kulit, memperbaiki sel-sel dan mempercepat sintesis kolagen.⁣⁣Selain itu mengandung Glycerin yang mampu menghidrasi kulit dan tocopheryl acetate (turunan vitamin E) sebagai antioksidan, anti aging dan dapat melembabkan kulit.⁣〰️⁣Serum ini isinya 15ml, aplikator pump untuk utk ngeluarin produknya. biasanya saya pakai 1-2 pump di pipi kanan, kiri dan dahi lalu diratakan ke seluruh wajah. Bisa dipakai pagi maupun malam hari.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Tekturnya gel bening, gak ada bau. Ringan banget pas dioleskan ke kulit, cepat banget menyerap tapi agak lengket kalau dipakai kebanyakan. Gak ada efek cekit-cekit juga. Kulit jadi lebih smooth dan kenyal.⁣⁣Perbedaannya sama Radiant Skin Serum, ini terasa lebih lembab, jadi saya gak perlu layer hidrasi terlalu banyak, bakal cocok buat yang kulitnya kering. Kalau pagi, sehabis toner, serum ini, langsung pakai sunscreen. Kalau malam, 1 toner, serum ini, pelembab, sleeping mask (biasanya bisa 2 toner, 2 serum).⁣⁣〰️Setelah pakai Airnderm Premium Vitamin C Serum sekitar 2 mingguan, saya notice bekas jerawat saya yang semula kemerahan jadi mencoklat. Beberapa spot PIH juga memudar. ⁣⁣Untuk mudarin bekas jerawat, saya merasa lebih signifikan dan cepat pas pakai Radiant Skin Serum. Efeknya ke jerawat juga ada karena mengandung niacinamide dan salicylic acid. Jadi kalau dibandingin, Premium Vitamin C Serum  bekerjanya gentle banget jadi hasilnya pun pelan-pelan.

hai, hari ini saya mau review skincare merek lokal lagk nih! Sebulan yang lalu, saya ditawari... →more

hai, hari ini saya mau review skincare merek lokal lagk nih! Sebulan yang lalu, saya ditawari... →more
03 Nov 2019 10:36 am
Morning skincare routine with @clinelleid --Akhirnya bisa pake skincare lagi setelah hampir seminggu raup dengan air mineral aja , sorry if  bopengku a little distracting.---•Clinelle WhitenUp Brightening Cleanser : jadi ini tube keduaku ya, yg pertama dulu habis bersih. This is non-drying gel cleanser, lembut sih di wajah. Enak untuk morning cleanser.•Clinelle Peeling Pad & Refining Mask : ini varian nya banyak ya ada ; Purifying , Lifting & Firming, Hydrating , dan Whitening. Praktis sekali karena dlm 1 sachet, ada Peeling Pad dan sheet mask nya.•Clinelle Pure Swiss Hydracalm Cream : hampir sama dengan sleeping mask nya, teksturnya cloud-ish gel-like that gives cooling sensation when applied. It feels silicone-y that I love &  super moisturizing.__Jangan lupa semua produk @clinelleid bisa kalian temukan di semua @guardian_id__Review slengkapnya akan UP di blog ya!!.#2isBetterThan1 #Clinelle #ClinelleIndonesia #peelingpadrefiningmask#Clozetteid #clozetteidreview #clinellexclozetteidreview  @clozetteid

Morning skincare routine with @clinelleid --Akhirnya bisa pake skincare lagi setelah hampir... →more

Morning skincare routine with @clinelleid --Akhirnya bisa pake skincare lagi setelah hampir... →more
01 Nov 2019 12:54 am
Aku suka bangat pake laneige water sleeping mask ini, besok nya muka gw kinclong dan moist! ! Pas Lagi ada beberapa jerawat kayak iritasi, aku juga suka pakein, Karena ini bisa menenagkan juga Kan.. Guys, aku Cuma mau indo laneige water sleeping mask ini ada payday sale diskon 70% khusus tgl 1&2 nov, Yang mau order bisa DM aku di IG : itsjusterr #clozetteid #beautyblogger #beauty #skincare #skincarereview

Aku suka bangat pake laneige water sleeping mask ini, besok nya muka gw kinclong dan moist! ! Pas... →more

Aku suka bangat pake laneige water sleeping mask ini, besok nya muka gw kinclong dan moist! ! Pas... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Kate Middleton Reportedly Shares This "Beauty Sleep" Product with Meghan Markle

