31 Jan 2019 12:19 pm
Siapa yang biasanya kalau masak nasi goreng pake kecap? You better stop right now!.Lho kenapa? Karena kecap itu mengalahkan semua rasa bumbu yang dipakai memasak nasi goreng. Sebagai gantinya, pakai bumbu dasar merah dan bumbu rendang. Enggak usah bikin tapi beli aja di ibu penjual bumbu di pasar 😉..Now everyone can cook! ...#ClozetteID#doityourself#DIY#friedrice#nasigoreng#instacooking #EatFamous#eeeeeeats#tryitordiet#instafood

Siapa yang biasanya kalau masak nasi goreng pake kecap? You better stop right now!.Lho kenapa?... →more

Siapa yang biasanya kalau masak nasi goreng pake kecap? You better stop right now!.Lho kenapa?... →more
22 Dec 2018 6:00 pm
Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for Clozetter @HattaShani. Do you think the same? Share your mind-healing moment with Clozette in Lifestyle Community. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to all cool Moms out there!

Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for... →more

Reading a cooking book and choosing recipes to cook this weekend is one of mind-healing things for... →more
Like Us
16 Dec 2018 12:34 pm
Had a scrumptious late lunch a few days ago at @sam_yu_ku_369 !! We ordered their japchae 잡채 and it’s indeed so yummy 😋 thinking of it makes me drool for more. Its one of the best Japchae I’ve ever ate !! The meat were also perfectly cooked except the ox tongue which was a bit too chewy for my liking. Overall I had a pleasant time at @sam_yu_ku_369 ❤️❤️ they even have private rooms which is perfectly shared with close friends, families or business meeting. Not only meat 🥩 but their banchan 반찬 is also amazing 😉 love their kimchi which is perfectly ripe ❤️ .
#stevieapproved #stevieculinaryjournal #foodie #yummy #kbbq #jktgo #clozetteid #koreanfood #yum #happytummy

Had a scrumptious late lunch a few days ago at @sam_yu_ku_369 !! We ordered their japchae 잡채... →more

Had a scrumptious late lunch a few days ago at @sam_yu_ku_369 !! We ordered their japchae 잡채... →more
08 Dec 2018 1:09 pm
Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure mind-healing things for me after having a rough weekend#clozetteid #bookstagram

Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure... →more

Reading a cooking book and choosing what recipe that I'm gonna cook on the weekend is sure... →more
30 Nov 2018 5:49 pm
Holla gurls! Mau tanya dong kalian tim yang suka jajan di luar atau tim yang suka bawa bekal dari rumah?

Kalo aku sih dua-duanya bawa bekel iya jajan di luar juga iya😂

Jadi tadi aku dateng ke acara Media & Community Cooking Day bareng @youvitforlife di @novotelbandung
Disana aku banyak dapetin banyak ilmu seputar nutrisi dan gizi dari ahli nutrisi-nya langsung yaitu Kk cantik @sehat.ala.rachel

Fyi, makanan atau jajanan dari luar itu belum tentu kadar nutrisinya baik dan seimbang untuk tubuh Selain itu, kita sebenarnya tidak tau secara pasti kandungan makanan yang kita beli Bisa saja mengandung sodium berlebih, gula tinggi, bahan pengawet, bahan pewarna buatan dll

Jadi apa solusinya? Yang pastinya memasak makanan sendiri di rumah karena kita bisa lebih memantau bahan yang kita gunakan di dalam masakan yg kita masak selain itu kita bisa menjaga porsi makanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tubuh

Dan jangan lupa selalu makan vitamin dari @youvitforlife 1x sehari agar nutrisi yg dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita bisa terpenuhi dan kita jadi ga gampang sakit😁

Aku bakalan review acara ini di blog aku gurls! So, stay tune terus yaa😊💕 @popbela_com
#1GummySetiapHari #Youvit #Vitamin #GummyVitamin #BloggerBandung #blogger #clozetteid #NovotelBandung

Holla gurls! Mau tanya dong kalian tim yang suka jajan di luar atau tim yang suka bawa bekal dari... →more

Holla gurls! Mau tanya dong kalian tim yang suka jajan di luar atau tim yang suka bawa bekal dari... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
14 Healthy and Delicious Ways to Cook With Pumpkin Seeds

