24 Nov 2019 6:01 pm
In process of forgiving myself for the things I've done. I made a lot mistakes and hurt people I loved. They left me and quit without giving me any chance to fix it. -Now I owe myself some healing. By taking all the pieces that been all over the place, I want to get centered, once again, to let myself feel the love I deserve: self-love ❤-📸 by @rahma.decoco

In process of forgiving myself for the things I've done. I made a lot mistakes and hurt people I... →more

In process of forgiving myself for the things I've done. I made a lot mistakes and hurt people I... →more
19 Nov 2019 8:26 pm
spotted something different? Yes, i persuade myself to do bleaching, i want to make something different, be more confident to smile anytime anywhere, @odadentalclinic successfully make it 🌹
the dental clinic where located in #kelapagading , feeling so amazing through their magic that makes my teeth more brighter within few hours only, enjoy the whole process without feeling pain, thank you @odadentalclinic for the treat!

spotted something different? Yes, i persuade myself to do bleaching, i want to make something... →more

spotted something different? Yes, i persuade myself to do bleaching, i want to make something... →more
Like Us
17 Nov 2019 6:06 pm
I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more.

Sundate w/ myself


I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more. Sundate w/ myself #clozetteid #clozettedaily ... →more

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more. Sundate w/ myself #clozetteid #clozettedaily ... →more
14 Nov 2019 1:56 pm
.Kapan terakhir kalinya kamu duduk santai, sendirian, di sebuah tempat yang cantik & nyaman?Kalau aku, sebulan lalu..Ketika trip bersama @blpbeauty yang benar-benar sangat aku syukuri.Karena aku jadi bisa punya banyak quality time for myself.Sesuatu yang memang sangat berharga setelah menjadi seorang Ibu.Aku ingat bagaimana aku sempat duduk di pojokan sambil mengagumi tempat ini, mensyukuri waktu dan kesempatan yang Tuhan berikan kepada aku saat itu.I will never forget that trip.Lalu terbesit keinginan untuk kembali solo trip, mungkin on my next birthday? Let's see..Karna tahun depan Miyuki sudah mau sekolah, jadi aku harus manfaatkan waktu dengan baik 😊..#BLPGirls#BLPIrl#clozetteid

.Kapan terakhir kalinya kamu duduk santai, sendirian, di sebuah tempat yang cantik & nyaman?Kalau... →more

.Kapan terakhir kalinya kamu duduk santai, sendirian, di sebuah tempat yang cantik & nyaman?Kalau... →more
11 Nov 2019 7:41 pm
— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and didn’t realize yet that I need to be more productive 🙃 I was an intern trying to survive my 3-months-internship, woke up at 6 am every morning, arrived home at 6 pm every night and already too tired to do anything else..Every night when I entered my kamar kos and put down my bag, I said to myself “Okay, I‘m tired today, I need to rest” and I ended up playing games, watching youtube, or instagramming every night, when in reality I can do more. I can read, work on my blog, design for more portfolio, or at least SLEEP MORE. I ended up sleeping late and woke up tired in the morning..Now since I’m already working, I need to take control of everything I do. Every hour is precious. I want to take care of myself and be more productive each and every day ✨....#jessicaalicias #slowliving #productivity #entrepreneur #womanpower #clozetteid

— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and... →more

— Productivity ✨These selfies were taken around 1,5 years ago, when I was still in uni and... →more
09 Nov 2019 5:31 pm
Congratulations 🎉 @tenblocksmuseum on the opening!! Find this cute artsy installations room inside #tenblocksmuseum . Enjoy the installations while it last ! Calling to all #sleepyheadsociety ! Let’s not be dreamers only but DO-ers too 🥰 ...-p.s. it’s one of those rare moments I didn’t smile in a pict 😜 thankies @shindyursula 🤗for noticing that I’m not very much myself yesterday still due to the dust allergy 😅 sorry if I look very low and drained in energy everyone! The ever happy and smiley me will come back soon 😃// 📸 @gerryfranata .....#thedreamfactory #clozetteid #ootd #sonyforher #girls #jakarta #art #jktspot #dreamfactorybytenblocks #museum #artspace #jakartamuseum #explore #style #exploretocreate #beauty

