15 Mar 2019 3:03 pm
Waktu lagi banyak pikiran, terus iseng main makeup buat healing bikinlah look ini. Aku filming sih, tapi gak pede gitu mau dipost(juga belum di edit). Tekniknya asal-asalan aja 😅 monmaap enggak contour udah mancung, bukan sombong emang lupa wkwkwk. Ini palette @juviasplace emang bikin ingin beli lagi 💔_______________#selfmakeup#makeuplooksbyme #makeuptutorial#karincoymakeup#clozetteid

Waktu lagi banyak pikiran, terus iseng main makeup buat healing bikinlah look ini. Aku filming sih,... →more

Waktu lagi banyak pikiran, terus iseng main makeup buat healing bikinlah look ini. Aku filming sih,... →more
25 Feb 2019 9:48 pm
This is my secret, don't tell anyone 🙊🙊🙈🙈.having acne is always hard, i know.. sometimes we need to makeup (like going to event or stuffs), but afraid that the makeup will clogged your pores, or make ur acne getting worst 😭..i share my secrets on my post! Click link on my bio to know how I do my makeup but still can heal my acne at the same time 😘 ..p.s : i write my blog post in Bahasa Indonesia, if u need some translate, just DM me 😘😘..p.s number 2 : this is natural korean makeup look and i don't use any foundation or cushion, learn my secrets and hacks on my blog post!!..#altheakorea #altheamakeup #AltheaAngels #widlimHR #clozetteID

This is my secret, don't tell anyone 🙊🙊🙈🙈.having acne is always hard, i know..... →more

This is my secret, don't tell anyone 🙊🙊🙈🙈.having acne is always hard, i know..... →more
Like Us
18 Feb 2019 7:43 pm
Dear Myself, Im sorry that i didn't give you enough time to heal. .......#clozetteid #explorekebumen #bloggerlife #bloggerstyle #maensebentar #keluarsebentar #beach #beachbabes

Dear Myself, Im sorry that i didn't give you enough time to heal. .......#clozetteid... →more

Dear Myself, Im sorry that i didn't give you enough time to heal. .......#clozetteid... →more
17 Feb 2019 12:28 pm
Time heals nothing it just replaces memories
#qotd #quotes #ootd #movienight #alitabattleangel #lp #clozetteid

Time heals nothing it just replaces memories #qotd #quotes #ootd #movienight #alitabattleangel #lp... →more

Time heals nothing it just replaces memories #qotd #quotes #ootd #movienight #alitabattleangel #lp... →more
30 Jan 2019 11:03 am
3 bulan di Semarang dan aku baru merasa (lumayan) betah sekarang. Sejujurnya, adaptasi memang nggak pernah mudah. Ada rasa kehilangan yang harus dihadapi serta banyak penyesuaian terhadap hal-hal baru. ⁣⁣⁣
Dua bulan pertama hampir tiap malam aku nangis dan nggak bisa tidur di bawah jam 24.00 Aku diselubungi beragam emosi negatif hingga nafsu makan berkurang drastis. Pantas saja BB merosot tajam ke angka 39 kg. ⁣⁣⁣
When life gives you lemon, make lemonade right?! That's why i'm trying getting through with this shit! Aku kembali melakukan yoga dan menjalani pola makan sehat. I'm still get in touch with my best friends dengan menelepon mereka sembari menikmati senja di rooftop kantor.⁣⁣⁣
I travel a looooott!!! Bisa dibilang hidupku nomaden belakangan ini. Aku jarang menghabiskan weekend di Semarang. Biasanya aku akan kembali ke Jakarta atau pulang ke Pekalongan. Ngabisin duit memang, tapi di sisi lain aku jadi banyak silaturahmi ke teman dan saudara.⁣⁣⁣
Lama-lama aku aku mulai banyak teman di sini. Semarang juga punya banyak hal menarik yang menanti untuk dijelajahi. Meski nggak dikelilingi fasilitas mewah layaknya di metropolitan, tapi hidup cukup menyenangkan. Aku merasa lebih bisa hidup sehat dan stress jauuuh berkurang.⁣⁣⁣
Jalanan yang nggak macet bikin aku lebih bisa menikmati perjalanan pulang-pergi ke kantor. Selain itu, karena tinggal di Ungaran, aku jadi bisa menikmati udara sejuk pegunungan setiap hari. Ini dua hal mewah yang nggak akan aku dapatkan di Jakarta.⁣⁣⁣
“Fainna ma’al ‘usri yusra. Inna ma’al ‘usri yusra” Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Dan sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Al-Insyirah ayat 5-6. ⁣⁣⁣
Ayat di atas benar adanya. Jadi kamu yang sedang dirundung kesulitan, bersabarlah yaaa... yakin saja pertolongan Allah itu dekat. Jangan sedih melulu, Allah itu ngasih yang terbaik buat kamu. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!⁣⁣⁣
#clozetteid #meds87 #healing #jeda #holisticwellness #yoga #selfnote #positive

