24 Jan 2019 2:19 pm
Bring your own sunshine ☀️ btw have you joined my #giveaway? Check my previous post with red 👄 ..-Picture credit: pinterest ❤️....#exploretocreate #clozetteid #yellow #style

Bring your own sunshine ☀️ btw have you joined my #giveaway? Check my previous post with red... →more

Bring your own sunshine ☀️ btw have you joined my #giveaway? Check my previous post with red... →more
05 Jan 2019 5:34 pm
When in doubt wear red 🥰 can you guess my lipstick ?💄 ☺️☺️☺️ hint: it’s from a special holiday set .............#clozetteid #exploretocreate #beauty #tampilcantik #ragamkecantikan #wakeupandmakeup #style #ggrep

When in doubt wear red 🥰 can you guess my lipstick ?💄 ☺️☺️☺️ hint: it’s from a... →more

When in doubt wear red 🥰 can you guess my lipstick ?💄 ☺️☺️☺️ hint: it’s from a... →more
Like Us
05 Jan 2019 12:14 pm
Selamat hari Sabtu! Mari merencanakan untuk tidak merencanakan apa-apa. 😌.....#coffee #latteart #latte #art #caffeine #redvelvet #red #wanderlust #saturday #weekend #lazyday #whp #whpmood #whpdailylife #whpcolorplay #clozetteid #vscofilter #instadaily

Selamat hari Sabtu! Mari merencanakan untuk tidak merencanakan apa-apa. 😌.....#coffee #latteart... →more

Selamat hari Sabtu! Mari merencanakan untuk tidak merencanakan apa-apa. 😌.....#coffee #latteart... →more
30 Dec 2018 12:10 am
Green & Red #clozetteid

Green & Red #clozetteid

28 Dec 2018 10:59 am
Almost New Year guyss, uda atur plan buat tahun baruan nanti??? .
Red top from @macadamiahouse , to complete your look for new year party.. .
#ootd #outfit #lookbookindo #indofashionpeople #clozetteid #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #streetlook #style #partnershipwithhisafu #hisafudressup #fashionpeople

Almost New Year guyss, uda atur plan buat tahun baruan nanti??? . . Red top from @macadamiahouse ,... →more

Almost New Year guyss, uda atur plan buat tahun baruan nanti??? . . Red top from @macadamiahouse ,... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am


22 Dec 2018 6:09 pm
Ho ho ho! Hello from this not-red-nosed reindeer!

#red #fashion #christmas🎄
#clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #influencer #beautyinfluencer #blogger #bbloggerid #beautyblogger #indonesianblogger #surabayablogger  #indonesianbeautyblogger #girl #surabayainfluencer  #bloggerperempuan  #christmasootd #ootd #ootdindonesia #ootdid #personalstyle #fashion #fashionblogger #fashioninfluencer  #asian #christmasootd #personalstyleblogger

Ho ho ho! Hello from this not-red-nosed reindeer! #happyholidays #red #fashion #christmas🎄... →more

Ho ho ho! Hello from this not-red-nosed reindeer! #happyholidays #red #fashion #christmas🎄... →more
22 Dec 2018 12:14 pm
Holiday season has officially started... I guess? I dunno, my son has been on holiday for weeks i lost all sense of time. But i hope y'all having a good time!

#red #fashion #christmasdinner
#clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #influencer #beautyinfluencer #blogger #bbloggerid #beautyblogger #indonesianblogger #surabayablogger  #indonesianbeautyblogger #girls #surabayainfluencer  #bloggerperempuan  #christmasootd #ootd #ootdindonesia #ootdid #personalstyle #fashion #fashionblogger #fashioninfluencer  #asian #christmasootd #personalstyleblogger

Holiday season has officially started... I guess? I dunno, my son has been on holiday for weeks i... →more

Holiday season has officially started... I guess? I dunno, my son has been on holiday for weeks i... →more
22 Dec 2018 8:44 am
Rudolph with red nose shine so bright and merry. With all cheer, lets them know that Christmas is here.

Rudolph with red nose shine so bright and merry. With all cheer, lets them know that Christmas is... →more

Rudolph with red nose shine so bright and merry. With all cheer, lets them know that Christmas is... →more
21 Dec 2018 12:00 pm
Touch of RED' OOTD ala Clozetter @mndalicious. Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Fashion Community. Yuk, share outfit favorit kamu bersama Clozette.