Congratulations 🎉 @tenblocksmuseum on the opening!! Find this cute artsy installations room... →more

Congratulations 🎉 @tenblocksmuseum on the opening!! Find this cute artsy installations room... →more
04 Nov 2019 6:41 pm
(Iyain aja biar gw seneng ya, plis 😂)
#auzolamakeupcharacter Me in 3 different look as Halliwell sisters; Prue, Piper & Phoebe Halliwell. .
For each makeup look you can check on previous posts.
Well, I admit the makeup is fail since I don't look anything like them lol. But I tried hard, so I'd appreciate myself anyway 😁
Which one is your fave original sister? Mine is Prue! But my annoyance, sarcastic & temper resemble Piper the most I think 😂
#halloweenmakeup #halloween #shannendoherty #pruehalliwell #hollymariecombs #piperhalliwell #alyssamilano #phoebehalliwell #charmed #wakeupandmakeup #makeupforbarbies  #indonesianbeautyblogger #undiscovered_muas @undiscovered_muas #clozetteid #indonesianbeautyblogger #beautybloggertangerang #indobeautysquad #indobeautygram #fdbeauty #tampilcantik #mua_army #fantasymakeupworld #100daysofmakeup #halliwellsisters @charmed_halliwellsisters

✨CHARMED✨ . (Iyain aja biar gw seneng ya, plis 😂) . #auzolamakeupcharacter Me in 3 different... →more

✨CHARMED✨ . (Iyain aja biar gw seneng ya, plis 😂) . #auzolamakeupcharacter Me in 3 different... →more
04 Nov 2019 5:26 pm
I’ve always considered myself a sunny day person but can’t lie the rain these days have been real refreshing. Bye bye dry season 👋🏻 Kemarin itu kan sampai langit Jakarta obvious banget polusinya. Debu semua dimana-mana. Sekarang berasa segeran kan? Thank God!

#clozetteid #ootd #lookbookindonesia

I’ve always considered myself a sunny day person but can’t lie the rain these days have been... →more

I’ve always considered myself a sunny day person but can’t lie the rain these days have been... →more
04 Nov 2019 12:01 pm
03.11.19 — I don't know about you
But I'm feeling twenty-twoooo 💕
As I’m getting older, birthday isn’t that big of a deal anymore. It’s just a reminder for myself, that I’m getting older and need to be a better person.
My wishes are simple; happiness for myself and everyone around me, and hopefully I can be the salt and light for others ✨✨
#posesakitgigi #jessicaalicias #Imturning22 #slowliving #clozetteid

03.11.19 — I don't know about you But I'm feeling twenty-twoooo 💕 . As I’m getting older,... →more

03.11.19 — I don't know about you But I'm feeling twenty-twoooo 💕 . As I’m getting older,... →more
04 Nov 2019 7:56 am
Hal-hal apa yang sudah kamu capai di 2019 ini? Nggak terasa ya udah hampir di penghujung 2019, waktu kayaknya cepet banget berlalu. Anw, awalnya saya pengen menuliskan tentang hal-hal yang BELUM saya capai di 11 bulan ini, tapi saya berubah pikiran.
Tahu apa yang belum dicapai itu penting untuk evaluasi diri dan jadi motivasi buat mencapainya (I’ll do that later) tapi sekarang, saya ingin mengapresiasi diri sendiri atas semua yang sudah saya lakukan. Cuma pengen bilang ma kasih ke diri sendiri karena sudah berjalan sejauh ini. Give myself a pat in the back and say, “You’re doing great, Ka!”
So lemmi list 5 things that I have accomplished in 2019:
1. Berani mencoba hal baru, tahun ini saya ikut pelatihan pramuwisata alias city tour guide. Dapat lisence resmi dari Dinas Pariwisata dan menjadi anggota @hpijakarta.

2. Terlibat dalam komunitas baru. Dadah-dadah manja ke @jakartalocalguides yang penuh dinamika.

3. Mencoret beberapa bucket list yaitu naik gunung Gede dan beribadah di Hillsong Church Australia bersama keluarga. Yang terakhir ini yang paling penting, family always comes first for me.

4. Mengunjungi 3 negara baru.

5. Konsisten menulis blogpost dan di platform @kumparancom.
Kalo kamu, hal-hal apa yang sudah kamu capai di 2019 ini? Jangan lupa sayangi dan apresiasi diri sendiri ya. 💕💕 you’re doing good!

