29 Jan 2020 8:10 am
Ngantor terus malamnya hangout. Bisa banget, ga perlu deh ganti-ganti baju lagi. Karena outfit dari @heaven_lights tuh bisa dipake disemua situasi. Itu kenapa aku jatuh cinta sama koleksinya HL😍_Panjang kemeja pun aman banget buat nutupin bagian bawah buat kita yang berhijab gini. Jadi walaupun pakai kemeja tetep sopan.Harganya, jangan ditanya. Murah ceu, kualitas premium tapi dengan harga yang pas dikantong. Ini juga salah satu faktor kenapa aku jatuh cinta sama HL 🤭. Semoga @heaven_lights Group bisa terus ngasih koleksi premium dengan harga ramah dikantong ya mba @jihan_ jadi kalaupun tiap minggu keluar koleksi baru kita semua siapp menghajarnya. 😁Seperti biasa head to toe tetep semua dari HL. #ootd kali ini🧕 : HL voal🧥#majablousehl👖#deyapantshl x Megaiskanti ❤️❤️❤️... #HLLadies #livingtheHLways #HLAnnualShow2020 #heavenlights #clozetteid

Ngantor terus malamnya hangout. Bisa banget, ga perlu deh ganti-ganti baju lagi. Karena outfit dari... →more

Ngantor terus malamnya hangout. Bisa banget, ga perlu deh ganti-ganti baju lagi. Karena outfit dari... →more
28 Jan 2020 10:35 pm
Eehh loh kok ngeblur? Coba di next slide😉_Maklum ya si adek yang motoin 🤭 baju baru Alhamdulillah, tuk dipakai #ootd lagi. Iyesss ini koleksi @heaven_lights terbaru lagi ✌️ gemessss soalnya sama koleksi-koleksinya HL. Ga sanggup akutuh kalo ga kekepin satu.Head to toe semua HL yaa. Kecuali sendalnya. Semoga HL juga bisa ngeluarin sendalnya yak. Amiiinnn jadi pas banget pokoknya biar ujung kepala sampe ujung kaki HL pokoknyaa.Ditunggu koleksi-koleksi terbarunya mba @jihan_ dan @heaven_lights group ❤️_#HLLadies #livingtheHLways #HLAnnualShow2020 #ootdid  #clozetteid

Eehh loh kok ngeblur? Coba di next slide😉_Maklum ya si adek yang motoin 🤭 baju baru... →more

Eehh loh kok ngeblur? Coba di next slide😉_Maklum ya si adek yang motoin 🤭 baju baru... →more
Like Us
26 Jan 2020 7:35 pm
Love with HL ❤️ jangan bosen yaa kalo aku sering share post #ootd with @heaven_lights.Awal ketemu HL itu saat bulan Ramadhan tahun kemarin 2019, ceritanya lagi belajar buat memulai memakai hijab nih. Dan karena stock hijabku masih sedikit, jadi lah cari-cari online shop pakaian muslim. Ehh ketemu sama HL. Yang punya Daily Shirt dengan harga yang cucokk banget di kantong tapi bahannya ga murahan.Langsung love banget pas barangnya dateng. Terus ga lama nongol lah si #deyapantshl x @megaiskanti, paling galau yang namanya beli celana online. Tapi akhirnya ku memberanikan diri beli disini, dan ternyata wowwwww😍😍.. Kualitasnya oke banget, nyaman pake banget, dan yang terpenting itu adalah panjangnya PAS. Ga perlu lagi tuh motong-motong, secara tinggi badan yng kaya aku gini bukan size normalnya buat celana-celana yang beredar diluaran sana. Susah banget beli celana yang tanpa harus motong lagi dibawahnya.Makin lah jatuh cinta sama HL sampe-sampe semua warna #deyapantshl itu aku punya loh 🤫 walaupun belinya nyicil ya kan. Tiap opor beli 1-2pcs dan punya warna hitampun ga cukup cuma 1🤭. Tapi kali ini aku belum foto pakai daily shirtnya, kali ini aku memberanikan diri buat pakai tunik. Ya kalian taulah aku gapernah pakai baju yang panjang-panjang gini, tapi suka sama motifnya kali  ini dan ada kantongnya dongss. Tapi sayangnya tangannya selalu kepanjangan di aku. Padahal size M looh, jadi semua baju HL yang aku punya jangan heran kalo tangannya selalu aku lipat karena kepanjangan. Mungkin karena baseon modelnya kak bahjatina, kak megaiskanti dan mama uwikk kali ya. Yang tingginya ya beda bangetlahh sma aku.Semoga nextnya HL punya koleksi baju yang tangannya pas buat kita yang punya badan minim yaa😇 jadi ga perlu deh lipet" tangannya lagi.Btw. #ootd Kali ini head to toe semua pakai HL yaa. Dari hijab, baju, dan celana pun semua HL.Yesss secinta itu sama HL pokonya ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#HLLadies #livingtheHLways #HLAnnualShow2020