3 bulan di Semarang dan aku baru merasa (lumayan) betah sekarang. Sejujurnya, adaptasi memang nggak... →more

3 bulan di Semarang dan aku baru merasa (lumayan) betah sekarang. Sejujurnya, adaptasi memang nggak... →more
09 Jan 2019 4:34 pm
Good evening 🌇 loving my current skin condition despite it’s imperfections and lots of hyperpigmentation but I could definitely say its a lot better compared to months back where I suddenly have a severe break out due to irritation after trying out a product 😭😭 after that I was very cautious in trying out new products. However soon I’ll be sharing with you what helped in my healing process. ......#ragamkecantikan #clozetteid #exploretocreate #tampilcantik #style #selfie #ggrep #beauty #skinpositivity

Good evening 🌇 loving my current skin condition despite it’s imperfections and lots of... →more

Good evening 🌇 loving my current skin condition despite it’s imperfections and lots of... →more
26 Dec 2018 7:19 pm
Libur 4 hari kemarin kumanfaatkan untuk menyalurkan hobi: MAINAN MAKEUP!kali ini menjawab kesukaan netijen "makeup natural" yang membuatku terlihat kinyis-kinyis. Garis bawah mata juga keliatan ga diedit ato dikasih concealer. Bekas jerawat kayanya masih nampak 🤔 soalnya nggak di-heal pake Snapseed 😂. Terus Tidak bedakan, ini pakai cushion @pixycosmetics aja. Pipi merona malu-malu juga pake Twin Blushnya Pixy, terus bibirnya juga Pixy 🤣 lhah, kok kaya one brand makeup jadinya ya?Gimana nih makeup naturalku kali ini? Membuatku tampak lebih apa? Mohon jawab di komen!🙏 #ErnysJournalMakeup #makeuplook#Clozetteid #BloggerPerempuan

Libur 4 hari kemarin kumanfaatkan untuk menyalurkan hobi: MAINAN MAKEUP!kali ini menjawab kesukaan... →more

Libur 4 hari kemarin kumanfaatkan untuk menyalurkan hobi: MAINAN MAKEUP!kali ini menjawab kesukaan... →more
24 Dec 2018 5:39 am
🏖 Who doesn't love the sea? The beach is a place of healing and joy. The salt cleanses us and the sun embraces us in its warmth. The ocean heal the heart, mind, and soul. Good Morning~ -unknown #clozetteid

🏖 Who doesn't love the sea? The beach is a place of healing and joy. The salt cleanses us and... →more

🏖 Who doesn't love the sea? The beach is a place of healing and joy. The salt cleanses us and... →more
22 Dec 2018 6:00 pm
Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for Clozetter @HattaShani. Do you think the same? Share your mind-healing moment with Clozette in Lifestyle Community. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to all cool Moms out there!

Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for... →more

Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for... →more
22 Dec 2018 12:19 pm
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind” 🌟// Wearing the comfy @atsthelabel holiday special lounge set 🎄you can basically wear this out too for a chill laid back day! #steviewears #collabwithstevie ........... ..... #styleblogger #beauty #ulzzang  #beautyblogger #lifestyleblogger #fashionpeople #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #bestoftoday #style #bblogger #clozetteid #wakeupandmakeup #beautyjunkie #beautyenthusiast #charisceleb