Hal-hal apa yang sudah kamu capai di 2019 ini? Nggak terasa ya udah hampir di penghujung 2019,... →more

Hal-hal apa yang sudah kamu capai di 2019 ini? Nggak terasa ya udah hampir di penghujung 2019,... →more
29 Oct 2019 10:21 pm
So proud,
how I handled this year.
I fought so many silent battles.
I had to humble myself,
wipe on my own tears
and pat myself on the back 🍁

So proud, how I handled this year. I fought so many silent battles. I had to humble myself, wipe on... →more

So proud, how I handled this year. I fought so many silent battles. I had to humble myself, wipe on... →more
28 Oct 2019 7:21 pm
.Trying to comfort myselfI tell myself the world can’t be perfectI start to let myself go.#timetravel #wheninseoul #ktoid #coex #starfieldlibrary #youdeservetobehappy #workwithhappy #playwithhappy #neverstopplaying #dearbeautylove #clozetteid #zilingoid #neverafraid #changedestiny #daretobedifferent #borntolead #ajourneytowonderland #october #2019

.Trying to comfort myselfI tell myself the world can’t be perfectI start to let myself... →more

.Trying to comfort myselfI tell myself the world can’t be perfectI start to let myself... →more
27 Oct 2019 11:56 am
Time was soft there. I felt this morning was more than enough to pamper myself and sort what I'm thinking..Setiap lagi diam aja dan bengong-bengong, biasanya karena banyak hal yang saya sedang pikirkan. Yah saya jenis orang yang kalau ngomong berisik, tapi sebenernya isi pikiran jauh lebih berisik lagi. Mungkin itu alasannya kenapa saya bisa nulis jurnal berlembar-lembar dan sering nulis blog yg draftnya nggak ada tulisan analognya di jurnal..Menyeduh kopi sendiri dengan alat seadanya, memasukkan es batu dan menyesapnya perlahan sambil mengatur satu demi satu pikiran saya rupanya cukup membantu menstabilkan emosi orang yang aslinya temperamental seperti saya..Sebenarnya cukup lucu, banyak teman yg menganggap saya penyabar. Usaha mengatur emosi satu persatu sampai titik ini pun sebenarnya saya harus dengan bersusah payah..Hope your Sunday is as nice as always!.Blog personal baru saja update dengan topik Review Pola-pola Diet yang pernah saya jalani di www.listeninda.com, dan setelah sekian lama Youtube channel juga barusan update ❤️..#clozetteid #listenindadailyjournal#travelphotography #photography #bloggerperempuan #aesthetic #slowliving #minimalist #whiteaddict #bookworm #inspiremyinstagram #aestheticphotography #whiteaesthetic #flatlay #myeverydaymagic #theartofslowliving #fromabove #mybeigelife #darlingmoment #ofsimplethings #simplethingsmadebeautiful #zerowaste #ecofriendly

Time was soft there. I felt this morning was more than enough to pamper myself and sort what I'm... →more

Time was soft there. I felt this morning was more than enough to pamper myself and sort what I'm... →more
23 Oct 2019 12:36 pm
Welcoming @dnarsindonesia plane livery with @airasia, a dream come true of the beloved founder 💜 introducing their distinctive whitening and acne set, each priced at IDR 299,900 only for a better skin. I personally cannot wait to try myself...Built on such a good deed and touching story, may you fly high, DNARS!..#clozetteid #BeginwithDnars #DnarsxAirAsia #DnarsxLunadorii #DnarsxClozetteID @clozetteid

Welcoming @dnarsindonesia plane livery with @airasia, a dream come true of the beloved founder 💜... →more

Welcoming @dnarsindonesia plane livery with @airasia, a dream come true of the beloved founder 💜... →more
22 Oct 2019 2:16 pm
If i can tell you one of my favorite thing about myself is my wide eyed innocence and my ability to be awed by the world over and over again.This is a trait that makes me genuinely always happy so if you love me, that is the last thing you want to take away from me... #ootd #ootdid#sbybeautyblogger  #bblogger #bbloggerid #influencer #influencerindonesia #surabayainfluencer #beautyinfluencer #beautybloggerid #beautybloggerindonesia #bloggerceria #beautynesiamember  #influencersurabaya  #indonesianblogger #indonesianbeautyblogger #surabayablogger #surabayabeautyblogger  #bloggerperempuan #clozetteid #sbybeautyblogger  #girl #asian #notasize0 #surabayainfluencer #fashioninfluencer  #personalstyle #surabaya #effyourbeautystandards #celebrateyourself

