19 Aug 2018 11:10 am
Hello world,At the #30weeks pregnancy my baby turns out to be a baby girl!!!.Celina is so excited to meet her lil sister. My another makeup mates, and best friends. Another member of. Ayah fans club @ben_yitzhak ..Alhamdulillah, stay healthy baby. We love you.Ayah Ibu, Kakak Celina..👨🏻‍⚕️📷: @dr_johnq18 .#pregnant #pregnancy #baby #ultrasound #30weekspregnant #ClozetteID #annisaramalia

Hello world,At the #30weeks pregnancy my baby turns out to be a baby girl!!!.Celina is so excited... →more

Hello world,At the #30weeks pregnancy my baby turns out to be a baby girl!!!.Celina is so excited... →more
13 Aug 2018 12:00 pm
Guys #COMIFURO is less than a week!! Who's excited?! ✨I'm going to be cosplaying at @ponimu.id 's booth on this saturday and sunday, do come and say hi !! 😍Can you guess what character I'll be cosplaying this weekend? ;) #ponimu

Guys #COMIFURO is less than a week!! Who's excited?! ✨I'm going to be cosplaying at @ponimu.id 's... →more

Guys #COMIFURO is less than a week!! Who's excited?! ✨I'm going to be cosplaying at @ponimu.id 's... →more
Like Us
21 Jul 2018 11:50 am
geengss.. @pixycosmetics mengeluarkan produk terbaru mereka dengan packaging yang cantik diantaranya Pixy UV Whitening BB cream, two way cake, loose powder, dan concealing base..aku excited banget pengen cobaiiin.. tunggu reviewnyaa di blog & youtube channel aku yaaa.. 😍😍😍.#PIXYletyourbeautyshine #mybeautymyenergy @pixycosmetics #clozetteid

geengss.. @pixycosmetics mengeluarkan produk terbaru mereka dengan packaging yang cantik... →more

geengss.. @pixycosmetics mengeluarkan produk terbaru mereka dengan packaging yang cantik... →more
07 Jul 2018 4:25 pm
Grateful for where I'm at, excited about where I'm going 💐 top by @shopataleen ...#Clozetteid

Grateful for where I'm at, excited about where I'm going 💐 top by @shopataleen ...#Clozetteid

Grateful for where I'm at, excited about where I'm going 💐 top by @shopataleen ...#Clozetteid
07 Jul 2018 12:00 pm
Selalu excited dengan yang natural, ditambah design yang eye cathing. Pokoknya gitu deh, akan aku review dan ku taro blog ya bebque 🆙
Thank you @npureofficial for the package ❤️

Selalu excited dengan yang natural, ditambah design yang eye cathing. Pokoknya gitu deh, akan aku... →more

Selalu excited dengan yang natural, ditambah design yang eye cathing. Pokoknya gitu deh, akan aku... →more
07 Jul 2018 11:10 am
I bought a new shoes 
it looks good but it's still little awkward 
I need to break them in
Even before I walk, I'm worried about my heels
Where will I go?  Where will it take me? Half fear half excitement.
I'll walk then stop then run
Then I'll stand there
Where will I go? 
Iam still curious
I wander
(I Wander - Ha:tfelt feat Gaeko) .
#clozetteid #song #songlyric #shoes #livefolk #daily #wander #ha:tfelt #instaphoto #koreansong

I bought a new shoes it looks good but it's still little awkward I need to break them in Even... →more

