15 Feb 2019 6:08 pm
リハーサルの日・がんばります. 👘............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger  #wakeupandmakeup #chic #instastyle #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #kawaii #ファッション #clozetteID #かわいい

リハーサルの日・がんばります. 👘............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger ... →more

リハーサルの日・がんばります. 👘............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger ... →more
28 Jan 2019 7:29 pm
ねえ~  こっちむいて, Baby! 👀.............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger  #wakeupandmakeup #chic #instastyle #beautiful #singer#makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #kawaii #ファッション #clozetteID #かわいい

ねえ~ こっちむいて, Baby! 👀.............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger ... →more

ねえ~ こっちむいて, Baby! 👀.............#FashionBlogger #BeautyBlogger ... →more
Like Us
26 Jan 2019 2:44 pm
And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like. And when we go crashing down, we come back every time. 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style.........#casual #japanesebeauty #morning #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like. And when we go crashing down, we come back... →more

And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like. And when we go crashing down, we come back... →more
19 Jan 2019 9:14 am
Fall in love with the energy of the mornings.Trace your fingers along the lull of the afternoons.Take the spirit of the evenings in your arms. And then feel the tranquility of the nights...........#casual #japanesebeauty #morning #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

Fall in love with the energy of the mornings.Trace your fingers along the lull of the... →more

Fall in love with the energy of the mornings.Trace your fingers along the lull of the... →more
18 Jan 2019 6:29 pm
A blushing bride draped in pink, dancing in our dreams while the peacocks sing..oh,  hello 2019! For the lipstick trend,  i think metallic colour will have a special place. If full-on gloss isn't your vibe, a satin-finish lipstick will rock your world! Think Pink! 💋💗..........#ピンク #japanesebeauty #pink#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

A blushing bride draped in pink, dancing in our dreams while the peacocks sing..oh, hello 2019!... →more

A blushing bride draped in pink, dancing in our dreams while the peacocks sing..oh, hello 2019!... →more
17 Jan 2019 7:44 pm
Ngomong-ngomong tentang daily makeup, banyak yang nanya, kalau untuk daily makeup gimana ya? pengennya yang ringan aja, tapi bisa kelihatan flawless, sekalian bikin kulit wajah terlihat dewy ala artis Korea. Hmm, ini pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan..Sebenarnya jawabannya simple aja sih, untuk membuat wajah terlihat flawless selain dari faktor utama, yaitu 'kanvas' atau kondisi kult wajah yang sehat, tentunya juga didukung oleh pemakalan 'Base Makeup' yang bagus. Lalu sebaiknya base makeup apa yang sebaiknya digunakan? It's up you, aku tidak mengharuskan memakai produk A atau B atau C, hanya merekomendasikan produk base makeup apa yang cocok untuk daily makeup..Check my blog (link on my bio👆) tentang 'Rekomendasi BB Cream Untuk Daily Makeup' - mengenai produk base makeup yang sudah bertahun2 dan sampai saat ini masih aku gunakan. And seriously, sejak awal kemunculannya aku tidak pernah berpaling dari BB cream yang menurutku paling ok untuk daily makeup..But why? Karena BB Cream formulanya lebih ringan jka dibandingkan dengan foundation yang lebih pekat dan terasa berat di wajah, sehingga meminimalisir munculnya jerawat karena pori-pori tertutup oleh foundation. Walaupun kebanyakan foundation lebih ampuh untuk menutupi kekurangan pada wajah dan pada beberapa foundation lebih 'high- coverage'......#skincare #bbcream #japanesebeauty #recommendation #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

Ngomong-ngomong tentang daily makeup, banyak yang nanya, kalau untuk daily makeup gimana ya?... →more

Ngomong-ngomong tentang daily makeup, banyak yang nanya, kalau untuk daily makeup gimana ya?... →more
16 Jan 2019 2:09 pm
Thankyou for the sweet surprise @yvesrocher_id ❤ my favourite skincare product originally from French -  Botanical Beauty Experts. The review about these sweet babies will be airing soon on my blog!..I'm too picky to choose a skincare product for my sensitive skin.  I have tried some product but sometimes ended up with redness. To be honest, i never try a product from Yves Rocher before, but since i held my workshop last december in Surabaya, i've tried some products like a parfume, skincare, haircare, especially decorative makeup and then i fell in love with the products. All of my audience said that they like the products because the texture is easy to blend and have a lightweight formula 💙.............#skincare #YvesRocherID #YvesRocher #french #YvesRocherIndonesia #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup #lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

Thankyou for the sweet surprise @yvesrocher_id ❤ my favourite skincare product originally from... →more