Love with HL ❤️ jangan bosen yaa kalo aku sering share post #ootd with @heaven_lights.Awal... →more

Love with HL ❤️ jangan bosen yaa kalo aku sering share post #ootd with @heaven_lights.Awal... →more
28 Dec 2019 8:05 am
Darling, look how much you’ve grown. Just keep your heels, head and standards high. Happy weekend instafriends! 🥳..#clozetteid #chicwish #hijabfashion

Darling, look how much you’ve grown. Just keep your heels, head and standards high. Happy weekend... →more

Darling, look how much you’ve grown. Just keep your heels, head and standards high. Happy weekend... →more
20 Dec 2019 10:11 pm
Memutuskan untuk mengupload foto ini ke feed dan diberikan filter snow camera supaya kita makin glowing @budiartiannisa . Dan karena difoto ini gue keliatan lebih dewasa aja somehow 😂. Foto ini  pake kamera jahat @xenaelinel , dan Ternyata lo jago juga motoin orang ya 😎 . Oh dan ga usah di tag, udah tau kan gue from head to toe pake baju apa 😂🤣#Clozetteid

Memutuskan untuk mengupload foto ini ke feed dan diberikan filter snow camera supaya kita makin... →more

Memutuskan untuk mengupload foto ini ke feed dan diberikan filter snow camera supaya kita makin... →more
20 Dec 2019 9:26 pm
Don't mess with my head, Don't tell me you're falling with your feet still on the ledge. 
#shoxsquad #clozetteid #ootd

Don't mess with my head, Don't tell me you're falling with your feet still on the ledge. _____... →more

Don't mess with my head, Don't tell me you're falling with your feet still on the ledge. _____... →more
13 Dec 2019 11:46 am
Annnndd, this is the bare face behind all of those makeup 😁 .Yes, I have tons of acne scars, active acne, dark circle, discoloration, black head, white head, you name it..But this is me 💕....#bareface #nomakeup #imperfect #clozetteid

Annnndd, this is the bare face behind all of those makeup 😁 .Yes, I have tons of acne scars,... →more

Annnndd, this is the bare face behind all of those makeup 😁 .Yes, I have tons of acne scars,... →more
10 Dec 2019 12:00 pm
Head-to-toe in neutrals for Tuesday! Image shared by Clozette Ambassador @cellinikamil. Simak Fashion Update ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Fashion Community. Yuk, share outfit favorit kamu bersama Clozette.

Head-to-toe in neutrals for Tuesday! Image shared by Clozette Ambassador @cellinikamil. Simak... →more

Head-to-toe in neutrals for Tuesday! Image shared by Clozette Ambassador @cellinikamil. Simak... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Heads Up, This Is What Your Wardrobe Will Look Like in Spring 2020

Heads Up, This Is What Your Wardrobe Will Look Like in Spring 2020

03 Dec 2019 11:21 am
Back to my favo color when I was still working in a fashion magazine. Head to toe with black 🖤

Back to my favo color when I was still working in a fashion magazine. Head to toe with black 🖤 -... →more

Back to my favo color when I was still working in a fashion magazine. Head to toe with black 🖤 -... →more
22 Nov 2019 5:16 pm
Ini dia 3 produk @erha.dermatology yang uda kupakekan Ara selama 2bulan lebih.
Kubahas disini satu persatu yah.. 1. Head to toe baby wash (sudah ku bahas di postingan sebelumnya)
2. Little Erha Diaper rush Cream, ini salah satu produk rush cream yg aku suka. Ada kandungan Zinc Oxide, Ceramide dan Allantoin yg fungsinya untuk menyejukan kulit yg kemerahan akibat iritasi. Ampuh banget ini ngilangin ruam.
3. Erhalogy skin Barrier Body Moisturizer, produk ini sebenernya bukan khusus baby tapi bisa banget dipake buat baby karena bahannya yang natural. Untuk yg punya kulit sensitive wajib banget sediain ini dirumah yah. Karena ini ampuh banget ngeredahin kulit sensitive/Atopik. 
Aku biasanya pake sendiri dilipatan hidungku, kadang suka iritasi. Setelah pake beberapa hari uda mendingan 💕..
Kalo Ara aku pakein dibelakang telinganya yg suka muncul bintik2 merah dan  bisa reda beberapa hari 💕.
#reviewibukara #skincareiswara #clozetteid #skincare

