22 Jun 2016 2:42 pm
Mau voucher MAP? Share foto kamu dengan gaya hijab unik lalu upload ke www.clozette.co.id, dengan hashtag #ClozetteID #COTW #CIDHijabInspiration paling lambat 3 Juli 2016. Foto terbaik akan mendapat voucher MAP dan outfit dari Gaudi, loh! Info lengkap cek: http://bit.ly/mekanismecotw. Photo by Clozette Ambassador nandatiara15.

Mau voucher MAP? Share foto kamu dengan gaya hijab unik lalu upload ke www.clozette.co.id, dengan... →more

Mau voucher MAP? Share foto kamu dengan gaya hijab unik lalu upload ke www.clozette.co.id, dengan... →more
21 Jun 2016 7:55 am
A good news feel even better in the morning. So, congratulation to @rimasuwarjono as this week's "Clozetter's of The Week" winner! Kirim data diri (nama, alamat, nomor telepon) melalui email ke hello@clozette.co dengan subyek "COTW Winner CIDFreshFace". Bagi Clozetters yang belum menang, ikut tema selanjutnya, yuk yaitu ‪#‎CIDHijabInspiration! Lihat informasi lebih lanjut di http://bit.ly/mekanismecotw.

A good news feel even better in the morning. So, congratulation to @rimasuwarjono as this week's... →more

A good news feel even better in the morning. So, congratulation to @rimasuwarjono as this week's... →more