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind” 🌟//... →more

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind” 🌟//... →more
13 Dec 2018 8:54 am
Self healing. Akhir-akhir ini suka banget lihat tanaman dirumah bisa tumbuh subur. Meskipun tanaman lengkeng yang diidam-idamkan belum berbuah juga. Gimana mau berbuah, baru berbunga eh sudah keguyur hujan, rontoklah bunganya. Tapi gak papa yang penting dia sehat. Hehehe. ..Melihat tanaman diguyur hujan, melihat mereka basah itu koq sepertinya menenangkan ya. Bisa memunculkan hormon oksitosin yang bisa bikin bahagia. ..Klise ya, tapi beneran deh...itu sungguh bikin seneng. Tentu saja tanaman yang tumbuh subur dengan daun-daun hijaunya ya. ..Btw ini pohon bunga kemuning, new comer nih, pohon kesukaan mama karena wangi bunganya semerbak. Kata mama supaya kalo berbunga harumnya sampai ke dalam rumah. Dan lagi-lagi mencium bau harumnya juga menenangkan. Masyaallah tabarakallah....tumbuh subur terus ya 😍😍. ..#plants #bloggerlifestyle #clozetteid #bloggerperempuan #momblogger #tanaman

Self healing. Akhir-akhir ini suka banget lihat tanaman dirumah bisa tumbuh subur. Meskipun tanaman... →more

Self healing. Akhir-akhir ini suka banget lihat tanaman dirumah bisa tumbuh subur. Meskipun tanaman... →more
08 Dec 2018 1:09 pm
Need extra care for moisturizing your cracked skin ? Papaya ointment from @purepapaya.id is absolutely the answer for cracked skin, lips, dried nipple for breast-feed, and etc. Already tried it for several weeks my dry skin has been healed! Anyway read full review about this babe on my blog *link on bio#BBBxPurePapayaID#PurepapayaID #clozetteid #balibeautyblogger

Need extra care for moisturizing your cracked skin ? Papaya ointment from @purepapaya.id is... →more

Need extra care for moisturizing your cracked skin ? Papaya ointment from @purepapaya.id is... →more
08 Dec 2018 1:09 pm
Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure mind-healing things for me after having a rough weekend#clozetteid #bookstagram

Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure... →more

Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure... →more
28 Nov 2018 2:04 pm

Korean skin care products are my most favourite to use. Because is really suitable for my asian skin type. Most of their products are really moisturising and that’s how I keep my youthful skin. 
If you never heard this @daisha.korea brand before, you shall have it a try. 
I am currently using 3 products:
1. Bio Shield Serum to rejuvenate, reduce wrinkles and brighten the skin. It fast absorbs to skin and smell good too.

2. Lighton Cream to vitalizing, moisturizing and brightening the skin. You can feel your skin really moisturised after using the cream.

3. Oasis Mist with daily aquaring, healing and have vitamin on it. Basically give your skin stay dehydrated. And it smells refreshing.

#ladies_journal #kbeauty #koreanskincare #koreanproduct #skincare #beauty #daisha #clozette #clozetteid #review

[REVIEW] Korean skin care products are my most favourite to use. Because is really suitable for my... →more

[REVIEW] Korean skin care products are my most favourite to use. Because is really suitable for my... →more
21 Nov 2018 3:59 pm
Terkadang kita cenderung sering mendengar suara kita sendiri yang suka menyabotase yang membuat kita menyerah. Misal "Ah sudahlah aku apalah nggak akan bisa seperti dia" atau "Apalah saya cuma remahan rengginang". Tanpa disadari kita sendiri lah yang mengunci diri kita, kita sendirilah yang membatasi diri kita untuk tidak sukses. ..Takut tidak sukses, takut ditolak, takut impian tidak tercapai, dsb. Kasian banget ya diri kita, suara-suara dari dalam diri kita itu lama -kelamaan tersimpan di otak kita, tersimpan di dalam gudang file kita yang membuat kita percaya bahwa kita memang tidak akan sukses dan tidak akan berhasil. Kita saja tidak percaya dengan kemampuan diri bagaimana dengan orang lain?  So, being you truly are.Klik link on bio 👆#accessconsciousness#healing#accessbars#terapi#holistica#clozetteid

Terkadang kita cenderung sering mendengar suara kita sendiri yang suka menyabotase yang membuat... →more

Terkadang kita cenderung sering mendengar suara kita sendiri yang suka menyabotase yang membuat... →more
20 Nov 2018 7:49 pm
I need holiday to cure the mood and another holiday to heal the holiday hangover 😋

Btw, pesawat ke Jepang tadi lihat di departure banyak banget ya, bisa Garuda di jam yang sama satu ke Narita satu ke Haneda... pengen ikut 😌

#peko #Japan #wedding #clozetteID #holiday #love #live #holidaymood #holiday

I need holiday to cure the mood and another holiday to heal the holiday hangover 😋 Btw, pesawat... →more

I need holiday to cure the mood and another holiday to heal the holiday hangover 😋 Btw, pesawat... →more
10 Nov 2018 9:00 am
Menurut Star Clozetter @putmaharani, fashion tak memiliki aturan baku, sehingga proses mix 'n match baju bisa menjadi healing time tersendiri baginya. Bagaimana menurutmu? Simak inspirasi gaya Hijab dari para Clozetters hari ini di Hijab Community. Yuk, share juga gaya hijab andalan kamu.

