19 Nov 2016 12:11 am
40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid

40 Years of Love #loccitane #handcream #clozetteid

26 Sep 2016 2:53 pm
Ada yang cari lotion khusus bayi dan anak-anak yang bisa digunakan untuk wajah juga tubuh? Lotion ini juga bisa dipakai oleh orang dewasa yang kulitnya sangat sensitif loh 😍 Baca [Review] L'occitane Bonne Mere Gentle Cream for Face, Body & Hands diblog yuk ☺️ #ClozetteID #instabeauty #indonesiablogger #indonesiabeautyblogger #bloggerBDG #bloggerlife #bloggerbandung #bloggerindonesia #beautyblog #beautyblogger #beautybloggers #beautybloggerbandung #beautybloggerindonesia #bblogger #bbloggers #bbloggerslife #Loccitane #Bonnemere

Ada yang cari lotion khusus bayi dan anak-anak yang bisa digunakan untuk wajah juga tubuh? Lotion... →more

Ada yang cari lotion khusus bayi dan anak-anak yang bisa digunakan untuk wajah juga tubuh? Lotion... →more
Like Us
25 Jul 2016 6:00 pm
"Wah, baru-baru ini L’OCCITANE meluncurkan sebuah produk anti aging yang mampu meremajakan kulitmu hanya dalam waktu 4 minggu. Seperti apa yah, produk itu? Cari tahu jawabannya di artikel ini http://bit.ly/1U9TLbm. Simak juga artikel menarik lainnya di Article Section.

"Wah, baru-baru ini L’OCCITANE meluncurkan sebuah produk anti aging yang mampu meremajakan... →more

"Wah, baru-baru ini L’OCCITANE meluncurkan sebuah produk anti aging yang mampu meremajakan... →more
14 May 2016 4:22 pm
Haul in April 😘

Got them free, except my brown. 🙈

#sneakpeekbyvina #makeupstorage #makeup #makeupgeek #cowstyle #missha #etudehouse #apieu #loccitane #sneakpeek #makeuphaul #ibb #indonesianbeautyblogger #balibeautyblogger #clozetteid

Haul in April 😘 Got them free, except my brown. 🙈 #sneakpeekbyvina #makeupstorage #makeup... →more

Haul in April 😘 Got them free, except my brown. 🙈 #sneakpeekbyvina #makeupstorage #makeup... →more
29 Mar 2016 6:57 pm
Hai, siapa di sini yang kulitnya kombinasi dan sensitif kayak aku? Baru saja aku posting review skincare Angelica Hydra Vital Gel dari L'occitane. Yuk sharing jugaa skincare yang kamu pake. Ditail, klik https://gaharunisaa.wordpress.com/2016/03/29/loccitane-angelica-hydra-vital-gel-review/ yaa makasii

Hai, siapa di sini yang kulitnya kombinasi dan sensitif kayak aku? Baru saja aku posting review... →more

Hai, siapa di sini yang kulitnya kombinasi dan sensitif kayak aku? Baru saja aku posting review... →more
06 Mar 2016 11:26 am
Running out of my usual moisturizer so I decided to shop my dlsample stash instead of buying the new one. And look what I found:
💙 Shu Uemura Phyto Black Lift - anti aging series that is enriched with Black Tea Ferment, Black Sugar complex, AHA complex 💙 Kate Somerville Age Arrest Anti Wrinkle Cream - claims to reduce the signs of aging and deliver rejuvenated, youth looking complexion. 💙 L'occitane Divine Cream - another anti aging moisturizer that contains Immortelle essential oil
💙 La Roche Posay Toleriane Soothing Protective Skincare - The only non anti aging moisturizer to soothe the skin
#beauty #igbeauty #skincare #skincareaddict #skincaretalk  #beautyjunkie #flatlay #beautyblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggerid #clozetteco #clozetteid #fdbeauty

Running out of my usual moisturizer so I decided to shop my dlsample stash instead of buying the... →more

Running out of my usual moisturizer so I decided to shop my dlsample stash instead of buying the... →more
01 Mar 2016 1:38 pm
#beautyessentials for my fine hair & dehydrated skin ✨ #loccitane #naturerepublic #beautyaddict #fdbeauty #clozetteid #clozette #clozettedaily #femaledailynetwork #口コミ

#beautyessentials for my fine hair & dehydrated skin ✨ #loccitane #naturerepublic #beautyaddict... →more

12 Feb 2016 11:00 am
Make your skin as tender as a honey with L'Occitane limited edition products! Jangan sampai kehabisan paket menarik ini yang bisa kamu temukan di gerai L'Occintane terdekat di kotamu. Jangan lewatkan info seputar acara dan promo dari brand/store lainnya di sini http://bit.ly/ClozetteUpdates

Make your skin as tender as a honey with L'Occitane limited edition products! Jangan sampai... →more