Touch of RED' OOTD ala Clozetter @mndalicious. Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini... →more

Touch of RED' OOTD ala Clozetter @mndalicious. Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini... →more
20 Dec 2018 10:59 pm
Kenalin nih, skincare favorit gue yang baru! 😍.
Kedua produk ini merupakan serum Vitamin Source C-20 dan Red Spot Pink Powder dari @ciracle.id ❤. Dapet dari @clozetteid buat gue cobain dan share reviewnya ke teman2 😊.
Buat teman2 yg belum tau, Ciracle merupakan brand skincare asal Korea yang menyediakan berbagai produk untuk mengatasi masalah kulit, khususnya jerawat. Btw, Ciracle ini cruelty-free yayy😍🐰.
Ciracle Vitamin Source C-20 merupakan serum untuk mencerahkan wajah yg kusam, menyamarkan noda hitam dan kemerahan pada kulit, serta menangkal radikal bebas. Banyak banget manfaatnya. Gue udah pakai selama 2 minggu dannn efeknya berasa banget gengs huhu terharu. Kulit gue jadi terasa lebih lembut, cerah, dan bekas2 jerawat gue memudar banget! Walau belum hilang 100% karena br pake 2 minggu, tapi buat gue ini keliatan bgt efeknya😍.
Sedangkan Ciracle Red Spot Pink Powder merupakan spot treatment yang dapat menghilangkan jerawat meradang dalam semalam. Walau pada praktiknya di gue baru hilang setelah pemakaian 3-4 hari, buat gue ini terbilang cepat. Karena biasanya jerawat gue baru hilang setelah 2 minggu lebih. Terharu banget gua :").
Buat kalian yg penasaran silakan mampir ke blog gue yaa review lengkapnya sudah naik di www.magellanictivity.com. Silakan klik link di bio ya ❤.
#clozetteid #skincare #clozetteidreview #CIRACLExClozetteIDReview #ciracle

Kenalin nih, skincare favorit gue yang baru! 😍. . Kedua produk ini merupakan serum Vitamin... →more

Kenalin nih, skincare favorit gue yang baru! 😍. . Kedua produk ini merupakan serum Vitamin... →more
20 Dec 2018 1:54 pm
Let's talk about this skincare! .
Ada yang udah kenal sama brand ini? Yup, ini brand skincare asal Korea yang berada dibawah pengawasan Dermatologist & Lab selama puluhan tahun yang memiliki fokus untuk menangani permasalahan kulit khususnya jerawat. .
Ada 2 produk yang sudah aku coba yakni Ciracle Vitamin Source C-20 & Ciracle Red Spot Pink Powder. Yang spesial adalah kandungan Vitamin C dari serum ini bersumber dari Ascorbic Acid yang memiliki persentase sebesar 20%, which is good for effectiveness skincare. .
Jadi, aku udah cobain serum ini selama 2 minggu. In my opinion, ini serum yang termasuk cepat dalam memberikan hasil seperti bekas jerawatku yang mulai memudar & tekstur kulit yang lebih halus. Selain itu, Red Spot Pink Powdernya kini jadi salah satu obat jerawat di kala emergency karena cukup bisa mengempeskan jerawat dalam semalam.
Review lengkapnya bisa kalian lihat di blog aku ya, sudah tayang just klik link on my bio😊
#Clozetteid #skincare
#Clozetteidreview #CIRACLExClozetteIDReview #ciracle #minireviewlisa #lisalimblog #skincareenthusiast

Let's talk about this skincare! . Ada yang udah kenal sama brand ini? Yup, ini brand skincare asal... →more

Let's talk about this skincare! . Ada yang udah kenal sama brand ini? Yup, ini brand skincare asal... →more
20 Dec 2018 9:49 am
RED DRESS TO IMPRESS 💃🏻 @kawaibangkok , swipe 🔜 to see the video .
#ootdindo #ootdfashion #ootdguide #ootdinspo #ootdideas #ootdinspiration #ootdindokece #ootdindonesia #ootdindonesiaa #clozetteid #lookbook #lookbooklookbook #lookbookindonesia

RED DRESS TO IMPRESS 💃🏻 @kawaibangkok , swipe 🔜 to see the video . . #ootdindo... →more

RED DRESS TO IMPRESS 💃🏻 @kawaibangkok , swipe 🔜 to see the video . . #ootdindo... →more
17 Dec 2018 9:54 pm
From nude pink to vampy red; a statement making lip is a holiday must-have. Shown here (from top to bottom):1. Toasted Brown2. Raw Cocoa3. Walnut4. Almond Pink5. Honey Cherry6. Rose Wood Red#ByeHeavyMatte #ThePowderMattes #shinebabyshine #weheartit #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerindonesia #clozetteid @jakartabeautyblogger #JakartaBeautyBlogger @beautiesquad #tampilcantik #beautynesiamember #beautychannelID #fdbeauty #beautyinfluencerjakarta #indobeautysquad @zonamakeup.id #zonamakeupid #editorialmakeup #indonesiafemaleblogger #kbbvfeatured #beautygoersid

From nude pink to vampy red; a statement making lip is a holiday must-have. Shown here (from top to... →more

From nude pink to vampy red; a statement making lip is a holiday must-have. Shown here (from top to... →more
14 Dec 2018 3:19 pm
Since Christmas is coming I Wear Red ❤️
Well, here one of my way to style up turtle neck. Perfect style for this season rite?
Soon published💋

Since Christmas is coming I Wear Red ❤️ Well, here one of my way to style up turtle neck.... →more

Since Christmas is coming I Wear Red ❤️ Well, here one of my way to style up turtle neck.... →more
14 Dec 2018 12:00 pm
Christmas is coming! Add a touch of red on your outfit like Clozetter @budiartiannisa. Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Fashion Community. Yuk, share outfit favorit kamu bersama Clozette.