If i can tell you one of my favorite thing about myself is my wide eyed innocence and my ability to... →more

If i can tell you one of my favorite thing about myself is my wide eyed innocence and my ability to... →more
01 Jan 1970 7:00 am
I Give Myself a Monthly Breast Self-Exam Because It Could Save My Life, and You Should, Too

I Give Myself a Monthly Breast Self-Exam Because It Could Save My Life, and You Should, Too

14 Oct 2019 2:21 pm
I’ve been loving with Propolis ever since I started to try it a year ago. At first I was so skeptical about Propolis and didn’t know why people are raving about this until I tried myself. This time I’ll be sharing my second Propolis serum I currently use and this one is from @iunik_official 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬 𝐕𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐦 🐝⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣iUNIK is a Korean skincare brand that stands for 𝐈deal.𝐔nique.𝐍atural.𝐈ngredients.𝐊nowhow. They carry the concept of “minimalist skincare" by using natural ingredients only 🐝⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣This serum is formulated with 2 star ingredients of 70% Propolis Extract and 12% Hippophae Rhamnoides Fruit Extract with their claims to give soothing care, brighten skin, nourish and wrinkle care. Propolis is known as antimicrobial, antibacterial and antioxidant that effective in balancing and soothing problematic skin. While Hippophae Rhamnoides is also known as Sea Buckthorn fruit that rich with Vitamin C which help to make skin brighter. It also features Niacinamide, Centella Asiatica Extract, Pomegranate, Figs, Mulberry and Ginkgo 🐝⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Housed in transparent glass bottle with bent pipette as the dropper, it will easy us to take the product when it’s about to finish 🐝⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣The texture is slightly thick viscous that comes in golden yellow liquid. Even so, it absorbs effortlessly onto the skin, layers well with other serums and leave non sticky finish. I use 4 drops and mostly on AM, I love the hydration given by its serum and the glow that gradually shows. While as the claim for wrinkle care I’ve noticed nothing 🐝⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣It contains 50ml with affordable price IDR 143,000. I purchased mine from @beautyglowing ⁣⁣⁣#iunik #minimalismskincare #iunikevent #cathyangreview #clozetteid

I’ve been loving with Propolis ever since I started to try it a year ago. At first I was so... →more

I’ve been loving with Propolis ever since I started to try it a year ago. At first I was so... →more
12 Oct 2019 12:16 pm
.Senang ternyata dapat banyak pengetahuan di acara @erha.dermatology@herworldindonesia , selama ini kerja ngga bisa menghindari yang namanya polusi, blue light dan radiasi sinar matahari. Rangkaian Erha Age Corrector Series kali ini punya 5 benefits in 1 series :✔Protection✔Recovery✔Regeneration✔Nourishing✔Moisturizeng.Ngga sabar untuk coba semua 🍁🎵 Answer : Love Myself #ErhaAgeCorrectorSeries #ProtectAndRejuvenate #ErhaXHerWorld #timetravel #youdeservetobehappy #workwithhappy #playwithhappy #neverstopplaying #dearbeautylove #clozetteid #zilingoid #neverafraid #changedestiny #daretobedifferent #borntolead #ajourneytowonderland #october #2019

.Senang ternyata dapat banyak pengetahuan di acara @erha.dermatology@herworldindonesia , selama ini... →more

.Senang ternyata dapat banyak pengetahuan di acara @erha.dermatology@herworldindonesia , selama ini... →more
07 Oct 2019 12:16 pm
Should’ve treat myself on Monday before taking all the deadlines to the end. So, I decided to treat myself on @joendoughid at @puriindahmall . –//Craving for sweet cakes and breads forever, what do you think of this for Monday? I’m sure that you all be happy with the fresh and sweetness at the same time. Happy Monday .....#joendoughid #mondayvibes #jktfoodbangers