Ini dia 3 produk @erha.dermatology yang uda kupakekan Ara selama 2bulan lebih. . . Kubahas disini... →more

Ini dia 3 produk @erha.dermatology yang uda kupakekan Ara selama 2bulan lebih. . . Kubahas disini... →more
22 Nov 2019 12:51 pm
Ini dia salah satu produk @erha.dermatology yang untuk baby..
Aku uda pakein Little Erha Head To Toe Baby Wash  selama 2bulan lebih..
So Far Ara cocok ya pake ini..
Bisa dilihat ingredients nya di slide terakhir yah.
Little Erha Head To Toe Baby Wash ini uda free SLES dan SLS plus hypoallergenic juga ya.👌
Walaupun non SLes & SLS tapi cenderung masih ada busanya loh..
Yang paling aku suka tuh wanginya lembutt banget, yang uda cobain ini pasti setuju ama aku kalo wanginya enak bgt 💕💕
#skincareiswara #reviewibukara #iswara23bulan #clozetteid #parenting #iswaraaleshaoktavianto

Ini dia salah satu produk @erha.dermatology yang untuk baby.. Aku uda pakein Little Erha Head To... →more

Ini dia salah satu produk @erha.dermatology yang untuk baby.. Aku uda pakein Little Erha Head To... →more
22 Nov 2019 9:00 am
Coffee time with neutral outfit from head to toe! Image shared by Clozetter @dessydyl. Simak inspirasi gaya Hijab dari para Clozetters hari ini di Hijab Community. Yuk, share juga gaya hijab andalan kamu.

Coffee time with neutral outfit from head to toe! Image shared by Clozetter @dessydyl. Simak... →more

Coffee time with neutral outfit from head to toe! Image shared by Clozetter @dessydyl. Simak... →more
19 Nov 2019 1:46 pm
Happiness is something that you create inside your head, or the one that glows from the heart._________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #dressoftheday  #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday #photography #lookoftheday #outfit #outfioftheday #outfitinspo #lookbook #style #styleoftheday #ClozetteID#life  #cheers  #world  #colors  #happiness

Happiness is something that you create inside your head, or the one that glows from the... →more

Happiness is something that you create inside your head, or the one that glows from the... →more
15 Nov 2019 3:26 pm
From Italy to Surabaya @ovspeople NOW open at @galaxymallsby 3 Lt 1. 
Enjoy 20% Disc All items!! On frame with gorg Ladies💋 
Dolled up from head to toe wearing @ovspeople Fall - Winter..
Get stylish for your holiday!!! Thank you for having me as one of the Host ✨
#workwithtorquise #bloggersurabaya #clozetteid

From Italy to Surabaya @ovspeople NOW open at @galaxymallsby 3 Lt 1. Enjoy 20% Disc All items!! On... →more

From Italy to Surabaya @ovspeople NOW open at @galaxymallsby 3 Lt 1. Enjoy 20% Disc All items!! On... →more
13 Nov 2019 10:56 am
Selamat hari Rabu semuaaaa,Hari dimana bukan awal minggu dan belum weekend 🙃 but we're heading that direction. Katanyaa produktivitas kerja kalau hari-hari gini justru lebih baik, karena less pressure dan berasa hawa Sabtu yang gak jauh-jauh amat. Bahkan di beberapa negara maju, hari kerja menjadi hanya 4 hari bukan 5-6 hari lagi dalam seminggu. Indonesia udaj bisa kaya begitu belum ya? Apa kinerja kita akan lebih baik?Intinya tetap semangat ya dalam berkarya. _________#beauty #carnellinstyle #love #swings  #motd #lotd #ootd #photooftheday #photography #lookoftheday #outfit #outfioftheday #outfitinspo #lookbook #style #styleoftheday #ClozetteID#dressedup  #dressoftheday #travelwithCarnellin #colors

Selamat hari Rabu semuaaaa,Hari dimana bukan awal minggu dan belum weekend 🙃 but we're heading... →more

Selamat hari Rabu semuaaaa,Hari dimana bukan awal minggu dan belum weekend 🙃 but we're heading... →more
09 Nov 2019 9:56 am
Head Under The Clou(t)d...#clozetteid #beauty

