25 Sep 2017 8:33 pm
Favorite of the month!😻 Serius, @hadalaboid Perfect 3D Gel ini bagus bagus bagus pakai nget! Lembabin parah, mencerahkan wajah, dan bebas dari zat-zat berbahaya sehingga aman untuk kulit sensitif ❤. Cek review lebih lengkapnya di www.maryangline.com ya. A must have!😣
#clozetteid #potd #cute #bblogger #like4like #instagood #flatlay #photooftheday #pinterest #l4l #f4f #beauty #beautyaddict  #beautybloggerid #indonesianbeautyblogger #skincare #hadalabo #hadalaboperfectgel #makeupaddict  #femaledailynetwork

Favorite of the month!😻 Serius, @hadalaboid Perfect 3D Gel ini bagus bagus bagus pakai nget!... →more

Favorite of the month!😻 Serius, @hadalaboid Perfect 3D Gel ini bagus bagus bagus pakai nget!... →more
19 Sep 2017 5:56 pm
Finnaly I've tried this famous cheap foundation 😝! Is it good beyond the price? Read the review by click link on bio or bit.ly/focallurefoundation
#clozetteid #potd #cute #bblogger #like4like #instagood #flatlay #photooftheday #pinterest #l4l #f4f #beauty #beautyaddict  #beautybloggerid  #indonesianbeautyblogger focallure #makeup #foundation #makeupjunkie #makeupaddict  #femaledailynetwork

Finnaly I've tried this famous cheap foundation 😝! Is it good beyond the price? Read the review... →more

Finnaly I've tried this famous cheap foundation 😝! Is it good beyond the price? Read the review... →more
Like Us
19 Sep 2017 11:29 am
Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds. Plant beautifully ❤️
#potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.... →more

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.... →more
16 Sep 2017 8:42 am
I used to wash my hair every other day to prevent the chemical on shampoo stripping off the natural oil and keratin on my hair. However, sometimes my hair scalp is getting oily and dandruff, while my hair trunk is getting dry and dull! Now I found my favorite shampoo, conditioner and hair mist from @nuskinid, Scion Hair Care. The shampoo helps to deep cleanse my hair scalp, with menthol fragrance that makes my scalp feeling really fresh. Then I use the conditioner only for my hair trunk until hair tips, it helps to moisturize my hair and gives the smooth and silky result. Last but not least, I always use Scion Hair Mist to make my hair stay moisturized and fragrant all day 💙.Yuk upload hair selfie kamu dan ceritain di caption "menurut kamu rambut sehat itu bagaimana sih?" For more info, follow @femaledailynetwork #fdnuskin #nuskinid #nuskinhaircare

I used to wash my hair every other day to prevent the chemical on shampoo stripping off the natural... →more

I used to wash my hair every other day to prevent the chemical on shampoo stripping off the natural... →more
15 Sep 2017 10:35 am
Stay patient and trust your journey. Enjoy your Friday ❤️
#potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #endorsementid #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork #casuallook

Stay patient and trust your journey. Enjoy your Friday ❤️ . . . #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt... →more

Stay patient and trust your journey. Enjoy your Friday ❤️ . . . #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt... →more
14 Sep 2017 6:44 pm
Finally, my green box from @altheakorea was arrived! Kinda late but it's fine 👌. Let's unboxing it! You can click link on bio or search bit.ly/altheaeidmubarak 💜
#clozetteid #potd #cute #instagood #flatlay #photooftheday #makeupjunkie #skincare #vscocam #vsco #vscogood #l4l #like4like #beauty #beautyaddict #makeupflatlay #beautybloggerid  #indonesianbeautyblogger #althea #unboxing #fdbeauty #bloggerperempuan #femaledailynetwork

Finally, my green box from @altheakorea was arrived! Kinda late but it's fine 👌. Let's unboxing... →more

Finally, my green box from @altheakorea was arrived! Kinda late but it's fine 👌. Let's unboxing... →more
12 Sep 2017 11:45 am
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.
Lace Top from @juneandjuly.id .
#endorsementid #endorsementindo #endorsementindonesia #endorseolshop #endorsesurabaya #angelschoice #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. . . . Lace Top from @juneandjuly.id . . #endorsementid... →more