14 Healthy and Delicious Ways to Cook With Pumpkin Seeds

01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
12 Perfect Ways to Cook Sweet Corn Before It Goes Out of Season

12 Perfect Ways to Cook Sweet Corn Before It Goes Out of Season

16 Oct 2018 11:37 am
Seruuu banget ada cooking class bareng Chef Deny Gumilang di acara Dreamcoid x Ajinomoto kemarin!😄💕

Seruuu banget ada cooking class bareng Chef Deny Gumilang di acara Dreamcoid x Ajinomoto... →more

Seruuu banget ada cooking class bareng Chef Deny Gumilang di acara Dreamcoid x Ajinomoto... →more
14 Oct 2018 6:44 am
Waktu nonton acara korea yang bintang tamunya ikutan Cooking Class jadi pengen juga ngerasain Cooking Class.Eh, alhamdulillah dapat kesempatannya. Wlpn kaga terlalu mirip kegiatannya. Tapi sudah mayan lah jd kaga penasaran amat. Trs nambah pengetahuan baru, ayam di taro di es batu lah biar juicy, di kasih tau juga bahan2 yang bisa kita ganti dng rasa yang mirip2 dll. Seru!!! Semoga bisa di kasih kesempatan terus buat ngelakuin banyak hal baru nan seru. Ajak aku lagi ya. Hehe. 🤭#CookingClass#WeekendBerfaedah#ClozetteID

Waktu nonton acara korea yang bintang tamunya ikutan Cooking Class jadi pengen juga ngerasain... →more

Waktu nonton acara korea yang bintang tamunya ikutan Cooking Class jadi pengen juga ngerasain... →more
12 Oct 2018 8:34 pm
Hari ini aku lagi ada di acara Blogger Gathering bersama Ajinomoto x Dreamcoid!💕 Di acara ini aku jadi lebih tau bahwa MSG itu tidak seperti yang orang2 pikirkan bahkan selalu ada mitos2 mengatakan hal yg tidak benar mengenai MSG padahal itu salah besarDisini kami belajar mengenai lebih dekat Monosodium Glutamat atau yg kita kenal MSG dari ahlinya yaitu Prof.Purwiyatno Hariyadi selaku Ahli teknologi pangan dari IPBFyi, mengkonsumsi MSG itu tidak apa2 kok asal dalam jumlah yg tepat alias tidak berlebihanU know lah yaa kalo sesuatu yang berlebihan itu emang ga baik kan😂Selain itu, di acara ini ada talkshow dan sharing session bersama Teh @dhaturembulan juga ada cooking class bersama Chef Deny GumilangSeru banget kan!!😄 Ohiya, aku bakalan mengupas tuntas tentang acara ini dan juga tentang MSG di blog-ku! So, stay tune yaaps!💕 @dreamcoid @ajinomoto_id#DreamAjinomotoCookingSimple #KelezatanSejatiRasaUmami #ClozetteID #BloggerGathering #BloggerBandung #BloggerIndonesia #Ajinomoto #Dreamcoid #eventblogger #BloggerEvent #blogger

Hari ini aku lagi ada di acara Blogger Gathering bersama Ajinomoto x Dreamcoid!💕 Di acara ini... →more

Hari ini aku lagi ada di acara Blogger Gathering bersama Ajinomoto x Dreamcoid!💕 Di acara ini... →more
10 Oct 2018 11:45 am
I might not a chef but I 💙 to be grounded in the kitchen and that's what matter the most 😉

I might not a chef but I 💙 to be grounded in the kitchen and that's what matter the most 😉 .... →more

I might not a chef but I 💙 to be grounded in the kitchen and that's what matter the most 😉 .... →more
26 Sep 2018 8:05 pm
Nggak mau kalah sama @clarestatok ini hasil kreasiku pas acara Healthy Cooking Class by @harrishotelsolo 🥩🌿 #TauziaDetox2018 #ClozetteID

Nggak mau kalah sama @clarestatok ini hasil kreasiku pas acara Healthy Cooking Class by... →more