Kate Middleton Reportedly Shares This "Beauty Sleep" Product with Meghan Markle

09 Oct 2019 10:01 pm
aku tipe wanita tidak pernah berhenti mencoba sesuatu yg baru dan kali ini aku mencoba @cantikcitra Citra fresh Glow Multifunction Gel dg dua varian yaitu Aloe vera bright uv dan Tomato bright uv. Menarik banget lho dari varian citra varian terbaru Fresh Glow multifunction gel dg texture Gel bening cepat meresap ke kulitku tanpa terasa sekejap menyerap ke pori-pori kulit mbrikan efek Sejuk dikulit, dan tidak lengket dapat digunakan u/ kebutuhan kulit ku. 
Seperti saat ini cuaca terik, panas dan kulit juga terasa mudah terdehidrasi jadi sangat perlu lotion yg menbantu melembabkan dan mencerahkan serta menyejukkan. Semua pemasalahan tsb dapat diatasi dengan citra Fresh Glow multifuction. Uniknya dari varian citra fresh glow karna mulfungsi digunakan sebagai pelembab wajah dan tubuh sbg kebutuhan sehari-hari tak hanya itu saja dapat juga digunakan sbg Sleeping mask pada skincare mlm hari dan Primer makeup u/ daily makeupku.
Kalu favoriit aku Aloe Bright UV dg kandungan 100% natural Aloe vera diperkaya vit. C & Vit. E melembabkan dan mencerahkan kulit , 100% mint essence kulit terasa segar & sejuk, diperkaya 20X Vit B3 + E untuk pencerah pada kulit , pentingnya lagi 0% Alcohol sehingga anti alergi kulit 😍. Untuk saat ini yg Praktis ak pilih Citra Fresh Glow Aloe Vera Bright UV kemana pun dan dimana pun karna #SatuGelUntukSemua , yuk share favorit citra kesukaan kalian @zahradelima @merrynatalya @san2pit #CitraFreshGlowMultifunctionGel #CantikCitra 
#clozetteid #photography
#selfie #셀스타그램 #강남 #일상 #소통
#일상스타그램 #소통스타그램 #좋아요
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aku tipe wanita tidak pernah berhenti mencoba sesuatu yg baru dan kali ini aku mencoba @cantikcitra... →more

aku tipe wanita tidak pernah berhenti mencoba sesuatu yg baru dan kali ini aku mencoba @cantikcitra... →more
05 Oct 2019 12:51 pm
gud morning!!!!!
wih udh weekend aja, waktu gak brasa berjalan sangat cepat 😊😊 -
Don’t waste your time to sleep, wake up and meet your friend or the others who really love you 🥰


gud morning!!!!! wih udh weekend aja, waktu gak brasa berjalan sangat cepat 😊😊 - - Don’t... →more

gud morning!!!!! wih udh weekend aja, waktu gak brasa berjalan sangat cepat 😊😊 - - Don’t... →more
04 Oct 2019 11:31 am
.#MELpinkpalette kali ini didekasikan untuk 3 produk @laneigeid kesayanganku, yang kebetulan semuanya berwarna pink.1. Lip Sleeping MaskIni jar kedua aku, wanginya enak, sangat melembabkan bibir dan lama banget habisnya 😆.2. Layering CushionAku itu memang anak Cushion banget ya. Foundation cuma dipakai untuk acara tertentu.Sebelumnya aku selalu repurchase Laneige BB Pore Control Cushion selama lebih dari 3 tahun.Tapi lalu beralih ke cushion yang ini karena ada concealernya juga di dalam jadi lebih praktis.Coveragenya juga bagus!Namun sedihnya it doesn't come with extra refill..3. Clear C Advanced Effector EXBagi yang belum tahu, produk ini tidak bisa bekerja sendiri ya karena sifatnya seperti booster yang akan memaksimalkan fungsi produk yang dipakai setelahnya.Setelah menghabiskan botol ketiga (yes, my skin loves it) aku akan stop dulu karena mau mencoba produk yang mengandung Retinol.Dari yang aku baca memang sebaiknya tidak menggunakan produk bervitamin C dengan produk yang mengandung Niacinamide & Retinol bersamaan.But please do your own research ya kalau mau mencoba...Thank you for reading 🖤Have a good day!..#LaneigeIndonesia #ClozetteID #TGIF

.#MELpinkpalette kali ini didekasikan untuk 3 produk @laneigeid kesayanganku, yang kebetulan... →more