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt. . . . Lace Top from @juneandjuly.id . . #endorsementid... →more
10 Sep 2017 11:31 am
Keseruan saat event @femaledailynetwork & @wisatathailand bersama teman-teman bloggers 😘.#FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #potd #motd #fdbeauty #makeup #outfitoftheday #ootd #lifesytle #lifestyleblogger #beauty #blogger #influencer #likeforlike #ClozetteID #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerceria #beautybloggerid

Keseruan saat event @femaledailynetwork & @wisatathailand bersama teman-teman bloggers... →more

Keseruan saat event @femaledailynetwork & @wisatathailand bersama teman-teman bloggers... →more
09 Sep 2017 1:18 pm
Dibooth @wisatathailand tak hanya booth saja tetapi ada keseruan skincheck wajah yg dpt mendeteksi kesehatan bbrapa anggota bagian dlm tubuh. Semakin menarik seh yaa krna wajah tak hanya kulit saja tetapi dpt dideteksi dr anggota bagian tubuh terdalam .Waaww menarik juga untuk berkunjung berwisata ke thailand tak hanya menikmati wisata pesona alam, kuliner dan belanja yang superr murah tetapi wisata kecantikan yang membuat wanita terpesona kembali terlahir kembali cantikk 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Dibooth @wisatathailand tak hanya booth saja tetapi ada keseruan skincheck wajah yg dpt mendeteksi... →more

Dibooth @wisatathailand tak hanya booth saja tetapi ada keseruan skincheck wajah yg dpt mendeteksi... →more
09 Sep 2017 1:11 pm
Wahhh para beautyblogger antusias sdg sbuk ni gaess mereka sdg sbukk medsos antusias bgd krna hari ini Amazing thailand health and wellness ada keseruan menarik untuk dishare lhoo.. Wawww.... hehe serius banget yaaa gaess

@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Wahhh para beautyblogger antusias sdg sbuk ni gaess mereka sdg sbukk medsos antusias bgd krna hari... →more

Wahhh para beautyblogger antusias sdg sbuk ni gaess mereka sdg sbukk medsos antusias bgd krna hari... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:57 pm
Beauty booth with @wisatathailand Health and wellness Divina divine spa dg produk2 yang unggul asian heritage produk 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Beauty booth with @wisatathailand Health and wellness Divina divine spa dg produk2 yang unggul... →more

Beauty booth with @wisatathailand Health and wellness Divina divine spa dg produk2 yang unggul... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:50 pm
Siap!! menyantap menu makan siang yummy dan enakk2 lhoo dalam acara health and wellness showcase 2017 dr 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Siap!! menyantap menu makan siang yummy dan enakk2 lhoo dalam acara health and wellness showcase... →more

Siap!! menyantap menu makan siang yummy dan enakk2 lhoo dalam acara health and wellness showcase... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:45 pm
Lunch time makan siang yang manis dg suguhan menu thailand and ada 4 macam menu salad thaild lho di Hermitage  Hotel . Met makan siang guyz 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Lunch time makan siang yang manis dg suguhan menu thailand and ada 4 macam menu salad thaild lho di... →more

Lunch time makan siang yang manis dg suguhan menu thailand and ada 4 macam menu salad thaild lho di... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:31 pm
Duhh antantusias yg mengikuti DIY Massge workshop
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Duhh antantusias yg mengikuti DIY Massge workshop @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand... →more

Duhh antantusias yg mengikuti DIY Massge workshop @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:15 pm
No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.
Top: @juneandjuly.id [swipe for more pictures 🍍]
#endorsementid #endorsementindo #endorsementindonesia #endorseolshop #endorsesurabaya #angelschoice #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. . . Top: @juneandjuly.id [swipe for more... →more

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. . . Top: @juneandjuly.id [swipe for more... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:14 pm
Mini workshop massage terapi 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Mini workshop massage terapi @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more

Mini workshop massage terapi @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more
09 Sep 2017 12:04 pm
Excited banget buat aku ingin mencoba Divana Spa & Massage ,thai boutique spa and oriental organic spa setelah melihat2 booth and membaca bbrpa produk unggulnya organic spa, mungkin dpt melihat ke @wisatathailand
untuk promo tiket dan bbrpa kegiatan

@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Excited banget buat aku ingin mencoba Divana Spa & Massage ,thai boutique spa and oriental organic... →more