I bought a new shoes it looks good but it's still little awkward I need to break them in Even... →more
06 Jul 2018 5:55 pm
July 6, 2018Adem ya liatnya ? Hahaha.Ini adalah rangkaian skincare Tea Tree dari @naruko.indonesia, my wishlist banget ! So excited to try ma new babies ! ❤️😍 Produk ini cocok untuk kulit yang oily, oily-combination dan berjerawat ^^.In pic :- Tea Tree Purifying Clay Mask & Cleanser in 1- Tea Tree Shine Control & Blemish Clear Night Gelly- Tea Tree Shine Control & Blemish Clear Mask- Tea Tree Post Blemish Corrector.So far, aku baru coba Tea Tree Purifying Clay Mask & Cleanser in 1 and I'm in love ! Ini adem banget, dan multi fungsi, bisa dijadiin masker dan cleanser sekaligus 😍 Produk" ini bakal aku review di #sprinkleofraindotcom, Stay tune aja ya ^^.Oh ya di Shopee lagi ada diskon up to 50% loh ! (Clay masknya jadi 75rb aja 😍😍) dan khusus followers aku, kalian bisa dapet tambahan diskon 15% dengan masukkin kode voucher BEAUNATA ❤️ jangan lupa swipe ^^ ➡️➡️.#naruko #narukoindonesia #beautygoersID #clozette #clozetteID #beautiesquad #setterspace #beautybloggerindonesia #beautybloggerid #bloggerceriaid #bloggerceria #kbbvmember #bloggermafia #beautynesiamemberblogger #charisceleb #bloggerperempuan #sociollabloggernetwork #vsco #vscocam #potd

July 6, 2018Adem ya liatnya ? Hahaha.Ini adalah rangkaian skincare Tea Tree dari @naruko.indonesia,... →more

July 6, 2018Adem ya liatnya ? Hahaha.Ini adalah rangkaian skincare Tea Tree dari @naruko.indonesia,... →more
03 Jul 2018 6:25 pm
Thank you —
for the most awesome hampers invitation to me 😍
Thank you for letting me try the Calendula’s series. I’m super excited ! Tonight, I will do the mini review on my instastory.
STAY TUNE ! 👏🏻 .
So guys,
@kiehls will do the Grand Opening of their branch at Pakuwon Mall, this Saturday, July 7, 2018. Don’t miss it ! Come together with me 🌻

Thank you — for the most awesome hampers invitation to me 😍 . Thank you for letting me try the... →more

Thank you — for the most awesome hampers invitation to me 😍 . Thank you for letting me try the... →more
30 Jun 2018 9:30 am
Deeply thinking about future , yet so excited with what’s coming ❤️.
Missin my photo hunting partner @stephie.linn 

Deeply thinking about future , yet so excited with what’s coming ❤️. Missin my photo hunting... →more

Deeply thinking about future , yet so excited with what’s coming ❤️. Missin my photo hunting... →more
22 Jun 2018 8:55 pm
Are you guys back to your daily activities?  I'm definitely starting,  and excited!

#girl #asian #ootdid #ootdindo #ootdindonesia  #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #blogger #bblogger #beautyblogger #influencer #influencersurabaya #surabaya  #beautyinfluencer #fashion #personalstyle #fashionblogger #personalstyleblogger #notasize0 #comfortableinmyownskin
#effyourbeautystandards #celebrateyourself #bodypositive #bodypositivity  #beautybeyondsize #summerready #breezysummer

Are you guys back to your daily activities? I'm definitely starting, and excited! #ootd #girl... →more

Are you guys back to your daily activities? I'm definitely starting, and excited! #ootd #girl... →more
10 Jun 2018 12:35 am
Being natural is incredibly empowering for women because it's just who you are. You're embracing all the beautiful things about you from your head to your toes. Be passionate. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you....#日本 #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわいい#ootd #fashionaddict #instastyle #girl#beauty#japanese #japan #instabeauty #instagram#style#stylist #outfitoftheday #outfit#inspiration#japanesegirl #fashionable #model#face#whatiwore #clozetteID

Being natural is incredibly empowering for women because it's just who you are. You're embracing... →more

Being natural is incredibly empowering for women because it's just who you are. You're embracing... →more
07 Jun 2018 3:55 pm
Almost weekend! are you excited as i am? 😁

#instadaily #livethelittlethings #abmhappylife #petitejoys #thatsdarling #darlingmovement #pursuepretty #thehappynow #theeverydayproject #flashesofdelight #lifestyleblogger 
#lifestyleblog #thegirlgang #stylediaries #wiw #currentlywearing #ggrep #ootd #ootdid #fashionbloggerindonesia #ootdindonesia #whatiwear #whatiwore #ootdmagazine #outfit #clozetteid

Almost weekend! are you excited as i am? 😁 . . . . #instadaily #livethelittlethings... →more