Nggak mau kalah sama @clarestatok ini hasil kreasiku pas acara Healthy Cooking Class by... →more
26 Aug 2018 10:45 pm
Continue #𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐎𝐟𝐌𝐲𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 from previous post, shall we?This was taken yesterday from Pererenan Beach. Can you see the flare on the photo? I never doubt what God has done to make this world beautiful yet surreal. 🌌..Aku bisa lihat air muka Marimar yang mulai mengendur. “Ketika mamaku diabetes, dari situ aku berjanji sama diriku. Aku belajar masak serius, aku monitor semua makanan beliau. Aku ganti semua bumbu dapur dari minyak goreng, garam, gula, dan sebagainya. Alasan aku kerja keras, karena aku ingin mama hidup enak dan sehat,” tanganku mengaduk-ngaduk penggorengan. Wangi bawang bombay campur bawang putih yang lagi ditumis adalah parfum favoritku di dapur. “Untuk dapat pujian dari mamaku itu sulit. Pelit sekali. Beliau bukan sosok yang murah pujian. Tapi ketika beliau memuji, itu tandanya benar-benar enak.” Ada rasa hangat mengalir ketika otakku mengingat memori beliau memuji masakan dan kue kering buatanku. “Aku cari tahu tuh kandungan makanan makanan, Low GI gitu-gitu.”.Aku terdiam sebentar. “Aku ingat banget saat itu aku cuma pengin beli kompor listrik harga lima ratus ribuan. Aku taruh sini,” ku arahkan telunjuk ke tengah jidat, “Kita punya kompor gas, tapi rumah kita nggak memungkinkan masak pake kompor gas karena nggak ada ventilasi.” Aku menarik gagang kulkas, mencari-cari bahan yang kurang. “Dari situ aku suka masak. Selain aku suka makan. Ada rasa senang ketika masak buat orang banyak, duduk bareng dan nikmatin makanan sambil tukar cerita. That’s why I love invite people and cook for them.”..“Memasak itu stress relief buatku. Kita bisa jadi pencipta. Kadang nggak usah ngikutin resep. Bikin menu sendiri.” Ekor mataku menangkap kepulan asap mulai membumbung berdansa dari atas panci rebusan, “Mau makan enak dan sehat itu nggak perlu mahal. Hemat lagi!” Sigap jariku meraih sendok kecil dan menyendok sedikit kuah dari dalam panci, “meal prep itu jauh bikin hidup lebih sehat jiwa raga dan kantong!” ujarku terkekeh. Indera perasaku mengecap, menelaah rasa apa yang kurang. Rasa yang pernah ada, mungkin? #EEAA 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️😜..#Nona_HitamPahit #clozetteid #followme #digitalnomad #artofvisuals #citygrammers #createandcapture #bali

Continue #𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐎𝐟𝐌𝐲𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 from previous post, shall we?This... →more

Continue #𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐎𝐟𝐌𝐲𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 from previous post, shall we?This... →more
04 Aug 2018 9:50 am
Obat lapar darurat pake usaha dikit 😁 indomi masih tetep nomor 1 🤗 bahannya mau pake beef suki siap pakai bisa, ato ngiris sendiri dari daging utuh or dada ayam juga enak... cocolan wajib ada si finna inasuki 🥓🔪🍴_#sukiyaki #beefsukiyaki #cooking #resepmudah #clozetteid #mamablogger #inasukisauce

Obat lapar darurat pake usaha dikit 😁 indomi masih tetep nomor 1 🤗 bahannya mau pake beef... →more

Obat lapar darurat pake usaha dikit 😁 indomi masih tetep nomor 1 🤗 bahannya mau pake beef... →more
21 Jul 2018 6:00 pm
Burger anyone? 🍔 .

Homemade burger tanpa mayonaise karena lupa beli, hahaha. Akhirnya bikin saus jamur blackpaper sendiri. Rotinya roti andalan dari Sari Roti (roti sari roti, sambil bersenandung 😆). Si mbak yang tadinya ogah makan burger karena trauma makan yang ngga enak di PRJ, bilang enak. Suami juga bilang enak. Si ucul? Makan rotinya doang, grrr, hahaha. My tummy is full. Yuuum...💕

#clozetteid #starclozetter #homemade #homecook #burger #mushroomsauce #cook #food #patty

Burger anyone? 🍔 . Homemade burger tanpa mayonaise karena lupa beli, hahaha. Akhirnya bikin... →more