Thankyou for the sweet surprise @yvesrocher_id ❤ my favourite skincare product originally from... →more
13 Jan 2019 4:49 pm
2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!.Japan appreciate Nishikigoi like a fine work of art. The unique name for this koi fish comes from the Japanese word “nishiki” which traditionally means beautiful or elegant things.Nishikigoi, have grown to symbolize Japan's beauty & serenity worldwide..Koi is a homophone for another word that means “affection” or “love” Iin Japanese; koi are symbols of love and friendship in Japan among many other symbols..With brilliant colors and a dynamic body conformation, the refined beauty of this living piece of art helped to grow koi appreciation around the world. Many Japanese koi fish showcase refined colors that create a unique allure. They also feature a strong shine and many different colors from various varieties, each possessing its own unique glow and charm..............#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion#Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup#lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!.Japan appreciate Nishikigoi like a fine work of art.... →more

2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!.Japan appreciate Nishikigoi like a fine work of art.... →more
12 Jan 2019 4:44 pm
2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!Sampai jumpa di Surabaya! Saya dan teman-teman Jepang lainnya sedang menyiapkan kawaii #surprise 💕............#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion#Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup#lady #instagram #style #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!Sampai jumpa di Surabaya! Saya dan teman-teman Jepang... →more

2019年3月🙏もう少しまっててね!Sampai jumpa di Surabaya! Saya dan teman-teman Jepang... →more
10 Jan 2019 12:44 pm
Kata Rinso, 'Berani kotor itu baik'
Foto iseng seusai mmbwakan seminar makeup karakter. Sy yg skrg sudah lebih feminim jika dibandingkan dgn sy yg dulu. Simpel, rmbut diikat hbs keatas, celana kedodoran, sndal jepit & gamer abisss. No game no life lah, tapi ttp sudah 'berseni' sjak balita, celup2 cat, ikut lomba2 antar skolah, sekabupaten blablabla. Ga prnh yg namanya ngobrol cantik brg tmn2 cewe. Boro2 makeupan, disuru foto studio didandanin aja kagok bgt.
Menilik kmbali pas jaman sekolah, entah sdh brp kali saya ganti seragam. Mungkin lebih dr 10x. Setelan seragam sy selalu indah dg goresan atau percikan warna-warni cat & alat pewarna lainnya. Kala itu, sy masih remaja & sgt aktif serta senantiasa dituntut untuk selalu kreatif & menghasilkan karya2 yg atraktif utk mngharumkan nama sekolah & yayasan di bidang seni - baik tingkat provinsi hingga nasional.
Dan krn itulah mngapa sy jarang kena tegur guru atau kepala sekolah walaupun seragam sy sgt 'hidup' & 'berseni'. Pd tiap goresan atau percikan warna memiliki memori akan kerasnya proses & indahnya kemenangan, trlebih lg ketika melihat senyum yg trkembang di barisan para guru yg tak pernah berhenti mmberikan support penuh pd saya.
'Dulu kita masih remaja, usia anak SMA' - sepenggal lirik lagu soundtrack Dilan 1990 rupanya brbeda dgn lirik masa SMA sy yg trlalu fokus utk menghasilkan karya seni yg sgt berseni. Boro2 ngedate, yg ada tiap wiken sy ngrjain mading & ngurus mjalah sekolah, blm lagi kl ngurus lomba keluar kota brg guru & driver sekolah yg selalu bikin sy ngakak krn cuapannya 😂
Semua kenangan kmbali merona jingga, kala br sj saya brtemu dg seseorang yg sgt berarti bagi saya, seseorang yg selalu mndukung saya. Seorang guru yg tak pernah henti mmberikan nasihat positif. Seorang guru yg kala itu tersenyum smbil berdiri & mmberikan applause pd momen dimana nama sy dipanggil di hari wisuda, seusai mnyelesaikan sekolah di dua negara. Seketika sy menangis dan berucap,  thankyou Lord😇
#ARTist #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion#Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup#lady #instagram #style #instastyles #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

Kata Rinso, 'Berani kotor itu baik' . Foto iseng seusai mmbwakan seminar makeup karakter. Sy yg... →more

Kata Rinso, 'Berani kotor itu baik' . Foto iseng seusai mmbwakan seminar makeup karakter. Sy yg... →more
08 Jan 2019 2:29 pm
[ Thankyou life,  you gave me another year to inspire others. Thankyou fellas for the love and birthday wishes! ❤ ].The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes. She accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars. She stand on her own feet, she manipulate  and changed all her flaws into something beautiful to encourage and inspire others through her artwork and life story...A message from me,  for me.Dear me,.She struggled with herself, too. I saw it -- She tried to deny the inner demons voices. I heard it --I saw the inconceivable mystery of a soul that knew no restraint, and no fear, yet struggling blindly with itself..Dear me, Thank you for not giving up, i promise i will never stop to make you proud.  Forgive me, Don't blame yourself and said hurtful things about yourself..Keep on fighting,  dear me...........#birthday #birthdaygirl #誕生日#makeupoftheday #fashion#Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup#lady #instagram #style #instastyles #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