.#MELpinkpalette kali ini didekasikan untuk 3 produk @laneigeid kesayanganku, yang kebetulan... →more
30 Sep 2019 8:56 am
[Review & Giveaway]Jadi setelah aku bikin QnA untuk #picchamondaygiveaway aku memutuskan untuk memberikan Korean Skincare dari Laneige. Best 3 items for night care. Sebelum kalian coba skincare Laneige kalian wajib cobain dulu 3 produk ini. Laneige Sleeping Mask, ini produk Laneige pertamaku karena ini aku jatuh hati pada skincare Laneige. Wanginya enak, wangi aromaterapi bikin tidur nyenyak. Bangun" muka lembab tapi ga berminyak.Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask, kadang" bibirku kering banget sampai pecah" jadi aku pasti pakai lip sleeping mask (cek youtube aku video udah lama aku review produk ini). Laneige Eye Sleeping Mask, untuk mata wajib pakai eyecream formula yang berbeda untuk daerah wajah lainnya.Mau coba ke 3 produk ini? Kali ini pemenangnya ada 3 orang. Masing-masing mendapatkan 3 item ini.How to win?1. Follow IG @siscapiccha2. Repost di IG Story tentang giveaway ini3. Comment dibawah kenapa kamu mau mencoba 3 produk ini dan tag 5 temanmuKalau mau follow social mediaku yang lain boleh banget.Twitter: picchaYoutube: picchaLine@: @piccha3 pemenang akan diumumkan 7 Oktober ( hanya 1 minggu). Good luck.  #blogger #impiccha #piccha #tribepost #bandungbeautyblogger #clozetteid #giveaway #freeitem #picchagiveaway

[Review & Giveaway]Jadi setelah aku bikin QnA untuk #picchamondaygiveaway aku memutuskan untuk... →more

[Review & Giveaway]Jadi setelah aku bikin QnA untuk #picchamondaygiveaway aku memutuskan untuk... →more
24 Sep 2019 11:16 am
Sleep well last night and i woke up with moist skin✨
Asli!!! Serumnya mereka ini bikin kulit itu lebih kenyal, apalagi kulitku kering. Pagi-pagi bangun rasanya beda banget kalau malamnya pakai serum sebelum tidur~ 
Wanginya enak dan gampang banget pakainyaa. Emang pricey cuman ngerawat kulit dari sekarang Itu namany investasi girls. ☺️
@esteelauderid #TheNightIsYours 🥂
Thanks for the invitation @catherinenjoo @vincenthimawan .
#bloggersurabaya #clozetteid #beauty

Sleep well last night and i woke up with moist skin✨ Asli!!! Serumnya mereka ini bikin kulit itu... →more

Sleep well last night and i woke up with moist skin✨ Asli!!! Serumnya mereka ini bikin kulit itu... →more
09 Sep 2019 7:51 pm
“Anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.” Cannot agree more with this quote!

A little over 9 months into my breastfeeding journey (hoping to make it to at least one year), so I thought I’d dedicate a post for a photo (or three 😛) of me pumping. I’ve come from the fresh postpartum baby blues of dreading every nursing session to loving it so much, so much that while I can’t wait til the day I officially stop breastfeeding and can’t chug some 🍺 there’s a part of me that wishes that day don’t come too soon.

We have been trying to wean off the breasts so Owen is now mostly bottle-fed, but DBF-ing to sleep is a crutch that is much harder to break. We’re taking our time but making progress.

Anyway... this breastfeeding-friendly dress I’m wearing is from @mom.bies . Highly recommended! Bahannya ringan, dipakainya adem, bukaan menyusuinya pas. Baju rumah yang nyaman buat busui. Dan style bisa juga untuk dipakai keluar rumah atau bahkan summer vacay. 💛

#clozetteid #ootd #ootdmommy #pumpingmom #busui #momblogger #mamadaily #nursingfriendly #breastfeedingmom

“Anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.” Cannot agree more with this quote! A... →more

“Anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard.” Cannot agree more with this quote! A... →more
02 Sep 2019 4:12 pm
So Exhausted...
and I'm so tired.. 😢
Sometimes i feel part of me says all of this wants to end soon, but part of me says it won't

Sometimes all I need just..
Hiding in my bathroom, needing peace for just one minute, as the tears roll down my cheek

Do anything to lay down on my bed and get the rest I need

Sitting in my car alone, stuffing food in my face because I don’t want anyone else to see or know I eat that stuff

Sleep well for a few hours without any distruption

Sitting alone and enjoy my morning coffee while reading my favourite book at the coffee shop