Head Under The Clou(t)d...#clozetteid #beauty

Head Under The Clou(t)d...#clozetteid #beauty
03 Nov 2019 6:26 pm
I rarely post #ootd photo, I’m not that stylish. But this is exceptional, I was at @cottonink’s iconic fitting room and I didn’t want miss a chance to snap a pict while it wasn’t crowded. Dolled up with local brands, from head to toe on working day ✨
#youxcottonink #clozetteid #cottonink

I rarely post #ootd photo, I’m not that stylish. But this is exceptional, I was at @cottonink’s... →more

I rarely post #ootd photo, I’m not that stylish. But this is exceptional, I was at @cottonink’s... →more
25 Oct 2019 10:16 pm
head-to-toe wearing newest items from @maxfashionsindonesia ✨

sekarang warga Surabaya Timur yang cinta sama @maxfashionsindonesia udah bisa belanja baju dan aksesoris keren dari brand asal Timur Tengah ini di Galaxy Mall 3 lho 🎉💃🏻 steal my style & shop this look at @maxfashionsindonesia Galaxy Mall 3 ✨ swipe sampai slide 4 untuk lihat detail item Max Fashion mana aja yang aku pakai di foto ini!

head-to-toe wearing newest items from @maxfashionsindonesia ✨ sekarang warga Surabaya Timur yang... →more

head-to-toe wearing newest items from @maxfashionsindonesia ✨ sekarang warga Surabaya Timur yang... →more
18 Oct 2019 12:11 pm
Maybe the sweltering weather makes my head and my heart crazier, maybe i should wash down all those fire inside with something icy cold. Preferably something as kawaii as this! 📷 : @deuxcarlsBut i think it was @bokoaz 's drink haha!#unicorn🦄#unicorncafebangkok#bangkokcafe#bangkok #unicorndrink#pinkinthailand #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #influencer #jalanjalan #wanderlust #blogger #indonesianblogger #travelblogger  #indonesianbeautyblogger #indonesiantravelblogger #surabayainfluencer #travel #trip #pinkjalanjalan #bloggerperempuan  #thailand #bunniesjalanjalan #pinkinbangkok #instadrink #drinksofonstagram

Maybe the sweltering weather makes my head and my heart crazier, maybe i should wash down all those... →more

Maybe the sweltering weather makes my head and my heart crazier, maybe i should wash down all those... →more
18 Oct 2019 7:16 am
excited when Friday comes because it's Muaythai day yay!
Outfit head to toe @zara 
@ysl Sunset via @sirene.mimosa
Big thanks to @carolinmalie for this pretty shot 🥰
#clozetteid #ootdinspo #beautifulmatters #lookbookindonesia #theheartcaptured #thehappynow #wheretofindme #ファッション #스타일 #コーデ #littlestoriesofmylife #neutraltones #alliseeispretty #todaysgoodthing #slowandsimpledays #momentsofmine #neutrals #ofsimplethings#postitfortheaesthetics #myeverydaymagic #stylehunters #ootd

excited when Friday comes because it's Muaythai day yay! Outfit head to toe @zara @ysl Sunset via... →more

excited when Friday comes because it's Muaythai day yay! Outfit head to toe @zara @ysl Sunset via... →more
14 Oct 2019 10:01 pm
Sending my ❤️ to your lo-over
If you're looking for a good bags, let me direct your attention to @by.iko_ bags. I purchased BEAN  a couple months ago, and I have to say that it is one of the best quality handbag i had. And you know what, they're having a 20% off until tonight ! Head over to their profile to know more !
#itselvinaaootd #clozette #clozetteid #ikowithyou

Sending my ❤️ to your lo-over - If you're looking for a good bags, let me direct your attention... →more

Sending my ❤️ to your lo-over - If you're looking for a good bags, let me direct your attention... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
If You’re Headed to a Wedding This Winter, Shop These Chic Dresses Stat

If You’re Headed to a Wedding This Winter, Shop These Chic Dresses Stat

09 Oct 2019 5:01 pm
Trying @eminacosmetics Blushes. I got two cream Blushes and two powder blushes. Both work great and have nice color. The powder one have a little bit shimmer. The cream blush more water resistant. More detailed review is up on my blog. Head out to the link in my bio.#blush #blushon #review

Trying @eminacosmetics Blushes. I got two cream Blushes and two powder blushes. Both work great and... →more