Make your skin as tender as a honey with L'Occitane limited edition products! Jangan sampai... →more
29 Jan 2016 10:49 pm
Inside my @sociolla boxhttp://whileyouonearth.blogspot.com/2016/01/sociolla-january-2016.htmlGet yours too only at @sociolla #sociolla #beautybloggerindonesia #beautyblogger #clozetteid #loccitane #bioderma #etudehouse

Inside my @sociolla boxhttp://whileyouonearth.blogspot.com/2016/01/sociolla-january-2016.htmlGet... →more

Inside my @sociolla boxhttp://whileyouonearth.blogspot.com/2016/01/sociolla-january-2016.htmlGet... →more
12 Jan 2016 11:00 am
Beli produk L'Occitane senilai Rp1.990.000 termasuk produk best seller atau produk baru, kamu bisa mendapat L'Occitane Best of Provence Set, lho! Segera buat jadwal mengunjungi gerai L'Occitane Plaza Indonesia minggu ini, karena penawaran berlaku hingga 21 Januari 2016! Jangan lewatkan info seputar acara dan promo dari brand/store lainnya di sini http://bit.ly/ClozetteUpdates

Beli produk L'Occitane senilai Rp1.990.000 termasuk produk best seller atau produk baru, kamu bisa... →more

Beli produk L'Occitane senilai Rp1.990.000 termasuk produk best seller atau produk baru, kamu bisa... →more
29 Dec 2015 5:38 pm
One of my favorite products from @sociolla .  It's @loccitane Pamplemousse Rhubarbe Shower Gel. 
Get yours at @Sociolla and get Rp.50.000 off using CAR50 for every Rp.250.000 purchase ( for discount and/or normal price items) 

#Sociolla #beautyproducts #blogger #beautyblogger #clozetteid #skincare #cosmetic

One of my favorite products from @sociolla . It's @loccitane Pamplemousse Rhubarbe Shower Gel. ... →more

One of my favorite products from @sociolla . It's @loccitane Pamplemousse Rhubarbe Shower Gel. ... →more
20 Dec 2015 11:00 am
Kulitmu akan tetap sehat dan terawat walaupun saat musim dingin dengan paket hemat Christmas dan New Year dari L'Occitane. Paket ini sudah tersedia di gerai L'Occitane terdekat. Go grab now! Jangan lewatkan info seputar acara dan promo dari brand/store lainnya di sini bit.ly/ClozetteUpdates

Kulitmu akan tetap sehat dan terawat walaupun saat musim dingin dengan paket hemat Christmas dan... →more

Kulitmu akan tetap sehat dan terawat walaupun saat musim dingin dengan paket hemat Christmas dan... →more
11 Dec 2015 10:37 am
#TGIF rosie weekend🌹
#rosesetreines #loccitane #beautyaddict #clozette #clozetteid #femaledailynetwork #fdbeauty

#TGIF rosie weekend🌹 #rosesetreines #loccitane #beautyaddict #clozette #clozetteid... →more

07 Dec 2015 2:17 pm
Small haul from loccitane.co.id 🌸 so tempted to try the #SheaButter collection with its natural ingredients,Organic Shea Butter, Cleansing Oil and Light Comforting Cream.Hope it will work great on me as well❣Got a bunch of freebies as gift with minimum purchase.#loccitane #CharlotteGastaut #skincare #clozetteid #clozette #clozettedaily #fdbeauty #femaledailynetwork

Small haul from loccitane.co.id 🌸 so tempted to try the #SheaButter collection with its natural... →more

Small haul from loccitane.co.id 🌸 so tempted to try the #SheaButter collection with its natural... →more
27 Jul 2015 12:02 pm
#ClozetteAmbassador @maulidacita ternyata adalah penggemar rangkaian perawatan tubuh dari L'Occitane. Temukan juga yuk produk andalan Clozetters untuk selalu tampil menawan di sini bit.ly/beauty_skincare 
#ClozetteID #beauty #makeup #skincare #health #lifestyle #MOTD #makeupoftheday #instabeauty #girls #beautytips #skin #brush #eyelashes #powder #bbcream #foundation #mascara #girlstuff #girlsessential #lipbalm #facecream #flatlay #makeupflatlay #perfume #basemakeup #lipstickjunkie

#ClozetteAmbassador @maulidacita ternyata adalah penggemar rangkaian perawatan tubuh dari... →more

#ClozetteAmbassador @maulidacita ternyata adalah penggemar rangkaian perawatan tubuh dari... →more
26 Jul 2015 12:35 pm
Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials
24 Jun 2015 10:55 am
Cek jenis kulitmu sekarang di http://bit.ly/1BzTjdR dan dapatkan skincare sempurna!

Cek jenis kulitmu sekarang di http://bit.ly/1BzTjdR dan dapatkan skincare sempurna!