Big hug from my best friend

In the end it will all be worth it. But for now it’s hard. And it’s hard for so many of us in many different ways ☺️ Hhhhhh....
Take a deep breath
And suggest to my self
Everything will be ok

I am enough
I just doing my best 😊

#momlife #spring #babygirl #confidence #photooftheday #walk #together #family #momblogger #parenthood #happines #happy #motherhood #ClozetteID #mommy #mommylyfe #moments

So Exhausted... and I'm so tired.. 😢 ... . Sometimes i feel part of me says all of this wants to... →more

So Exhausted... and I'm so tired.. 😢 ... . Sometimes i feel part of me says all of this wants to... →more
09 Aug 2019 8:07 pm
That Friday feeling • but everything isn’t always as it seems, is it? In reality this mama just finally succeeded putting Owen to sleep after +- 1 hour of crying and refusing sleep. He’s going thru what they call the 8-month sleep regression, which is what commonly (but not always) occurs as baby goes through major growth and developments. Plus, he’s teething so his appetite for solids is plummeting. Hope all these are temporary and he goes back to his scheduled-sleeper, happy-eater self!

#momblogger #mamadaily #honestlymothering #ootdmommy #clozetteid #ootd

That Friday feeling • but everything isn’t always as it seems, is it? In reality this mama just... →more

That Friday feeling • but everything isn’t always as it seems, is it? In reality this mama just... →more
30 Jul 2019 8:02 pm
Kulit kusam,  jerawatan dan menunjukkan tanda penuaan dini?  Oh tenang itu bisa dicegah. Caranya adalah dgn menutrisi kulit dr luar dan dalam. Daan aku lagi coba rangkaian @natur_e_indonesia Anti Aging beberapa hari ini. So far aku ngerasa kulit jadi lebih lembab sih. Well kita lihat beberapa waktu ke depan yah. Karena perubahan pada kulit ya kalee bisa instan cin.  Butuh waktu dan keteguhan hati agar konsisten apply skincare 😆 anyway ini 5 step skincare aku dimulai dr konsistensi paling cair sampai ke paling kental. Swipe swipe yaaaa 

Disclaimer: urutan videonya ngacak euy hahaha jadi yg benar adalah step berikut yah 💦 cuci muka pake Natur-E Advanced Facial Wash 💦 apply Natur-E Advanced Skin Balancer pada wajah yang bersih,  tepuk perlahan hingga meresap 💦 selanjutnya apply Natur-E Advanced Serum sambil pijat perlahan 💦 oles Natur-E Eye Cream di area bawah maya dan tepuk pelan 💦 terakhir pake Natur-E Advanced Night Cream oles tipis krimnya di permukaan wajah and nighty night!  Have a good sleep 

#KembalikanCantikMudaMu #KelebihanmuKecantikanmu #ClozetteIDxNaturE
#clozetteid #skincare #skincareroutine #skincaretips #antiaging

Kulit kusam, jerawatan dan menunjukkan tanda penuaan dini? Oh tenang itu bisa dicegah. Caranya... →more

Kulit kusam, jerawatan dan menunjukkan tanda penuaan dini? Oh tenang itu bisa dicegah. Caranya... →more
25 Jul 2019 4:27 pm
Sleeping mask yang lagi aku pakai sekarang: Cosrx Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Spa Mask
❤ Produk ini ena kalau dipakai pas kulit emang lagi kering. Keringnya kulit berminyak ya tapinya. Kalau keringnya kulit kering bisa jadi hasilnya beda 🐒
❤ Teksturnya ringan, pas diratakan seperti melting gitu jadi nggak berasa gerah di kulit
❤ Nggak bereaksi negatif di kulitku
💔 Nggak merasakan efek brightening-nya
💔 Sejak pakai ini ngerasa tiap bangun tidur mukanya basah. Iya basah, bukan berminyak. Dan aku kurang suka dengan efek itu
Walaupun klaimnya bisa dipakai buat moisturizer pagi hari, aku nggak menyarankan sih. Terutama buat yang kulitnya berminyak.
#jogjabloggirls #clozetteid #bloggerperempuan #review #beautyreviews #beauty #skincarekorea

Sleeping mask yang lagi aku pakai sekarang: Cosrx Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Spa Mask ---... →more

Sleeping mask yang lagi aku pakai sekarang: Cosrx Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Spa Mask ---... →more
16 Jul 2019 12:02 pm
Eat and sleep and read and repeat.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#clozetteid #red

Eat and sleep and read and repeat.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#clozetteid... →more