Almost weekend! are you excited as i am? 😁 . . . . #instadaily #livethelittlethings... →more
05 Jun 2018 9:20 pm
There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed. Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. Because“Opportunities don't happen, but you create them” 🌟 #clozetteid

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world:... →more

There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world:... →more
04 Jun 2018 1:30 am
T is for TitazTitaz is excited for you, June!..📷 @putrisantosoTote bag with diy printingMade on #llclass By @livinglovingnet#stylieandfoodie #livelovelifelaughlust #blogger #bloggerceria #tetapsemangat #365post2018 #ootd #clozetteid #stylie #therealoutfitgram #styledaily #dailystyles #streetstyle #realoutfitgram #thestreetograph #looksootd #lookbookindonesia

T is for TitazTitaz is excited for you, June!..📷 @putrisantosoTote bag with diy printingMade on... →more

T is for TitazTitaz is excited for you, June!..📷 @putrisantosoTote bag with diy printingMade on... →more
03 Jun 2018 12:35 pm
I hope you live a life you're prouf of. 
Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day became your proffesion. 
Talk about passion it's something that excites you, make your heart beat raise, smile often, not feel tired or stress. 
This's what i feel. Make up, pretty clothes, travel, write and took picture.
Well.. Until now i'm working on my passion~ as a blogger, model and an influencers. :) How about you?... @tresjoliebyminimal #tresjoliexgritteagatha #tresgirls

I hope you live a life you're prouf of. Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one... →more

I hope you live a life you're prouf of. Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one... →more
02 Jun 2018 11:45 am
Jadi, setiap weekend itu aku selalu excited soalnya mikir, "wah bisa tidur lama nih"  atau "akhirnya ada waktu beberes"  atau "ngelarin kerjaan ah"  dan realitanya,  tidur ga bangun siang-siang amat,  beberes ga kelar,  paling pol nyuci kelar,  terus ngelarin kerjaan whole day,  tapi nggak kelar juga saking banyaknya 🤣🤣🤣 kadang miris sama diri sendiri.  Tapi ya gimana lagi kan aku yang mau bersibuk ria.  Terus,  berangkat cari buka sambil bikin konten.  Kaya foto ini,  colongan abis bikin konten blog. 😂 mimik muka tidak jelas karena bete kelar makeup uda jam 5 berarti harus motret secepat kilat 🤣#ErnysJournalDaily #Clozetteid #Fashion #hijabfashion

Jadi, setiap weekend itu aku selalu excited soalnya mikir, "wah bisa tidur lama nih" atau... →more

Jadi, setiap weekend itu aku selalu excited soalnya mikir, "wah bisa tidur lama nih" atau... →more
27 May 2018 8:25 am
Start a New Journey Just say bismillah...Happy Sunday! Excited! Minggu depan udah long weekend 😘🤘🙌.#Clozetteid

Start a New Journey Just say bismillah...Happy Sunday! Excited! Minggu depan udah long weekend... →more

Start a New Journey Just say bismillah...Happy Sunday! Excited! Minggu depan udah long weekend... →more
27 May 2018 1:50 am
Well —My 1st Giveaway went successfully 😍I can feel the excited vibes around me today !.THANK YOU !Buat semua temen” yg sudah join giveaway aku yg pertama. Juga buat temen” yg hari ini sudah hadir d @absolutenewyork_id studio :@gita_san @nurulrmnia_ @pauline_sofiaa @dvrksw @nshinnn @anitaa_bee@ssinr95 @hwanliya Once again thank you sudah d bela”in otw jauh” k barat buat join acara ini. Sorry kalo ada banyak kekurangan dr acara hari ini 🙏🏻.Thank you buat bbrp temen” yg berhalangan hadir dan menginfokan ke aku secara pribadi. Aku sangat sangat menghargai kalian, mskpn mgkn hari ini tdk bs join. Maybe next time yaa 😘.Thank you @absolutenewyork_id for having me dan Thank you buat semua yg support hari ini, sehingga acara bisa berjalan dengan baik.Love you all 🌻...#potd #clozetteid #thankyou #giveaway #blogger #bloggerindo #makeuptutorial #뷰티블로거#대한민국#서울#제주#유행#라이프스타일#구성하다