Burger anyone? 🍔 . Homemade burger tanpa mayonaise karena lupa beli, hahaha. Akhirnya bikin... →more
04 Jul 2018 6:40 pm
This is my way to live more, how’s yours?I’m a housewife with one little kid. People don’t understand why would on earth I ditch my promising career while it was on fast track program to be a stayed home mom. They looked at me like I was insane but hey, I have my own reason and that’s not questionable..I love my son, he needs me especially to manage his strict diet. He got asthma, he’s allergic to many things. So at home I usually cook non-MSG meal, low salt, almost zero sugar and maintaining my home dust free..Sometimes there were bad days when my son was sick, really sick or worse when he refused his medicine. Sometimes it’s not only him, sometimes I get tired too. I was worn out and that’s not good..So once in a while when I get the chance to go out alone (holiday without family) to recharge myself, I use it wisely. Just like when I went to Telaga Emfote (or Love Lake) Papua. I forget everything, I enjoyed the breeze, the beautiful scenery God has given, the magical sunset at the edge of the horizon. It was just me and the nature. Really, it’s amazing how Mother Earth refuel my soul with positivity, adding lotta smiles to my lips and peacefulness to the inner me..I live more by having the me time. I live more by being close to the nature. By that way, when I return home I am fresh and energized to take care of my son again. In fact, we both live more because happy mommy raises happy kid! 🤗🤗.Isn’t that all we want? 😻😻 #LiveMore every day? So, don’t hesitate. Go enjoy the nature, you never know how Mother Earth will balance our energy and flourish the soul. .@dbsbankid @idbcpr Travel Photography.#LiveMore #LiveMoreSociety #DBSTravelChallenge #DBSxIDBCPR

This is my way to live more, how’s yours?I’m a housewife with one little kid. People don’t... →more

This is my way to live more, how’s yours?I’m a housewife with one little kid. People don’t... →more
12 Jun 2018 12:40 pm
Pretending to be happy when i cry inside wishing for my type of sushi (cooked,  with tonnes of tobiko that they drown in it 😂) #pinkinjapan #pinkintokyo #japantrip2018 #summerholiday  #culinary #japanculinary #japanesefood #instafood #foodgasm #kuliner #kulinerjepang #pinkholiday #pinkjalanjalan #jalanjalan #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #traveltheworld #itchyfeet #wanderer #traveler #blogger #influencer #travelblogger #girl #citizenoftheworld #sushi #tsukijifishmarket #tsukiji

Pretending to be happy when i cry inside wishing for my type of sushi (cooked, with tonnes of... →more

Pretending to be happy when i cry inside wishing for my type of sushi (cooked, with tonnes of... →more
11 Jun 2018 7:00 pm
Beautiful bowl of fresh sashimi bowl, but honestly no matter how fresh it is i still wouldn't eat any - cook it for me please 😄😄😄. Tsukiji is definitely heaven for sashimi lovers 😄. Little O loves it tho,  the next pic is his fave salmon sushi (though he threw a hissy fit when he found wasabi in them - i specifically asked them for no wasabi 😂) so i let him had a feast and the last pic is my sas California Roll,  the only thing i can eat without getting sick 😄😄😄 #pinkinjapan #pinkintokyo #japantrip2018 #summerholiday  #culinary #japanculinary #japanesefood #instafood #foodgasm #kuliner #kulinerjepang #pinkholiday #pinkjalanjalan #jalanjalan #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger #beautynesiamember #bloggerceria #traveltheworld #itchyfeet #wanderer #traveler #blogger #influencer #travelblogger  #citizenoftheworld #sushi #sashimi #tsukijifishmarket #tsukiji

Beautiful bowl of fresh sashimi bowl, but honestly no matter how fresh it is i still wouldn't eat... →more

Beautiful bowl of fresh sashimi bowl, but honestly no matter how fresh it is i still wouldn't eat... →more
01 Jun 2018 3:15 pm
Kamu makannya apa
Saya juru masaknya
Ada tempe goreng , ada ayam goreng
Semua yang digoreng ... !

Fun cooking experience at cooking studio @almondzucchini .

Almond Zucchini  menyediakan fasilitas dan kitchen yang serba lengkap untuk suatu cooking place.