Should’ve treat myself on Monday before taking all the deadlines to the end. So, I decided to... →more

Should’ve treat myself on Monday before taking all the deadlines to the end. So, I decided to... →more
01 Oct 2019 2:16 pm
A little throwback to @loccitane_id event “A Magical Sensorial Journey” on last weekend. Can’t help myself for not taking photos on each cute booths installation 💛 📸 : @kaiimmaa 
#LoccitaneID #SensorialJourneyID #clozetteID

A little throwback to @loccitane_id event “A Magical Sensorial Journey” on last weekend.... →more

A little throwback to @loccitane_id event “A Magical Sensorial Journey” on last weekend.... →more
26 Sep 2019 9:41 am
Me trying to be minimalist ❤️ are you the minimalist or the extra ?  We often carry so much for ‘just in case’ moments but I’m usually much happier well prepared than finding myself helpless. However it’s heavy, just like life carrying too much baggage makes it a burden! Thus I’m learning to live a simpler minimal life leaving the unnecessary baggage behind 🧳 .
#flatlay #yslbeautyid #beauty #style #shotbystevie #clozetteid #exploretocreate

Me trying to be minimalist ❤️ are you the minimalist or the extra ? We often carry so much for... →more

Me trying to be minimalist ❤️ are you the minimalist or the extra ? We often carry so much for... →more
09 Sep 2019 7:26 pm
I’ve come to experience a season where I have to say no to things I wanna say yes to.I can’t compromise either because I’m in no position and capability to do so. Slowly it made me reflect on how negligent I’ve been to myself. Not only that my clumsiness has cause my own self harm but the incident has made me notice that it has been a while that I’ve checked in with myself. Work and daily busy life has never given me the leisure and time to think of anything else however these days when days seem a bit slower since I move really slow these days I notice taking up just one thing at time and being totally present means a lot. ❤️❤️❤️....#flatlay #style #shotbystevie #book #exploretocreate #clozetteid #qotd #writings

I’ve come to experience a season where I have to say no to things I wanna say yes to.I can’t... →more

I’ve come to experience a season where I have to say no to things I wanna say yes to.I can’t... →more
09 Sep 2019 12:26 pm
When Monday’s thought began to stressed and whipped myself, dear, just hold on 💕
Just wanted to say that, not everyone will love your attitude or personality, but in this world, just be yourself that gives good impact to others. .

When Monday’s thought began to stressed and whipped myself, dear, just hold on 💕 // Just... →more

When Monday’s thought began to stressed and whipped myself, dear, just hold on 💕 // Just... →more
08 Sep 2019 9:16 am
Kalian pasti tau kalau salah satu insecurity aku adalah warna kulitku yg berbeda dengan keluargaku. Sebagai seorang keturunan Chinese, aku termasuk yg kulitnya gelap. Dulu aku sedih banget, tapi suatu hari aku sadar, i have to love myself first 💕Dari situlah aku mulai mencintai diriku apa adanya,  dan muncul keinginan untuk share ke semua wanita bahwa kita semua cantik. Aku mulai menekuni dunia beauty dan sharing di blog, youtube dan instagram, dengan hanya bermodalkan smartphone, tripod dan ringlight apa adanya 🙈Aku ingin terus share ke kalian semua, karena itulah aku juga merawat diri sebaik mungkin. Untuk perawatan kulit tubuh, aku percayakan pada @id.biore Sparkling Orange Rose, wanginya seger banget, kulit jadi lembut glowing, dan bikin aku makin percaya diri untuk sharing semua yg aku tahu dengan segala keterbatasan 😘Ini moment #SparkYourGlow versi aku, kalau kamu? ♥#WhyNot #widlimselfie #widlimskincare #Clozetteid #beautygoersID

Kalian pasti tau kalau salah satu insecurity aku adalah warna kulitku yg berbeda dengan keluargaku.... →more

Kalian pasti tau kalau salah satu insecurity aku adalah warna kulitku yg berbeda dengan keluargaku.... →more
01 Sep 2019 9:56 pm
I totally forgot to post this pic from a few weeks ago when i attended @mamondeindonesia Blossoming Beauty Journey at @sephoraidn @galaxymallsby 
with @glitzmediaco but trust me i was very excited because i've been hearing so much great things about Mamonde and now i get to try their products (more because we won the group challenge, ahey!) myself!