Well —My 1st Giveaway went successfully 😍I can feel the excited vibes around me today !.THANK... →more

Well —My 1st Giveaway went successfully 😍I can feel the excited vibes around me today !.THANK... →more
25 May 2018 9:45 am
Do you excited for this one? .#clozetteid

Do you excited for this one? .#clozetteid

Do you excited for this one? .#clozetteid
21 May 2018 3:50 pm
Bulu mataku ini tipiiiiiiiiissss banget. Tipis dan longgar, karena itu aku selalu pakai bulu mata palsu kalau makeupan. Jarang banget pake maskara soalnya biasanya nggak ngefek 😂 so I’m so very excited to share my experience about my very first eyelash extension at @menail.salon ✨
Aku kesana hari jumat kemarin di @menail.salon Tunjungan Plaza 1 lantai 3, Surabaya. Pegawainya ramah banget dan ngajarin aku pas aku tanya-tanya (bingung soalnya pertama kali 🙈). Aku juga ditawarin mau yang ukuran berapa, tapi aku serahin ke mbaknya aja sih pokoknya yang nggak terlalu wow gitu, yang natural aja. Akhirnya aku pakai nomor 10 dan 11 ☺️
Terus aku masuk ke ruangannya, dan tidur cantique selama 2 jam lebih untuk diaplikasikan extensionnya. Buat yang belum tau, bulu matanya dilem disambung ke bulu mata asli, supaya kelihatan lebih panjang. Kalau buat nebelin, bisa juga ditempel lebih dari 1 helai supaya lebih tebel. Kerasa sih 2 jam, pegel meski cuma tidur soalnya nggak bisa buka mata 😷
Habis itu selesai deh! Swipe ke gambar berikutnya ya buat hasilnya ❤️ Aku dikasih sisir bulu matanya soalnya harus sering disisir biar lurus dan nggak kelilit gitu (di foto resultnya aku belum sisirin seharian jadi agak belok2 gitu. Harus sering emang 😂). Di @menail.salon bisa retouch 1 minggu setelahnya, kalau ada yang rontok ato nusuk bisa dibenerin.
Anyway, segini dulu review singkatku tentang eyelash extension di @menail.salon 💕 So far I’m very happy with the result! 3 hari ini cuma rontok bagian ujung dalamnya dikit, tapi masih cetar ⚡️ Minggu depan aku bakalan kesana lagi buat retouch. Nanti aku update kalian lagi yak ☺️
#jessicaalicias #jessicaaliciasevent #clozetteid #menailsurabaya #eyelashextensions #eyelashextensionsurabaya #sbybeautyblogger #influencer #beautybloggerid #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggerindonesiq #kbbvmember #bloggerceria #whatiworetoday

[SWIPE - EYELASH EXTENSION] Bulu mataku ini tipiiiiiiiiissss banget. Tipis dan longgar, karena itu... →more

[SWIPE - EYELASH EXTENSION] Bulu mataku ini tipiiiiiiiiissss banget. Tipis dan longgar, karena itu... →more
19 May 2018 12:20 pm
Weekend is here!  Who's excited??? I think we all deserve a little break after what happened last week 😓. So let's let loose!!! #fotd #motd #clozetteid
#makeup  #sbybeautyblogger #bloggerceria #beautynesiamember #girl #asian #blogger #bbloggerid  #indonesianblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger  #surabayablogger #surabayabeautyblogger #influencer #beautyinfluencer  #influencersurabaya #makeupaddict #beautyaddict #ilovemakeup  #makeupjunkie  #makeupaddict #makeupaddict #beautybloggerid #beautybloggerindonesia #white #femininevibes #weekendishere #rbf

Weekend is here! Who's excited??? I think we all deserve a little break after what happened last... →more