Menurut Star Clozetter @putmaharani, fashion tak memiliki aturan baku, sehingga proses mix 'n match... →more

Menurut Star Clozetter @putmaharani, fashion tak memiliki aturan baku, sehingga proses mix 'n match... →more
23 Oct 2018 6:19 pm
Ada yang pernah nanya, ko pake baju ga nyambung warna warni dari atas kepala sampe kaki. Ga ngerasa aneh?
Okey. Let me tell you. Bagi aku ga ada aturan baku dalam berpakaian. Itu kebebasan tersendiri. Justru disaat tabrak warna dan menurutku cocok, itu jadi kesenangan tersendiri. Percaya atau gak mix and match pakaian terkadang jadi healing time buat aku. Bikin bahagia sesederhana itu biar stresnya hilang
Kata mama stres itu gabaik. Nanti jadi cepet tua. Kalau keliatan tua gimana jodoh bisa dateng. Hahaha
#clozetteid #abmlifeisbeautiful #abmlifeiscolorful #storytime #acolorstory #hijabi #modestfashion #chictopiastyle #hijabifashion #stylegram

Ada yang pernah nanya, ko pake baju ga nyambung warna warni dari atas kepala sampe kaki. Ga ngerasa... →more

Ada yang pernah nanya, ko pake baju ga nyambung warna warni dari atas kepala sampe kaki. Ga ngerasa... →more
20 Oct 2018 7:54 pm
I have sensitive skin & am allergic to a number of different ingredients often used in beauty products, but didn't have problem with this product. This helps healed my troubled skin and helps prevents breakouts without all the side effects. I also used this product on my shoulder & chest as well and this product greatly reduced all skin annoyance. A final note: I just love the design of the bottle. Looks so pretty on the bathroom shelf hehe. Highly recommended! Get yours now at hicharis.net/itachenn (direct link on my bio) @charis_celeb 💙💙💙💙💙 #charis #charisceleb #hicharis #astopcleartoner #clozetteid

I have sensitive skin & am allergic to a number of different ingredients often used in beauty... →more

I have sensitive skin & am allergic to a number of different ingredients often used in beauty... →more
06 Oct 2018 8:45 am
New review for a  product that have been around for decades. It's @elizabetharden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant.

Thank you @beauteous_you

Full video here:

#eighthourcream #ElizabethArden #bblogger #review #vlogger #beautyvloggerindonesia #healing #beautyvlogger #moistskin #Jakarta #clozetteID #love #skincare #skinprotectant

New review for a product that have been around for decades. It's @elizabetharden Eight Hour Cream... →more

New review for a product that have been around for decades. It's @elizabetharden Eight Hour Cream... →more
27 Sep 2018 12:25 am
Kalau kalian lihat instastoryku minggu lalu, aku coba treatment “Meso Rich SkinFeed” di @maxineclinic 💚.Aku orangnya jarang banget ke aesthetic clinic buat treatment, facial aja cuma pernah 2 atau 3 kali. Jadi aku pilih-pilih banget kalau soal treatment. Aku pilih treatment “Meso Rich SkinFeed” ini karena bisa membantu berbagai masalah kulit seperti noda hitam, jerawat dan scars. Selain fungsi healing, mesotherapy juga membantu mencerahkan kulit wajah. ✨.Kalian bisa baca detailnya di blogku,www.jessicaalicia.comAtau klik link di profileku! 💕 Aku cerita detailnya mulai dari hasil konsultasi sama dokter sampai treatmentnya..Special thanks to @maxineclinic and @sbybeautyblogger ❤️....#jessicaalicias #jessicaaliciasevent #SBBxMaxineClinic #sbbreview #sbybeautyblogger #clozetteid #beautybloggerid #maxineclinic

Kalau kalian lihat instastoryku minggu lalu, aku coba treatment “Meso Rich SkinFeed” di... →more