Eat and sleep and read and repeat.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#clozetteid... →more
15 Jul 2019 12:12 pm
Happy monday.. Suka banget sleeping mask @lacoco.id watermelon glow mask ini.Masker yang buat jadi pengen ngaca setiap bangun tidur, soalnya hasilnya bener-bener buat wajah jadi glowing, lembab banget.@clozetteidreview lengkapnya bisa mampir ke blog aku yahttps://www.shantyhuang.com/2019/07/review-lacoco-watermelon-glow-mask.html#shantyhuang  #Clozetteid #LACOCOXClozetteIDReview #LacocoEnNature #Clozetteidreview

Happy monday.. Suka banget sleeping mask @lacoco.id watermelon glow mask ini.Masker yang buat jadi... →more

Happy monday.. Suka banget sleeping mask @lacoco.id watermelon glow mask ini.Masker yang buat jadi... →more
14 Jul 2019 6:42 pm
My Lip Care Routine💋..Sensatia Botanicals Pouty Lip Sugar Lip ScrubLaneige Special Care Lip Sleeping Mask (berry)Rollover Reaction Lip BalmDan.....Nonton penjelasan selengkapnya di video terbaru gue yaa! Silakan mampir ke youtube ogut, link-nya di bio🌻..#clozetteid #lipcare #lipcareroutine

My Lip Care Routine💋..Sensatia Botanicals Pouty Lip Sugar Lip ScrubLaneige Special Care Lip... →more

My Lip Care Routine💋..Sensatia Botanicals Pouty Lip Sugar Lip ScrubLaneige Special Care Lip... →more
28 Jun 2019 10:02 pm
❗️Hey! before sleep try see my new upload!@taeyeon_ss hair style with @banilaco_id ❤️바닐라코가 드디어 여기에도 입점이 되었네요!! 하지만 내가 제일 좋아하는 글리터만 없는게 너무 아쉬운 ㅠㅠ 여튼 내일 바닐라코 이벤트 가니깐 일찍자야쥥🦄🦄🦄-Hello peeps🦄🦄Do you know banilaco brand from Korea? @banilaco_id is one of my favorite Korean makeup brand and as you know SNSD TAE YEON ONNIE is one of the model! I am so happy that Banilaco open new branch in Indonesia! ✨✨✨✨I post the unboxing video so you can check and tomorrow i will attend thier event let me share good beauty products from them and also will post video that i use the banila co products🦄🤳🏻 are you exiting? Holeyy yes!!🦄🦄🦄🦄@banilaco_id #BanilaCoID#beautifulrightnow

❗️Hey! before sleep try see my new upload!@taeyeon_ss hair style with @banilaco_id... →more

❗️Hey! before sleep try see my new upload!@taeyeon_ss hair style with @banilaco_id... →more
28 Jun 2019 8:22 am
Me - embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not having enough time to rest, didn’t sleep properly and didn’t eat well. My skin recently has been through break out. The pimples are not only pop-up on my face, also my body. Even my thigh. But @jellyssg products are helping my face skin to look healthy. 
I am using Power Up Serum; Pure Face Bluefin Tuna Cream and Pure Face Sunscreen Cream. 
#ladies_journal #skincare #skincareproducts #beauty #clozetteid #clozette #selfcare #bareface #jellysg #kbeauty #kbeautyskincare #koreanskincare

Me - embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not... →more

Me - embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not... →more
28 Jun 2019 8:07 am
Me embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not having enough time to rest, didn’t sleep properly and didn’t eat well. My skin recently has been through break out. The pimples are not only pop-up on my face, also my body. Even my thigh. But @jellyssg products are helping my face skin to look healthy. 
I am using Power Up Serum; Pure Face Bluefin Tuna Cream and Pure Face Sunscreen Cream. 
#ladies_journal #skincare #skincareproducts #beauty #clozetteid #clozette #selfcare #bareface