Trying @eminacosmetics Blushes. I got two cream Blushes and two powder blushes. Both work great and... →more
08 Oct 2019 6:11 pm
Unique dan fresh, begitu first impression ketika melihat @checking_invoices. Mengutip dari Vogue, akun Instagram dengan ciri khas head to toe bodysuit ini dibuat oleh dua wanita asal Yunani yang berdomisili di Milan. Keduanya merupakan stylist dan filmmaker yang identitasnya dirahasiakan!
Nama “Checking_Invoices” sendiri terinspirasi dari rutinitas mengecek invoice sebagai seorang stylist. Semakin serius dengan akun ini, keduanya kini mulai menambah koleksi bodysuit mereka yang dibuat secara custom di sebuah toko, yang tentu saja, nama tokonya pun dirahasiakan! #ClozetteID #ClozetteIDVideo

Unique dan fresh, begitu first impression ketika melihat @checking_invoices. Mengutip dari Vogue,... →more

Unique dan fresh, begitu first impression ketika melihat @checking_invoices. Mengutip dari Vogue,... →more
29 Sep 2019 10:46 pm
Always keep your head up,because if it’s downyou won’t able to see the blessingsthat have been placed in your life.-Beautiful pearl headband from my favorite shop @xoxobebe.id 😍I always got a lot of incredible things in there 🍂...#clozetteid #todayimwearingthis#ootdpost#mywhowhatwear#stylediary#oufitpost#stylegoals#whowhatwear#IGoutfit#revolveme#outfitidea#stylecollective#tephcollaboration #influencersurabaya #influencerjakarta

Always keep your head up,because if it’s downyou won’t able to see the blessingsthat have been... →more

Always keep your head up,because if it’s downyou won’t able to see the blessingsthat have been... →more
25 Sep 2019 12:11 pm
Happy to finally write more about eyelashes, the one thing that instantly completes your look, and you can choose; whether to add glam, sweetness, or extra curl. This time i am wearing the Sensual Curls by @blinkcharm eyelashes, made of 100% sterilized natural hair, lightweight, easy to apply, and reusable. Everything you can ask for from eyelashes✔.Head over to my blog read the full review! #clozetteid #clozetteidxblinkcharm #WearConfidence #PremiumEyelashes

Happy to finally write more about eyelashes, the one thing that instantly completes your look, and... →more

Happy to finally write more about eyelashes, the one thing that instantly completes your look, and... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
Heading to Paris Fashion Week? Here's What to Do & How to Pack

Heading to Paris Fashion Week? Here's What to Do & How to Pack

18 Sep 2019 8:26 am
BELAJAR MENDENGAR DAN DIDENGAR⁣⁣𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙉 𝙏𝙊 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙉 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙊 𝘽𝙀 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝘿⁣⁣⁣⁣Kita manusia, diciptakan 2 telinga dan 1 mulut. Most people often forget that we have one mouth and two ears, which means we should listen twice as much as we speak. Listening is an art, a path to other people’s heart, an effort requiring patience, sometimes a battle with yourself, and a skill you need to learn in order to evolve as a person ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Sering kali kita sulit belajar mendengarkan orang lain. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Lebih seringnya kita selalu mau didengar tanpa mengindahkan bahwa orang lain juga ingin didengar. Kita terlalu sibuk mengurusi urusan kita sendiri dan berpusat pada, “aku… aku… aku… dan aku…”⁣⁣⁣⁣𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐈⁣⁣⁣⁣Menghargai waktu. Ketika proses didengar dan mendengar terkadang kita kurang menghargai orang lain. Hal kecilnya adalah seringnya kita sibuk dengan perangkat lunak dan lebih memilih mencampuri kehidupan orang lain yang kadang kita sendiri tidak dekat atau bahkan tidak kenal sama sekali di media sosial. Dan kita lupa, bahwa memang ada kehadiran orang didekat kita, di hadapan kita yang sedang butuh didengarkan.⁣⁣⁣⁣Ketika orang itu hadir, bertemu. Tandanya ia menginvestasikan sebagian dari 24 jam yang ia miliki untuk kita. ⁣⁣⁣⁣People yearn to be heard. They have so much going on in their life and head, that everyone who is willing to just sit and listen to them is like their savior.⁣⁣So why don’t you help someone today by listening to what they have to say? ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣You may be surprised what a positive effect on you this may have.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣👗@thechristinaofficial⁣-————————————————————————⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣#Nona_HitamPahit #clozetteID #beautyblogger  #canggucommunity #followme #explorebali #bali🌴⁣⁣⁣


16 Sep 2019 7:06 pm
Today's self-Love thought: Always remember that a great heart could be made only by great troubles, and always make sure that your heart is bigger than your head 💪 Happy Monday people 💋

Today's self-Love thought: Always remember that a great heart could be made only by great troubles,... →more

Today's self-Love thought: Always remember that a great heart could be made only by great troubles,... →more