Ini mah #kitchengoals banget sih buat para wanita ☺️
#ClozetteID #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #IndonesianBlogger #Blogger

Kamu makannya apa Saya juru masaknya Ada tempe goreng , ada ayam goreng Semua yang digoreng ... ! ... →more

Kamu makannya apa Saya juru masaknya Ada tempe goreng , ada ayam goreng Semua yang digoreng ... ! ... →more
29 May 2018 6:00 pm
@azaleabeautyhijab The Real Hijab Hair Care, sharing session tentang perawatan Rambut bagi perempuan berhijab dengan @hijaberscommunitybks di @3cooks.Shampoo Azalea ini mengandung gingseng yang berfingsi untuk menguatkan akar rambut dan mengurangi kerontokan.Mengandung ekstrak Zaitun yang berfungsi merawat kulit kepala agar mencegah ketombe.Selain itu, ada cooling sensation dari mentolnya, jadi abis keramas kepala terasa seger deh😉😉......#clozetteid #azaleahijabshampoo#therealhijabhaircare#azaleahijabdating#azaleaxHCBekasi #ulzzang #fashionblogger #블로거 #얼짱#패션스타그램 #패션블로거 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션 #스타일#일상 #데일리룩 #셀스타그램 #셀카 #ブロガー #ファッションブロガー

@azaleabeautyhijab The Real Hijab Hair Care, sharing session tentang perawatan Rambut bagi... →more

@azaleabeautyhijab The Real Hijab Hair Care, sharing session tentang perawatan Rambut bagi... →more
29 May 2018 5:15 pm
Wearing my best smile to Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Azalea is sister brand of Nature and they have concern with hijaber's hair care. They formulated their product that can suit well for woman who wearing hijab😍💚...#clozetteid #azaleahijabshampoo#therealhijabhaircare#azaleahijabdating#azaleaxHCBekasi #ulzzang #fashionblogger #블로거 #얼짱#패션스타그램 #패션블로거 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션 #스타일#일상 #데일리룩 #셀스타그램 #셀카 #ブロガー #ファッションブロガー

Wearing my best smile to Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Azalea... →more

Wearing my best smile to Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Azalea... →more
29 May 2018 5:05 pm
Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Such a lovely torquise concept😍💚...#clozetteid #azaleahijabshampoo#therealhijabhaircare#azaleahijabdating#azaleaxHCBekasi #ulzzang #fashionblogger #블로거 #얼짱#패션스타그램 #패션블로거 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션 #스타일#일상 #데일리룩 #셀스타그램 #셀카 #ブロガー #ファッションブロガー

Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Such a lovely torquise... →more

Ifthar with @hijaberscommunitybks & @azaleabeautyhijab In @3cooks. Such a lovely torquise... →more
08 May 2018 10:30 pm
My favorite dish in Turkey. The meat is cooked in the big claypot and then burnt. The dish consists of lamb/beef/ chicken pieces with eggplant and green tomatoes. SUPERBBB!!
Hop over to myculinarydiarycom.wordpress.com/TRAVEL to see my experience in abroad.
#sisytravelingdiary  #sisyeatingdiary #turkey #kebab #cappadocia
#clozetteid #wisata #travel #igtravel #travelgram #buzzfeed #photography #holiday #turkey #turkiye # cappadocia #kapadokya #desert #dubai #photography #photooftheday #foodoftheday #cakedecorating #photoshoot #fujifilm

TESTY KEBAB. SWIPE FOR VIDEO My favorite dish in Turkey. The meat is cooked in the big claypot and... →more

TESTY KEBAB. SWIPE FOR VIDEO My favorite dish in Turkey. The meat is cooked in the big claypot and... →more
05 May 2018 11:00 am
When the appetizer set is that big, prepare your belly bigger
I belong to those who think raw salmon taste better than cooked ones 🤤
#instagood #clozetteid #lifestyle #instafoodie #instafood #foodie #foodiegram #foodporn #foodphotography #foodgasm #happytummy #happytummyhealthyme #mybellymyadventure #salad

When the appetizer set is that big, prepare your belly bigger . . I belong to those who think raw... →more

When the appetizer set is that big, prepare your belly bigger . . I belong to those who think raw... →more
24 Apr 2018 6:10 pm
Are you ready for my #beautygreentea review? I’m getting it set for you soon!! Cooking a little bit longer 🤗 I’m revealing the three of my current favs to soothe my currently raging and sensitive skin. .
Thank you @innisfreeindonesia for spoiling me with such a huge gigantic PR package, by far the largest I’ve ever received #innisfree #innisfreeindonesia #innisfriends #greenteaseedserum #shotbystevie #clozetteid #beauty #skincare #kbeauty #flatlay