Me embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not... →more

Me embrace my bare skin without makeup every morning. Despite how busy I am that I end up not... →more
27 Jun 2019 5:42 pm
[Do you want to have a healthy and flawless skin like Korean?] @biooilidn is one of the most favorite skin oil brand in Korea. Korean people like to use it for overcome skin problems such as stretch marks (pregnant women), dehydrated skin while autumn and winter, also Korean beauty bloggers recommend to use it as makeup base. Here are about Bio-Oil: - Bio-Oil is a complete skincare product with extra benefit to take care your hair to your feet - therefore it’s suit to support your good habit in caring your skin.- Bio-oil is well known as solution in healing scars and stretch marks and also its formula can be used to fix uneven skin tone, dry skin and prevent aging.- Bio-oil usually called as dry oil that can absorb quickly and does not sticky on skin because it contains Purcellin Oil and unique combination from organic plants and also vitamin A and E.How to use it?- Put Bio-Oil on your backhand and apply it to skin with problems while do a massage as clockwise move until it spread evenly.- For maximum result, use it twice a day after bath for minimum 3 months.- Use it to fulfill the needs of caring and solving different types of skin problem. Bio-Oil comes with 4 sizes: 25ml, 60ml, 125ml, 200mlCan I trust this brand?Bio-Oil is from South Africa and have been successfully sale in more than 86 countries, known as global brand since the widely sales in 2002.Honest review from onnie:I’ve used this product for almost one month and I want to share my experience with you. First, when my face got dehydrated, I apply Bio-Oil before sleep and before makeup. It’s not oily and moisture my skin. Also, it helps to overcome scars on my face. Second, since I am a blond-hair person, I have to take care it to not getting dry. Therefore, I love to use Bio-Oil on my hair to prevent it getting dry and messy. I truly recommend Bio-Oil for those who has dehydrated skin, scars, stretch marks, and also dry hair.#BioOilHealthySkinHabits #PerfectFlaws

[Do you want to have a healthy and flawless skin like Korean?] @biooilidn is one of the most... →more

[Do you want to have a healthy and flawless skin like Korean?] @biooilidn is one of the most... →more
27 Jun 2019 10:17 am
Clinelle merupakan salah satu brand perawatan kulit yang mengerti akan keinginan pasar dengan menciptakan produk seringan air. Pada kesempatan ini, Clozette berkesempatan untuk mencoba produk terbarunya, yaitu Clinelle Pureswiss Hydracalm Sleeping Mask dan Clinelle Whiten Up EE Cream. Penasaran?Baca review selengkapnya di http://bit.ly/clozette-clinellepureswiss (LINK ON BIO)Download Clozette Indonesia App di Google Play dan dapatkan daily updates of Fashion, Beauty, Hijab, and Lifestyle. #ClozetteID #ClozetteIDReview

Clinelle merupakan salah satu brand perawatan kulit yang mengerti akan keinginan pasar dengan... →more

Clinelle merupakan salah satu brand perawatan kulit yang mengerti akan keinginan pasar dengan... →more
16 Jun 2019 11:57 am
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight."
#clozetteid #personalstyle #styleblogger #ootd #cgstreetstyle #streetstyle #ggrepstyle #PrettyMessedUpStyle #lookbookindonesia #ootdindo

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight." _ _ _ #clozetteid #personalstyle... →more

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight." _ _ _ #clozetteid #personalstyle... →more
15 Jun 2019 9:09 pm
How to DIY a Gravity Sleep Mask - YouTube

How to DIY a Gravity Sleep Mask - YouTube

How to DIY a Gravity Sleep Mask - YouTube
15 Jun 2019 5:22 pm
Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dream or wake up and chase them.. Don't call it a dream, call it a plan..🌟💫🌈.📸 @simplicity_mel....#qotd #picoftheday #UnicornLand #latepost #MOIUnicornLand  #MallOfIndonesia #jktspot #jktgo #ootd #ClozetteID

Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dream or wake up and chase them..... →more

Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dream or wake up and chase them..... →more
30 May 2019 11:17 am
Peace out✌🏻 Just woke up from 11 hours of real sleep & 72 hours sleep in IG💁🏻‍♀️

Peace out✌🏻 Just woke up from 11 hours of real sleep & 72 hours sleep in IG💁🏻‍♀️ .... →more

Peace out✌🏻 Just woke up from 11 hours of real sleep & 72 hours sleep in IG💁🏻‍♀️ .... →more
29 May 2019 4:37 pm
Libuuur 😍 *hempas* Sleep. Eat. (House chores in between). Play. Play more. Repeat.Stay safe buat yang pada mudik! 🤗.....#newzealand #style #sbybeautyblogger #coordinates #blogger #beautyblogger #clozetteid #indonesiablogger #indonesiabeautyblogger #bloggerindonesia #ootd #surabayabeautyblogger #beautybloggersurabaya #ootdindo #coordinate #sbyblogger #ootdid #sociollablogger

Libuuur 😍 *hempas* Sleep. Eat. (House chores in between). Play. Play more. Repeat.Stay safe buat... →more

Libuuur 😍 *hempas* Sleep. Eat. (House chores in between). Play. Play more. Repeat.Stay safe buat... →more