Excited banget buat aku ingin mencoba Divana Spa & Massage ,thai boutique spa and oriental organic... →more
09 Sep 2017 11:46 am
Setelah aku mencoba bberapa produk dr booth di wisata thailand dan femaledaily dan ini produk kesukaan aku Body lotion dg aromaterapi menenangkan tak hanya kulit lembut berkat khasiatnya aromanya pun membuat pikiran tenang serta tak lengket . Ada bbrpa aroma dlm bodylotion ini yaitu citrus,lavender dll, soal harga pun terjangkau dg kategori min 300k ~ . Bagaimana apkah kalian ingin mencobanya??? krna di indonesia sdh ada lho yaitu di Lotteshopping mall dan Plaza Indonesia 3rd Floor. Yukk berkunjung gaesss... @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Setelah aku mencoba bberapa produk dr booth di wisata thailand dan femaledaily dan ini produk... →more

Setelah aku mencoba bberapa produk dr booth di wisata thailand dan femaledaily dan ini produk... →more
09 Sep 2017 11:37 am
Sambutan dr ibu presiden @wisatathailand 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Sambutan dr ibu presiden @wisatathailand @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more

Sambutan dr ibu presiden @wisatathailand @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more
09 Sep 2017 11:33 am
Beauty blogger Mencoba bberapa keunggulan Med Spa DII yg terunggul dalam 3tahun mdptkan World Luxury Spa Award Winner 2015 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Beauty blogger Mencoba bberapa keunggulan Med Spa DII yg terunggul dalam 3tahun mdptkan World... →more

Beauty blogger Mencoba bberapa keunggulan Med Spa DII yg terunggul dalam 3tahun mdptkan World... →more
09 Sep 2017 11:26 am
salah satu beauty antusias yg mencoba produk wellness med spa yaitu Dii Visible skin booster,skin illuminator dan rejuvenate menarik bagi ku krna kandungan dr ikan hiu dg proses khsus serum ini tdk ada bau amis wrananya sedikit agak kecoklatan dan sangat baik untuk mengregenerasi kulit dn komposisi marine gycosaminoglycan dg Bebas dari mineral oil, silicone, dan paraben 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

salah satu beauty antusias yg mencoba produk wellness med spa yaitu Dii Visible skin booster,skin... →more

salah satu beauty antusias yg mencoba produk wellness med spa yaitu Dii Visible skin booster,skin... →more
09 Sep 2017 11:15 am
Para beauty antusias dan beauty blogger telah hadir dipagi yg cerah dg semangat yg penuh. Keseruan tak hanya itu saja untuk @wisatathailand yg luar biasa akan ada workshop, beauty dan wellnest yg edukatif apalgi bila berencana ke thailand . Yukk intip keseruan aku hanya di @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Para beauty antusias dan beauty blogger telah hadir dipagi yg cerah dg semangat yg penuh. Keseruan... →more

Para beauty antusias dan beauty blogger telah hadir dipagi yg cerah dg semangat yg penuh. Keseruan... →more
09 Sep 2017 10:56 am
Product Essence Heritage Thailand by HARNN 
@femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism #WisataThailand #Clozetteid

Product Essence Heritage Thailand by HARNN @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more

Product Essence Heritage Thailand by HARNN @femaledailynetwork @wisatathailand #FDxThailandTourism... →more
03 Sep 2017 6:39 pm
New skincare routine with @sulamitcosmetics. It includes their facial foam, serum, day cream, and night cream. You can read the review on bit.ly/Sulamit2-mary ❤
#clozetteid #potd #cute #instagood #flatlay #photooftheday #makeupjunkie #skincare #vscocam #vsco #vscogood #l4l #like4like #beauty #beautyaddict #makeupflatlay #beautybloggerid  #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautiesquadxsulamit #beautiesquad #sulamitofficial #fdbeauty #bloggerperempuan #femaledailynetwork

New skincare routine with @sulamitcosmetics. It includes their facial foam, serum, day cream, and... →more

New skincare routine with @sulamitcosmetics. It includes their facial foam, serum, day cream, and... →more
27 Aug 2017 6:28 pm
Simple daily go to look with @sulamitcosmetics has up on my blog 🙆. Go to bit.ly/Sulamit1-mary for details
#clozetteid #potd #cute #instagood #fotd #makeupjunkie #makeup #vscocam #vsco #vscogood #l4l #like4like #beauty #beautyaddict  #beautybloggerid  #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautiesquadxsulamit #beautiesquad #sulamitofficial #makeupaddict #fdbeauty #bloggerperempuan #femaledailynetwork