I'd be sure to share my thoughts on the products on my IG 😉! #mamondeindonesia #meandmamonde #blossomingbeautyjourney #glitzmediaco  #flowerenergy 
#event #eventsurabaya
#surabaya #surabayaevent
#girl #clozetteid  #sbybeautyblogger  #bloggerindonesia #bloggerceria #bloggerperempuan #indobeautysquad  #influencer #beautyinfluencer #surabayainfluencer #surabayablogger #influencersurabaya  #indonesianbeautyblogger  #bloggerid #bblogger #bbloggerid #SurabayaBeautyBlogger

I totally forgot to post this pic from a few weeks ago when i attended @mamondeindonesia Blossoming... →more

I totally forgot to post this pic from a few weeks ago when i attended @mamondeindonesia Blossoming... →more
20 Aug 2019 6:52 pm
Lagi gemes sama yang baru nih! Eh makeup baru maksudnya 🤪..@eminacosmetics sekarang punya lip minis kit, isinya each 2 magic potion and 2 creammatte. Gemes banget buat traveling or even dibawa di tas, yagaksih? Karna kecil jadi ga penuhin tas hehe. Me myself lebih suka kit get it girl as it’s suitable for both daily needs & events, kalo si you go girl aku pake kalo lagi pengen bikin no makeup makeup look, biar natural! ..Go get them at online & offline stores 💕.....@eminacosmetics @sociolla @beautyjournal #GetThemMini #EminaxBeautyJournal........#shotwithiphone #clozetteid #cicireceh #collabwithjenntan #flatlayinspiration #makeupflatlay #eminacosmetics #eminacreammatte #eminamagicpotion #photographyideas #photoshootinspo

Lagi gemes sama yang baru nih! Eh makeup baru maksudnya 🤪..@eminacosmetics sekarang punya lip... →more

Lagi gemes sama yang baru nih! Eh makeup baru maksudnya 🤪..@eminacosmetics sekarang punya lip... →more
16 Aug 2019 6:57 am
Just spending little time with myself 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌁
... .
. .
#clozetteID #Beautyrangers #beautycommunity #Revanisanabella #love #OOTDhijab #explorebandung #Dagodreampark

Just spending little time with myself 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌁 ... . . . . #clozetteID #Beautyrangers... →more

Just spending little time with myself 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌁 ... . . . . #clozetteID #Beautyrangers... →more
10 Aug 2019 12:52 am
Sometimes I was a little stuck up
Sometimes I prayed, let me run away
When I realised that, I vowed to myself
I will give the best of me
#timetravel #youdeservetobehappy #mapofthesoul #persona #fangirling #boywithluv #army #workwithhappy #playwithhappy #neverstopplaying #dearbeautylove #clozetteid #zilingoid #foodies #foodporn #foodphotography #foodgasm #changedestiny #daretobedifferent #borntolead #ajourneytowonderland #like4like #august #2019

. Sometimes I was a little stuck up Sometimes I prayed, let me run away When I realised that, I... →more

. Sometimes I was a little stuck up Sometimes I prayed, let me run away When I realised that, I... →more
01 Aug 2019 5:02 pm
Enjoying Zomato Gold with me, myself, and I.#clozetteid

Enjoying Zomato Gold with me, myself, and I.#clozetteid

Enjoying Zomato Gold with me, myself, and I.#clozetteid
30 Jul 2019 12:17 pm
Daily Mantra 🔮;
“I will not drive myself crazy overthinking. Instead, I will trust the path that I’m on and enjoy the moment.”
📸 @steviiewong 📍@pullmanciawivimalahills
#hotel #lifestyle #luxury #holiday #feminine #fashionistas #vacation #leisure #hotel #summer #tropical #ootd #lotd #trend #travel #nature #travelblogger #outfit #traveling #dreamy #chill #bloggerstyle #styleblogger #blogger #fashionblogger #fashionpeople #fashioninfluencer #style #clozetteid

Daily Mantra 🔮; “I will not drive myself crazy overthinking. Instead, I will trust the path... →more

Daily Mantra 🔮; “I will not drive myself crazy overthinking. Instead, I will trust the path... →more