Weekend is here! Who's excited??? I think we all deserve a little break after what happened last... →more
12 May 2018 1:20 pm
Minggu lalu aku dan influencer surabaya smpet dateng ke eventnya @clinelleid di @galaxymallsby !! Disana kt dikenalin dengan produk baru mereka yaitu rangkaian clinelle caviar gold yg cocok banget untuk kulit yg sensitif buat anti aging🙈😘 aku udah nyobain produknya super excited buat ngereviewnya, so stay tune on my youtube channel yahh!!😻....#clinelle #clozetteid #influencersurabaya #influencer #endorser #beautyvlogger #beautyvloggersurabaya #beautyvloggerindonesia #influencerindonesia #7secretofyouthfulskin

Minggu lalu aku dan influencer surabaya smpet dateng ke eventnya @clinelleid di @galaxymallsby !!... →more

Minggu lalu aku dan influencer surabaya smpet dateng ke eventnya @clinelleid di @galaxymallsby !!... →more
05 May 2018 11:55 am
Happy 4th birthday for @clozetteid ! Yeay ! Jadi dulu sempet diajakin ikutan Clozette dan ditunjuk jadi salah satu Clozette Ambassador. Ga terasa udah join selama 4 th ini, dan dapat banyak banget manfaatnya.. dari banyak banget event dengan brand2 lokal dan internasional, lalu bisa juga dapat product dari kerjasama dgn brand tsb. anyway, kali ini aku dapat Un4gettable Box dari Clozette Indonesia, dan isinya berupa beauty product dari @pondsindonesia @senkaindonesia @jacquelle_official @zap_beauty . Yasss! So excited 💛💛💛Once more, Happy Birthday Clozette Indonesia !#clozetteid #clozetteun4gettable

Happy 4th birthday for @clozetteid ! Yeay ! Jadi dulu sempet diajakin ikutan Clozette dan ditunjuk... →more

Happy 4th birthday for @clozetteid ! Yeay ! Jadi dulu sempet diajakin ikutan Clozette dan ditunjuk... →more
04 May 2018 7:55 pm
If you’re fan of Bobbi Brown products like us, you’ll be thrilled to know that @bobbibrownid is now available at @sephoraidn. Today, @tiffanikosh @gianciana @larassitafaza and I got a chance to visit the launching of Skin Long-wear Weightless Foundation Full Cover Cushion Compact SPF 50 (such a long name 😂), tried the soon-to-be-hyped cushion, and fell in love instantly. In the video, You can watch how we have so much fun trying the products. You can experience the same excitement by visiting Sephora and trying the products by yourself. Have fun!#BobbiBrownID #bobbibrownskinlongwearweightlessfoundation #clozetteID #sephoraidn

If you’re fan of Bobbi Brown products like us, you’ll be thrilled to know that @bobbibrownid is... →more

If you’re fan of Bobbi Brown products like us, you’ll be thrilled to know that @bobbibrownid is... →more
04 May 2018 4:00 pm
Yeay! Super happy and excited pas dapet Un4gettable Box from @clozetteid 🎉 Happy 4th Birthday Clozette Indonesia 💖 Thank you for bringing so much JOY, LOVE AND HAPPINESS to me 🌌 Thank you for celebrating your Un4gettable birthday and supporting us in the blogging world! Lot of kisses and keep in touch 💕 once again, Happy Birthday 🎂 🙌Ps: swipe more to see whats inside the box 🎁 💙@clozetteid @pondsindonesia @senkaindonesia @jacquelle_official @zap_beauty #ClozetteID#ClozetteUn4gettable

Yeay! Super happy and excited pas dapet Un4gettable Box from @clozetteid 🎉 Happy 4th Birthday... →more

Yeay! Super happy and excited pas dapet Un4gettable Box from @clozetteid 🎉 Happy 4th Birthday... →more
02 May 2018 5:45 am
As excited as @clozetteid 💋Happy 4th birthday and oh and super duper love your un4gettable celebration box 🎉Stay amazing Clozette IndonesiaAlso bunch of thanks to @PondsIndonesia @SenkaIndonesia @Jacquelle_official @zap_beauty#ClozetteID #ClozetteUn4gettable

As excited as @clozetteid 💋Happy 4th birthday and oh and super duper love your un4gettable... →more