Are you ready for my #beautygreentea review? I’m getting it set for you soon!! Cooking a little... →more

Are you ready for my #beautygreentea review? I’m getting it set for you soon!! Cooking a little... →more
24 Apr 2018 4:25 pm
Weekend kamarin seru banget bisa melihat dan cobain hasil masakan dari acara @oxoneonline Home Made made With Love. Ada Cooking demo dari chef @eddriantjhia dengan menu Bujan Khas Bangka, Lempah Kuning dan Juice Sehat..Semua dimasak menggunakan peralatan dapur dan rumah tangga dari #Oxone Cast Iron Series yang merupakan inovasi untuk menggoreng, menumis, merebus dan memanggang dalam satu peralatan masak. Dengan bahan dasar baja yg berkualitas, tahan lama dan tidak akan lengket! Serta memiliki panas yang stabil dan merata sehingga masakan matang dengan sempurna..Untuk membuat Juice sehat menggunakan Oxone Master Juicer dengan lubang diameter 86mm yang masuk 1 buah apel tanpa dipotong. Hebatnya dengan 2x pemerasan dan oksidasi lebih lambat membuat ampas buah yang dihasilkan 99% lebih kering jadi juice yang dihasilkan lebih maksimal..@cchannel_id.📸 @anitamayaa #homemadewithlove #potd #lifestyle #style #blogger #bestoftheday #clozetteid #ootd #food #cchannelxoxone

Weekend kamarin seru banget bisa melihat dan cobain hasil masakan dari acara @oxoneonline Home Made... →more

Weekend kamarin seru banget bisa melihat dan cobain hasil masakan dari acara @oxoneonline Home Made... →more
15 Mar 2018 5:00 pm
Saking sensitifnya kulit wajah, ga pernah ada ☀ screen yang 💯% cook sama saya
Karena punya @yleoid jadi saya mau bikin ☀ screen sendiri
Cara-caranya silakan intip live saya tadi siang ya sebelum hilang 😂

Saking sensitifnya kulit wajah, ga pernah ada ☀ screen yang 💯% cook sama saya . Karena punya... →more

Saking sensitifnya kulit wajah, ga pernah ada ☀ screen yang 💯% cook sama saya . Karena punya... →more
04 Mar 2018 6:00 pm
Let's decorating kitchen to improve mommy's mood to cook for family. Simak Lifestyle Updates ala clozetters lainnya hari ini di Lifestyle Section. Image shared by Clozette Crew: @riawidiati. Yuk, share spot favoritmu bersama Clozette.

Let's decorating kitchen to improve mommy's mood to cook for family. Simak Lifestyle Updates ala... →more

Let's decorating kitchen to improve mommy's mood to cook for family. Simak Lifestyle Updates ala... →more
10 Feb 2018 8:10 pm
A man behind his equipment.
I always find it’s a kinda sexy to see a man looking serious with what his work or watching him cooking or sometimes making his own coffee (and for me). Ehe. ☺️
Saturday nite, people. What is sexy means for ya?
#coffee #coffeeshop #barista #manbehindcoffee #epic #night #jogja #jogjakarta #travel #travelgram #instatravel #traveling #sonyalpha #sonyforher #vsco #instastory #instadaily #instagood #instamood #clozetteid #like4like

A man behind his equipment. . I always find it’s a kinda sexy to see a man looking serious with... →more

A man behind his equipment. . I always find it’s a kinda sexy to see a man looking serious with... →more
02 Feb 2018 5:45 pm
💛📝 [Staying at home, writing grocery list and cleaning dishes from last night’s cooking]. 🤦‍♀️ Ugh, why does cooking takes like 6 hours and eating like 5 seconds and washing dishes like 7 days and 7 nights .. ?? (*CucianGakAbisAbis*) 😖😅 Say “Yass” if you agree ☝🏼😆
#ootd #styleoftheday #fblogger #오오티디 #셀스타그램 #outfitoftheday #whatiwore #clozetteid #backtominimal #ootdstyleid #lookbookindo #bloggerindonesia

💛📝 [Staying at home, writing grocery list and cleaning dishes from last night’s cooking].... →more

💛📝 [Staying at home, writing grocery list and cleaning dishes from last night’s cooking].... →more