Kalau kalian lihat instastoryku minggu lalu, aku coba treatment “Meso Rich SkinFeed” di... →more
24 Sep 2018 10:50 am
•Centella PureHeal's by Nature Village15 September lalu, waktu Uni cerita brand PureHeal's sudah resmi masuk Indonesia, dicobalah rangkaian produk Centella yang sebetulnya lebih cocok untuk kulit berminyak.PureHeal's Centella Reviving TonerPureHeal's Centella Eye CreamPropolis 50 Volume MistPureHeal's Mask CentellaSekarang tepat 10 hari saya menggunakan produknya dan ternyata bisa juga dipakai untuk kulit kering 😍 Tonernya membuat jerawat meradang jadi cepat kering dan tidak meninggalkan bekas, eye cream-nya bikin lembab. Cocok untuk kamu yang sering begadang dan di depan layar terus.Nah, face mist-nya ini seri propolis, nggak saya pakai setelah dandan karena jadinya berminyak banget, tapi kalau dipakai saat malam hari setelah menggunakan semua rangkaian skincare, ini jadinya bagus betul. Jadi lebih lembab dan halus keesokan paginya.Ada yang sudah coba PureHeal's? Share pengalaman kamu, dong 💕_________________________#clozetteid#PureHeals#PureHealsIndonesia#SkincareAlami

•Centella PureHeal's by Nature Village15 September lalu, waktu Uni cerita brand PureHeal's sudah... →more

•Centella PureHeal's by Nature Village15 September lalu, waktu Uni cerita brand PureHeal's sudah... →more
23 Sep 2018 5:00 pm
Carol's Secret is a natural secret to heal your damage lashes into a longer and healthy lashes. Simak Beauty Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Beauty Community. Image shared by Clozetter: @dsherlytha. Yuk, share beauty product andalan kamu.

Carol's Secret is a natural secret to heal your damage lashes into a longer and healthy lashes.... →more

Carol's Secret is a natural secret to heal your damage lashes into a longer and healthy lashes.... →more
20 Sep 2018 11:40 am
It's finally up on my blog!
Lemme introduce you to @miladopizindonesia. It's a well know skincare from Switzerland, and now they're expanding to Indonesia. I got to try the Vitamin C Ampoule which works very nice in brightening my skin. And the other product called The Skin Whisperer Cream which too oily for me and not suitable for my skin because it's actually an anti aging cream
I've made a full review of it on my blog. I put the direct link on bio. Please kindly visit😘
This took longer to post cos almost last 2 week, I got skin irritation caused by one korean mask that my friend gave to me few months ago. So I couldn't really wear any skincare in order for my skin to heal. My skin is getting better now! But my active acne appears again. I will do an update on how the Vitamin C Ampoule works on my acne skin
Thankyou @miladopizindonesia for sending me these amazing products 😍
#clozetteid #cchannelid #potd #potdindo #vscocam #vsco #vscophile #vscogrid #peoplescreatives #igdaily #instadaily #instastyle #photooftheday #justgoshoot #vscogood #clozetteid #snapseeddaily #snapseed #photoshoot #exploretocreate #vscodaily #beautyjournal #beautyreview #sponsoredreview #miladopiz #miladopizindonesia #vitamincampoule #theskinwhisperer

It's finally up on my blog! Lemme introduce you to @miladopizindonesia. It's a well know skincare... →more

It's finally up on my blog! Lemme introduce you to @miladopizindonesia. It's a well know skincare... →more
17 Sep 2018 12:20 pm
New post is UP on the blog! Meet the latest Korean skincare @pureheals_id expanded their wings to Indonesia. You can visit their flagship store at Gandaria City UG floor, Unit 117. No need to fly to Korea to try their natural; no animal testing & dermatology tested._Living outside Jabodetabek? You can purchase PureHeal’s products thru Tokopedia “PureHeals Indonesia”, get the 10% off for all products!_Read my latest post about the Grand Launching PureHeal’s Naturally You last weekend: bit.ly/purehealsid or link on bio 🍃...#mrshidayahpost #eventreport #purehealsevent #purehealspurebeauty #skincarealami #clozetteid

New post is UP on the blog! Meet the latest Korean skincare @pureheals_id expanded their wings to... →more

New post is UP on the blog! Meet the latest Korean skincare @pureheals_id expanded their wings to... →more
16 Sep 2018 1:00 pm
@pureheals_id Grand Launching event 💐



#PureHealslaunch #Purehealspurebeauty
#skincarealami #ClozetteID #BeautyReview #BeautyProducts #BeautyBlogger #BeautyBloggerIndonesia #Blogger #BloggerIndo #BeautyBloggerJakarta #JakartaBeautyBlogger #IndonesiaBeautyBlogger