[ Thankyou life, you gave me another year to inspire others. Thankyou fellas for the love and... →more

[ Thankyou life, you gave me another year to inspire others. Thankyou fellas for the love and... →more
29 Dec 2018 9:34 am
Good morning baby ♥ ...........#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion#Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto #makeup#lady #instagram #style #instastyles #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Good morning baby ♥... →more

Good morning baby ♥... →more
27 Dec 2018 8:39 am
#FotoDibuangSayang 📷 Ngabisin stock poto cute 🎅 sebelum balik lagi ke image asli #dark - horror - evil 😈 selepas Desember.............#サンタ #サンタクロース #クリスマス#makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #christmas #santa  #santaclaus #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

#FotoDibuangSayang 📷 Ngabisin stock poto cute 🎅 sebelum balik lagi ke image asli #dark -... →more

#FotoDibuangSayang 📷 Ngabisin stock poto cute 🎅 sebelum balik lagi ke image asli #dark -... →more
25 Dec 2018 10:14 pm
Merry Christmas from Capri-Baby and Cancerian-Girl ♥.Such a nice day with my other deep-thinker twinnie who have the same way of thinking-vision-hobby and the same lovestory #ehem ♥. Spending Christmas Eve together with a cup of hot ginger tea and deep conversation. We shared about everything, crying and laughing together. I hope Christmas will bring us joy and peace. Love and support you as always twinnie! 👭..... .....#サンタ #サンタクロース #クリスマス#makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #christmas #santa  #santaclaus #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Merry Christmas from Capri-Baby and Cancerian-Girl ♥.Such a nice day with my other deep-thinker... →more

Merry Christmas from Capri-Baby and Cancerian-Girl ♥.Such a nice day with my other deep-thinker... →more
24 Dec 2018 9:24 am
Last year, For months I yearned to see Santa again, mooning for him like a lost love. Then, on Christmas Eve, I was awakened by someone shaking me in my bed. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" a voice said out of the darkness. I felt the giggles rising up. "But that's another story..."
. .
#サンタ #サンタクロース #クリスマス#makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #christmas #santa  #santaclaus #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Last year, For months I yearned to see Santa again, mooning for him like a lost love. Then, on... →more

Last year, For months I yearned to see Santa again, mooning for him like a lost love. Then, on... →more
16 Dec 2018 10:39 am
Happy Sunday beib ❤........ ......#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #style #instastyles  #girl #beauty #kawaii #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Happy Sunday beib ❤........ ......#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more

Happy Sunday beib ❤........ ......#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more
13 Dec 2018 11:24 am
You Agree? .
. .
#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #casual #style #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

You Agree? . . . . . . . . . . . . . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more

You Agree? . . . . . . . . . . . . . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more
10 Dec 2018 4:29 pm
Oh, Hello December ❤Santa Yuki is Coming to Town....... ....#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instagram #instagrammer #christmas #santa  #santaclaus #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Oh, Hello December ❤Santa Yuki is Coming to Town....... ....#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more

Oh, Hello December ❤Santa Yuki is Coming to Town....... ....#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more
07 Dec 2018 1:24 pm
Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature,  be different. Even in your own colour - make them remember you only from a combination of a colour.  They called me Lady in Black & Red. And that's my signature. ............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lady #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature, be... →more

Someone have to be unique and different to shine in their own way. Create your signature, be... →more
04 Dec 2018 3:59 pm
I have a tough personality but then have a very soft side to me. I'm kind of a tomboy, but I throw it together with girly pieces..............#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #tomboy #man #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup  #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

I have a tough personality but then have a very soft side to me. I'm kind of a tomboy, but I throw... →more

I have a tough personality but then have a very soft side to me. I'm kind of a tomboy, but I throw... →more
28 Nov 2018 1:54 pm
Swipe 👉 for swatch..Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is a pinky beige, that doesn't mean you can't wear deep burgundy 💋.MIZZU VALIPCIOUS DIVINE LIPGLOSS SERIES(Read more : link on my bio 🔝)......@clozetteid @mizzucosmetics#MIZZUxClozetteidReview #MIZZUlippie #clozetteid #clozetteidreview #makeupoftheday #fashion #lips #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #lipstick #lipgloss #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい

Swipe 👉 for swatch..Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is... →more

