kyriaa 01 Jun 2020 11:57 pm Eyeshadow Do's and Don'ts - YouTube kyriaa Eyeshadow Do's and Don'ts - YouTube
salsawibowo 01 Jun 2020 11:54 pm Makeup Mistakes to Avoid | Ali Andreea - YouTube salsawibowo Makeup Mistakes to Avoid | Ali Andreea - YouTube
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am My 5-Second Makeup Trick for Looking Immediately Better During Zoom Calls My 5-Second Makeup Trick for Looking Immediately Better During Zoom Calls ...
ClozetteCREW 01 Jun 2020 3:00 pm Apa deodoran andalanmu, Clozetters? Kalau Clozette Ambassador @chelsheaflo mengandalkan Nivea... →more ClozetteCREW Apa deodoran andalanmu, Clozetters? Kalau Clozette Ambassador @chelsheaflo mengandalkan Nivea... →more
ClozetteCREW 28 May 2020 3:00 pm Ternyata face oil tidak hanya ditujukan untuk pemilik kulit kering, lho. Kamu yang mempunyai kulit... →more ClozetteCREW Ternyata face oil tidak hanya ditujukan untuk pemilik kulit kering, lho. Kamu yang mempunyai kulit... →more
Lesmariana 23 May 2020 9:20 am Suka Make-up, tapi baru belajar Lesmariana Suka Make-up, tapi baru belajar
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Sunscreens That Double as Makeup Primers Sunscreens That Double as Makeup Primers ...
OLLYVIALAURA 21 May 2020 12:54 pm Doing your makeup during #quarantine to go nowhere is a form of self care HAHAHAHAHA OLLYVIALAURA Doing your makeup during #quarantine to go nowhere is a form of self care HAHAHAHAHA
ClozetteCREW 20 May 2020 3:00 pm Clozetter @beatrichenathania rocking her taurus-inspired makeup look! Simak Beauty Update ala... →more ClozetteCREW Clozetter @beatrichenathania rocking her taurus-inspired makeup look! Simak Beauty Update ala... →more
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Long-Wear Makeup That’ll Keep You Looking Fresh, Even Through a Marathon of Video Chats Long-Wear Makeup That’ll Keep You Looking Fresh, Even Through a Marathon of Video Chats ...
saniaalatas 07 May 2020 10:27 pm FRESH RAYA MAKEUP LOOK | CAMILIANOH - YouTube saniaalatas FRESH RAYA MAKEUP LOOK | CAMILIANOH - YouTube
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Contek Gaya Rambut dan Makeup ala Yeji Itzy! Contek Gaya Rambut dan Makeup ala Yeji Itzy! ...
ShafiraSyahnaz 30 Apr 2020 9:40 pm DIY Makeup Sponge Holder - YouTube ShafiraSyahnaz DIY Makeup Sponge Holder - YouTube
juliahadi 30 Apr 2020 9:08 pm tips + tricks bikin alis RAPIH! pake produk local dan affordable! - YouTube juliahadi tips + tricks bikin alis RAPIH! pake produk local dan affordable! - YouTube
ClozetteCREW 30 Apr 2020 3:00 pm Matching nails and eye makeup by Clozetter @beatricenathania. Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters... →more ClozetteCREW Matching nails and eye makeup by Clozetter @beatricenathania. Simak Beauty Update ala clozetters... →more
ClozetteCREW 28 Apr 2020 3:00 pm Saat self-quarantine seperti ini menjadi waktu yang tepat bagi kamu berkesperimen dengan... →more ClozetteCREW Saat self-quarantine seperti ini menjadi waktu yang tepat bagi kamu berkesperimen dengan... →more
Saverahelena 25 Apr 2020 2:29 am makeup buka puasa hari ini🍂🧡 Saverahelena makeup buka puasa hari ini🍂🧡
honeyvha 23 Apr 2020 7:19 am Quarantine makeup cheeeeeeck ✨🥴 honeyvha Quarantine makeup cheeeeeeck ✨🥴
florensiasella23 21 Apr 2020 5:34 pm Setiap kali foto selalu miring ke kanan, kenapa?? Gak tau, berasa bagus aja gitu😂🤣🤪 . ... →more florensiasella23 Setiap kali foto selalu miring ke kanan, kenapa?? Gak tau, berasa bagus aja gitu😂🤣🤪 . ... →more
edelyne 17 Apr 2020 4:40 pm #brushedbyedelyne #makeup #clozetteid #peachymakeup #makeupideas edelyne #brushedbyedelyne #makeup #clozetteid #peachymakeup #makeupideas
honeyvha 16 Apr 2020 10:10 am If wearing makeup is that easy, I won't need that much of time wasted in the morning just to make... →more honeyvha If wearing makeup is that easy, I won't need that much of time wasted in the morning just to make... →more
Imeldaaf 15 Apr 2020 5:20 pm when in Quarantine: do all the makeup looks you wouldn’t wear out 🔫🟢#clozetteID Imeldaaf when in Quarantine: do all the makeup looks you wouldn’t wear out 🔫🟢#clozetteID
diarykania 07 Apr 2020 1:35 pm Udah kehabisan gaya mulai dari pose normal sampe manyun, trus aku ditanya mau kemana dandan? aku... →more diarykania Udah kehabisan gaya mulai dari pose normal sampe manyun, trus aku ditanya mau kemana dandan? aku... →more
honeyvha 01 Apr 2020 5:20 pm Enaknya up tutorial makeup WFH di IGTV kapan yha~ honeyvha Enaknya up tutorial makeup WFH di IGTV kapan yha~
ShafiraSyahnaz 01 Apr 2020 3:02 pm Tutorial Makeup ke Kantor (Office Look) || Ayu Rahayu - YouTube ShafiraSyahnaz Tutorial Makeup ke Kantor (Office Look) || Ayu Rahayu - YouTube
ClozetteCREW 01 Apr 2020 3:00 pm Siapa yang semenjak self-quarantine jadi semakin rajin skincare-an seperti Clozette Ambassador... →more ClozetteCREW Siapa yang semenjak self-quarantine jadi semakin rajin skincare-an seperti Clozette Ambassador... →more
by ClozetteCREW 01 Jan 1970 7:00 am Here's how long your makeup actually lasts... and it will shock you Here's how long your makeup actually lasts... and it will shock you ...
ClozetteCREW 31 Mar 2020 3:00 pm Herbivore Botanicals mini facial oil trio! Packaging-nya menggemaskan sekali, ya. Image shared by... →more ClozetteCREW Herbivore Botanicals mini facial oil trio! Packaging-nya menggemaskan sekali, ya. Image shared by... →more