@pureheals_id Grand Launching event 💐 @hayaaliyazaki @dewisulistiawaty @nonamelinda ... →more

@pureheals_id Grand Launching event 💐 @hayaaliyazaki @dewisulistiawaty @nonamelinda ... →more
15 Sep 2018 4:20 pm
Yang tadi pada japri tanya promo dan acara Grand Launching PureHeal’s, tenang2 ya karena masih ada kesempatan sampe besok, hari Minggu. Tapi gak perlu khawatir, utk dapetin produknya sih kamu bisa datang tiap hari ke store-nya PureHeal’s di Gandaria City Mall..Nah utk promonya, jadi dg min. Pembelanjaan 500 ribu, kamu bisa dapat potongan 15% dengan menggunakan credit card bank Mega. Udah gitu, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan banyak tambahan hadiah menarik loh..Yuk, yang mau dateng boleh banget, sekalian malam mingguan atau besok juga boleh, venue nya di Main Atrium Gandaria City Mall ya...#Purehealspurebeauty#Skincarealami#Purehealsevent.@pureheals_id ...#cicidesricom #cidesupdate #cidessharing #clozetteid #beautyblogger #koreanskincare #skincare #purehealsindonesia #purehealsid

Yang tadi pada japri tanya promo dan acara Grand Launching PureHeal’s, tenang2 ya karena masih... →more

Yang tadi pada japri tanya promo dan acara Grand Launching PureHeal’s, tenang2 ya karena masih... →more
15 Sep 2018 4:00 pm
Varian Caviar dari @pureheals_id yang efektif untuk mengencangkan kulit dan mengatasi keriput untuk meningkatkan elastisitas dan melembabkan secara menyeluruh. Ekstrak caviar yang terkandung juga sangat ampuh untuk mencerahkan kulit dan mengurangi noda gelapKalian mau coba? Buruan mampir ke Gandaria City dan mampir ke booth mereka di atrium karena ada banyak promo dan fun activities serta hadiah menarik beauties#PureHealsBeauty #SkincareAlami #PureHealsEvent #clozetteID

Varian Caviar dari @pureheals_id yang efektif untuk mengencangkan kulit dan mengatasi keriput untuk... →more

Varian Caviar dari @pureheals_id yang efektif untuk mengencangkan kulit dan mengatasi keriput untuk... →more
15 Sep 2018 3:55 pm
Always dreaming that i want @watasiwahyo ‘s skin & body. LOL. I’m here for Grand Launching @pureheals_id •
Fyi, PureHeal’s Propolis 80 Sleeping Pack & PureHeal’s Centella 80 Eye Cream won my heart ❤️
#PureHealsIndonesia #purehealslaunch #purehealsevent #beautyevent #PureHealsPureBeauty #SkinCare #ClozetteID #MakeupLover #makeuplovers #makeupartist #makeupjunkie #makeupblogger #beautylover #beautyblog #mua #beautygram #beautybloggerpage #indobeautygram #indobeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesia #BeautyBloggerIndo #inssta_makeup #makeuplooks #lumix #lumixindonesia #lumixgf8 #tampilcantik #makeuptutorial

Always dreaming that i want @watasiwahyo ‘s skin & body. LOL. I’m here for Grand Launching... →more

Always dreaming that i want @watasiwahyo ‘s skin & body. LOL. I’m here for Grand Launching... →more
15 Sep 2018 3:45 pm
Call all Korean Skincare Lovers 😍Siang ini aku lg seseruan bareng di acara Grand Launching PureHeal’s di Main Atrium Gandaria City Mall..Disini, akan ada Talkshow tentang beauty tips, Talkshow bersama @green.lettuce ,demo & dressing salad..By the way, di sebelum acara di mulai aku juga smpt ke store nya utk konsul soal skincare apa yg cocok buatku. Ada dipostingan sebelumnya ya..#purehealslaunch #purehealsevent #beautyevent#kosmetikkorea #Purehealspurebeauty#Skincarealami#Purehealsevent.@pureheals_id @green.lettuce ...#cicidesricom#clozetteid

Call all Korean Skincare Lovers 😍Siang ini aku lg seseruan bareng di acara Grand Launching... →more

Call all Korean Skincare Lovers 😍Siang ini aku lg seseruan bareng di acara Grand Launching... →more