Swipe 👉 for swatch..Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is... →more
24 Nov 2018 7:34 pm
Hai mblo~ Selamat malam mingguan (。・ω・。)............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #chubby #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID #かわいい #可愛い

Hai mblo~ Selamat malam mingguan (。・ω・。)............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more

Hai mblo~ Selamat malam mingguan (。・ω・。)............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more
23 Nov 2018 9:59 pm
Ah,  apapun sebutannya saya lebih seneng disebut 'SENIMAN'. Titik tanpa koma. Sudah. Sebutan itu bagaikan rumah yang menaungi semua bidang seni yang saya geluti. ...Kadang saya suka puyeng dengan berbagai sebutan yang berbeda di berbagai bidang yang juga berbeda. Di  byuti - saya disebut blogger,  di musik - saya disebut singer,  di event -saya disebut kospleyer,  di kerjaan - saya disebut desainer,  di lapangan - saya disebut konten kreator, di dunia mekap - saya disebut face-body painter dan makeup artist, di fesyen - saya disebut stylish, di acara motivasi - saya disebut speaker, seringkali juga writer. ..#SENIMANTANPABATAS............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #chubby #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Ah, apapun sebutannya saya lebih seneng disebut 'SENIMAN'. Titik tanpa koma. Sudah. Sebutan itu... →more

Ah, apapun sebutannya saya lebih seneng disebut 'SENIMAN'. Titik tanpa koma. Sudah. Sebutan itu... →more
22 Nov 2018 2:44 pm
Kapan ya eke bisa punya pipi tirus #sigh. 
Kalo upload poto, komen paling banyak biasa menyebutkan unsur p.i.p.i #disitukadangsayamerasasedih
udah umur segini sejak brojol ke bumi eke ga pernah ngerasain punya pipi tirus. (。ŏ_ŏ)
. . 
#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #instaphoto  #makeup #chubby #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Kapan ya eke bisa punya pipi tirus #sigh. Kalo upload poto, komen paling banyak biasa menyebutkan... →more

Kapan ya eke bisa punya pipi tirus #sigh. Kalo upload poto, komen paling banyak biasa menyebutkan... →more
16 Nov 2018 12:09 pm
C'mon, let's sing our hearts out. I didn't come this far for nothing, right? I'll be back soon 🎶 .............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto  #makeup #kotoriminami #lovelive #南ことり #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

C'mon, let's sing our hearts out. I didn't come this far for nothing, right? I'll be back soon 🎶... →more

C'mon, let's sing our hearts out. I didn't come this far for nothing, right? I'll be back soon 🎶... →more
14 Nov 2018 10:39 am
I found an article of me and my artwork in one of the portal media website in Russia. Thankiss! 
So, this is how to write my name in Russian Language : Аюки Аикава ☺
I can't read what they wrote in this article, then i tried to translate it.😅
#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion #Artist #LipsArt #makeup #ART #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto  #makeup #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

I found an article of me and my artwork in one of the portal media website in Russia. Thankiss! ... →more

I found an article of me and my artwork in one of the portal media website in Russia. Thankiss! ... →more
13 Nov 2018 6:09 pm
Such a busy week.FIGHTING!.............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto  #makeup #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Such a busy week.FIGHTING!.............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more

Such a busy week.FIGHTING!.............. . #OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion ... →more
11 Nov 2018 8:19 pm
Long time no selfie 📷
Happy Sunday night, my boo~
. . 
#OOTD #makeupoftheday #fashion  #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto  #makeup #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Long time no selfie 📷 Happy Sunday night, my boo~ . . . . . . . . . . . #OOTD #makeupoftheday... →more

Long time no selfie 📷 Happy Sunday night, my boo~ . . . . . . . . . . . #OOTD #makeupoftheday... →more
08 Nov 2018 9:44 pm
Diet berasa mitos belaka kalo pipi kagak pernah bisa diajak kompromi 😭Goodnite! 🌛🌟........... .. #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto #makeupoftheday #ootd #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

Diet berasa mitos belaka kalo pipi kagak pernah bisa diajak kompromi 😭Goodnite!... →more

Diet berasa mitos belaka kalo pipi kagak pernah bisa diajak kompromi 😭Goodnite!... →more
28 Oct 2018 9:34 pm
🎧 Goodnite my boo~
 #Beauty #beautystagram #モデル #メイク #ヘアアレンジ #オシャレ #メイク #かわい #instaphoto #rose #makeupoftheday #ootd #instastyle #girl #beauty #kawaii #コーディネート #ファッション #コーディ #ガール #clozetteID

🎧 Goodnite my boo~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... →more

🎧 Goodnite my boo~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... →more