Cek jenis kulitmu sekarang di http://bit.ly/1BzTjdR dan dapatkan skincare sempurna!
19 Jun 2015 11:05 pm
#TBT having facial day with L'Occitane at Plaza Indonesia

#TBT having facial day with L'Occitane at Plaza Indonesia

#TBT having facial day with L'Occitane at Plaza Indonesia
04 Jun 2015 2:42 pm
I'm at #cleobeauty with @loccitane#clozetteid

I'm at #cleobeauty with @loccitane#clozetteid

I'm at #cleobeauty with @loccitane#clozetteid
03 Jun 2015 5:59 pm
L'occitane Pivoine series #vscocam#loccitane #clozette #clozetteid #POTD #picoftheday

L'occitane Pivoine series #vscocam#loccitane #clozette #clozetteid #POTD #picoftheday

01 Jun 2015 1:45 am
@loccotaneid Pivoine Floral and Sublime Collection at Pivoine Indulgence Day.http://whileyouonearth.blogspot.com/2015/06/loccitane-pivoine.html?m=1#loccitane #Pivoine #blogger #blog #peony #pink #clozetteid #toiletries #cccream #beautyproducts #cosmetic #France

@loccotaneid Pivoine Floral and Sublime Collection at Pivoine Indulgence... →more

@loccotaneid Pivoine Floral and Sublime Collection at Pivoine Indulgence... →more
17 Feb 2015 11:40 pm
Amazing spa location but the price is steep in terms of massage technique


#mangotree #spa #loccitane #bali #ubud #massage #indonesia #clozetteid #idbblogger #indoblogger #beautyblogger #treatment

Amazing spa location but the price is steep in terms of massage technique ... →more

Amazing spa location but the price is steep in terms of massage technique ... →more
08 Jan 2015 12:50 pm
My picture on Elle magazine. 
Just found it out from my bro :)))
#ElleMagazine #Indonesia #Loccitane #publicity #fashion #fashionid #beauty #event #clozetteid @clozetteid

My picture on Elle magazine. Just found it out from my bro :))) #ElleMagazine #Indonesia... →more

My picture on Elle magazine. Just found it out from my bro :))) #ElleMagazine #Indonesia... →more
17 Nov 2014 3:14 pm
Macet #selfie, on my face today @loccitane immortelle sun screen, ben nye translucent powder, @makeupforeverind aqua brow #25, @lancomeid gloss in love #285. Eyebrows and lips are the only make up I put when I go ngampus dan itu juga kalo sempet klo buru2 yaudah bare face pun jadi *seringnya sih gitu* #clozetteID #fotd #makeupforever #lancome #loccitane

Macet #selfie, on my face today @loccitane immortelle sun screen, ben nye translucent powder,... →more

Macet #selfie, on my face today @loccitane immortelle sun screen, ben nye translucent powder,... →more
25 Sep 2014 6:58 pm
Let me show you what's inside ny make up pouch, go to my blog rumahcantikputri.blogspot.com for full explanation #clozetteID #clozetteambassador #clozetteco #makeup #makeuppouch #beauty #essentials #missha #benefit #naturerepublic #tonymoly #maybelline #annasui #skin79 #loccitane #thebalm

Let me show you what's inside ny make up pouch, go to my blog rumahcantikputri.blogspot.com for... →more

Let me show you what's inside ny make up pouch, go to my blog rumahcantikputri.blogspot.com for... →more
14 Sep 2014 11:47 am
Repurchase from #loccitane #amande series
It's my most fave line of l'occitane's
#almond #grooming #fdbeauty #femaledaily #beautyjunkie #clozetteid

Repurchase from #loccitane #amande series It's my most fave line of l'occitane's #almond #grooming... →more

Repurchase from #loccitane #amande series It's my most fave line of l'occitane's #almond #grooming... →more
14 Sep 2014 11:20 am
#Verbena travel collection
#verveine #loccitane #frissonverbena
#fdbeauty #femaledaily #clozetteID #beautyjunkie

#Verbena travel collection #verveine #loccitane #frissonverbena #fdbeauty #femaledaily #clozetteID... →more

14 Aug 2014 10:32 pm
Repost from my mom ^^ By @drg_rizarosalina "Hasil perburuan hari ini dari Beauty Fair Belle! Belle! Belle! @lafayettejkt @pacificplacejkt #haul #makeup #cosmetic #fdbeauty #clozetteid #loccitane #ysl #clarins #annasui #lancome" via @PhotoRepost_app

Repost from my mom ^^ By @drg_rizarosalina "Hasil perburuan hari ini dari Beauty Fair Belle! Belle!... →more

Repost from my mom ^^ By @drg_rizarosalina "Hasil perburuan hari ini dari Beauty Fair Belle! Belle!... →more
14 Aug 2014 12:55 pm
#Beautytips Sometimes I need 'me time' for this!Manicure by L'Occitane

#Beautytips Sometimes I need 'me time' for this!Manicure by L'Occitane

#Beautytips Sometimes I need 'me time' for this!Manicure by L'Occitane
14 Aug 2014 10:46 am
L'Occitane Shower oil untuk melembutkan kulit #Beautytips

L'Occitane Shower oil untuk melembutkan kulit #Beautytips

L'Occitane Shower oil untuk melembutkan kulit #Beautytips