Simple daily go to look with @sulamitcosmetics has up on my blog 🙆. Go to bit.ly/Sulamit1-mary... →more

Simple daily go to look with @sulamitcosmetics has up on my blog 🙆. Go to bit.ly/Sulamit1-mary... →more
25 Aug 2017 11:53 am
Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face . Anywayyy.. TGIF ❤️❤️❤️
Wearing embroidery top from @sanzboutique ❤️

#endorsementid #endorsementindo #endorsementindonesia #endorseolshop #endorsesurabaya #angelschoice #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork

Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face . Anywayyy.. TGIF ❤️❤️❤️ . .... →more

Trying to be quirky but i ended up with stoned face . Anywayyy.. TGIF ❤️❤️❤️ . .... →more
20 Aug 2017 11:44 am
You have said all the things i needed to hear before i knew i needed to hear them.
To be unafraid, of all the things i used to fear, before i knew i shouldn't fear them - Lang Leav
👗 @sanzboutique . Don't forget to check their IG. There's ongoing Giveaway ❤️

#endorsementid #endorsementindo #endorsementindonesia #endorseolshop #endorsesurabaya #angelschoice #potd #lotd #styleXstyle #wiwt #wiwtindo #ootdindo #outfithariini #lookbookindonesia #ootdholic #ootdindonesia #clozetteid #fashionindonesia #ootdmagazine #pootd #lookbook #igdaily #dailylook #ootd #postthepeople #terfujilah #womenmagz #womeninframe #femaledailynetwork

You have said all the things i needed to hear before i knew i needed to hear them. To be unafraid,... →more

You have said all the things i needed to hear before i knew i needed to hear them. To be unafraid,... →more
18 Aug 2017 6:41 pm
Hampers lain yang aku dapet bulan ini adalah sebuah paket cantik dari @sulamitcosmetics x @beautiesquad ! Yang pengen tau apa aja isi dari paketan cantik ini, tunggu reviewnya di rusydinat.com ya! 🌼🌼
#beautiesquadxsulamit #beautiesquad #sulamitofficial
#clozetteid #ggrep #beauty #flatlay #femaledailynetwork #makeup #skincare #beautydiary #beautyblogger

Hampers lain yang aku dapet bulan ini adalah sebuah paket cantik dari @sulamitcosmetics x... →more

Hampers lain yang aku dapet bulan ini adalah sebuah paket cantik dari @sulamitcosmetics x... →more
18 Aug 2017 2:27 pm
Unboxing time from @sulamitcosmetics ❤️. I got around 12 items (makeup & skincare) from them! Review soon 😘
#clozetteid #potd #cute #instagood #flatlay #photooftheday #makeupjunkie #makeup #vscocam #vsco #vscogood #l4l #like4like #beauty #beautyaddict #makeupflatlay #beautybloggerid  #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautiesquadxsulamit #beautiesquad #sulamitofficial #makeupaddict #fdbeauty #bloggerperempuan #femaledailynetwork

Unboxing time from @sulamitcosmetics ❤️. I got around 12 items (makeup & skincare) from them!... →more

Unboxing time from @sulamitcosmetics ❤️. I got around 12 items (makeup & skincare) from them!... →more
18 Aug 2017 12:31 pm
Living in the heart of the city Jakarta, makes me dealing with the sun exposure and bad pollution everyday. In result, my skin's looking dull, oily, and the saddest thing is, when I check out my skin by having 5cm bare-skin selfie, my pores seem enlarged! Till I finally found Garnier Sakura White skincare series, it perfectly moisturizes and brighten my skin tone, also help to reduce the appearance of my large pores. Now my skin's looking clear, smooth and flawless pinkish radiance! @garnierindonesia @femaledailynetwork
Read the complete review on my blog: http://tiffanikosh.blogspot.com/2017/07/review-garnier-sakura-white-series.html
#garnier #garnierindonesia #femaledailynetwork

Living in the heart of the city Jakarta, makes me dealing with the sun exposure and bad pollution... →more

Living in the heart of the city Jakarta, makes me dealing with the sun exposure and bad pollution... →more