Christmas is coming! Add a touch of red on your outfit like Clozetter @budiartiannisa. Simak... →more

Christmas is coming! Add a touch of red on your outfit like Clozetter @budiartiannisa. Simak... →more
11 Dec 2018 10:39 pm
I guess we should prepared red, green, and white outfit for Christmas next year 😄 By the way I wore a simple and chic dress from Korean designer brand based in Hong Kong called @ohmira_official via @styletheoryid ❤️
#personalstyle #clozette #clozetteid

I guess we should prepared red, green, and white outfit for Christmas next year 😄 By the way I... →more

I guess we should prepared red, green, and white outfit for Christmas next year 😄 By the way I... →more
10 Dec 2018 8:59 pm
Hello Red!💋 📷 : @andrewdynto #ClozetteID

Hello Red!💋 📷 : @andrewdynto #ClozetteID

Hello Red!💋 📷 : @andrewdynto #ClozetteID
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
YouTube Star Lisa Eldridge Launches the Velvet Red Lipstick Line of the Moment

YouTube Star Lisa Eldridge Launches the Velvet Red Lipstick Line of the Moment

07 Dec 2018 1:24 pm
Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature,  be different. Even in your own colour - make them remember you only from a combination of a colour.  They called me Lady in Black & Red. And that's my signature. ............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature, be... →more

Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature, be... →more
05 Dec 2018 2:49 pm
My new hair "Balayage Red Violet" special by @alfiantamailang and @ichahairstylist 💖........#matrix #balayage #clozetteID #wakeupandmakeup #indovidgram #bunnyneedsmakeup #beautybloggerindonesia #beautiesquad #charisceleb #tampilcantik #indobeautysquad

My new hair "Balayage Red Violet" special by @alfiantamailang and @ichahairstylist... →more

My new hair "Balayage Red Violet" special by @alfiantamailang and @ichahairstylist... →more
03 Dec 2018 3:38 pm
RED CARPET READY MAKEUP  | The PERFECT Smokey Eye + Nude Lip | Aysha Abdul - YouTube

RED CARPET READY MAKEUP | The PERFECT Smokey Eye + Nude Lip | Aysha Abdul - YouTube

RED CARPET READY MAKEUP | The PERFECT Smokey Eye + Nude Lip | Aysha Abdul - YouTube
25 Nov 2018 2:19 pm
My favorite color is pink and black, but i love to wear red outfits ❤ // tap for details

My favorite color is pink and black, but i love to wear red outfits ❤ // tap for details

My favorite color is pink and black, but i love to wear red outfits ❤ // tap for details
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
"Red Velvet" Hair Is the Newest Color Trend — and It's Deliciously Sweet

"Red Velvet" Hair Is the Newest Color Trend — and It's Deliciously Sweet

24 Nov 2018 9:44 am
"Eh, iya gimana-gimana maksudnya?"
Happy week'nd all 😋
#clozetteid #LoopSquad2018 #beauty #instatoday #instalike #tapforlike #tapforfollow #followforfollow #beautyblogger #journal #weekend #daily #jakarta #indonesia #red #white

"Eh, iya gimana-gimana maksudnya?" . Happy week'nd all 😋 . . #clozetteid #LoopSquad2018 #beauty... →more

"Eh, iya gimana-gimana maksudnya?" . Happy week'nd all 😋 . . #clozetteid #LoopSquad2018 #beauty... →more
23 Nov 2018 8:19 pm
Remember statement pieces makes even the simplest outfit stands out❤️ .
Bag from @zaloraid #zalorastyleedit #zalorasquad // white pumps from @symbolize_shoes which is perfect for formal to daily wear! .
#steviewears #style #clozetteid #tampilcantik #fashion mwhatiwore #red #fashion #collabwithstevie

Remember statement pieces makes even the simplest outfit stands out❤️ . . . - Inframe: Bag... →more

Remember statement pieces makes even the simplest outfit stands out❤️ . . . - Inframe: Bag... →more
17 Nov 2018 8:00 pm
Make your eyes look deeper with this fall red/cranberry eye makeup. Check the tutorial video here : http://bit.ly/2RKhyPQ . Video ini di-share kembali oleh Clozetter @Juliahadi. Cek Tutorial Updates lainnya pada Tutorial Section.

Make your eyes look deeper with this fall red/cranberry eye makeup. Check the tutorial video here :... →more

Make your eyes look deeper with this fall red/cranberry eye makeup. Check the tutorial video here :... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
The Most Naked Red Carpet Outfits of 2018—Are You Ready for Them?

The Most Naked Red Carpet Outfits of 2018—Are You Ready for Them?

14 Nov 2018 8:49 am
Custom red dress for #harydanyaniberbahagia ❤️
#ootd #fashion #weddingguestdress #ClozetteID

Custom red dress for #harydanyaniberbahagia ❤️ - - #ootd #fashion #weddingguestdress... →more

12 Nov 2018 7:44 pm
Two of your favorite colors👣
#clozetteid #shoes #red #blue #patterns #lace #shoesoftheday

Two of your favorite colors👣 . . . #clozetteid #shoes #red #blue #patterns #lace #shoesoftheday