As excited as @clozetteid 💋Happy 4th birthday and oh and super duper love your un4gettable... →more
25 Apr 2018 9:20 am
Katanya jangan takut memiliki mimpi yang besar. Selama mimpi itu ga bayar dan dilarang ya silakan bermimpi...Tapi lebih bagus lagi kalau mimpi itu bisa diwujudkan jadi kenyataannya. Caranya? Ya ACTION dong.......Punya ide kemudian buat planning, mulai dari nabung buat modal, fokus sama market yang kaya gimana, trus jangan lupa perkaya diri dengan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan baik dari sisi fiqh muamallah dan soal bisnis itu sendiri. ..Jadi ceritanya mau mulai enterpreneur nih? Insyaallah mau dimulai.....bukankah 9 dari 20 pintu rezeki datangnya dari berdagang? Bismillah semoga dengan mulai dari nol di @dyu_label ini bisa jadi pembuka jalan kebaikan. ..Serius deh mikir step by step nya itu excited tp deg2an. Tp takut salah tapi tapi tapi.... Dibalik itu ada semacam energi besar yg bilang JUST DO IT..Bismillah semoga dimudahkan. Doakan ya teman-teman........#enterpreneur #clozetteid #onlineshop #onlineshopjakarta

Katanya jangan takut memiliki mimpi yang besar. Selama mimpi itu ga bayar dan dilarang ya silakan... →more

Katanya jangan takut memiliki mimpi yang besar. Selama mimpi itu ga bayar dan dilarang ya silakan... →more
24 Apr 2018 10:15 pm
Gak pernah kebayang, ternyata liburan sama baby itu SUPER SERU! Awal-awal sempet deg-degan sih dan bingung apa aja yang harus disiapin. Tapi lama-lama nekat aja! Bahkan jalan-jalan berduaan, aku sama Raline doang pun aku berani. Makan ga mau bawa, selalu usaha cari tempat makan yang setidaknya #ralinebelvya bisa makan juga! Dan sampe detik ini alhamdulillah selalu enjoy tiap traveling sama anak kecil ini. Dan selaluuuu nyenengin banget💕•Swipe to see how excited Raline while swimming✨•#vsco #vscocam #bali #clozette #clozetteid #thebalibible

Gak pernah kebayang, ternyata liburan sama baby itu SUPER SERU! Awal-awal sempet deg-degan sih dan... →more

Gak pernah kebayang, ternyata liburan sama baby itu SUPER SERU! Awal-awal sempet deg-degan sih dan... →more
23 Apr 2018 6:00 pm
We have an exciting news for you! Clozette turns 4th next month and we have a big surprise! Find out about it here bit.ly/clz-un4gettable (link on bio)


We have an exciting news for you! Clozette turns 4th next month and we have a big surprise! Find... →more

We have an exciting news for you! Clozette turns 4th next month and we have a big surprise! Find... →more
22 Apr 2018 8:40 am
Kemarin aku diinvite oleh @cchannel_id untuk ikutan acara @ubsgold x @carendelano, “Confident in Gold”
Yas, was so excited yesterday, because who doesn’t love gold? Selain bisa dijadikan sebagai aksesoris mempercantik diri, emas juga salah satu jenis investasi yang banyak orang pilih. Suka banget sama semua koleksi dari UBS @ubsgold karena semua desainnya up to date banget, jaman now gitu deh. Apalagi mereka juga sudah mengeluarkan emas bernuansa rose gold and black! Tentunya akan bikin kita semakin stylish dan kece 😍❤️
#ConfidentInGold #CChannelxUBS #CChannel_id
#clozetteid #ootd #ootdindo #lookbook #lookbookindonesia #lifestyleblogger #fashion #blogger #fashionblogger #wiwt #potd #vscocam #eosm10 #lovelife #instagood #streetstyle #potd #eosmdiaries #ggrep #ggrepstyle #cgstreetstyle #streetfashion

Kemarin aku diinvite oleh @cchannel_id untuk ikutan acara @ubsgold x @carendelano, “Confident in... →more

Kemarin aku diinvite oleh @cchannel_id untuk ikutan acara @ubsgold x @carendelano, “Confident in... →more